#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Birthday Salt Edition

There is a lot going on this week so far. Sheeeit, isn't it today that we might see if Clinton psycho desu senpai actually notices GG.



I'm the one asking for someone else reposting them. Love that tan to bits, but shamefully I was unable to save them in time before the thread containing them 404'd.

Coincidentally, today, the 25th, is my sister's 21st birthday. (And Neil Armstrong died on this day. 4 years ago.)

So there are more log leaks?

get fucked null

wew lad

So… what's the going on in these general these days? It's been years now.

Well shit, thank you. This is some of the coolest news since Gawker's downfall.

Apparently there's more, according to BroTeam. Near the end, he asked as to whether he should dump it all on twitter or do more streams about the remaining leaks.