is it out yet?
Is it out yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
It lists 9/9/2016 in the very image you posted.
Take a wild guess, buddy.
why tho
why not?
Illusion a best.
Is it in yet?
3d porn games are shit.
now you want to eat pizza
I wish I had the Illusion hype cycle image, but I don't so here's this instead.
Jokes on you faggot, I always want to eat pizza
I'm fine with my ginger ale tyvm
Fuck no, I'm not putting on weight
3d porn games show more innovation and technical improvement with each sequel than 99% of the current games industry.
You're waifu is a shit and pineapples on pizza or GTFO.
Can you be a lesbian rapist in this one?
AA2 is shit
also has no lolis
ALRIGHTY YOU NIGGER LOVER let me tell ya why you're fucking wrong
1) Every single fucking illusion game without fail is an unoptimized piece of shit, even games on engines that a dipshit could use like Unity ((See Sexy Beach Premium Resort))
2) Illusion cannot maintain a consistent fucking artstyle to save their lives. You could argue that there's variety to it which makes their games have more space between them, different strokes for different folks and so on, and to a certain extent I would agree with you, however the problem is that most of the art styles are inconsistent or, in my opinion, mediocre.
6) There's a lot of other h-games with non-h elements that, in my opinion, make them a lot more interesting than the half assed "railroad to the hentai" 'gameplay' that resides in most Illusion releases, most of which are a chore to sit through and aren't even fun.
Compare the simple conversation mechanics and management simulation of Custom Maid 3D 2 (which is a far superior game in terms of moddability, content, and voice acting, though I will admit the measly 3 (or 5 if you have all the DLCs) voices are very lackluster if not outright bad in comparison to Artificial Academy 2's like, fucking 25 or some shit, but that's just my opinion.) to the ridiculous relationship management shit in AA2 or the retarded as all fuck bullshit in SBPR.
Though, I didn't get very far in SBPR because of the fucking performance issues, which on an easy to pick up engine like Unity, you'd think the stupid nips behind the game would optimize their code worth a fucking damn.
I've lost my train of thought with this autismal wall of text.
Point is
Illusion fucking sucks
Come play Custom Maid 3D 2.
CM3D2 is pretty great.
lmao u mad
Yeah well so is my dick
Oh boy i can't wait!.
I would play CM3D2 if it got finished translated.
It looks like shit.
Illusion games look good.
Your mom's pussy looks good you fucking faggot
Your a fagot ad a fuker yes. . . Ahmed fuks ameircan pussi a best
Stop "playing" on toaster.
I disagree, I think CM3D2's stylized look is easier on the eyes compared to Illusion's uncanny valley.
I'm running on a quad core ARMv7 processor, it's not a toaster by any means.
Oh Ahahahahahahaahahaha hol up you be sayin thatt thohhahhahahah
i too speak ebonics
Wise loli say, "Forgiveness is divine but never pay full price for late pizza."
Well aren't you a bitchy faggot, since your text wall is so long i'll just swing at these
Why not just make my own shit in 3DS Max if i have to do most of the work already, it's just one step away
nigger i want to jerk off , fuck your complex gameplay, there are regular games for that
furfaggots are now stepping into the glowing alien territory
There is literally nothing wrong with kemono.
why does she have penis fingers?
besides the fact like you it is a meme
Kemono is a best fetish
requesting white lamb delicious flat chest
Afraid I can't take requests, these are all other people's screenshots.
Your waifu is lucky to have you.
You know, considering that you have no taste.
Pizza is shit, Lilly best.
Lost it in an HDD crash.
Literally redownloading it as we speak.
The current games industry is making backwards progress year by year.
Not hard to do better than that.
Is there a repack with everything all set up? Last time I tried to download it the torrent was fucked and I got pissed. Haven't tried again.
Might be, I'm not sure - I just grabbed a DDL of all the files I needed/wanted since I was getting absolutely garbage speeds with torrents.
For anyone interested who's incapable of just grabbing a torrent, here's a guide someone wrote with everything you aught to need, and maybe some stuff you don't.
can i really trust that faggot?
Except Illusion games.
Shit game
Your loli a shit
Wait, do you play as the dude or the chick?
Post the webbums, fam
And it's still not translated to a point where it's actually playable. The maid dialogue (i.e. the gameplay) is still mostly missing.
what's wrong with her elbow
this shit is getting out of hand
The DLC-Megafolder looks alright, it even has one or two dlcs which are not listed in the pastebin I've been using.
…and if you dont want to follow his instructions use the anime-sharing wiki
Bloom should be illegal… and so should be furry shit
Fuck off, weeb.
Why are they glowing?
Gilda when?
Incinerate yourself.
Kill yourself my man.
fucking dropped
Not my stuff. I'm shit at making characters
He has shit taste and japs can't into technology that is already over 15 years old.
I only have japanese locals installed, not set, and it runs fine with Ntlea (or Rei-patcher which comes with HF-patch and launches the game with ntlea as well)
PlayClub character creation is very limited however if you have the Vive, nothing, and i say NOTHING can top it right now.
Let's see if something greater can come out of this.
The future is here, i touched it and i came.
VR is still in his infancy more like a drooling toodler.
But i've seen things you people wouldn't believe…
I might end up getting an HDK2, shit looks neat.
You want a room tracking headset.
You really do;Lighthouse tracking capability is MASSIVE.
Looks like the Open VR mod already been ported to the Honey Select demo and shower demo. Going to be vrlicious
How is the head tracking on the HDK2? Is it at least on par with the OR? Because that's plenty for porn stuff and regular games (simulators and whatever else works with it) through stereoscopic goggles.
thanks for reminding me that i really need to reinstall AA2 since i nuked my hard drive
anyone got a link to a torrent with all the translation patches and DLC/other required mods?
I haven't "played" AA2 in years, but have you looked around Hongfire? They usually put together packs with the DLC, updates and whatnot, the game can be found on torrents sites for sure.
On a side note, the latest videos look better than the trailer, I'm pretty pleased with the graphics, at least for a eroge game.
more delicious teen Viv, please
just a little more and i will be able to hold my waifus hand
well looks like VR is finally fulfilling it's destiny
You can.
There's a "Maestro" mod in the game and you can grab and move every articulation of the ragdoll to whatever position you want.
The char also tracks the headset position and fallows you with her head and eyes.
And cherry on the top, they're implementing collision; you can interact with boobs using the controller.
And this, is just some guy at Hongfire exploiting the openvr standard and using it for porn games. Think what a team of professional will do.
i am telling you: We're there.
Are you clinically retarded?
I don't have a lot more.
I hope people translate this as soon as it gets out.
I hope Holla Forums gives out link as soon as it is available.
I also hope there will be a thread filled with images and webms of their waifus
-9/11, would force her to play NMS until she gets a stroke
I know for a damn fact that when the game comes out and gets cracks I'll post them on /hgg/
I'm sure the kind folks on HongFire will run the game through a machine translator for peasants such as yourself.
No. We're nowhere near there.
Do you have the character code for Viv?
I meant the actual code to use her in the game
Its in the images.
So I open them as a txt or what?
So where the hell can I get this game?
considering how meh most of their games have been I haven't bothered touching them. If it's out does it run okay at least?
The images need to be placed in a specific folder.
1min of Google: illusion>HoneySelectTrial>UserData>chara>female
Your waifu is cute user. I'm proud of you.
This it's me
Just a week and a half away, boys.
He made a loli vivian and a regular vivian. Regular vivian has the right amount of tits imo. There doesn't seem to be something that looks like baggy eyes, at least I couldn't find it. This is just a demo though.
Can't fucking wait.
Only demo for now, full game in less than two weeks, translation in about a week after release.
Guessing nobody uses /hgg anymore?
since this thread is useless already
Holla Forums im downloading artificial academy 2 what mods i should install? is t here a guide somewhere?
nah, i'm having a Burger
Spinach-Mushroom-Balsamic pizza is pretty good shit though. No pizza sauce of course.
Hng, dont make me wank
To be fair, it really needs more activity.
Your best bet is to go into HongFire and check the DLC and translations. Then look around for mods on your own, not really that hard.
I'm not into Oni, but the red one is pretty tasty.
Are those the latest versions? He made several updates to the Vivians.
be grateful of what you got, 50UIPs is pure suffering
After experiencing the little Play Club with VR support had to offer, i now languish for more from illusion.
What remains to do is to make npcs completely responsive to VR controllers: We should be able to undress and "touch" in game as well as being able to position the npc body to whatever position without the need to pop a menu: seamlessly.
The closest thing right now, to give you an example is Xstory Player level of interaction and mechanics, note that the Xstory Player dev now use Denuvo and are furiously sucking the oculus cock with no regard to the Vive which make them completely useless and forgettable, even if they got the mechanics right; fuck them, fuck them dry.
don't post umaru
you'll summon Mark
the best VR is the one that lets you use your own hands to do stuff
No idea.
cm3d2 jiggle physics a shit
it has activity, but it's all confined to free cities and libre cities threads
Agreed, force feedback gloves already existent.
Someone should tweet that to Illusion.
Just use some imagination, you lazy fuck. The game and the head set are already doing most of the work, imagining the rest is perfectly viable.
Also, how does one develop the autism to make good characters? My characters always look asian and weird… I also aspire to get into the poser thing that comes with the game, that seems to be autism driven too.
10 More days.
At least its a step in the right direction.
Honey Select actually does western faces, unlike Sexy Beach. The office lady preset already looks pretty western as is, so you could use her as a base and tweak small details to your liking.
Can't fucking wait.
I'll see what I can do, maybe I just need to keep trying. Also, modding is already shaping up pretty well.
is that pic from a game or just some model made by a nip?
I have no idea, the modder that post it on Hongfire seems to be Chinese, not sure what's the source of the original model and/or if he made it himself. I suspect the former.
I wanna see loli vivian with Shimakaze Class Destroyer suit now
please do not sexual vivian, she is pure and only wants to play videogames
With a fat and meaty joystick, amirite? :^)
I don't have more pics… of vivian we need to sexualize the Danielle more
why is she attached to life support
That's some weird-ass life support, m8.
she lost her heart in the war and need that shit to clean her blood
It's made out of clown noses.
Can I have them in engage in Hand Holding?
There is a poser thing similar/identical to those recent Illusion games had (which I have never used), apparently, you can even make animated shit porting in animations through unity or something like that. A poser should be enough to have some static handholding. SBPR handholding while walking on the beach, but it ran like ass, at least on my pc.