ITT games that refer to their title within the game itself.
ITT games that refer to their title within the game itself
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Not so much in the game itself, but in the credits theme.
Wild Arms 4 also name drops the series as terminology for the uncontrolled nano-particle bioweapons at Illsveil (the game treats said foes like some sort of cancerous growth, hence their sole weakness being Apoptosis).
The Void, as it is the name of the setting.
I wish WotS 3 had a minimap like that, I was playing it earlier and had to pause the game every twenty seconds to open the map and try and figure out where the fuck anything was.
There's a lot that does that. I'll just dump these two.
The Resident Evil games literally have it be the first thing you hear after you start the game.
It's the name of the business the protag runs and it is one of the first things shown on screen and mentioned throughout the series with spins on the name in songs, difficulties and dialogue.
The estate in which the story revolves around is called Black Mirror and is mentioned freuquently in dialogue and notes throughout, obviously.
has "Just Cause" said at the end somewhere.
The name of the entity the player controls. Mentioned excessively throughout dialogue and text.
Name of the occupation/role the protagonist fills and is a known profession in the world. Mentioned repeatedly through all games. Even "The" is said by NPCs in passing. "Oh look, it's The Witcher." for example.
The amount of bladed weapons one of the 2 protagonists carry. It is mentioned throughout.
Name of the protag. Mentioned frequently for obvious reasons.
The nickname the protag changes the store to by the end of Vol.1. It's mentioned only a few times in main story. I can't remember if it is ever voiced outside of the main menu (which doesn't count, right?).
That's all I got for now.
I don't think that counts since it's just the title screen.
They say the original title and the re-release subtitle a few times too.
I think Kaathe says "the dark soul", not "dark souls", and they never say the title in Demon's Souls.
That's not metal gear tho.
To an extremely obnoxious degree.
Code: Veronica
Is that real or fake? The last FF game I played was 12.
Of course it's real.
For Kaathe, close enough
Sage Freke mentions demon's soul and demon souls, but not "Demon's Souls." Still close enough considering it should be "Demons' Souls"
Roll credits
are you a nigger?
Mah nigga
BlazBlue… ACTIVATE!!!
Twice in a 30 second promo
Kingdom Hearts… IS LIGHT!
Has a Call of Duty game ever mention "call of duty" at some point? Or even the various subtitles tacked onto them, like "modern warfare" or "big red one"?
I need my payday, too.
Can you guess what game I'm talking about?
Killer Is Dead
Zero Time Dilemma
I haven't played the game but I imagine the characters looking at the camera when they say that.
One of the more eloquent ways of self referencing IMO
Yeah it is.
Demon's Souls but I don't think anyone will be able to figure out why on their own before realizing the twist.
I'm pretty sure it wasn't in the game. There are rumors that it was in some steam release or a mistranslation but I think those are trolls
Jesus Christ. Really?
you are infact the
Dark messiah
though it might not be and obvious thing at all
Metroid prime
Deus Ex 2: I wish this game was Invisible so no one could find it. Right in the intro you have a character go
It was then I knew I was in for a shitty ride, it was confirmed by the 10 second loading screens to tiny 5FPS areas and slow running speed.
One of the Army of Two games mentioned somewhere near the end of the tutorial something along the lines of "you performed well, like a true army of two".
Still better than Human Revolution and Mankind Divided.
Bravely Default: Where the Fairy Flies?
Wait, that's actually a thing? not an edit?
All the fucking time
Every other game dear jesus christ. They name drop the main title of the series but could you just imagine.
"I'm lost in this chain of memories"
"Kingdom hearts 2 is light!"
"It's the end of the 358 days the 2 of us divided"
"Ventus will need a birth by sleep."
"My entire life was re:coded"
"We must dive the dream drop distance"
You're all right but the game I was thinking of is The First Templar