good goyim
die for israel
One down, about a million to go.
Depressing shit. Fucking kikes are laughing at us in this thread.
Go back to GLP.
I think she gets $200,000 from SGLI.
Proof yet again that women are the primary victims of war
Might be $400,000. She doesn't need anything from me.
Of all the military folk I know, none of them share this sentiment. Most joined for personal reasons, not ideological.
SGLI ranges from 50k-400k depending on how much he contributes each month from his pay check. Being an E-5 he didn't make THAT much and so might do the minimum.
The default insurance they make you take is for 200k or 400k, dont remember exactly, but you have to manually have it lowered with admin if you want it lowered.
Reality is a much clearer picture than sentiment. Fuck off, nigger.
Ok fuck it. If every single member of the USMC is a ZOGbot then every single faggot that unironically uses that term is a fucking kike shill.
I'm sick of this shit. You faggots talk so God damned much you make it sound like you don't need a military to protect your faggot ass and *provide* you with freedom of speech to sit here and shitpost while you jerk yourself off to tranny porn with the other hand.
You're the nigger, kike.
No thanks, ZOGnigger.
Why did he die in Afghanistan? Why wasn't he securing the border?
He was "protecting" your freedom of speech, goy. It was under attack by bearded fanatics who live in caves in the middle of nowhere and don't have an air force or navy and like to destroy opium fields.
Get this D&C slide trash out of here, shill.
i thought it was a $500k life insurance policy, at least when i was in 5 years ago.
i'm all for supporting the troops and this is shitty but military wives are notorious fat welfare whores who suck their husbands dry. did she have a job? i doubt it.
Kill yourself kike.
default is 100k iirc. You can reduce it to 50k. I just had a brief on it a few weeks ago for the umpteenth time.
>implying the average joe joins for any reason other than school, family tradition or bc their lives were shit growing up and it's a good opportunity to unshit most still fail at the unshitting part
Nice niggercherry-picking, rabbi. If your shitskin, nigger, and spic golems made up the entirety of our armed forces why don't you just roflstomp all of us fuckin goyim in a day? Oh. Because you overrepresent everything as a demoralization tactic. You push your forced ZOGbot meme to divide us from our protectors.
Why would the jews "roflstomp" their own soldier-slaves?
What slaves? Makes sense nigger. I am asking if you think the kikes run the entire military and it's comprised of all kike golems… why haven't they taken over? Explain.
You don't need to ask. I've already said as much over and over and over.
They have. You're just pretending they haven't because you're a butthurt ZOGnigger newfag who rumbled in here around election season and are operating under the impression you're liked here.
Butthurt shitskin detected.
Oh I see you're some retard that thinks everyone is a slave. Got it. You have no evidence, no proof, no hypothesis, and no theory.
I guess that makes you one of the chosen ones, eh Moshe?
Who would know better than ZOGbots, right?
If she is like all of the military wives I've met, and fucked, then she's a god damn whore and was banging some other guy while her husband was taking shrapnel to the face.
Yes, we do. It's called the 20th century. Honestly, you ZOGniggers are just said at this point. Filtered.
you must have thought this was reddit and your hardcore kike virtue signalling was going to cajole the rabbis to reaffirm your lies, kek