What's Holla Forums's opinion on this game? Did it revolutionize FPS games?
It will never get a sequel.
thats not how u spell it
Personally, I think the game is fun.
To a degree, yes. You'll find a lot of people who dislike HL on this board, but to deny its influence is either dishonestly or ignorance.
obvious bait
It began the death of FPS games.
I thought the game was pretty fun minus its annoying start on the train just to show off the engine, and it encouraged a lot of fun modification like Sven Co-op. As for it revolutionizing FPS games, I'd argue it wasn't until Half Life 2 did that, but for the worst, it took out anything that allowed for fun in the first game. It encouraged a lot more scripted scenes and boring shit no one who likes games cares about
it most definitely revolutionized FPS even if it was mostly just staples of quake 1/2 tech
1999/2000-2003 all anyone did online was play half life mods unless you were playing a mmo
it made realistic shooters and mods pretty mainstream, although the original MOH came out around the same time, day of defeat, firearms, tfc, counter-strike, natural selection all pretty much set the bar for multiplayer
in the same vein though i think half life 2 lowered the bar for multiplayer because it's mod tools weren't as easy to use
i just wish i could go back to those times or find enough people to play with me instead of occasionally opening dead games and wandering through servers by myself
I like it quite a bit. Best FPS that has an actual story to it.
It literally birthed linear corridor shooters
We get it; you've never played the game. Now go back to COD kiddie.
Take off your nostalgia goggles and go play the movie again
Just replayed it yesterday, just as good as I remember it.
Before Half-Life most FPS games where incredibly obtuse games with gigantic maze like maps, after Half-Life that all changed and shit became more linear, so yea it it really did birth linear corridor shooters.
Also you know what weird trend some FPS have where a bunch of talking heads drop exposition on you? Half Life 2 popularized that then Halo took it further.
Basically the reason FPS are mostly shit nowadays has multiple culprits but its HL1 that started the ball rolling.
you know how difficult is to make 3d maps with cinematic experience scripted scenes? doom level design is to difficult now
No, compare the levels to games like Quake or Duke 3D to Half Life. it's a massive downgrade. All of the poor modern trends in gaming can be traced to Valve one way or another
Fuck off back to cuckchan or Reddit. Half Life doesn't have the protected status it does on those sites here. The original Half Life is very linear, level layout is braindead in comparison to earlier FPS titles where you actually had to explore and use basic navigational skills.
There will never be a Half-Life 3.
HL did linear right, prove me wrong fagget.
Do you seriously want that from modern Valve? They don't even make games anymore, if they did it would be as much of a disappointment as Duke Nukem Forever. The only good thing that would come from it would be unrelated games using the Source 2 engine.
E1M1 in Doom 1 did linearity better than all of Half Life.
FEAR 1/2 were pretty linear from what I remember, and it was pretty good. There were a lot of open areas where you could maneuver though.
I guess you like No Man's Sky as well, huh?
Do you even realise how many games you're shitting on right now?
Mario is one of them
Misleading as fuck.
This is not one level but THE MAJORITY OF THE GAME and about every ten feet there is a level transition. Not only that but you are still moving forward without deviating from your course 90% of that.
I still love Half Life and consider it to be a great FPS but Jesus don't be such a fag, user.
Half-life 1 is still my absolute favourite game, but I will agree that it started a slippery slope within the FPS genre. Not that there is anything inherently wrong with overly linear FPS games when done right, take Call of Jaurez: Gunslinger for example.
Once again; Linear =/= bad.
Good game but ruined the genre by spawning shitty 'imitators'
Fucking autistic retard.
This basically. Halflife gave multiple ways to address the corridors of enemies so it was linear but it at least tried to offer some options.
Fucking stupid retard.
Of all the games out there that get the term "overrated" thrown at them, Half-life is the only one that I actually think is overrated. It was revolutionary because it let you hop around the room mindlessly while characters awkwardly talked to thin air in place of cutscenes. Wow. And then the second game came along and it had seesaw puzzles! Oh boy. Did you guys notice that we have a physics engine now and that that's a novel gimmick? The only thing we can thing of to do with it is tons and tons of seesaw puzzles, but wowee!
half life 1 did do soem really cool things, black mesa was a good map, the weapon and enemy variety was great, the atmosphere was spot on.
and then valve and everyone else fucked it all up with half life 2 and episodes, because thy though "oh, standing in a room for exposition and moving items around is what made this game good"
jesus the more i dwell on half life 2 the more i fucking hate it, especially since shooters from within its time frame as so much fucking better. fucking psi-ops came out around the same time, maybe even before half life 2 and did physics gimmicks a millions times better than the gravity gun
Half Life was great, and spawned a billion mods.
Half Life 2 was alright. Ravenholm was pretty much the (only good/best) part.
Sadly your correct opinion is unpopular here, if you criticize HL2 you will get "B-but you had to be there to experience it"
Strawman aside, I was there to experience it and yes I was blown away by the physics/engine, but that doesn't cover the fact I played HL1 100 times, HL2 twice, and the episodes once each.
I forgot the episodic shit even existed.
Sometimes the "Well back then" or "You had to be there to experience it" feel like an excuse for what can be valid complaints.
i played both, around the time of their releases, and although my first experience with HL1 was the ps2 port i still enjoyed it enough to play it a few times over
half life 2 is padded to hell which is one of the things i hate most about modern game design, it's chock0full of needlessly long fucking segments and slowdowns, the weapon variety is horrible and not as creative as HL1 by a long shot, and the gimmick of throwing a toilet at a guy runs out fast when the guns do the job faster
being able to make see-saw and floating puzzles is technically impressive, but it's really just an evolution of pushing a block onto a pressure plate
its time to stop posting, OP.
too many people on this board think "linear' means 'hallways'. i trust a linear shooter more than the new open world ones any days because the devs actually have to sit down and think about enemy placement and level design rather than just through shit out randomly
It was a pretty decent game, it had it's problems but it had it's moments. It, and it's sequel get more praise than they deserve though
Consider killing yourself and keep your cancer away from this game.
I wouldn't say revolutionise as much influenced them for the worse. Walking cutscenes seem like a great idea and are if used sparingly but fuck do the longer ones drag on a replay. HL1 didn't really have this issue itself but every nigger started copying them.
I don't get this new meme about shitting on Half-Life because it inspired other linear shooters that pale in comparison to it. Is it for Half-Life 3 or just for hating Valve?
It's fucking great and holds up brilliantly.
kill yourself
Eli was cucked right? because alyx has no nigger features.
No. World would be better off without it. Software render mode it looked good.
Was fairly fun, fair paced.
Wasn't good, living in that world wouldn't be nice.
60fps was an unplayable framerate then. You'd be playing at 640x480 or below too, so around 100fps-240fps. No input lag. Games were expected to be impressive by happening fast. Not meant to stare at what was on screen, formed a picture by seeing more. Incentive to keep going, little where you were always something more somewhere else.
More than enough victims would be begging for one. Like your image, they've been attacked by something degenerate. That cartoon, like DBZ etc should have been kept from people just like "steam". Sets up the user as a victim with good stuff the bad guy, their involvement with it some parody as if at heart it is false.
Funny how easy it is to tell something right from wrong. Wrong is an apologetic or ignorant lack of effort that asks if it is good in presentation.
This has to be a bad attempt at copying the rambling autist. He usually has way more to say about whatever he's verbally vomiting over.
It did some good things. I still like to replay it time to time. You're likely talking to people who didn't play it on release. I remember weighing getting this or King's Quest: Mask of Eternity. Took that shit back and got Half-Life instead. Sick soundtrack, interesting buildup to action, good progression or threats. I ended up playing Thief before HL because I wasn't a hyped up faggot so I liked to snek around in HL1 too. It was good at the time and I still enjoy going back through it.
Niggers often have non neotenous features, it would be against the idea of her character, one that you are supposed to care for
Why are you eating bait?
Oh hey, it's that one Malkavian user. How's it hanging? As to your saying that the world would be better off without the HL series, I disagree. HL was and still is a solid series. It became the trendsetter, because it did things right. Had HL not happened, someone else would have done something LIKE HL sooner or later.
Old guy here:
I played it in 1999 together with Opposing Force and yes it had an impact.
HOWEVER an argument can be made that Unreal did it first.
come on Holla Forums you're eating too much bait
red luigi is shit, at least the first game
she kills policemen, has a big ass rabid fucking dog and breaks into places she shouldn't be in
Name me one open world shooter as good as half-life or DOOM.
There is a middle-ground between a corridor and a country user.
no its was more of the next step.
For better or worse.
what "trend" did hl set?
linear design =/= corridors. linear design is the best, when you can direct a player in a meaningful way to show them new things and introduce new, practical challenges that build off of previously taught scenarios is when games shine at their best.
I think that's a design trap really because then you get out of place game mechanics which are usually only self indulgence
Would you call the first half of Crysis linear or open world?
what you said just makes no fucking sense.
any kinda door unlock minigame like ratchet and clank does or the tube hacking in bioshock, that kinda game mechanic usually never gets expanded upon outside of its self, at most the minigame gets harder or you get less time to do it in but that's pretty much it, and thus becomes rather boring fairly quickly
a door unlock minigame like when you rotate the bolts? Those aren't game play mechanics, and are almost always used as goal posts or rewards where you can see some cool animation. A sort of check point that marks a shift in the level design. I think you're confusing a level mechanic of motif with something else entirely, I think you and I are having completely different conversations.
True. But pic related were linear and they were a lot of fun.
nope but are you on about with level mechanic, is that not integral to game mechanics?
level mechanics, sometimes inappropriately described as gimmicks are specific traits unique to levels that provide a theme for the game play to follow. Think like some of the elements you see in Portal 2. hard light bridges, lasers, and re-direction cubes. These are elements which work together and directly involve the player's interaction with the core mechanics of the game, giving them new ways to approach how they think and solve puzzles. This is just a basic example, and many, many many games work off this foundation. It's a very safe, functional foundation that makes it rather easy to make a good game from. Deviation from this is experimentation and may result in total failure unless you have a strong sense of direction and a solid goal in mind.
Steam pipe update means you won't get the real Half-Life experience, do yourself a favor and pirate the WON version.
I bet the steam version of blue shift still has the HUD glitch where it used the default HL HUD instead of the blue one.
sure but labeling it as a level mechanic is fundamentally wrong as it's part of gameplay and levels are designed around game mechanics
Look in the mirror to find the only person worse than you. When that changes look elsewhere.
Sounds like a hero.
I recently played the original Unreal. It was pretty fun, and the combat very much so.
My biggest issue was the constant use of "kill-gates", where just by killing every enemy in the area, it would unlock the next area. This was especially bad when what it unlocked was nowhere near the area with the killing.
At least with a key system, even getting a key after killing the last guy, I can go "Oh, blue key, that will unlock that blue door" or something.
Other than that though, it was really fun.
All games without exception. Stories shouldn't require going from one set point to another either.
Exploration makes the world feel bigger. One long corridoor doesn't have the same feeling. Where you are going in a way that isn't expected. A Deus Ex first area feeling.
Killzone 1 was a good game. Making it freeroam would incur a lot of repetition, which isn't good and does ruin great visuals.
A freeroaman needs a lot of sentimentality, sounds of wind passing through. Like stalker. Living to be alive. With living being the exception to the rule along with anything remaining in the world.
Corridoors are charge through: Next. Freeroamans are more linger and stay.
Stalker is very short, but that is only known at the end.
Freeroamans have many directions to build from so if a place is right, others can be made right.
Players can be bound to areas by nescessity instead of invisable walls. Becoming able to travel further may make doing so in game more enjoyable.
Progression could be directed by places made more interesting like first building place in stalker, the one with a tunnel near it.
Some fields to think and transition to places. Long roads seeming to go to nowhere finally arriving somewhere else as a surprise. Vast distances may make small sections more interesting to explore too.
Expecting more. Say following a train track, roads around it, small town. Look around the primary gameplay. When threats are present everything changes. They are like all there is. If they're hunting you more so. Can expect they are even if they haven't seen you. You hunting them makes the environment different too.
Be good to play, anything teamed up kill.
Be it's defender. What it is lasts. No changes. Care for what is in it, what was.
Did it better too.
you either never went out or you never played half life, which is it?
I think by "realistic" he meant real-world themes with military shooters rather than quake style fantasy.
Best FPS that isn't Deus Ex, fam.
I agree with you but let me just say that the artstyle in both of those images are complete shit.
The first one looks like that shit mock anime stuff that started to come out in America in the early 2000's and the second one looks like those shitty gangster Spongebob Tshirts that you see at mexican fleamarkets.
stop spouting this garbage
he's right till they prove otherwise
No he's not, it's not at all comparable. Duke Nukem was in development for over a decade and as far as we know HL3 hasn't even started being developed.
It was pretty good and yes it did change FPS substancially shame most of its influence nowadays is misused just like Open World, especially after Halo was released which was supposed to be much more open before Micro$oft bought Bungie.
Much like Doom clones, Quake and Doom faggots will shit on it and deny this however, much like anti Open World fags nowadays.
At least good games like Allied Assault and F.E.A.R came out of it.
Its also the fault of normalfags, shit like S.T.A.L.K.E.R, System Shock and Deus Ex never kicked off.
as you said, as far as we know
Yes, it killed the classic golden FPS formula.
Also its developer created a walled DLC garden and killed PC games this way.
Fuck Valve!
So how is that fucking comparable to Duke Nukem Forever? That game was remade over and over again in multiple engines and in the end had to be finished by a completely different development team. How is that comparable to a non existent sequel?
It's the barrier for millennial garbage and valvedrones currently shitting on dissenting opinions in this thread.
whos to say hl3 hasn't? no one because we don't know shit from tit, hence the whole untill they prove it
That does not mean at all that you can compare a released game with a non existent game.
why not? it doesn't exist
Unreal was better.
I'm pretty damn sure if HL3 is going through what DNF went though there would have been some leaks of the scrapped content by this point.
In any case Valve aren't Gearbox. DNF was such a big disappointment because there wasn't any kind of quality assurance that went into it's release. Gearbox was just trying to make some easy money off of the hype and cobbled together whatever was left behind from 3d Realms.
As shitty as Valve are nowadays they are more than capable to doing the quality assurance needed to make sure that a HL3 at the very least passes as a finished product. Even if making something that meets the absurdly high expectations Valve has made for it is impossible at this point
As says likening HL3 to DNF is foolish.
It's the only game that did "cinematic FPS" genre correctly.
No intrusive cutscenes.
Well paced and not nauseating like modern shit, but still, it was there.
I say that it would be a disappointment on par with DNF because fans have been waiting for it and hyping it up forever, and it's release date has been as much of a joke among fans as DNF's was. Even if HL3 were to come out, people would be let down for it even if it was good in its own right because it took too long to even come out.
if half life 3 did come out and was not shit, and Shepard was in the game, he should, in some way, say "back rubs"
They finally fixed that with Steampipe.
It's pointless to discuss revolutioniry games on chans when too many people first encountered games that became after that superb game set the standard.
If you only played pre-hl2 games in your life, THEN played hl2 you'd be fucking amazed but you didnt because you were born later so its impossible to appreciate the same way.
The first FPS that was actually good. Before, FPS was a shit-tier genre typically consisting of boring redundant gameplay, yawn-inducing setting, and characterized by an unapologetic amount DOOM clones.
Fortunately Half-Life elevated FPS standards with decent level design and thoughtful world-building.
Half-Life 2 raised the bar just a bit, but it's generally just a slower-paced, prettier version of its predecessor. It seems Valve is one of the few companies capable of crafting at least half-decent shooters if only they would stop being massive fuck Jews with their anal-fisting micro-transactions and god-fucking-awful DRM client.
I'm far too lazy, but somebody could just take this post literally, replace a few words you used with synonyms with opposite connotations and it would be a post saying why HL ruined FPS games forever
The first FPS that was genuinely shit. Before, FPS was an alright genre typically consisting of fresh and unique gameplay, interesting settings, and characterized by an expansive modding community with the introduction of WADs.
Fortunately Half-Life destroyed FPS standards with shit level design and and forced "cutscenes."
Half-Life 2 was even worse; it's literally just a slower-paced, prettier version of its predecessor. Valve was one of the first companies capable of completely destroying an entire genre, and now instead of just making shitty games they're being massive fuck Jews with their anal-fisting micro-transactions and god-fucking-awful DRM client.
I still love the game, personally.
could have done better, but it's a solid 8/B mr trips guy
I did my best.
Valve doesn't care about making a single player story driven game anymore.
If HL3 ever gets made it will be an MMO.
How is her children supposed to suckle on her breasts then?
It certainly popularized unimaginative tacticool tube-shooting. While games like Rainbow Six could be called good kind of realism, Half-Life is pretty much the precursor of Cawadoodie's pseudo-realistic casual garbage.
You young fags playing memes games like DooM thinkling you are hip just wouldnt known. Before HL and UT99 FPS games were a shit show.
Show technically this genre just lasted about 9 years before it was killed of again.