What American fascists get wrong

The Alt Right is too focused on optics, rallies and branding and not focused enough on substantive positive programs for movement building. If I were an American fascist, my first priority would be organizing food bank drives, medical aid funds, youth groups and 12 step programs to tackle poverty and drug addiction in immiserated white areas of the US like Appalachia. This is how Hezbollah and the Black Panthers built mass bases: charitable work and philanthropy in struggling communities. Not only would this help to reduce white mortality and hopelessness in some of the most vulnerable populations in the country, but it would also facilitate the delivery of White Nationalist/fascist messaging to an ideal recruiting ground.

Also, use homegrown American Nationalist symbols like the Eagle for branding instead of outright Nazi iconography

Just because Nazis used the swastika doesn't make it an exclusive Icon.

It's the sun, our radiance, our power, our splendor the world envies us for.
The searing light that burns away the eternal night.


This is what tradyouth does


You're in the wrong neighborhood faggot.

Read Tragedy and Hope and you'll understand perfectly well why most American "fascists" don't do any of that stuff. The struggle is maintaining the conflict in perpetuity, not a relentless push to end it.

Does OP care to guess who he sounds like? haha. Oh look, I wonder how the rat faced goblin creature knows about this;

How are they doing these days? Get fucked cunt. You've never been a part of shit or accomplished anything.

You can't do that OP, you might actually create a movement that gets somewhere. It doesn't matter if the real National Socialists built strong communities and helped their people during the economic depression that wrecked Germany. That shit is for faggots.

We'd rather accuse each other of being kike CIA Mossad shills than actually fix any of the problems we bitch about.

Well, last I checked Hezbollah is comfortably in power in Lebanon, decisively defeated Israel in battle in 2006, and is part of the coalition in Syria that is defeating the US/Israel. So I'd say they are doing fine. See yourself out, kike.


stop bumping shills

Counter sage.

The Alt Right was made to fail nigger. The major problem is it was controlled opposition from day 1.

Calling themselves anti-fascists?

No, they're communists not fascists. Don't compliment them.


op is a crossposter from cuckchan

Good points, style with no substance is a goof definition for the America white nationalist movement.

Nothing stops you from doing what controlled opposition isn't doing. That's the point.

Thanks based George Washington the common good will bring people into the path of comradery one of the first steps to building a society.

I've seen that pic before in the National Awakening discord neato

take note what golden dawn did too become the third biggest party in greece.

This picture was always retarded to me because at one time people considered the SA to be like the pic in the right. If pic on the right had the backing of the state and some discipline and order, wouldn't they end up more like pic on the left? Couldn't they BECOME pic on the left with a little work? Pic on the right is still standing up and advocating for white interests when it was a lot harder of a thing to do than it is today and there was no internet to find the truth on. Isn't that deserving of our respect and not scorn? I don't know, that pic always seemed like cucking to me.


The SA was EXACTLY like the pic on the right. They were slack jawed, heavy drinking, disorderly hoodlums. They were only good for projecting a presence. When it actually came to claiming territory Hitler had to kick out the delinquents and then micromanage the SA.

And in the end most of them had to be purged because they were too fucking retarded and too fucking degenerate.

Being a degenerate is deserving of neither respect nor life. Lines aren't to be drawn at 'oh well this piece of shit is /ourpieceofshit/. Unfuck yourself or die with the commies. There is no point in bothering to lift a finger if the end result is going to be for us to allow faggots, addicts and bums to continue to live.

This pic is older than you, dipshit.

I have a plan for the future similar to what you describe, OP.

I want to utilize the Northwest Front initiative and build a commune in that region – western Montana, maybe northern Idaho. That entails buying land and building on it. There, I'll build infrastructure to maintain the commune – solar panels made from B-grade solar cells, battery storage made from recycled lithium laptop batteries. Because this is the American northwest, water can be collected with simple rain catchment systems and replenished easily with subsequent rainfalls and, if needed, supplemented with water deliveries substantially less than the cost to drill a well. Waste will be drained to septic tanks. Food will be purchased, rather than grown, to reduce labor. Internet will be provided via directed two-way Wi-Fi dishes, allowing the commune to exist within ~5 miles out from the grid.

With this infrastructure, I'll invite White Nationalist NEETs to buy tents and move onto the land, where they'll have access to free internet, power, water, food. They will be taught to build their own dwellings, encouraged to (and helped) find work locally, and assist in expanding the infrastructure. Through this work, they may donate some of it to the cause. This money will go to food, water deliveries, more solar panels, larger rain catchment system, funds for additional White Nationalists to move in, and the cost of internet. Because there is no cost for the dwelling, (no rent, mortgage, etc), no cost for energy (B-grade panels are incredibly cheap, a reason they aren't sold commercially, and recycled lithium 18650 cell batteries are similarly cheap), no cost for water (weather permitting), low cost for waste (septic must be emptied now and then), the entire commune requires very little funds to survive, and similarly few funds to expand.

This would serve three main purposes.

#1. Provide a life and community for disenfranchised race-aware NEETs, and the opportunity to be part of something greater

#2. Concentrate power into a single area. People will bring up Waco, Ruby Ridge, but there can be no movement without risk, and no power is effective without concentrating it.

#3. Building power. We will do volunteer work in local communities, who are almost 100% white. This should increase our reputation and allow us to win local elections in landslide victories, paving the way for subsequent movements.

Even if only #1 is accomplished, the entire project should be considered an astounding success. As OP suggested, we should avoid Nazi iconography – not because it's bad PR, but because fascism should respect the nation it exists in. The eagle is the ideal symbol here. Still, no cucking whatsoever. We will, from the outset, be a WHITE movement. From the outset, fascists.

The ultimate goal of this movement will be recognized and always stated as the colonization of space, nothing less. Any accusations of being "hateful" or "racist" discarded in the face of the singular goal of interstellar colonization. Every movement we do, explained as a step, even if a minuscule one, toward creating life on other planets.

We will not justify ourselves. When asked to explain ourselves, we need only to say that we do things as we decided we would, which is all people ever do. There is no "why", and if others don't like it, try to take us down.

Thoughts? Ideas?

But then 10k blacks show up to 1 white person and antifa burns your place to the ground if you refuse one.

They can try.

I, too, love vidya games and drugs.

It's a good plan, but just a reminder to look at what has been done and failed in the past. There is some wacko nazi not natsoc trying to buy enough land to support a community and the locals are having none of it, something called Trump-Creativity IIRC. Remember to be secure legally in your endeavors.

Thanks for the input.

For something like this to work, it has to work with the local community and it has to obey the law 100%. We'll let people come in and look at our set-up, be very transparent, very friendly. Because our residents will also (hopefully) get jobs in the community, this should help build trust.

I always wondered why there wasn't much white pride in white nations before the 60's and WWII. Is it because there were barely any other non-whites and so they figured there was no reason to advocate for it because they were already dominant race?

The greek national socialists (they are more socialist then your average fascist) do charity work and they have more seats then the commies. Coincidence? I think not!

*unless* you're an actual political party or violently revolting, names and symbols are a net negative anyway. too many people are so spergy about having the perfect aesthetic/branding, but then not doing anything of real substance. think about the way immigrants take over entire streets/suburbs/towns, or the way the left subverted culture - they didn't brand themselves 'chinese vanguard' or 'marxist front' (respectively). they just networked, made in-group preferences, and collectively pushed for and attained gainful policies and positions. it should be obvious by now, especially from recent events, how this lack of branding or openly attaching your names and faces to a public group is a net positive.

we should be learning from both the immigrants and the left here.

we should be networking 'privately' (as in the way you'd meet up with friends, not at established events) with like-minded people within our communities/towns/states, and moving into the same area (or areas, depending on the amount of friends you make) to start businesses (if those businesses are conducive to our cause in a way that's a plus), and vote our own council members/mayors in. with this power and influence we can implicitly and 'unofficially' push our own ideas/values/culture within those communities.

we should be having our own 'long march through the institutions'.

*in any way

Alt-right is not fash so screw them.

For an American spin on NatSoc—-look into the old Technocracy movement. I wonder if we could co-opt the remnants of that and build a uniquely American National Socialism out of it?

Fucking hell, the memes—-Kikepedia mentions a Russian non-Leninist Bolshevik who supposedly advocated a technocratic direction. His name? … Alexander Bogdanov

What ever happened to the golden dawn?

You. Can't.

Try it. I dare you. See how far you get. Post about it here. Go on, what is stopping you?

Good things don't happen.

Ask Andrew Anglin.


You. Can't. I dare you to try. If you do, if anyone who isn't controlled op does they'll just Waco you and that'll be the end of it. (((They))) will NEVER let whites organize under any reason or cover. Ever.

Good. Things. Don't. Happen.


This is what you sound like you defeatist shill

same loser

That's because the so called "alt-right" is nothing more than a kike controlled honeypot meant to defame far right beliefs.

Far right beliefs defame themselves.

except whites have no need for aid or food or any of those things that they already provide for themselves


hi ashybro
lol we're literally doing it right now - just got our own candidate elected to mayor last month. unfortunately i can't actually prove it to you in any way for obvious reasons, but i'm 100% honest, not even larping. and if we could do it, virtually anyone can, if they go about it the right way.
have tiered networks of differing privacy, plus have certain 'activities' (not implying anything degenerate btw, but just use your imagination, there's a lot of fairly simple things you can do) ad use these to gain and maintain honesty and trust. read robert greene's 'power' for hints here.
of course the small size and lack of a srsbizness police force where i am probably helps, but if you're subtle and legal enough the cops are gonna be too busy dealing with actual crimes.


This. The altright was designed to separate the right leaning whites from the lefts useful idiots for identification purposes. Unfortunately (for them) the majority saw through this rouse and avoided it.
(((They))) need white liberals on the front lines otherwise the entire country will ignore their movement. Also the white left/right is an attempt to divide whites further but instead has had the opposite effect. Its separated the weak whites from the pack.
Rallies/ecelebs/conferences serve no other purpose than identifying whites who will give them problems in the future. What (((they))) really want is a false flag to kick start their gun grab. Sustained IRL networking is the path to victory.

The hurricane harvey recovery effort was a great example of this. Compare that to what happened in katrina and how quickly people started looting/killing each other.

I am a great admirer. I agree completely with everything you've said and advocate it strongly to everyone I meet alt-right.
However here is why this isn't happening. The movement is still in its infancy. That is a biggie.
One other reason is trepidation on part of organizers. There is always a very real threat of assassination once things really start to threaten the Jews. Obviously nothing worth doing is risk free, but a Golden Dawn in America is not something the Jews would tolerate sitting down.

But I'd be more than willing to risk death if it meant preserving my race and taking down the Jews.

Only an anti-White leftist shill or a Jew would oppose White power or White nationalism.
Filter the obvious anti-White shills

Correct. We should be pushing this hard in Appalachia. We need to build up a base of support and Appalachia is one of the best areas to do so. Lots of right wingers with guns and militias already in place. Lots of openly racialist folks. William Pierce once lived there. Mountains. Community. And anti-government (ZOG) mentality already present.

Filter the obvious anti-White shills
I have found that after a good purge of anti-White shills, Holla Forums conversations suddenly improve remarkably. Longer and more in dept, intelligent conversations. Less trolling. Less arguments over bullshit that doesn't matter.

Filter the obvious anti-White shills

Nice try, Mr. Bloom. But I am not fooled. I ca taste the desperation of the Jews in the air. You are the ones who should be worried…
And you are
Filter the obvious anti-White Kikes

OP is right about needing to organize positive programs. That would win people over so fast..
This thread is full of faggots who would rather sperg out because OP said "alt-right" than agree to help communities and whatnot.
These people are either Feds, kikes, or both.

So too is your NAZI NAZI NAZI cries. Nazis are right wing, they tell me. Nothing I say will ever convince a lemming that Nat Soc is neither left nor right wing. Denial of an accusation = defeat.

>What (((they))) really want is a false flag to kick start their gun grab.
I'd love nothing more. The gun grab = the start of the civil war.

Btw, for all non-Jews who read this, I'm not encouraging violence for violence sake. Violence is only useful if it is EFFECTIVE

's post is so Jewish that even I am surprised. Most Jews don't actually try to defend their arguments. They just start consensus cracking by packing a thread with one liners like "don't do X or you're a kike"
The same as "Don't do X or you're a racist
But a Jew actually defending his arguments? That's rare. And I can understand why it is rare. Nothing this Jew said is convincing at all. If anyone falls for this shit, you were not useful to the cause.

Filter the obvious kikes and anti-Whites
'You will not replace us'
'The Goyim are waking up'

"We don't like TRS or Richard Spencer, they're Jewish controlled op, so lets not actually do anything to advance any kind of movement, lets just post shit on Holla Forums, that'll save the white race".

The alt-kike is controlled opposition run by literal jews. It's never going to focus on doing anything useful. That would contradict its purpose.

What a tragic waste of digits.

So its either a) engage in activism which makes you an alt-kike TRSodomite shill, or b) post on an anonymous imageboard, which will somehow magically defeat the kikes and save our race.

Seriously, what do you actually propose as a viable plan of action? Because doing nothing but poasting all day will achieve approximately fuck all.

I wholeheartedly agree. I've been working for a 7th Day Adventist group and I watch these guys make friends and members no mater where they go due to all the humanitarian work they bring to an area. People are more receptive to what you have to say if you show them you mean it. I firmly believe the uplifting and betterment of my people can only yield positive results.


Just filter the obvious anti-White shills. If they sound like a Jew, filter them.
No serious White nationalist opposes White people organizing. No serious White nationalist spends his time trying to slander other White nationalists.
Everyone who has even a small amount of experience with the alt-right knows that they're JQed and pro-White. Everyone that is except civic nationalists who ignore facts and desperately try to make the alt-right appear PC.

The reason these anti-White shills are here is to dissuade White nationalists from doing things IRL, as you already know. So I just filter them and be done with it. I have found that after a good purge of faggots and anti-Whites, Holla Forums conversations improve remarkably. Suddenly posts get longer and more in depth. Suddenly the amount of shitposting and pointless arguments disappear. Suddenly all the arguments about petty nationalism (White ethnic group X is better than White ethnic group Y and your group isn't White etcetera) disappears.

That is why I love threads like these. I get to filter dozens of anti-White shills.

Anti-White gets filtered.

Anti-White gets filtered.

I am on to you disgusting shills. You stick out like a sore thumb.
Maybe you're a Jew. Maybe you're just a Shabbos goy. Maybe you're even a sincere White nationalist who has merely been fooled into peddling a Jewish anti-White meme. In any event, you are either poison or useless to the race.

Filter the obvious Kike/anti-White shills

are you part of casa pound, hogar social or bastion social OP?

Ok, bye.

first post and (1) every time

this is true

defeatism is cancer

do it


it looks horrible and cringy because it originated with leftists

Liar. Liar.

Then try it. Post about it here when you've don so. Prove you can with pics and video and show us that you didn't get ZOG'd.

Good. Things. Don't. Happen.

defeatism cancer

There isn't one.

Anything you do will simply be co-opted, corrupted and ruins by both Fate and the Jew. Nothing will ever work and nothing will ever go any way but bad. If you don't believe me, try it. Prove me wrong.

Watch what happens.

What else is there but defeatism for the defeated?

Go on then. Prove me wrong. Go do something without it fucking up on you. Post pics or it didn't happen.

All things are poison. Everyone is defeated. Go do something IRL and prove me wrong. I fucking dare you.

We are doing things.
If you really think everything will be ruined then why are you still posting? What is your interest in spreading this wonderful defeatist cancer?
Shut the fuck up.

The Traditionalist Workers Party is already doing all this. They're pretty successful. If I lived in their sphere of influence, I'd join with them.

Prove it.

And I post because the Voices demand it. And because I have nobody to talk to and I'm too cowardly to kill myself. If only someone would come help me kill myself, then you'd never see another of my posts again.

And because it's what I know to be true. It's all I can see, hear, think or feel.

Just wait. They'll have their Skokie moment like everyone else. Nobody can measure up.

All are fallen. All are filth. Burn. Them. All.

100% autism.

This type of shit should be a bannable offense.

100% Right and you know it.

It will also provide safe employment for people who don't hide their power level.

OP, you needlessly, pointlessly fucked up what could have been a great thread by mentioning the "alt-right". I sure hope you've learned your lesson so this won't happen again.

It would also get Waco'd and everyone who lived there would be killed.

Try it. Try anything IRL. Post about it here when you're done.

Watch what happens.

It was always fucked. Nothing good ever happens that isn't a setup.

Don't all live on one compound moron. Have you ever heard of putting your eggs in one basket?

Oh, I see. You're Asses and Elbows. Kill yourself faggot. Filtered and reported.

They can also kill more than one target. Go ahead. Start your compound. Prove it can be done.

Good. Things. Don't. Happen.


They aren't white nationalists they're controlled opposition. Get. Jimpacted.

Your better off ditching all the gibsmedat shit and going with something more productive.

Make it an HOA with fees payable in hunted wild game or other manly related activities.
And used trailer homes are cheap as balls, even free sometimes if you just move it.

No true White male want free shit. What your describing sounds like what the U.S. gov used to destroy the American Indians.

Might want to double-check the legality of that. I don't think you're typically allowed to sell meat you hunted, and using hunted meat to pay debts might somehow run afoul of the same laws.

I would like to see a movement to help those people, they would probably vote in gratitude, and to also fight the legal drugs that are being put out there, phony doctors prescribe wayyy too much Mr. Blue and friends to those people.
I'm on board, how about a bald eagle holding a fasces and sword, or an American Sun

We could play this at our rallies.

>(((Might want to double-check the legality of that. I don't think you're typically allowed to sell meat you hunted, and using hunted meat to pay debts might somehow run afoul of the same laws.)))
Or you could just not be a pussy and turn your own brothers in.

The amount of defeatism shilling in this thread is actually kind of encouraging to me. The shills always shill hardest against whatever is working.

This tells me that hope has never been more alive.

Never give up.
The jew fears the meme.
Keep posting here and shitposting everywhere.
Improve yourself and have some white children.
Build and lead your own communities through example.

Remember that jews always project. Right now they say they have defeated us and that they've already won forever. We've got this, lads. We just need to keep going and see what happens.

I'm down for this. Middle Texas would be ripe for it. Tons of incredibly poor white folks living off of gibs and hardcore drugs.

I think I found a name almost as good as Nazi.


I really don't know why everyone is fixated around the German swastika and German facist symbolism altogether, it belongs to Germany

this and checked
I'm already enacting this plan
I've often thought; couldn't Holla Forums start a white male only scholarship like Milo? I actually bet we could get that shit fucking huge, what with bitcoin shenanigans people do here, etc. Could send some really smart white kid to school with our scholarship, and the school will freak out in a few years when he reveals his power level in whatever field he goes into; we should be bankrolling Holla Forums academic agents; anyone got any ideas or suggestions about how to do this

Hezbollah gets logistics, info, and support in general from Iran. Unless you have a state behind you, you're fucked.

because it calls forth so much honor from the German people. It was also the best image to
show the desire of the people who were driving the movement. As National-Socialists, we
see our political program in our flag. In the red, we see the socialist ideas of the movement;
in the white, the nationalistic; in the swastika, the mission of the fight for the victory of the
Aryan man. At the same time, we see victory for the creative work of a culture, which was
anti-Semitic and will be anti-Semitic eternally.