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as far as I'm concerned guitar hero was too caught up competing with rockband until they both incinerated in a lubeless 72 hour mutual buttfucking.
Oversaturation. Too many guitar games and you'll eventually run out of songs. It got to the point where later games either had to include obscure/foreign bands, give the player sections that were blatantly not guitars, or just rehash. Doesn't help that Rock Band essentially obsoleted it. (Customizable chars, multiple instruments to play as, more genre variety, DLC songs, etc. and even they weren't invincible.) You can only have so many memorable hits in your plinky guitar game before you run out and have to add shit like nu-metal, obscure indie bands, or song from foreign groups just to pad the tracklist. Plus the guitar thing gets boring after a while. It became the rhythm game equivalent to FIFA, where every new installment was just a new tracklist with nothing new added. Why get the new Guitaroo Hero when the old GH plays exactly the same, but with (depends on the person) better songs. I aint buying it just for the HD models of Judy Nails and Clive Winston that's for sure.
Plus I imagine that paying the royalties/licensing fees eventually took its toll, especially when dealing with the more sellouty bands/artists.
Isn't there a Guitar Hero-like game at this point that allows you to make & play whatever songs you like?
Not viable for public use, due to how fucked the music industry is when it comes to licensing. Closest we've got is Audiosurf and it's kind of trash in comparison.
It feels like wasted potential.
But thats a shame there hasn't been any user-made GH games yet, then again the music kikes would have fun sending out DMCAs and lawsuits
There's plenty of flash games, but they're either trash or full of stock music/indie trash/shitty remixes of good songs
Well, at least theres DDR or Stepmania I guess…
You could always emulate one of those, somehow use a guitar, and map the frets to the different keys
Seems a bit of a fuss though
Now I'm really curious to try that out and see if it works
honestly getting a starter acoustic guitar or a shitty saxophone or trumpet only costs a bit more than a guitar hero kit anyway, and normalfags will actually be impressed when you play a vaguely jazzy riff
I implore you guys to check out frets on fire
i've always felt like rockband/guitar hero actually had arcs just like real bands
guitar hero started as the garage band with a fuckton of talent and no backing, but they whooped ass and took names anyways. GH1 had very few really big songs and virtually no financial support and still managed to be hugely entertaining and kickstarted a genre that was getting pretty stagnant. GH2 was their second album, their Use Your Illusion, that was mostly awesome but had total garbage in it too. GH3 was when they fired their old manager, signed a contract with Sony, started advertising any product that anyone showed them and started sucking right then and there
i feel like rock band was the opposite: it started out really strong and just released too many followup "albums" that weren't different enough. when they finally added something new, it was just some keyboard shit that nobody really gave a shit about and that killed interest
tl;dr gh3 started trying to pander when it should have been all about the music, man
This is why I stopped playing.
Yes, stop pretending to be a knight and spend hours weekly practicing swordplay.
Also, my normalfag only friend was way more into guitar hero than any one I knew and he could play anything less than "through the fire and flames" for real.
it's a lot easier acquiring a guitar than a sword.
Yes, if you're a poorfag or you live in a cuck country
Fags like you were cancerous in 09, and you're doubly cancerous now.
but I already have a saxophone
why would I need to get a sword as well when I really do practice a hobby outside of videogames?
Nigger guitar is one of the easiest instruments to learn. You may not be able to play stuff like Dream Theater at first but you can still play a lot of songs. Start with stuff like Chuck Berry or even the Ramones just to get a feel for the instrument.
Isn't the entire point of Guitar Hero to feel like you're playing a real instrument? Why not just cut out the middle man and play a real guitar?
The point is the same as playing any other rhythm game
why don't u drive a real car fag
why dont u fight me fag
why dont u read a real book fag
captcha: dubsgc
niggah the reason why you play videogames is to project an otherwise impossible experience, being able to play the lead guitar part to The Man Who Sold the World is a lot more achievable than driving an F1 car, or being a medieval knight.
Yes, but you have to devote serious time to git gud at a real instrument.
Some people just want to pass around a fake guitar with their friends and giggle when they fail at expert mode for an hour.
I actually play bass guitar and haven't touched guitar hero in years and I still understand its appeal.
Everything, instead of letting people enjoy their fantasy of being a rock star, Activision needed to milk it for all its worth, annualization, constant padding of useless plastic shit that breaksdown in a year or two, constant fucking DLCs, and songs from previous games won't appear in the next, and finally, fucking telling people that playing this game is the same as learning how to play the guitar, it isn't.
anyone ever hear of Phase Shift?
there's also something called Performous that I guess includes karaoke and some other shit
no idea if either of these are any good
then why did Rocksmith fail hard? It was basically Guitar Hero with a real guitar, that you could ubplug and plug back into your amp and play for real
Rocksmith didn't fail hard. It was successful enough to warrant years releases and the creators made enough dosh off of it to start pumping out DLC.
It's not even hard to convert FoF/Phase Shift songs to play on Rock Band 3.
Rock Band 3 was the best. It really should have been the high point of rhythm games, and instead it fucking failed because casuals are a cancer. It was the absolute end-point of rhythm games, where you literally play a musical instrument to play the game.
Pro versions(both guitar and drums) were the greatest thing, the greatest INNOVATION, to come along to the rhythm game genre in a long time.
that sounds nice if you already have that console junk lying around cluttering up your space, I was more looking for games that PC patricians can quickly download and play.
I think my attention span for guitar games is about to run out tho, might download one of the guitar hero games for the hell of it and see if I can wrangle up a USB guitar for free somewhere.
If you're just looking for PC stuff, then just get GH 3 and the Xplorer guitar that it originally came with. The guitar is not going to be cheap though.
GH 3 PC has fileshares for all the previous Guitar Hero games, the previous Rock Band games, as well as any customs laying around. I'm sure someone has even ripped the entirety of the DLC for Rock Band, but they probably have it hidden away somewhere to avoid DMCA.
Didn't have enough porn.
Also they used a new developer for Guitar Hero 3, and they were shit.
I played GH3 back in the day, it definitely fell off somewhat from the previous 2 but I actually thought Neversoft handled it pretty well, then again most of the heavy lifting had already been done for them by Harmonix.
GH3 was a perfectly find sendoff for Harmonix when they handed over the GH license to Activision.
World Tour is where it went to shit.
I only ever played Rock Band way back when. A coworker of mine at the time and I spent way too many nights on that shit.
Ultimately we just kinda lost interest. Wish I wasn't a poorfag and could just get a saxophone or something and teach myself to play it.
Also, Frequency/Amplitude were pretty fun.
Seriously, this. It just happened naturally, too. I didn't do it out of a sense of superiority. Playing with the PS3 controller was fun anyway and I could do expert with it for most songs.
sage for offtopic, I got curious what Neversoft has been up to since GH and just found out they got merged with the new Infinity Ward to work on CoDshit, and the Neversoft studio head and studio director both retired from games after the transition.
I had no idea, guess that pretty much confirms the Tony Hawk series won't be making a comeback, one more headstone for the gaming graveyard.
We're gonna need a bigger graveyard.
Got moved from a developer that was legitimately passionate about what they were doing to a developer/publisher that just wanted to milk a cash cow.
Also a move from choosing songs that were fun to play to stuff that the kids thought was cool.
The first thing you're going to say is "too many games!"
but back off from that point because that's retarded, its' the flaws that are designed within the game
>the addition of the "slide notes" the new notes introduced in guitar hero world tour is the exact same thing as hammerons/pulloffs
>hyperspeed not being included as default configurable options while other GOOD rhythm games include them if you don't know how it works, it increases the beats per minute but spreads the notes apart
Guitar Freaks and Frets on Fire are way better, or just play stepmania
It was ALWAYS wrong you teenage, faggot.
Get a real guitar.
Hyperspeed does NOT change the BPM or any other difficulty or aspect of the song.
Visually the notes are more spread out, but in order to retain the same rhythm and timing, their speed down the track is increased. You still press X notes at Y time, it just makes it easier to see
It does, unless you mean specifically the rate of the notes like some autistic retard
It is strictly visual otherwise the notes wouldn't match up with the song.
If you had to hit a note at t=4, t=12 , and t=100, it would be the same timing as whether you had hyperspeed off, on at 1, or on at 5.
All it does is increase individual note visibility
Jimmy Page, is that you?
In regards to the "playing a real instrument" I feel like Rocksmith did a better job at that. For one, you didn't need a special midi guitar to play it, and it presented itself more as a teacher than party game. The game's accuracy of detecting what notes you're playing isn't 100% perfect, but I'd take having to only have a cable vs buying a new guitar.
On the other hand, Rocksmith is Ubisoft.
I never liked guitar hero. Always felt to gimmicky for me. For the most part I just cut the middle man and just listen to the songs. But even then I stopped sometime after World Tour or Aerosmith.
There's never been a better time to get into the GHPC community, OP
Modders have blown this game wide open in capabilities; tap notes, HOPO chords, and limitless note counts have been added since 2015
The community makes some of the best fucking music you'll ever hear
I never did play Rocksmith. It looks good, but it really seems like it sidelines the "video game" aspect, and also its accuracy is worse than Rock Band 3 (as it's detecting notes from the an analog rather than a digital signal).
I think neither one really does a better job than the other, as they have different goals and foci. Rock Band 3 is a video game with a controller that doubles as a real guitar, and you play it by playing real tableature. Rocksmith is a learning tool with some game mechanics where you just need their $40 adapter and you can use any electric guitar you already have.
Bullshit. It's also not the reason you play board games. The reason to play video games is because it's a game. The whole point is to use a skill to win within the rules presented by the game. Nothing more, and nothing less. Do you think Paperboy was successful because people want to deliver papers but can't?
Activision did make a Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5 and shoveled it out the door the day before their license to the Tony Hawk series expired. They couldn't resist letting it die peacefully instead of taking a shit on their fan's childhood.
as a rocksmithfag, i can tell you that the accuracy is indeed worse but that's more on your guitar than anything. make sure your guitar's volume is high enough and you're well in tune and you should be fine. i can also tell you that rocksmith is deeply, deeply satisfying - i started playing Steel Panther songs and felt real, genuine joy in my heart, or when you realize that you understand how the chorus to Raining Blood works or whatever, it gives you real actual musical satisfaction (and also impresses bitches when you grab that shitty acoustic guitar they hang up because it looks good and bust out some flamenco shit, or play some surf song that they don't realize is piss easy)
It took me a solid 20 minutes before I was able to start hitting the slide notes and even then barely, but the moment I jammed out the little blues sound they wanted using those slide notes it felt amazing. I found it hard to play for lengths though due to the strings cutting into my fingers.
when I first got it, I played so long my fingers actually bled. You'll gain calluses soon enough
also, when I 100% nailed Pour Some Sugar On Me i actually yelled YES YES YES YES out loud
There was honestly only one good thing for guitar hero/rock band: the isolated tracks people ripped for each instrument
>tfw most isolated tracks were on megaupload
With this game specifically?
Activision wanted more of the same, but the original guys who made guitar hero 1/2 wanted to be treated like talent and expand into new territory.
Bobby kotick said"fuck you I want money"
So ea gave the developers the ability to make rockband
As for the genre in general?
To many games made by Activision, I remember guitar hero 3, band hero, DJ hero 1/2 all occupying the same shelf space. The more popular namesake had no innovation, and attention to detail. So they felt like soulless cash grabs. So the general audience became unhappy with and moved on.
Some went on to the rockband brand, others just jumping on the next bandwagon craze.
Also alot of issues with plastic controllers cluttering up stuff and the fact that music is the last thing people are passionate about. If it doesn't have their jams, why bother?