Youtube removing links from videos

(((Youtube))) recently updated their policies to not allow website links from most smaller videos. Monetized videos require 10k+ views and review by Youtube, meaning no pro-right content will ever make it through and be able to link elsewhere. Kikes are really stepping up their censorship into overdrive after Charlottesville and stepping on a ton of normie channels in the process.

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Forgot the link:

Monetization is fucking stupid.

So you can;t mention your website in the video or what?

No more linking to associated websites in the video. They removed annotations and replaced them with cards, which used to accept any verified site (had to prove you own it). It's now just doesn't work and requires a channel review to get enabled.

so now they can just put a picture of the web address in the video

Obviously, I don't like the change, but I don't see it as the end of the world, in and of itself.

Just write your website down on a whiteboard or something and have it in the background.

Unless your website is www.super-hitler1488.iscool-healsodidn1tdo-anything/ it's not that hard to just type out a simple website.


I know it seems tough anons. But we knew they weren't going to take this lying down. The people running things always do this (even when they aren't jews) when things look like they are about to rupture.

If they shut down the chans it will be a significant setback, but we will find a way around all this, given enough time. The jews will over-reach in their panic. They always do. We already know they will eventually start banning libertarians and their own cuckservatives.

This is a long term battle. Maybe this will speed up the development and broaden the use of torrent based webhosting.

That's not the answer. Only good for here.

Why the attachment to youtube?
Upload elsewhere, spread via social networlks

Right, but lots of pissed off normies as (((they))) keep crapping on services to stop wrongthink. As we continue to push, they have to keep acting more paranoid and draconian – alienating the middle even more.

Because youtube is still easy for influencing normies. Until they shoot themselves in the foot too much, which they are in the process of doing.

It'll take the YT attention whores all of 5 days to figure that shit out.
I remember when they used to have a rule that you couldn't beg for subs/etc in early days of YT producer runs, you see it in every fucking shitty video now.

We should be using their own momentum against themselves.

What did we ever do without clickable links?

webm everything

They keep shooting themselves in the foot.

The more they censor, the more they kill themselves and open the doors for alt-tech companies.

shit, what side is this?

Everybody that works for these tech companies needs to be on the list for DOTR, from the top to the bottom.

The more that gets shut down the better, we need the demand for alternatives to skyrocket.

Is Jewtube committing suicide?

No it's even better. They're doubling down on the dogma and it's going to Streisand effect like a motherfucker. All you got to do is point this out to people and it'll rustle jimmies hardcore especially in places like america where muh free speech is a sacred cow.

The more outlandish and cartoonish they get the better as it pushes normies over to our side.

kek wills it let alone it's very well said.

Exactly I got bit by this for completely unpolitical reasons, and I know several people are in the same boat. The more (((they))) try to censor things the more it will blow-up in their face. And unlike something like the banks, it's really easy for people to just switch to another service on the internet.

Their only hope maybe the DNS fuckery they're pulling right now, but I'm sure Holla Forums can find a way around that when we get to that point.


Good - They've just created a very exploitable gap in the market.

Honestly, it's a good thing at this point that YT is going full retard with the censorship. Previously, they could reside in that sweet-spot where there's just enough censorship to get rid of what they don't want, while not being offensive enough to piss off too many people or make people notice en masse.

Shit like this is just over-the-top. And what's stopping people from just putting links in the description or showing website names in the video itself?


It just means more fucking faggots.

Seems Youtube are finally going all in with their retardation, they're not even pretending anymore.



That is why Spencer, Cantwell etc. are fucking idiots and so are their shills on Holla Forums. The Left culturally controls everything and they are looking for the smallest excuse to take away free speech. There can be 1000's of incidents of Leftist violence but the moment there is 1 incident of right wing violence, they see the opportunity to push their agenda.

Muh dick level white nationalism is playing right into their hands. You have to be smart and anonymous. Use satire to humiliate them and gradually red pill the masses.

You can't have ignorant crazy dumb fucks who can't control themselves going to protests and killing people. It works against everything we have built.


This place is controlled and hotwheels complies with Feds from all countries when asked. They're not worried about us here, they're worried about us red-pilling the passing normies while their in the middle of receiving their Soma.

He didn't even purposely kill them else he would have killed a ton more. Fact is they're the establishment and they want you and Trump gone. But to me that just proves we're the right guys here, Assange is anti-establishment too and people may question his motives but he knows more truth than anyone out there with all he gets and reads. He knows the true evils of globalism and the like and why we have to stop it. I know Holla Forums might not like this but maybe we should team up with well, we need to take them down at all costs or the world is done for.

Like the Streisand Effect saved games? At a certain point you can just shut down speech. Don't fall for the reddit 'can't stop le signal' bullshit. The signal can be stopped. No normie revolution is coming if there's no way to reach them. The major onus of whites is to make sure they can still get their message out, that they can respond. That is where the focus needs to be.

It happened and you're advocating the same cuckoldry that conservatives have used for decades.

Begging for Leftist approval has gotten us exactly where we are now. Fuck off.

It sounds like this screws over channels that are trying to "monetize" behind google's back using patreon.

Looks like fivr. That website is run by a bunch of jews (vid related).

That and trying to get users to leave Jewtube to alternative video sites.

I'd really like the mods to ban youtube embeds. It encourages lazy posters not to webm, and unless you've taken steps to block it, it makes an necessary http request to google's servers (leaking our IP to them).

What is even possibly the service, practical reason for that? That is such a specific thing that can't in any way actually improve anyone's experience.

Remember that time we got Hillary Clinton to complain in public about a racist cartoon frog? Or that time Saul Alinsky organized a "shit-in" at an airport? It's time to get fucking ridiculous on JewTube and force them to censor ever-more absurd things. This will give normalfags a laugh, make the ZOG-World Order look insane, and spread the message far and wide.

Who's up for starting a channel as a ridiculous-looking tranny with a mop on his head and preaching gender fluidity, getting all the manual reviews and permissions out of the way, and then ripping off the wig and going hard 1488 and being banned?

>What is controlled (((opposition)))?
Ever wonder why they suddenly sprang from nowhere with MSM media giving them so much publicity user?

sage stuck in from saging a different post

A right wing only YouTube would fail hard.

The problem with torrents is most providers in the usa severely limit upload speed.