Berserk to be uncensored in the West

SJWs confirmed BTFO.

Other urls found in this thread:^tfw

why do the characters look like faggots in this animu thing instead of non-faggots like in the manga?

Because you are watching the piece of shit ova that tried to imply that Guts and Grittih are homos instead of the anime

Where's the goblin gobbler campaign to get it uncensored in Nippon?

But they are homos?

Was this game even going to have any sexual content in it?

i'm watching no such thing.
it was the screenshot from the op thing, I don't do moving pictures from the orient.

In other words, the violence won't be censored but the sexual elements probably will be.

Japan stayed silent when the west was becoming the land of the goyim. Let them deal with the SJWs.

Because that particular scene is when they're both younger and literal baby-faced teenagers?

Only babies have literal baby faces, teenagers have metaphorical ones because they aren't babies

Griffith is legit homo for guts, guts homever only wants to bone casca (and sex daemons in order to get close enough to shoot them in the face).

So… will 8-4 do the job?
Because then I can imagine what kind of boundries they won't dare to cross.

Wyald was confirmed playable. Gonna be a shit match up for Caska.

its slightly better than teenagers that look like they are adults.

We'll still be able to play as the good guy of the series, Griffith, right?

Its not unheard of for violence to be censored in Japan. Green blood for instance, they even made a torture scene a tickle scene in some game.

That's not it, they won't censor anything, they will just try to make some soft shit initially so they won't have to change anything.

But will we see Caska get raped?

You souless bastard, why would you want to see that again?

Because seeing stronk women get raped is my fetish.

But will we get decent combat gameplay?

It looks avg, I wish the enemies wont idle around and just get slashed, and have better hitbox than the trailer.


C'mon now, we all know purify is the superior fetish

If you read Berserk you'd know Casca was not a 'stronk woman who don't need no man'.

That's right, she was a stronk woman who did need a man, which is ten times better

Have you even seen what griffith looks like in the manga?

I dunno man, stronk womyn rape is old stuff. Struggle, the dominate, the fug, the satisfaction of taking that cunt down a peg, its all played out. I've seen it, I've jacked to it, its done. Need some lewds I ain't seen before. Purify is too underused, it's fresh, it's new

But purity is for the heart boner, I'm talking about stuff for the boner boner.


Got any source on that, pal?

He is playable, and they are screen shots, and he does transform. Its difficult finding a large scale one though.

will it be good?

it's called google user

that is an awful idea

maybe they'll just rate it AO

Did they ever go back on the boat?


I don't think you know what you're talking about

When did talking about anime on a video game board start to be ok?
Are there even any Berserk video games?
Take this shit to /a/, I couldn't give an iota of a shit.

That's what this thread is about, moron

I'll be fair and say Berserk is possibly one of the edgiest things around. The overwhelming violence and the everybody gets raped even the protagonist literally gets raped is at a whole other level compared to most anything else out there. Of course the west can't fucking complain because it has its own share of that shit like Game of Thrones.


just pretending, right user?

We can only hope, user

I knew a girl like that in high school. Every time she would show up at a party, people would think that someone brought their mom with them.

Yeah, Peace Walker.

Every woman that isn't fucked in the head needs a man or a manly figure in their life, in some form or another. Doesn't even need to be sexual. This is a truth of the world that feminists don't like and try to teach young women to reject, leading them to be fucked up and unhappy.

Anyway glad to hear censorship is unlikely.

My god this is so fucking bad, why would they red light this? Electro shock torture is present on pretty much all MGS games


What part of the never ending manga will the game cover?


Now that's some bait that gets a laugh out of me every single time, especially the people that fall for it or half-fall for it and then complain for half the thread.

Tickle torture is actually very effective, dare say it would have been more inventive.

Already terrible.

That's pretty uncommon.
I'm not going to lie, I probably won't play it because I don't like musou games.

Ugh, that's the third time I've seen someone do this today.

Too many newfags fresh off the boat from some shit forum probably.

Heightened violence, censored sexuality. The burger standard.
It's like you guys aren't even paying attention and just hearing what you want to hear.

i was offered beer at a shopping mall when i was 14

Wait, the Musou is confirmed for localization? Since when? Christ, I've been living under a rock these past few months.


Pretty much the entire Western standard with the exception of maybe Germany.

I will believe it when I see it. blade and soul they told us that it wouldn't be censored but it was.

So they won't have to censor it at all since it will be baby soft in the first place.

Yeah, Germany gets no violence and also no sexuality.

Save us, France.

the only thing france will bring is muslims nazibro

Calais will burn before a single rude word against migrants is allowed in Germany.

If I'm not mistaken I think this has something to do with beheadings. That's a no-no in Japan iirc (something to do with war-crimes in WW2), so that'll be the thing that's censored.

who's? it sure can't be theirs since they sure as fug didn't do it to themselves

Beheading's committed by Japanese soldiers and officers.

This is very incorrect.

I want delusional weebs to go.

Did you get an American education?

You're underage or retarded. Likely both.

Dreamcast 2 when?

Nigger the japs always were bloodthirsty savages, even before the white man bringing industrial age technology, they gladly killed and rape each other for centuries

Did you think WW2 was a meme?

Here's to the Dreamcast.
Its only crime was that it was before its time.

p-pls no bully


It always bothered me that holocaust and ebil nazis deniers are such hypocrites, they don't believe Jews and yet they believe chinks and gooks about evil japs, this situation is funnier when these people at the same time know about soviet fake photos, I mean it's not like soviets with chinks were friends too, right?


You know what? No. Fuck you. I'm fucking sick of dumb fucks like you. Go the fuck back to wherever you came from. I don't care where it is.
The only reason you still have your front teeth is because we've yet to devise a way to physically harm people through the intertubes.


Griffith did EVERYTHING wrong

I won`t bother entering the discussion where you demonize the american side while doing historic revisionism for the german side

Either way, Imperial Japan takes the cake over the less professional army but history ignores it because "muh 6millions", so let`s stop here

The only way I know that the Rape of Naking wasn't that bad, is that China was mad when Japan's PM didn't say the yearly "I'm sorry for Naking".

Fucking subhuman asian trash always gets a fucking free pass, I fucking swear.
If there were no niggers, people would realize that gooks and nips are the next step above that.

Also, if there were no kikes, because China.

It was war, nigger. There were no winners, only different degrees of loss.

i'd go back to where i came from but 2013 4chan isn't a thing anymore

You don't deserve those quads for fucking queer.

Will it contain Lost Children?

is there more?
post it

Lost Children was the only good instance of loli in Berserk

The West can and does complain and doesn't give a shit how hypocritical it is. Western movies and shows can have any kind of sexual violence and deviancy in them, but anime and anime-style games will get dogpiled if they are even mildly sexual.

Griffith did a few things wrong.

Hyrule Warriors is pretty good. Free, too.

You can easily find it on relevant h-sites.

In what kind of bizzarro world do things become LESS censored when they get a western localized version?

Just use SJW tactics against them. Call them racist and then that's it and we get back our Berserk.

The Japanese are a Schrödinger's minority. They may be either privileged or oppressed depending on which possibility the SJWs find more convinient at any given time.

SJWs also have no problems attacking women or minorities if they're ideologically impure.

those cunts are animals on hind legs



Who used the monkey paws? WHO?!

imfdb excerpts from the farcry pages are the best.

Get the fuck out of here you degenerate weeaboo.

poor guts

Does anyone on Holla Forums actually own a hedgehog?

They're so fucking cute.




You probably need to care a lot for them because their spiles are always chock full of parasites.

I had one come to my house. he was so small and so weak so I gave him water. he sat there drinking for 10 min straight that my mom started crying. they are cute for real

Will this meme never die. Sexuality is more censored in Japan than in the west.

cmon son

Guts is about to see the elf king so he can ask to get Caska fixed.


Poor guts indeed

yet somehow they can have bikini beach volleyball and you can't

We are allowed, it's just that most publishers are cowards.

In Japan on the other hand, they are not allowed to have nudity or excessive gore in their console games because of their rating board. Stuff like GTA, God of War, The Witcher, anything with tits or extreme violence has to be censored in Japan. That's why the lewd console games they make don't show anything explicit.^tfw

World War 2 was one.

That's some quality animation.

Why go to cuckchan when you're already posting in a cuck thread about a cuck game?

Some would even say damn good


What did berserk fans do to deserve this

Liked Berserk after the guy who worked on it for 30 years and got rich off of it said.

I hate fucking manga artists, they make a manga with passion, it gets popular, then they either abandon in never finishing it, rush the ending or devolve the story into typical Shounen shit.

Jojo is the only one that maintains its quality, isnt it?

JoJo is pure because the writer and artist love what they do.
At some point Murai lost his passion for Berserk and sunk into laziness.

I can somewhat sympathize. I get burnt out with my own projects sometime

But I can't understand that he replacing his project with idol shit. Thats disrespectful.

Or just end it and start a new one.

2nd pic
Fuck that was awful.
All fucking loli pandering and piss fetish.

Better than having berserk filled with idols and lolis. Keep them separate.

jesus christ idol shit is the devil itself

Its worse when the MC can only go super saiyan when being pissed on.

True, but we ended up getting both.

Oh, I thought you were exaggerating. Lolis truly are cancer. It makes me wonder however; do you think he got off to all the rap before?

Also thats disgusting.

Something you want tell us? Any underaged skeletons in your closet?

Only if they get on a boat

The art style and writing is atrocius, user. You can try and make yourself feel better by trying to drag me and other people down to your level, but that is not an sign of me trying to fit in other then you trying to comprehend the fact that not everyone looks lolishit. I mean, lets be fair here; they is plenty of that to go around, where as the old works of Kentaro Miura is a very rare sight indeed, be it western or eastern arts.

TL;DR Get better taste in 2D, faggo.

Berserk has been drawn 30 years by a guy who likes lolis and always included lolis in his work.
Why do you even browse berserk threads if you dont like lolis?

just like Guts, we have to suffer and get fucked all the time

I like lolis, I LOVE LOLIS.
I don't like lolis being added which DETRACTS from the story or changes the theme.

You know, I don't know why, but Berserk in its downward spiral is beginning to remind me of Apocalypse Zero. I don't know why, however, and I love Apocalypse Zero.

I think its due to the fact that I now realized he worked on a comic where a loli pisses on the antagonist made me realize that Berserk is probably fetish fuel for him, like how Apocalypse Zero was fetish fuel for the authors of that comic.

Lolis only became prominent when Schierke appeared.

So he went from guro and rape to loli pissing?


Its actually very likely. Artists and concept artists always find a way to inject their fetishes. For example, one of the concept artists for Dark Stalkers makes porn now

Guess which one!

What the fuck is this shit

now im fucking mad

Will the manga ever become edgy again?


Note that this is the only scene where she has nipples

What the fuck is this animation did they scrap some power point pictures and put them into anime. The is so much wrong with everything. What Miura said about this?

1000 years of samurais and shit and they come up with most shameful animation known to man.

I think the jojo anime has spoiled us with how not shitty it is. It made me forget that most shonen shows have 5 minute intros/recaps in a 20 minute show

Way before that.

WAY before that

Yeah it was present but it wasn't centered around lolis.
Shierke has basically become the MC of Berserk and considering she looks quite a bit like the other MC in his short manga I would guess it has to do with his corruption through idolmaster.



I've got three words for you, buddy.


Is the new chapter out?



why would you assume the amount of lolis would increase just because of that single example ?

Miura is a genius. He's raping the series in front of our eyes and we can't do anything about it. It's all so we can understand Guts' Rage.

I remember when Schierke's mentor was burned alive along with the whole forest and I thought "Man, this was far more lighthearted than I expected"

Because they have arrived at the isle of lolis and from the story I'm guessing a couple are going to come along.


Anything that falls short of getting raped, ripped apart, and put on a pike is more lighthearted than I expect from Berserk.

Anyways, we all agree that the CGI is shit, but what does Holla Forums think of the music? The opening theme is alright and I think it's significantly better than the 1998 adaption, but I think it's somewhat out of place.

I am almost offended, but I can't help but laughing.


Because Miura is kind of like the guy that made Evangelion.
He likes to do things that the fans hate just to spite the fans; and fucking everyone hates Schierke.


Guts was always a lover of lolis and slayer of shotas even when he was Venom Guts.

>reminder that old guts killed a little girl by pumping her little womb full of lead

truly a man of great taste

delet thsi

prove it fgt




I just clicked the first link it gave me. I know it's shit.

It's so you can feel the horror too.

Is that Shirai Sensei?


Welcome to the boat.

I sure do miss the Hawks
I got you a better version bby

Fuck you, we're off the boat now.
It only took 8 fucking years

Guts always dresses in style

Atleast we're off the fucking boat.

Hope you like autistic brown girls.

So instead of watching the anime or reading the manga you went for the shit movies?

No, just said that as a figurative thing.

Good, you had me worried there for a second

Are the movies worth watching? The only Berserk thing I watched was the anime from the 90s.

Are we?

Why does the elf king have anthena after all?

Or maybe it was 30 minutes of reading later.

No. Read the manga.

the prototype chapter is probably my favorite one

I haven't seen any of the new anime, but christ this is terrible. please tell me this is the actual sound effect used during that scene, it'd make it that much funnier.



I think Miura doesn't want to fuck the fans so much anymore. I think he wants Berserk to be over and done with and to do it with a happy ending.

The first time I got any exposure to Berserk was a reaction image of the manga version of this scene with Guts also smiling at Griffith. I thought Griffith was female and Guts' girlfriend.

Movies aren't terrible. Sure, the large battle scenes are CGI and they gloss over a lot of things, but it's alright overall if you're craving Berserk and the few CGI frames are often not complete utter shit unlike in the new adaption.

Go ahead, but they're all the same.

You're better off reading the manga.



I for one wish we were still on the boat. Wishful thinking was better than the current reality.


Be careful what you wish for.

Nah, someone just edited in the sound they used for the Dragonslayer hitting anything the first few episodes

This sound of Guts hitting spirits is real




I don't care anymore. Even the C plot of Rickert doing fuck all was more interesting than what has been going on with Guts.

w-where do you guys read manga

Here ya go. I'm busy rereading the Lost Children Chapter right now, but I'm sure you can figure out how to navigate it.

Old song fits better

Yeah, this is much better. Thanks man.

I like the track from the next episode previews. Hai yo, I think it is.

most likely a residing no.

Hai Yo is the best thing that has come out of this adaption so far. But it's obvious that the best song is Take the Wheel.

I'm surprised i'm still not even remotely interested in watching the Berserk anime. I'm a little ahead in the manga than that webM scene.

Peace Walker was rated C in Japan, compared to the rest of the series being rated D. They wanted a broader audience for their portable title.

And sadly the only thing. One xan hope for a S2 and another studio or just drop the cgi.


I don't need to be a raging autist with that fetish to call bullshit here.

Oh right, speaking of…

what the fuck