Succubi in Vidya

The concept of a succubus is probably one of the hottest, most "pure" and "direct" representations of lust in any literature.

Of course, unfortunately, there aren't many games in which they appear, since the ones that arent completely sexualized are mostly fucking lame, and games in which succubi get to live up to their reputation you can count on your hand.

Post vidya succubi, bonus points if you can play as one. After about 150+ replies I think the thread will gently devolve into porn posting so stick around.

Other urls found in this thread:$pagemax=40$getcnt=0$pagecnt=1,videos-best

Xana from Dark Messiah of Might and Magic comes to mind
Also props to Alma Elma from MGQ for being the massive cock hungry slut in a world where almost all bitches are cock hungry sluts

Mods for both Skyrim and Oblivion add Succubi who will rape you and steal your essence. Depending on situations, you can also be turned into a succubus or incubus




They're mods though. There are mods for a lot of things, and they are usually of questionable quality.


Theyre pretty high quality mods compared to the base gameplay.

tbh I always saw succubi as the embodiment of female sexuality.

What you're posting is more along the lines an incubus.


Still, they're mods. If we list mods we'll be here all day and the thread will turn into "skyrim modding general"

dub gods love succubi

I honestly expected someone to have posted Morrigan by now.


D-double succubus!

Morrigan has a boring lazy fucking design though

Nothing about her suggests a demonic nature, apart from bat wings

I think Capcom just wanted more characters who looked "normal" in the Darkstalkers roster.

She isn't even a normal succubus. She lives off of emotional stimulation IIRC


user, succubi are traditionally female

arpgs have a long proud tradition of titty monsters

But Alma Elma actually ISN'T a cock hungry slut. Or at least, that's not what she hungers for most. More than anything she just wants to break shit with her hands, she just uses sex as attacks because her mother bitched at her for not being a better succubus.

Or maybe I'm remembering it wrong, it's been a long time.


Well, Witcher has succubi, I think you can even fuck one in 2.

And traditionally not puke-inducing.

Dracula has a bath with like three or four succubi in his AoS castle

Yes, in Iorveth's path in Witcher 2 you can bang a Succubi. In Witcher 3, there are two succubi but you can't bang any of them.

Actually, Succubbi were traditionally ugly and demonic. Sexy succubi were a more recent innovation.

Do you have the full pic?


Why do girls with horns make me horny?



Interesting how getting raped in your sleep by an ugly woman was considered punishment back then. Nowadays they have to steal your soul to make it scary, otherwise it's just a bad night at the bar.

Your own "horn" is getting competitive and wants to prove itself.


what is this from?



I would post other SMT's but their already here
I wonder if somebody at Atlus has a thing for them


Genkai Tokki Moero Chronicle.

In "Ivan" you can have succubi fight for you and polymorph into one if you wish to.

Literal? Like, a semenmancer?

Is that even a thing?

online rpg never could actually play with anyone since it would just cause insane lag to play in.
literally just a single player grind beat em not bad but gets lonely by lvl 20

There's more

Getting through the story is a chore but once you get to level 50 then you get to the most fun part of the game along with being able to play on the highest difficulty. And then once you get to level 65 then you reach a ceiling where you have no choice but to grind because of autists.


well i might pick it up again when the greatsword chick comes

Not in a game, but there is such a thing.

S-Stop it, my b-boner can't take it anymore.

The game might not be alive by then, Nexon made sure to shit on any potential the game may have had. They even killed end-game potential by listening to gooks asking to add features to PvP that fucking butchered it to the point where nobody would play it anymore.

Wait no


What if

Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines but with succubi.

Main factions consist of succubi (+ incubi) who wanna fuck and suck humanity into submission, actual demons who want to kill and main humanity into death, hunters that are out to protect humans and humans who are kind of a mixed bunch. You know, most want the hunters to win, some nuts think the demons are justified, see it as penance or sorts, and others want the succubi to fuck them forever.

Succubi have a human form to walk amongst society, learn info and stuff but are much weaker than in their true forms. Also have to be in true form to do some fuck. Humans can get succubi'd via beating and raping, magic entrancement or giving in willingly – like flirt up some guy in human form, take him home and pop your tail out, if he freaks out then take one of the other options.

Join up with the demons and convince them to let you keep some humans around, teach humans that it wont be so bad being your pets and fight off the demons, beat them all into submission; I don't know, it can go in a few directions.

Anyway Ill accept payment in any form if you want to use my idea so please go ahead and get started.

This better be on PC. I'm pretty sure succubi were my first fetish.

It is on PC but the game has been raped to death, the gameplay and music/design are absolutely top-tier but every single other thing that I haven't mentioned that exists in the game is fucking horrendous. First it was F2P with almost entirely cosmetic cash shop and depended largely on your skill at the class you play, then they made classes easy as fuck and replaced the skill aspect of the game with something much more stat-oriented and finally they made it pay-to-luck-to-not-grind-to-win and made classes easy to the point where skill isn't even a factor anymore.

Is Emily a succubus? I'm not really sure.




Shame they were clothed in D2.

all those pics look aweful

to bad they were enemies instead of allies, would had been nice to recruit them.

when i played that, i felt bad when i killed the qt succubis

Must not have been a warrior. Chasing those fuckers down drives you to hate them like nothing else in the game.

So basically theres no quality games where there's an actual fuckable succubus that you can interact with in a non-linear fashion?

Technically that still stands, you guys have just been exposed to too much hoof/batwing/clawed/centauri girls and take it for granted.

I wanna fuck that statue

I want to tie you to a wooden pole, cover your feet in dry branches and set them on fire.
Then I want the whole village to watch the spectacle.

Kamidori has a cute one.

what sick, twisted mind mixes a succubus with a catgirl?




No one wants to fuck that, so no.

Speak for yourself. I never knew I wanted this.

That's the point.
Some versions of succubi fuck you regardless of what you want.
They are demons, not your neighbourhood whore.

post yfw when


They usually lack the allure.
So, if you want to maintain your metaphor, Furies would be more fitting.

Evil whores were the inspiration for succubi/witches/harpies/mermaids etc.
But their properties put them above whores, usually in a dangerous way.

Different times require different techniques. In the past getting fucked with by demons was a lot harder to prevent depending on what kind of knowledge you had around you. If you didn't have a local wizard/witch/priest/whatever to teach you, you were fair game to the semen demons. No barriers to prevent harvesting equals no need to hide their true forms/make it pleasant for the one losing it. We're at a point now where people are just begging to be harvested in their sleep and all it takes on their end is a little bit of whore magic to spice up the appearance. They can milk you for decades and you won't even realize you're getting nothing out of the relationship.

They're very real and chances are if you have an odd obsession with them, probably one above your head right now snickering about it. You can use these relationships to your advantage but you're better off working on your warding skills anons.


Dubs-kun, what is this and why do I get the despairing feeling that I will never get it?

But there are also many tales of men being seduced by succubi, and if that's the case it makes a lot more sense for them to be depicted as beautiful (even if their attractiveness is some kind of illusion only seen by their victims).

it's my game, user.
unfortunately i'm too lazy to actually work on it and just shitpost my 600k mario shitfic instead :^)


They don't exist. Enjoy your alimony written in your virgin blood, succubusfags.



Why must you remind me?

Except in japan.

Fuck you my man.

That thing isn't a succubus

But user I'm not a virgin. Does that mean I will never get a succubus waifu?

Wait a second fam, so before succusluts had to be ugly because witch doctors or barriers or whatever, but now succubus have to be beautiful because we like beautiful women?

Oh wow, what a loser

It means you were already attacked by a succubus

this isn't cuckchan
just imagine, my post could be here for hours
maybe even all night

I think you're right

I regret the circumstances in which it happened, I will admit.
But enough about that. Post more semen demons.

he posted the important part already

Those are one night stand demons that kill you or leave you powerless for days and you go around calling them waifus and shit.
I swear this is the reason we have so many people in the JUST league.

Is that tumblr picture supposed to show your shame at being a cuckchanner or does it just demonstrate your general faggotry ?

i like to tease cuckchan anons with my game sometimes

That is the full pic. 4000x4000 pixels of succubus ass.

Palanigger please go and stay go

Think of it as advertisements getting better over time to the point the host doesn't even realize they're being rused.

Really though they've been doing the illusion deal forever, its just in the modern era they get a lot more energy if they help ease out the ugly perception of demons so that people seek them out without hesitation. Its kind of funny really just how often you get the "HOW DO I SUMMON A SUCCUBUS?" question in online magic communities by people completely willing to ruin themselves for a bit of demon tang. Not exactly something you'd want to fuck with willynilly, especially if you don't practice magic regularly.



I guess trips confirm

Have you seen male feminists? Some of those fuckers would probably murder to get laid, especially if its an attractive woman. Or hell, members of the religion that believes the world is owed to them because they are members of that religion; even just people like that in general. You really think there aren't people who think they can't get out of that shit either by talking or just because of who they are?

fuck off /fringe/, there's nerds to feed on here

Those cucks usually being manipulated by a different kind of demon entirely. The other group you mention are generally well versed in these things so its a lot harder for demons to get a foothold.

Exactly. I just do as I'm told.

Maybe you no.



You might end up as a bondage slave.

angry succubus detected



Holla Forums has become millenial weebshit cancer central

Can't even read her journal in exchange for cummies.


What are you doing on a shitty board like /monster/ anyway?

Because Annah is better than shit from grace who'd waste a party slot on her?

Looking up how to properly prepare beef stew.
what the fuck do you think I was doing

FFG wasn't a semen demon no more. Stop associating her with cheap harlots.
Also, repent ye degenerate scum!

Well your shit taste just came through.




I've never seen so many buzzwords thrown at "thing I don't like" outside of people blaming Holla Forums for something.

/monster/ is for degenerates like me who would screw any kind of non-lethal vagina. There's probably people who would sex anything even if death was certain, but those are beyond saving.


What's the point

Greetings, degenerates! There is a cure in the form of the IRON PILL!

With a lot of conditions, though. Like the fact that the vagina has to be attached to something that is still very much human.

but it's heresy user

who is that semen demon

who is that jizz genie

who is that baby batter bringer

who is that cum caresser

who are those love goo ladies

who is the sperm summoner

who are those ejaculate empresses

who is that mayonnaise maiden

who is that jizz jockey

who is that sperm worm

who are those sodomy sentinels

who is that penile perpetrator

who are those erection confectioners

who is that salami tsunami

who is that boner condoner

who is that fluid druid

who is that urethral umpire

who is that wang wizard

who is that knackers knight

who are those prick pirates

who is that dong dominator

who is that cock khan

who is that stiffy sultan

who is that sausage sergeant

who is that middle leg major

who are those pole privateers

who are those shaft specialists

who is that pecker prodigy

who is that boner benefactor

who is that dick juice masseuse

who is that tallywhacker smacker

who is that man muscle steam shovel

who is that ejaculate advocate

who is that wang wrangler

who is that butt hut

who is that cock sock

There's nothing degenerate in showing your human superiority over inhuman creatures through the raw power of your dick. If anything it's your right -no- DUTY to fuck every nonhuman into submission.

Technically it's "less-lethal"



you're doing god's work user

dick unity


There's literally no such thing as succubii and they're definitely not shitposting on Holla Forums right now.


You mean with a human-like personality, right? Because I'm one of the less degenerate ones and plantsluts are not out of the question.

Heresy feels good, though.

I can see the point at which you abandoned alliteration in favour of sick rhymes. Still, 10/10 post.


As if fornication wasn't bad enough.



I was gonna make a thing but then I realized that I can't draw.

Not with that attitude. Give it a try.
post result

mind posting the template? Never got to save it

Well fug, you beat me to it.
Finish it

Gotta go out some way.

I didn't use a template.

don't say I didn't warn you
someone else do it better plz

just go wild man

here's some funspiration


Elegant in it's simplicity, 10/10


Thanks grammar hitler.

Love you grammar hitler

Any time.

You're embarrassing yourself.

Hi Brendan

I hope you don't actually believe this.

A good expression.

Wew, I never realized how shit that picture is. Why did I even save it?

Fuck it, I finished it anyway.


Too many breasts.


How dare you know my weakness?

And yet /monster/ panics at the first hint of a snout.

Now that's more like it!

The issue with furries is that if you give them any wiggle room what so ever they'll completely take over. It sound stupid/petty as shit but it has its reasons

Also monstergirls aren't really furrys

lets fug
i'll post my skype/discord if you want


have some less monstrous demon nuns
and a normal one with angels

Made me burst out laughing like a moron user
So good job.

But the juxtoposition between nun and monster is what makes it good. A baphomet nun would be a 10/10 for me. But thanks, though. These are going into the fap fodder folder.

But the thing is, furries already don't care much about the distinction. There's thousands of images tagged as monster girls on e621, plus a load of other stuff that would probably count but isn't tagged as such. There's even 58 pages of boring old elves. Furries won't agonize over whether the creature has a snout, they'll just see it's non-human and say good enough.

I think I have a new fetish

my pleasure user

The thing is they'll completely take over the board and bring on a culture you want nothing to do with, trust me user. The snout rule keeps them out/makes them put in effort into shit compared to the normal shit they do. They have tons of sites and boards to do their thing. Wouldn't surprise me if their is decent cross over anyway. Its much better to keep the niche compared to just being a minor subgroup of furry shit. They don't give a shit either way but the people who are only into /monster/ only would straight up be overtaken completely.

Only ones who lose out at the end of the day are furries who have no self control and shit posters. If you allowed snouts you'd half subgroups telling them to get out.

that's because when you're already at the bottom of the barrel there isn't much point in being picky anymore, now is there?

That's not a succubus, that's Eve from BoI.



I want paladins to leave. Our souls are beyond saving.


RIP money.$pagemax=40$getcnt=0$pagecnt=1

I want paladins to come back now


how can i summon a qt3.14 succubus to be my waifu?

sometimes i wake up like an hour after going asleep with a massive boner and am completely wide awake which is odd because when i wake up in the morning, even if i didnt at night, i am completely tired and feel like i am hit by truck and never get morning wood

maybe i am already fucking one but i never remember any sex dreams if i think back

i would like to be make one my gf though, like a proper gf and she cant hurt me

how do i doo it

Cease this debauchery.
Your ancestors told tales of the horrors of these beasts.
Now you would give mere images of them your seed ? Your very life essence ? Your concentration, your motivation, your productivity ?




hey I wanna fuck that paladin



I think you missed the part where I said it is every human's DUTY to fuck corrupt monsters into the ground and make them realize our human superiority.

But succubi make you think that you're in control while they're sucking your soul out

Humans have no soul
Souls dont exist in the first place

Then fuck them HARDER!
They can't suck your soul out if they pass out first.

user we're talking in fantasy terms here

They were made to fuck, do you really think they can't handle it? That's like trying to kill a bear with your fists.

Fuck you

Fuck this !

Cherry boy here thinks he can outfuck a succubus.

pain turns me on, daddy

Exactly: tough but not impossible. And both require a lot of training and preparation first. You must wield your divine sword with skill and thrust it into the heart of your enemy…or another area of them that's pumping blood.


You rolled double 6 so you took zero damage.

what a tease

Superior tactics, my friend. You need to catch them with their pants down in both the metaphorical and literal sense (if she's wearing pants).


Watch me wanker !

Fellow human, you require better mental skills.

I shall cleanse your mental condition!

You are just a bag of bones. I will crack your ribs with my next dubs !

but can you resist this?

Yarra best succubus. Cumdump a qt, though. I need to get around to playing more of TLS so that thread can be bumped again.

Can it resist fire ?

it's a demon - you tell me

smh tbh fam

You only got one dick, there's there's multiple holes to fill. And you've got some holes of your own..

I'm listening, and, uh, eager to see what you can show me

No excuse user

I was talking about licking your ears. Geez, you've already lost. There's no hope for you.

Gaze upon yourself
You are so much more without the taint ! Free your mind and body !

Only fire succubi can resist fire. Your one is but a mere wench.
We have burned many like her already.




I went ahead and got some anyway

Come at me demon !

How scandalous!

but not as scandalous as those dubs

Come on now

I bet your armor would look even better covered in cum

you wana spoil that m8?


it's too late now user
let's just embrace it while it lasts

I really like vidya >>>/succubus/



i need more vidya with semen demons

it's a crime against humanity that there's so little porn of them, and an even greater crime that they're never specifically tagged

Who cares about breasts if they're hidden away?




That reply fucking murdered me.

This is nice.

The plea of innocence is guilty of wasting my time.

take it easy, it's just a drawing


cleanse … purge … kill






I'd fuck it.

This is the problem with paladins, they start purging, don't know when to stop, and before you know it they're triple hitler.




Smells like heresy in here

/monster/ here, here's a bona fide succubus for you Holla Forumsirgins.

You are not fooling anyone, demon.


Nice try.

I wonder how many anons would turn into alps.

true definition of "heaven" right here


Time for a CYOA


Forgot the last part

I'm a level 84 banemancer.
Fite me.


I remember her name was Mary Ann, but her last name was really strange like mykaliys or something that sounds like fancy Irish speech.
I remember that she was perfect in my own opinion, but I cannot remember her face or hair color although I want to say it was a unrealistically dark red


I remember there was a story some user posted several years ago about how he was best friends with this girl only to discover that he had a mental illness and she was a figment of his imagination. I don't have a screencap, but I'm sure that it was archived by some redditor since it was pretty good. It's either this or you got awfully close with a government agent and were drugged/hypnotized like in the Manchurian Candidate to forget her. Either way, freaky shit.


Succubi are the hottest fucking thing ever, literal pure sex

Oh she's my baby, Let me tell you why

Hey, she drives me crazy, She's the apple of my eye

'Cause she is my girl, And she can never do wrong

If I dream too much at night, Somebody please bring me down

That's pretty cute.


I knew one of the replies would be very autistic, but I didn't think it would be that quick!

Sounds like you were mindjacked user.

Shit tastes tbqh.

ive never felt this much secondhand embarrassment in my life.


who is this willy ghillie

who is this glans fan

who is this spooge scrooge

who is this skeet treat

who is this crotch cowboy

who is this jism prism

who is this smegma savant

who are those testicular temptresses

who are those anal aficionados

who is that spunk trunk

who is that nut slut

who is that cum chum

who is that testicle vestibule

who is that dick duchess

who is that testicle tamer

who is that cock clairevoyant

who is that mattress actress

who is that prostate magistrate

who is that penis machinist

who is that scrotum totem


Are you going to sauce?

I should hope not.

I've jerked off multiple times a day for well over a decade now with very few, brief, breaks. Am I under attack?

Lilith is the best.

Damn, Satan
You gotta keep better track of your girls

Much easier to just subclass a few levels of the attorney job. Demonic forces pose no threat at all to any decent lawyer.

fucking casual

da fuck is wrong with you?

there is never to many breasts

do you have any paladin and succubus holding hands?

i fucking hate the nips

That anime ran on television, that teasing had one destination from the beginning. Nowhere

I though the nips knew better, oh well, at least i got my lewd comics
also, posting best slut

Is someone gonna give sauce

You blew your chance with a succubus brah.
She was gonna rock your world upside down and open your mind but you sat there and didn't do anything.

OH well, maybe in the next life she'll give you another chance at taking charge.

Learn to source shit yourself, faggot

All of them


Good job!

This is a silly thread.

How come Doom never had Succubi?



Wasn't the mancubus enough to get your blood pumping?


I like you user



The more demons the merrier.

Doom was going for the metal as fuck hellish and kinda grotesque atmosphere, a sexy demoness wouldn't have fit so good into the game.

Why not?

Dunno. Maybe it's just me being too used to the game after all the time I've played it, but I just don't see it working very well.


Are you a poet?

Why is it so hard to search for this? I ain't getting anything.

I can see their more demonic forms working well in Doom, but succubi in general seem far more suited for Hexen than anything else.

You forgot my favorite

Danchi Majo

May the gods bless you.

Shit tier thread

shit-tier tbh oniifam.

I'm 99% sure this is some batshit insane tumblr attention whore but on the off-chance there is some high quality cosplay/whatever-the-fuck-this-fashion-is-called-when-they-aren't cosplaying-anything porn, complete with well-faked ahegao, I need to request more.

tineye pulls up "Lana Rain," according to an user in a 4/pol/ thread.

Thanks user.
I never thought I'd see the day.

Looks a little bit like Alison Rapp but damn if I wouldn't fuck the crazy out of her.


Gif's too big to post, so here's a direct link.

Fuck my ass,videos-best

That's enough of this world for today.

I heard people like that usually refund at a later point, so I wouldn't give up so quick.

Man, this would've been a thread for my tastes. Too bad I'm both late and obligated to leave.

She doesn't look too crazy
Although crazy is a fetish of mine

Pick one

Sure is hypocritical in here today.
When will you learn?

Oh look: your day is ruined! Hope you like Lord of Gaymilion too!