I made a similar thread a couple days ago, but it didn't get too many replies. The replies I did get, however, were very constructive and provided ample criticism and identified places where I could improve. I have since taken the time to re-write my short essay to be, what I consider, more straight-forward, concise, and structured. This write-up is primarily geared towards non-religious/atheistic centrists or libertarians that need convincing that racism is not bad. It is also a refutation to the idea that all morality is subjective to the individual.
As always, further criticism is welcome and arguments are encouraged.
The Theory of Evolutionarily-Derived Morality and the Case for Moral Racism
The primary goal of every living thing from an evolutionary perspective is reproduction and survival. It is unanimously accepted and scientifically proven that humans are a product of evolution. Because of this, it is logical to conclude that human behaviour, to a large degree, is also a product of evolution, and is naturally geared towards fulfilling this primary evolutionary goal. Morality is defined as “principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behaviour.” If humans and our behaviour are a product of evolution, and human behaviour at a fundamental level is designed to ensure reproduction and survival, then what is considered “right” and “wrong” or “good” and “bad” behaviour must also be derived from this same evolutionary source and ultimately serve this fundamental evolutionary goal. Based on this, I conclude that any behaviour that can be classified as morally good must be evolutionarily favourable in some way, otherwise said behaviour would lead to negative evolutionary consequences for the individual or group practicing such behaviour, and ultimately result in said individual or group (and the self-destructive behaviour that they practice) dying out and going extinct.
Humans, like all other living things, have been subjected to evolutionary pressures across the planet differently. These different evolutionary pressures have resulted in divergence among human communities, ultimately resulting in physically distinct and genetically distinguishable populations - races. These different races have diverged enough to view each other as out-groups and thus evolutionary competition. This natural racial awareness is corroborated by studies conducted on children and babies (who could not have been subjected to any form of socialization) that found a subconscious racial bias in favour of one’s own group, and against all other racial out-groups.(1) Furthermore, studies conducted on ethnically diverse communities have found lower levels of trust and cohesion among inhabitants than alternative homogeneous communities.(2)
As it has been determined that there are distinct human races, and subsequently that these races are evolutionary competitors all seeking the same ultimate goal of reproduction and survival, we can conclude that what constitutes morally “good” or “bad” behaviour can not be applied to humanity as a whole, but only to each separate racial & ethnic in-group individually. Morally “good” behaviour in the context of racial groups “A” and “B” respectively, can be classified as any behaviour that aids in each group’s reproduction and survival, however neither group has any obligation to ensure the reproduction and survival of the opposing group. While murder can be classified as morally apprehensible behaviour within both populations, as such behaviour would weaken the internal resolve and cohesion of each “tribe” and expose them to external and potentially fatal threats, war and genocide against the opposing group could be classified as morally “good” behaviour if such behaviour were to prove supportive of either population’s primary evolutionary goal of reproduction and survival. Alternatively, any behaviour engaged in by a member of a particular group that works directly opposite to the evolutionary goal of his/her group can be classified as morally “bad”, or “wrong”.