You can never be cucked enough!!

This is Seth and his wife Erica. In a year, Seth makes more money in a year than an average person makes in their lifetime by catching footballs for a living for the Cleveland Browns.

You can clearly see that Seth is an enlightened fellow who is completely unprejudiced.

Seth is concerned with the treatment that blacks receive at the hands of a racist judicial system. In fact, he is so concerned with the unfair treatment of blacks that he kneels with other black players before games in protest of said systematic racism.

Seth's wife Erica must be eternally grateful to have a husband who loves her so much that he reverse uncle toms in the name of equity.

Well, kinda.

Even though that Seth's level of cuckedness is such that he literally grovels because of perceived racial injustice, his wife wants everyone to know that he's still just another privileged shitlord. In her own words:

"Black players in the NFL cannot just turn their concern on and off in order to be able to focus more on football. White players shouldn’t, either. Racism is a day-to-day reality, and I hope that, instead of holding Seth up on a pedestal, the response will be to do what he did: listen to the voices of the black people in your life, and choose to support them as they seek to make their voices heard."

That's right, even though Seth Devalve has most likely incurred permanent brain damage enriching his wife to the point that she will want for nothing for the rest of her life, she wants you to know that there is no amount of self flagellation that will erase the crime of being a white American.

Other urls found in this thread:

Cucked whites who do not understand this simple truth that I'm about to drop are absolutely incapable of being salvageable:

You. Are. White.

What I mean by this is that no matter how much you give, no matter how much you virtue signal, no matter how often you flog yourself, no matter how much you try to absolve "your" sins, now matter how you try to pimp out your daughters in the media and no matter how your try to convince everyone of "equality" - at the end of the day when the blame needs to be put on someone because the groups that always fail are failing once more, the manager is going to call on you to come out of the bullpen to get raped on the mound. If whites just suddenly vanished tonight like the Dwemer or something (inb4 don't use fiction - well I'd use a real life example of an entire well known race suddenly disappearing without warning, but I can't really do that, can I?), it'd be Asians (I mean like the Japanese at first) who'd be number one on the "we wuz numba one til the Nippon fucked us, yo" chopping block.

Jesus Christ. Browns fan's can't ever catch a break.

Capping this, not bad.


Thats what he gets for marrying a sheboon.

Great, more mulatto freaks to deal with.



what the fuck did you just call me you little shit? white?


You nigger fucking degenerate.


Getting real tired of these newfag fucks with their shit OPs and can't follow simple fucking formatting guidelines for their shit fucking OP.

Kill yourself you fucking kike cunt, you're been at this bullshit all fucking day.

Commie bootlicking nigger faggot

Kill yourself. Bestiality is a sin.


bitching about race mixing thread?

i would put this through like the youtube archive thing but i dont know what it's called/dont have the link for it

i really hate when at least somewhat attractive white people mix with ugly fucking indians and shit


You forgot to post your faggot infographic on "proper" OP formatting that happens to coincide with the "copy the subject into the body in redtext" template, faggot.

lol Cleveland fucking sucks major shit

just what the fuck makes a man go drilling for oil?
a co worker of mine recently had a kid with his brit-nog wife.
i've had a macarbe interest in seeing if this noglet-spawn is totally ugly but there is no way i can ask with out accidentally indicating my partial power level.

found the image i wanted to post

This is why you never, ever cuck out. There's no benefit for the white mN to do so whatsoever.

I think the only kikery here is bumplocking a critique of race mixing.

the definition of the ultimate Chad in 2017.
yet Holla Forums glorifies that type, thinking they will magically turn to our side.
