Pokemon Go is saved

Pokemon Go is saved

Of course, with such advertisement.


That motherfuckers house is fucking huge
He is able to fucking afford that just by playing video games in front of a fucking camera. Fuck life is cruel

Meanwhile the businessmen and shit in the house next door who autismally devoted to their life to work so that they could be rich cunts and avoid degenerates like him have to live beside him.

That's how much he sold his soul for. Remember Notch? Remember how miserable he is?

It's not even that hard to get relatively wealthy, it's just that it generally takes balls which is something a lot of people lack.
My dad's a millionaire who made a lot of money investing in companies. I remember him telling me that it really is free money if you research the companies and have some patience.

Rich kids piss me off with their absolute lack of grounding in reality.

Good job ignoring the rest of my post, have fun in your shitty little apartment painted with self-pity that was paid for with welfare cheques instead of actually trying to get somewhere in life.

He's ok now

Tell me your secrets richjewfag

He's ignoring the rest of your post because it's stupid.

You didn't earn your wealth, you mooched it off your dad.

Unless you, personally, earned as much wealth as your dad did, it makes your father a smart entrepreneur, and you the unfortunate bloodsucking cockroach living off his fortune.

There's nothing on this earth more disgusting and pathetic than the son of a rich man that didn't build his own empire, you'll never know the joys and the satisfaction that comes from building something for yourself from the ground up.

Is your next line going to be "let them eat cake"?
You already have to be rich in order to invest into companies in America; you need to have assets at or exceeding $1,000,000 in value or have $200,000 or more in hard cash. Your dad was likely wealthy in the first place, and the system in the US is built to make it easy for the rich to become even richer.
Yeah, he's probably right that investment is free money. Too bad you pretty much have to be in the 1% to be able to invest.

The guy is dumb for saying investment is free money, but you're a salty illiterate fuck. You just fucking jump on the opportunity to shit on someone whilst feeling superior.

He didn't say "i'm rich and it's easy to be rich because blasfalgfa". He was basically talking about his dad.

This is along the right lines, you need a large amount of starting cash to make any significant amounts of money with investment.

Do you even know how capital accumulation on large scale is definitely impossible for average working person? Unless you happen to be lucky founder of some semi good company nor really lucky inventor?

Camoon, perhaps he can have a small loan of a million dollars too to start of his future presidential campaign.

C'mon now, my dad's rich but he's not Frederick Trump-tier rich. He also wouldn't lend me a thousand bucks, let alone a million.

Got some daddy issue, user? Want to talk about them?
maybe some son issues instead?

Either way you couldn't get into politics because 20, 30 years from now they're going to know every single post you made here and bring it up when you're running for anything, or even if you're applying for a job.

I bet there's some people reading this thinking i'm exaggerating or being paranoid, but 90% of 8ch is absolutely fucked if they'll live to see that era.

The fact this is true scares the ever loving shit out of me and is a major factor behind my chronic underachieving.

The worst part is, I saw it coming when I was like 10 and still managed to fuck up beyond belief.

send help

This period in history from 1950-20xx (implying some unknown date not 2099) is probably one of the best times to be alive. Much earlier than that and chances are you were a poor bastard who would work his whole life and die at 40 or younger, later than this and its going to become an unbearable shithole where technology is used to fuck people's shit up.

In this period we have access to the library of babel that is the internet, vast amounts of entertainment, etc. Sure you could view it as:
But in both cases only a select few people in any period were pioneers and explorers. Meanwhile anyone nowadays can explore a vast amount of media and knowledge.

That is a slight exaggeration, getting into politics is relatively easy(at least in europoor where money does not decide elections). Form my personal experience in political sphere I can say that people rarely remember nor ask about your past. I started as meager member of political youth organization at age of 16, at age of 21 I was elected into role of secretary in my university`s student union and in 2012 I managed to get elected into a city council(form where I resigned at 2015 due to being employed by the city in it`s tax administration) you just need to make the right connections at the right time, most of the people who I knew back in my time with that youth organization 1 got elected into MP and 4 others held city/municipality council position at some point of their carriers.

Getting rich is RISKY, which is why people don't try it. Submiting to status quo has a nice psychological effect on you.
Not saying that the rich don't have it easy getting richer. Blame it on people wanting government to take even more care of the economy. It's ironic that socialists bring their own demise with their own politics and still ask for more

If you are poor, get ready for a hard time of waging and saving. Bonus points if you started young, when health is not an issue on your bills. Try opening your own business eventually, as small as it might be having a company makes it easier to avoid taxes, and you should avoid them, like the plague, it really is wasted money, that goes to fund corporations in tandem with your beloved government, who keeps taking more money with promisses to redistribute it and serve the people, while funding their own friends but do go on, blame the market for the state's actions**

Are you married? God bless if you actually have a partner who is fiscally conscious, that helps.

And for my final shilling: If you manage to reach up-middle-class (and a lot of leftopats on the internet are, even though they love to complain about how hard it is to make money of investments) look up "Going Global". It's an annual report on ways to internationalise your assets. It's not for the college graduate with his pristine unemployable diploma. But rather for people who have some know-how on managing a business, even if it is a medium one.

How many EU burocrats have you elected to govern you from Brussels again?


user I don't even understand half of what you're spewing

why are you so dumb user

Commissions and leadership of the EU is ultimately run by member-states via the agency of council of Europe.

high quality kek
rich kiddo absolutely buttblasted as fuck that he can't buy his way out of the truth with daddy's money

you can do it too, user

why are you such a nerd :^)

You have not worked a single day in your life.

Shitposting can save a man

Don't know shit about money. But I do know this, keep saving those itsy bitsy pieces of change. I found like $10 worth of coins just from cleaning my cabinet. But yourself a slurpee or something. It's pretty cool.

Go get a job you fucking hippy


Are you fucking retarded

He said his dad got rich by taking chances and investing in shit. Fucking gophers could decipher that post.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Building wealth is impossible for you goyim. Slaves shouldn't try to be masters; let us take care of you!

Don't forget to apply for welfare and vote for HIllary!

How's college going for you? Do you really need a degree to flip burgers, user?

Yes I've worked. Went from barelly paying my bills to getting some extra in about 3 years. Now I'm starting my own business, with little prospect of profit (taking my invesments into account) for at least another year. Moved back with my parents last year to do it, for the savings.

If your notion of success is

Then you will never make it.
unless your doploma is into something actually relevant, like engineering or healthcare. But even then success is not guaranteed, since education costs skyrocketed thanks to unrestricted loaning

Jesus entering from the rear.


I'm curious to hear more about your investments and what kind of business you're running.

b-but muh mobile pokemon.

Almost as though they created it or something.

I sell clothing. Started helping an aunt on weekends, who hat a stand in a Saturday fair (a common thing in my city, I'm Brazilian BTW) when I was 17. moved to another town to attend public nursing college, worked as waiter to pay the bills that I shared with 2 roommates.
The initial salary as nurse is tempting, especially when compared to what I made both at the fair and as waiter. But as I got into economics and started paying my own bills, it became clear that I wanted to run my own thing. Took me 3 years to decide dropping college, and taking my savings that would originally buy my car to set up a permanent store with my aunt. Took a loan of about R$ 150k, to work on something I had some experience with. Hence "no profits" for some time to come.

The professores of working with healthcare aways felt like I'd be an overglorified worker, and even with a good salary, I'd never be RICH. Now I have a shot at it.

As for investments, I've gone into butcoin last year, solely for the purpose of buying gold. But the most recent boom made me hold on bitcoin for more time than I expected. Now it lodt a lot of value, but still made some gain from it.

I'm 31, and don't regret a single decision in my life. How many of you at least tried spending less than you earn, just for starters? Internet socialists complain about making money like they are Oliver Twist themselves, supporting a family of 5 on a minimum wage job.

Meant prospects. Damn auto-correct

You look at the injustice that has ridden this world at look me in the eyes and tell me there is a god.

Well there's not, user. Just horrifying nothingness.

I'm going to look you in the eyes and tell that if you weren't such a weeaboo faggot you would've murdered your deadbeat grand-dad.


Face it, you have an axe to grind and you only replied because of it.

I generally spend less then I earn as a fuckin' standard, but I can only do that if I live with family.