Why even be alive if you're not White. Is there any hope?
I am non-white. And I realize whites are superior master race in every way especially in looks and pretty much have it all. You guys won the jackpot of earthly life. Fuck it, you guys are smartest communities, have the best looking women, the top standards of living and rich as fuck compared to all the non-white shitholes on the earth. Basically, if you aren't white you're pretty much fucked. Why the fuck wasn't I born white? Why the fuck isn't everyone in the world white? The world would be a lot happier place of all of us shitskins and other non-whites if we turned into whites all of sudden. Why was I born this shitty biology? It doesn't seem right for any man to be born as a shitty non-white with low iq, tendency to get the worst in life and ugly ass looks. Everyone should be born white.
Was I born to be a toy for suffering while some random soul entered the body of the newborn who will grow up to be PURE ARYAN SEX OVERLORD.
So this is my question guys, How can I as a ugly inferior non-white, get to enjoy life and experience the happiness and comfort that seems all humans should have, but can only be experienced by whites because they have the perfect biology for enjoying a happy life? Or maybe can I attain whiteness someday with future gene therapy caucasoid transformation surgery and regain the paradise?