American National Socialism

Isn't one of the principles of fascism that the specific structure of the government should reflect the culture and history of the nation? Why exactly do we draw our inspiration from the Third Reich rather than the founding fathers? It's not like a single one of them was a civic nationalist. Is our own history and founders somehow inadequate Honestly I think that if we want to create an American white nationalists movement we should appropriate and rightfully claim American history rather than the struggle of a foreign state.

We need to create a uniquely American movement.

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I dont think people here agree with any form of socialism.

America is cancer, though, so it cannot do this. Any real right wing movement will be anti-American by definition, since America has always been the vanguard of leftism since it was created.

That's probably the dumbest political spectrum I have ever seen.

Literally every single founding father was a white nationalist.

Go fuck yourself it was the French revolution that started this shit and Americans quickly backed the fuck away from that when it started to degenerate.

I never claimed politics wasnt dumb.

National Socialism is just white gibs

Honestly I don't even see a need for National Socialism in America.

Just a return to the previous state of affairs when we were a white nationalist country.

Yet every part of their political philosophy necessarily leads to what we see today, when taken to the logical conclusion. Their white nationalism was a contradiction in the system.

t. Boomer

Political spectrums are for autistic faggots. There is only one truth and that is national socialism. Spectrums imply there are multiple truths or multiple degrees of truth when in reality there is one truth and everything else is falsehood.

Surely the concept of free speech for everyone, when taken to its logical conclusion would not result in free speech only for those who agree with the leftist establishment?

Fucking lolbergs

>b-but not real socialism
Looks like you suffer from an optics problem then.
Why not re-brand National Socialism?

But individualism and collectivism are both very real.

They're both false dichotomies.

Their political philosophy only applies to white people, and it works for white people. However you may take a wild guess who pretends to be white and took the opportunity to fuck our ancestors over.
The only mistake our forefathers ever made was to allow jews to be seen as whites instead of foreign individuals who should never ever get access to citizenship, and that's the mistake that needs fixing. Everything else can go from there.

Weren't their only like 12-100 Jews in the USA during the revolution?

So what do you propose then? Your post is wholly innacurate in any sense, the founding fathers ideas did not lead us to post modern america this happened after the great war which america after was still on its way to eugenic ideas which were discredited thanks to the lolocaust. Stop taking hitler memes and trying to apply them to america, this isnt fucking germany. Yes we want to discredit the holocaust as a negative drain on society but it doesnt mean natsoc had to be our founding ideas back then. Maybe it is the way forward from this point, but dont try to shit on the foundation of the original united states you faggot.

Because Jewish Secular """"morality"""" has already overtaken true morality. It's easy for them to vilify the founding fathers without vilifying them.

While none of these statements are untrue, there are serious levels of programming that all Americans have gone through that render it easy for anyone who has been observing the """morality""" of mass media to call them morally deformed and criticize patriotically-inclined ideology at its core. By attacking the Founders, they attack the identity of America itself.

Furthermore, we're not the same country anymore. Rights of Englishmen work for Englishmen. What are we to do now that kikes, niggers, spics, streetshitters, towelheads, and chinks are now considered before the law and before government to be Americans, entitled to every privilege that was once the sole right of its founding stock (and "free white men of good character")? We're still under common law but our foundational document was sabotaged by the 13th, 14th, 15th, and 19th amendments. We can't maintain the juridical nature of the government while having those in play and expect any policy we'd want to get through.

Furthermore, the federalist vs. anti-federalist debate that existed at the time was settled in the Civil War and federal power has continued expanding in ways that the Founding Fathers could never have imagined. Even on the level of government or court structures our government is alien to the one they envisioned, and it's almost impossible to bring it back.

Meant to say

Not to anyone who has ever filed a tax return

Didn't the eugenic movement start in America and was later taken by Hitler? And didn't Americans really not want to get involved in WW2 so (((FDR))) baited Japan until Pearl Harbor happened?

Really wish people would stop blaming us, the American people wanted absolutely nothing to do with WW2 until we were attacked.

The collective and the individual can reinforce each other. Of course this has only ever happened on imageboards but my point still stands.

The US was completely Jew controlled before WWI with the inception of the central bank. WWII was about forcing central banking on the rest of the developed world.

The jew needed a scapegoat as an excuse to get into the war so they straved the japs by cutting supply routes who then did the whole pearl harbor. Then they went and said goyim look the japs are attacking and we need to fight back.

And then the bombs happened.

This is actually a question I've had for a long time. NS seems to be highly functional, but I'm distrustful for obvious reasons about governmental (or any, really) systems that operate in autonomy without input from the end-users.

How much room is there for voting or other representation in NS?

Pretty much this

You're only half right. Yes, racial science became popular in America during the late Victorian era, and the world wars destroyed that just as effectively in America as in Europe. But the Founding Fathers were not white nationalists. You accuse the other user of making an anachronism, while you make one yourself. If they had conceived of race as we do, and supported such notions, then America would be explicitly defined as a white nation within the Constitution. It isn't. Race isn't mentioned once in the entire document, not even in the sections discussing representation of slave states. A slave is never defined as a black, a citizen is never defined as a white.
Really? In a country whose population was at least 20% non-white, and perhaps more since injuns were far more numerous at that point in history?

They froze Japanese assets (act of war) and fired on German vessels (act of war) while still claiming to be "neutral".

Wasn't the very first Congressional meeting to establish criteria of immigration, and the first thing on the list was that you had to be white?

I agree with OP, and it's been something I've been saying as well. Every individual fascist/nationalist/etc movement has had their own symbols and specific ideology. We can respect the National Socialists without LARPing like we're in 1930s Germany. The Italians, Spaniards, Croatians, BUF, and other groups all had their own ideas, symbols, etc. We should too.

We also shouldn't completely ape the economic ideas of NS. National Socialism's ideas on economics were purposefully vague, because they were never the central point. The entire point was to keep the good of the nation in mind, and do what's best for the people. The sort of ideas we implement should be based on what's good for the people. The Germans have a different culture than Americans. Americans are more individualistic and gravitate away from big social programs in general, for various reasons. This should be kept in mind. Don't try to shove the square peg through the round hole. Rockwell said more or less the same thing as what I'm saying now.

200% boomer.

Americans will deny this.


Actually communism is slightly more authoritarian than national socialism.
To me traditional American values are more in line with the spirit of individualism and self reliance.

If it was, nothing came of it. I recall that in the meetings for the Articles of Confederation a motion was defeated that would have defined America as a nation of whites.

The act you're referring to wasn't part of the Constitutional Convention, since it was passed three years later. In practice it meant very little, since free blacks were citizens at the state level, which was the only level that mattered then.


The socialism aspect of national socialism has always been a bit of a misnomer. It's basically what we have now, capitalism with restrictions and regulations, except aimed towards the benefit of the nation and its people rather than kikes cockblocking other competition via good goy politicians.

Right. Stop jacking off Hitler and create something new. America is not 1920s Germany. We can take inspiration from earlier Fascist movements and apply ideology, but straight National Socialism isn't going to work. We need new symbols, and improved ideology. Waving a swastika makes you look like an ass to most Americans and an FBI informant to most Fascists. It's also a foreign symbol. Our movement must be American in essence, with American symbols and catered to American ways of life. Rockwell understood this, except for still using German iconography, he knew that the American NatSocs had to adapt. Species that don't evolve die out. History repeats itself, but that doesn't mean it'll be exactly the same. We might be seeing degeneracy similar to that of Weimar Germany, but it's still a different country and ideals, with a different past. There was no lolocaust to guilt Germans with, Germans were ashamed because they lost a war. Hitler instilled national pride in a disenfranchised people, which is what we must do. We need to be pro-white, but also nationalist. We need a new plan with a new idea. We can take lessons from NatSoc ideology, as well as other Fascist or right leaning movements, but what we make must be new. Hitler was inspired in part my Mussolini, but did he copy him wholesale? No. We will have many NatSoc ideas, but we cannot call ourselves that. A new, strong sounding and patriotic name must be put in place. Only then do we have any hope of reclaiming the US, which despite its huge non-white population, still has a better chance of survival than Sweden or France currently do. I think we should organize in some way, because until we do, the faces of white resistance to genocide are Richard Spencer and Kike Eunuch, rather than a whole movement of strong willed whites.

My point was that I dont really like what we have now and I dont think many Americans do either.

Socialism worked in Nazi Germany because they are I mean were a small, highly productive culturally homogeneous country. They could afford to redistribute wealth as long as it remained inside their own country.

The further east you go the more people seem to like the jacboot of a powerful government authority telling them what to do. The USA is going towards that mentality but its not there yet.

Fucky my leddit spacing.

For the record, by "stop jacking off Hitler" I mean stop trying to copy him fully instead of just practicing his ideals and using them.


The answer to that is that (and I speak as a burger here) America's "history" is that of a Frankenstein's Monster of a country that deserves to be destroyed.

Hitler dubs of truth and historical accuracy.
America is the only country that was founded as an explicitly white nationalist country, too. Things went sideways. France, England and Poland are to blame for WW2 waaayyyy more than America is too. But pointing fingers now doesn't do us any good. We should be moving forward, not squabbling over who was "right" in a war that ultimately the Jews are to blame for anyway.

National Socialism does not give people money in exchange for laying around and being a useless piece of shit. This ideology requires that you must do hard work to receive any assistance from the government.

The founding fathers were a bunch of free-masons and nigger-lovers.
Also, "America" was not founded. The United States of [North] America where.

Another product of common core

Whats with all the retarded libertarians here? Some sort of consensus cracking going on?

I doubt they were nigger lovers but they were masons


American Nationalism is National Socialism. Idiots can't understand that the Socialism part is just Eugenics.

Eugenics started in America.

Capitalism is a Marxist meme.

Kikes 101

Only spics make this argument as they desperately want to be called Americans.

Name me one country in this hemisphere with the name "America" in it that is not the USA. protip there isn't one and the United states of America is the full name similar say Russia whose full name would be Russian Democratic
Federative Republic rather than just "Russia".

The founding fathers did nearly everything right.
You'll notice that EVERYTHING hinges on "White, land owning males" being the only ones that have all the rights.
Giving our rights away literally meant giving out country away.
Women, jews, blacks, hispanics, asians really don't belong with us.

Honestly i'm really sick of the "Hispanic" term.

Am I supposed to see a pure bred Castilian and a Spanish speaking pure blood Amerindian as the same people?

Not my fucking problem.
Spain and Mexico can deal with their racial mixture issue. i don't want to see any hispanic, latino, latinx, indio, castizo, castellan, whatever.

The average person uses the term "mestizo" and "hispanic" interchangeably just because the vast majority of people living South of the border are not of European stock.

Some, not all, but yes
lol, no. The "slave descendants of Jefferson" shit is pure propaganda and completely untrue

Fuck off, beaner scum. I'm so fucking tired of you faggots trying to claim the name and ride on our coattails.

The fuck is wrong with you?

The Basque, literally the whitest people on Earth are Spaniards.

NatSoc doesnt fit into the the left right concept

How often do you see white Spanish people?
I never met one & Spain is taking tons of african and muslime scum also pretty sure indians from latin America can get Spanish citizenship pretty easily.

How often to do you see white Swedish people?

White Hispanics blend into the rest of the country like all other white ethnicities.

Did Sweden have a history of being conquered by Moors that I'm not aware of?

Yes it does. The problem is that the concept of "left vs right" has been co-opted by kikes to mean "marxism vs capitalism", with the extremes being communism and anarcho-capitalism. Funny how that works, with the spectrum being set up so that both "choices" are thoroughly jewish universalist bullshit.

That's not what left/right ACTUALLY mean. In very broad strokes:
Left = focus on equality, with things like liberalism, communism, progressivism, anarchism, etc
Right = focus on natural hierarchy, with things like monarchism, traditionalism, conservatism, fascism, and national socialism

NS is indeed right wing. Left-vs-Right is NOT JUST ABOUT ECONOMIC SYSTEMS. It's about fundamental concepts like hierarchy.

All modern DNA testing shows that Spaniards on average have no Middle Eastern ancestry, and the ones who have any usually have an extremely negligible amount

A lot more people agree with you than you would think.

So much bullshit. Can't take the bullshit.

Learn from Rockwell.

Before you post here ever again at least study National Socialism. user is right, it doesn't fit the left/right bullshit, that's why people call it the third option.

Americanism is inseparable from capitalist civic nationalism with a focus on individual rights rather than shared duty. It is wholly made from the follies introduced to European cultures through the invasion of Christianity and Semitic notions of a material and subjective reality.

What we need are ethnostates directly derived from European heritage, turning swathes of the US into colonies affiliated with the countries from which settlers came. The history of these communities themselves, the lives and efforts of those who have lived there, do not need to be discarded, but all notions of a unique America which is distinct from Europe are the very delusions which have led to the hell-pot of multiculturalism. America was founded by radicals too liberal for Britain in rejection of the authority of the king. The Founders are not admirable men, instead scoundrels who rejected the right path in order to promote personal profit.

Trips of Truth

I say that the entire left right paradigm is completely bullshit. If right is about hierarchy and left is about equality, why do Marxist states have a hierarchy (ie, (((the bureaucracy))) on top and the Goyim on the bottom)?
Let's put idealism aside for a moment ( JUST ONE FUCKING MOMENT! GOD! ) and look at the "different" political ideologies objectively and see how different they are.
The USSR and NSDAP Germany are opposite forms of government, right? Opposite ideologies, lack of Jews in the ladder, Jewish domination in the former, blah blah blah.
Yet the ACTUAL method of governing between the two was quite similar. You had a strong man who governed with an iron fist through a large group of underlings. Both governments promised freedom and prosperity to the people. And both governments had basically the same kind of jockeying for power underneath the supreme leader (as I said, no idealism. Just cold hard realism. I'm not attacking Hitler, God. Calm down)
And before the single, lonely democrat here (democrat with a lower case "d") get's all high and mighty and starts blabbing about how different DEEE-mock-Ray-see is, let's compare how things ACTUALLY work in a "demo-crazy."

Real power is exercised by whoever controls the MSM so you have a few oligarchs who function as policy setters (aka strongmen) by directing the rubber stamp, broken political class. At the head of the political class is a strong or weak leader who also functions as a strongman. There's jockeying for power beneath him and his underlings carry out his wishes (the Jews' wishes) in the bureaucracy. The people are promised freedom and prosperity, blah blah blah.

I'd say that the difference between a "dictatorship" and a democracy is the difference between feudalism under a strong leader and feudalism under a weak leader.

Again, before you start yapping about how I'm a leftist or something (even though I just explained why left and right is bullshit), I am not advocating anything. I am merely explaining that fundamentally, the debate over forms of government… the "ism" battle if you will, is bullshit.
What the war between capitalists, democrats, republicanists, communists, Islamists, and blah blah-ists is just a debate between religious groups. Communism and democracy are just state religions. Like Catholicism, they sort of unite people behind a common faith and justify warring on other nations when they're heretics against democracy.

It's all bullshit. Very convincing bullshit, but bullshit none the less. What is real is race. Preserving your race against population replacement is neither left, nor right wing. It's the intelligent thing to do.
I view the world not as a battle between some imaginary ideology verses another imaginary ideology but in terms or races fighting to advance their interests. Jews are not left wingers any more than they are right wingers. They just use these religious ideas to advance their JEWISH interests.

Doubtless I will be attacked for questioning the left-right paradigm but it is the truth.
Now we can return to idealism and continue worshiping according to our respective religions.

What do most Americans like and think is the basis of America? The Founders, the ideas they follow, limited government/checked government power, and the Constitution with the rights and freedoms that it grants people. How can this realistically apply to the ideology with America as a

I'm not giving up my swastika. Period.

Spics should concern themselves with Spain.

Of course, knowing this doesn't mean you should try to explain this to the lemmings. For all intents and purposes, wanting to avoid ethnic cleansing is right wing IF you are White and if you are not White, wanting to avoid ethnic cleansing is left wing.

If you are Jewish or White and want an ethno-state you are right wing, but if you are neither and want an ethno-state you are left wing.

This kind of bullshit is how I realized that left and right are imaginary.

Except it hasn't been taken to a logical conclusion. The kikes applied reductio ad absurdum to it and then implemented that over the course of a century.

German National Socialism found inspiration from Americans, so why can't American National Socialists be inspired by Germans?

I brought up Rockwell because he understood the need to adapt to the situation. We can't just copy Hitler. He lived in a different era with a different political climate. The 1960s in America is closer to us now than Germany in the 1930s is.

I think a confederacy of National Socialist states would be the best route. Similar to the original intent of the Constitution but also specifically stating that white people and culture are the foundation of the state. A lot of the original Constitution could be used with revised language coupled with NatSoc ideology.. Put it in plain English and very specific to attempt to eliminate any "interpretation" in the future.

Socialism was relevant back then when worker life was much harder and exploitation of workers by business owners was more prevalent. Today when even in the US 5-day work week is an ordinary thing it's not that relevant.

What is relevant today is to put an end to criminal behavior of (((financial institutions))).

National Socialism with Transhumanism.

70 years ago you came here, in my land, because you wanted to save the poor jews from us ebil nadsees.
You went on a century-long tirate to make us look inhuman monsters and to make jews look innocent, deleting their crimes and making up ours.
And now you are de facto under slavery, the jews control anything in your country.
Every American is physically owned by jews.

Don't call it a grave, it's the future you choose, that you built, that you worked so hard for, it's basically your entire identity.
Americans are the obedient servants of the jews, and fully deserve it.


We already have a form of government that is White nationalist and fully American. It's paleoconservatism. Socialism, even the non-Marxist kind is foreign to the American way.

No need to reinvent the wheel, folks.


Not sure what you're implying faggot, Trump is basically a paleocon-lite.

What I'm implying is that Paleoconservatism is dead as a movement. There's a reason why Pat Buchanan, for all the good ideas he had, wasn't able to do shit to stop the neokikes from ruining the GOP. The Neo-kikes have poisoned the very concept of conservatism itself. Perhaps, if we were in the 1960s Paleoconservatism would be a good way forward, but now the core brand is associated with things that are completely contrary to its own platform, like military adventurism and pandering to minority groups.

What we need to get people to rally behind is a more radical change. It cannot in any way, shape or form appear to be more of the same, or it will motivate nobody. Any variant of "conservatism" needs to be disregarded as the failure that it was, at this point we wouldn't be conserving anything. We need to rebuild it anew.

> …. we have an interest in Germany that is purely selfish. We can't leave next to a disease-ridden neighbor. And we have to prevent … new brands of fascism …


This is what the Americans did - they have chosen semitic values of money worshiping and pathological egoism over european values that include altruism.

This is what they fought for and they are openly talking about it in their propaganda movies.

Barcelona here,

I’ve fucked a Basque girl once when I went on vacation to Vizcaya with my parents.

She was so beautiful and had a mean personality, she was the first girl I ever had the confidence to eat out and fuck raw with no condom. Green eyes and fair brown hair cut short with a fair complexion just a little sun burnt from working outside.She was a tomboy that acted all hard and shit, she even punched me in the stomach when I asked her out. She had no chest to speak of but her ass was so fucking big. In bed she was an absolute animal, she would scream basque gibberish and curse in broken Spanish when I would fuck her and it got me so bloody hard. I was so warped up in the immense pleasure and her fat ass that I unloaded in her pussy. I fondly remember telling my papa to buy me “the pill” to give her. To this day, I still consider it to be some of the best sex I ever had. Christo, que rico fue el culo de esa nena

Thanks user for bringing back some fond memories from my teenager years, I really needed that.

Give me your mothers address, I'll board a plane to the states so I can fuck her in the ass

That's a good start. I would also try and incorporate the Free-Libre-Opensource Software movement and the pro-piracy movement. We are going to need open software, and almost more importantly open hardware if we are going to avoid a dystopic 1984 big-brother surveillance state.

This new social movement needs to be "viral". What I mean is that it's own logic, idioms, and memes cause others to join. A self-replicating social movement.

It needs to build upon what whites are inherently good at and other races are bad at along with being immunized from Jews.

I think decentralization of power, but a strong networking effect are the best tools. Everything in this society should be based on individual or small group contributions, but network effects are strongly amplified. The "free market" system of constant competition and a systemic implementation of "open standards" will immunize against concentration of power.

I’m developing this idea. Right now the world Libre is the strongest candidate for the central PR term used to describe it. The elevator pitch is: A meritocracy, founded on a shared white culture, collaboratively using science and technology to accelerate our lives into a better future.

It does fit the left/right paradigm. The only reason people don't think it does is because they think left/right = communism/capitalism. "Third position" doesn't refer to a third direction besides left/right, it refers to a system besides communism/capitalism.

That sounds cool.

i agree. americans shouldnt feel the need dress up as members of the NSDAP in order to feel like they're playing the role of a national socialist. in fact you could argue that this is against national socialism because you're advocating for a different nation from your own. the jews made sure that the true american ideal never got off the ground long enough to flourish
america can be better than nazi germany was and we dont even need to get rid of the constitution that the founders gave us. inb4 blasphemy accusations

that scale is linear - it shouldnt be.
the "on a scale of one to ten" progress of it is extremely misleading. and to put "tyranny" in that one point as if that level of government and above is inherently tyrannical is foolish as well. hunter gatherers were often subject to the tyranny of nature

instead of "left/right", make it into "aryan/jewish" and you would have a chart fit for national socialism, but then the chart would have other problems that pop up. these charts should only be used for basic niche purposes

I need to work on it more, so that there are actionable things for others to do.

I think a better concept is tribal vs universal. What ties seemingly unrelated ideologies like Communism and Ancapism together is that they are fundamentally universalist beliefs. And both are thoroughly jewish, whether it's Karl Marx or Ayn Rand. Things like National Socialism are all about working together to the benefit of YOUR PEOPLE, which is a fundamentally alien concept in the ideologies that jews push on the goyim. And we all obviously know why that is.

natsoc was more state capitalism than socialism. state capitalism is the nature of the enterprises going on in natsoc germany.

America existed before the revolution.

Also when someone talks about National Socialism they're not talking about LARPing as Germans unless they're idiots that have no idea what they're talking about. National Socialism is an organic worldview that molds to the nation rather than molding the nation to it. It's compatible with every peoples in the world regardless of race or nation.

You look at liberalism and only a few countries have deep historical roots with it. England and by extension the Anglosphere and France. How could it possibly be that most of the world is influenced to greater and lesser degrees by this ideology? Not many nations have a historical tie to liberalism. Yet it has expanded greatly and the vast majority of whites accept it unquestionably and so does a significant chunk of the world at large.

I get it if you want to be so insulated that you want to cut off all outside influences but since you're informed by liberalism you fucked up somewhere. Better go back to the drawing board. Start from scratch and make sure you throw out classic philosophy too.

I agree completely. The problem is that people conflate the ideology of national socialism (which can be applied to any group of people) with this cargo-cult worship of the 3rd Reich.

If I may suggest a term that's been whirling around in my mind for what we are to call our political movement (regardless of if we attach it to the system you're suggesting, though I think the term would fit it), I'd call it Constructionism.

Constructionism evokes a sense of majesty that we've all come to appreciate in the culture our ancestors created. It's a masculine term that speaks to the merit of both individual and group efforts. Great wonders and small writings alike are the works of constructors, rugged individuals who can work individually or in tandem to do the kinds of great feats that build a better world for our progeny. It speaks to cooperation among classes (insofar as we even need classes) to achieve great projects. It speaks to our need to repair our infrastructure which is failing in every capacity, falling into the hands of oligopolies while our public roads and bridges fall apart. It allows for conservation of the past while working to create a world that works for the future.

Constructionism as a term currently has three uses (according to (((Wikipedia)))). We can incorporate two of these uses into our philosophy, should we choose to term it as such.
Put in the simplest form, it's learning by doing. Our fascist and national socialist intellectual predecessors intentionally kept their economic systems somewhat vague so as to allow room to respond to real-world conditions rather than imaginary theories.
This is what liberals mean when they say race, gender, etc. are social constructs. They are ways people process a world that is not as binary as the boxes may suggest. A constructionist would believe in the fundamental reality of these social constructs. Race is real, gender roles exist for a reason. Among the growing right-wing, these precepts are almost universally agreed upon. We take back the term and use it as a cornerstone of our philosophy, that will allow us to deal with our social problems in a realistic way.

pic related benjamin franklin was a dirty socialist leftist

no reason to do any kind of significant experiments with humans like transhumanism while jews are still a threat. if you try anything like that before eradicating the world of subhumans you're gonna have a bad time. there's no rush. we will have to fill the previously subhuman-inhabited lands with our best genetic stock and that will take some time and effort
also that turtle would be fucked up by the square cube law, wouldnt it?

it might be interesting to see how that would pair with a second dimension of the classic "authoritarian/libertarian" scale.
would niggers in africa be close to nazis? maybe you would have to add another dimension with a scale of "highIQ/lowIQ"

sounds like it could work, although wouldnt we need to deconstruct a lot of things that have been either mistakenly or maliciously added to the american system to our detriment? that would be like deconstruction or reconstruction, but i guess you could say it's a means of returning to true constructionist principles or something. terminology isnt so important anyways - labels and semantics shouldnt matter so much, but we do need symbols

I agree it is a nice strong sounding word.

The more I went and read about it, the more it seemed to devolve into arguments about what is or isn't being constructed from. It seems to focus attention toward arguing semantics and deconstructing the very thing you're suppose to be building a construct from.

I instinctively find the word appealing, but my guess is that using it as the central term will focus attention on infighting and purity tests.

I don't like the concept of authoritarian vs libertarian either. What does this even mean? What is this nebulous concept of "freedom"? Both libertarians and communists will tell you that the maximization of freedom occurs under their systems. Everyone's concept of freedom is different.

To a liberal, freedom just means how many dragon dildos you're allowed to shove up your ass
To a libertarian, freedom just means that the government isn't stifling you, but it's okay so long as large corporation is doing it instead (see: Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack getting censored from the internet for wrongthink)

That quote seems to me to be more of a "work will set you free" mentality than a "gibs to the poor". He's saying giving straight up gibs charity is just "making them easy in poverty". He'd rather be "leading them out of [poverty]".

I think of it as an arms race. Making Übermensch to out compete rivals seems vitally necessary.

Unfortunately labels and semantics matter immensely. There wouldn't have been an American Revolution without Thomas Paine's words that where understood by everyday men. The Nazis would have done much worse without their skilled use of propaganda, aesthetics, and iconic messaging.

Definitely. Just keeping cells alive at that scale would be almost impossible. Never mind the massive forces sheering that mass apart.

I don't mean to imply that we don't need to destroy or reconstruct the current system to build a new one, we certainly do. But just as demolition on a site or knocking out walls precede actual construction, so must destroying or repairing aspects of the old system precede building a new political system. In a totality, it could be viewed as merely a phrase of construction.

I avoid the term deconstruction because in many aspects it has been contaminated with leftist attempts to erode upon the old order of Paleoconservatism, back when that was just the status quo. Naming ourselves after the destruction of something rather than the creation would make us appear to be merely an anti-ideology. As though we were motivated by iconoclasm rather than any intention to advance our people.

Reconstruction similarly is tainted by being the term used to describe the Union's political and economic domination of the former Confederacy following the Civil War. If we are to be a national movement across the country, it's best to avoid terms that large swathes of the country would object to.

Moreover, for both Reconstruction and Deconstruction, the prefixes distract attention away from the masculine, creative act that the ideology should treat as central to it (although both deconstruction and reconstruction are themselves masculine acts).

Disagreed. Terminology is part of how you propagate memetics (although you're right that symbols are important too). A big part of the problem we've been running into as a movement is that we've failed to create a cohesive ideology, which has allowed outside influences (likely run by Agents Provacateurs) to try to co-opt it with terms they invent, such as the "Alt-Right".

If our label is National Socialism, we live in the shadow of Hitler's Germany. I want to rehabilitate the image of National Socialism, expose the holohoax, all that, but the fact of the matter is we tie ourselves to a historic movement and have to spend a lot of time and energy defending our forebears from the slander that people have been brainwashed with. Hitler said it himself in Triumph of the Will, "When our party had only seven men, it already had two principles. First, it wanted to be a party with a true ideology.". Although it would be nice to defend the Fuhrer, the damage is done. What's important is to take the ideology, which thankfully our enemies have failed to deconstruct in lieu of demonizing him, and incorporate it into our own. But it has to be our own, or it will be tethered to a battle over hearts and minds that we can only lose.

Absolutely. I agree that symbols are more important than terms, but I felt inspired with the term I wrote of and unfortunately don't have any good ideas for symbols (at the moment). We should have a number of threads to brainstorm symbols that speak to the particular character of Americans as a people. I've already stated my opinion on recreating the trappings of national socialism, although I fully understand the longing to I'd advise against it. Even the esoteric ones unfortunately may do more harm than good to us in an age where information is freely and easily transferred.

i was trying to make fun of people who say national socialism is leftist and the same as marxist socialism
i think hitler youth and SS style programs and cultural change would be sufficient, but i guess we cant put anything completely off the table. i think some of the SS guys even took testosterone, which i consider to be a form of transhumanism - and i wouldnt criticize hitler/himmler for that
i may have been putting too much consideration into a future ideal or possible scenario when i wrote that

i was just trying take a jab to be mean because of the angry anxiety i get at the though of transhumanism happening today and being completely taken over by the jews and zogs so they can do irreversible damage to the gene pool of white people, among other things

I totally missed the sarcasm, sorry.
I think this is a very illuminating point. We are all having angry anxiety about the world we are trapped in. I think we should harness those feelings and enriching our message with thoughts of controlling our destiny. An unshackling of our real potential. Not a future inflicted upon us from those that think they know better than us.

I completely agree with this.
I've focused on a holistic approach that doesn't just limit to politics. I think advocating a Cultural Renaissance built from the foundation our cultural history will have a strong appeal. We need art, literature, games, clothing, films, ect. that we collectively own. Start with Legends (King Arthur, Beowulf), Fairy Tales, historical works, and other public domain works. Replace Disney as the lord of our culture.

As for pure political or social movement symbology. I like liberty and torches.

Thread feels dead. It was a nice discussion.

Sounds great. Could be a revival of the best parts of Renaissance values in the same sense that the Renaissance was a revival of Hellenistic values.

They're good symbols for sure. Especially torches, which harken back to both the Statue of Liberty (which had great original intent, but got subverted by kikes) and to National Socialist Germany. My hesitation around Natsoc symbols only extends as far as symbols that we don't have plausible cover for. The Torch can easily be claimed as a classical American symbol while also exemplifying our ideological legacy. When kikes cry about using torches as symbols, it'll have the public respond by thinking
Which is exactly the kind of reaction we want them to have, because it pushes them towards us. When they're ready, those of them who are worthy may learn the Truth.

What about Restoration?

It could be centered around restoring our Founders vision for America and reclaiming our land from those who are set on destroying it. It can focuses on promoting what has worked, such as traditional gender roles or the Constitution's original state (with some added whites only amendments), while promoting new policy's that would be used to ensure we don't fall down this path again, like a NatSoc economy and no kikes allowed. It would be distinctly American, and the name brings ideas of rebuilding and, well, restoration, which would likely attract those who would want to help their people get out of the situation we're in and stay out of it for good.

Good term. I like mine better simply because Restoration(al?)ism would imply a certain amount of subservience to the way things were, which doesn't allow us as much leeway to improve them as Constructionism might. But it does have a nice, inherently positive connotation that I cannot object to.

RIght. They also pull in libertarians, who are often scared away by more overt NatSoc imagery.

The idea is to empower people to enjoy the heritage we come from. If some college kids want to have a toga party they should feel empowered to do that. Right now almost every HR department has disney princess stuff everywhere, but that is infecting workplaces with "diversity". Groups of women should have a proper cultural representation they enjoy surrounding themselves with.

In addition to this resuscitation of our shared heritage there needs to be aspirational culture too. Sci-Fi and Fantasy. This can be a bit tougher since most of it isn't in the Public Domain, but devising workarounds. Surprisingly there are some Philip K Dick stories in the public domain. Also lots of pulp fantasy (including conan) is also in the public domain. There is also a cottage industry building off of D&D that is very receptive to open licenses and shared world building. The memetics of The Matrix, 1984, Starship Troopers, Star Trek, and Lord of the Rings are all powerful. We need to rebuild these tropes in a system we have control over. It is very disempowering to not control your own culture. We hate the Ninja Turtles are being "urbanized" and "modernized" and we are powerless to do anything. We need to build a cultural power base.

This picture here.

Fallout 2 Enclave had some nice American Fascist aesthetic (Minus the killing of innocents of course). A Starship Troopers Federation-like government could also appeal to American sensibilities as well.

Man this thread just show how few actually know about the (nationalist socialist) economic side and how it is different from Marxist. It's far more than just muh racial natural law theory.

finding a good symbol for an america seems difficult. this seems at least partially because america doesnt have a significant amount of long history. i mean we certainly do have plenty of good history, but it all happened and changed from one thing to another so fast that not much really stuck, so it feels like there's maybe not as much to draw from compared to every other country in the world (of course i'm not talking about canada). or maybe it has something to do with our 240 year lifespan being up. maybe we could use a phoenix and make a tradition of reverting back to the original constitution every once in a while. can any bird be a phoenix or is that like a dragon or something? can we make a phoenix out of an eagle that carries around a fasces in it's back pocket? it could be two headed since this is our second go around
we can safely use the bald eagle. maybe something to do with oceans too (we have two big ones next to us), although i'm not sure how you would work that into the symbology. the fasces is good but too but it seems like it needs to be the non-dominant factor otherwise it looks out of place or something (actually maybe not). thunder/lightning are also cool but unfortunately i think they're too much unrelated to america (of course that could mean it's what america needs because that's what it's missing). america does seem to go with roman/greek styles

restoration sounds good. it could end up having a regressive tone though. this could be solved by having it be used with more of a "this is broken and shit and obviously not what the founders intended so lets 'restore' it and try again". "restorationsists" would pop up when things start to get bad (maybe). i think eventually the founding fathers will or will need to become more and more mythical and god like over time - i think this is maybe a good thing as long as the jews dont put their hands on it. so maybe in the far future the 'restorationists' would practically be restoring to something that is not what it originally was, but instead a better more idealized version of what it originally was; as time goes on and peoples' knowledge of what was becomes warped, hopefully their version of american history will warp in the favor of betterment. i think odin was actually a real person at one point
restoration could maybe pair with or compliment 'construction' in some way (like democrats and republicans? maybe that wouldnt be good)

I love the Bioshock infinite aesthetics.

most LARPers are kikes or shill. Yes American National Socialism should not look like German National Socialism.

The past is what brought us here. We wouldn't be here if it had worked the first time. Why repeat all this suffering?

actually i think it was the jews

It was our past that allowed the Jews in. A nation always has the Jews it deserves.

Why do American Nationalist worship Hitler when they have the Founding Fathers?

user, a people that doesnt eradicate all jews from the earth deserves jews. that's how you become deservant of jews - by not seeking out and killing all of them. stop being silly. what do the constitution or founding fathers have to do with this?
are you saying we should forget everything and start anew with an ideology purely founded on the killing of jews? guess what happens when we're done killing them all - we're back to square one, except now we dont have a good system because you burned all the books because "that past deserved jews and is therefore bad" or something

good question. right now it seems like the founders' image and example is taken and used by conservatives who are against racism and all that. i think radicalizing the founders and the idea of america (we wouldnt even really need to exaggerate or anything), we would make very good progress with our movement.
most people who watch fox news absolutely hate fascism. the fact that both the republicans and democrats are against anti-communist ideologies is very good for the jews

I would say either an eagle or a minuteman.
What says more about self sacrifice for your fellow American than one of the brave minutemen who put everything on the line for our country. Or have teabaggers ruined that?

We can do both, you know. Besides, most Americans today are of German extraction.

Semitic influences both direct and indirect have controlled European nations since before the colonies were even chartered. Masons were in control of the US from its beginning and handed off their creation to the Semites. The entire reason that National Socialism was patterned after pre-Christian Germanic culture was that one has to go that far back to find pure, stable cultures. By the lateness of its founding alone, the US has never had a culture which is a viable basis for civilization. This isn't even to mention that the culture of the colonies was radically liberal in their time.

Because Hitler is worthy of worship and the Founders are not.

Your reply doesn't even really make sense. Start by reading Plato's Republic, and then come back. You don't even really have a basic understanding of how a state functions yet, so you're making all kinds of incorrect assumptions.

This is what I was hoping for with Trump tbh fam. He did light the spark for American Nationalism by constantly bringing up Jackson, but he didn't do enough of it, and doesn't refect on it with his policies (other than immigration and regulations).

We just don't have strong leaders with backbone anymore. That's the first step, we have the Presidency, but the rest of the flock are still traitors.

according to your logic, plato's time had jews so that means he's wrong and we shouldnt use what he gave us, faggot. it's partially plato's fault we're still in the kali yuga, right? the past, plato included, is what brought us here, as you would say; he is from a time that allowed jews in

You have extrapolated the small amount of text given to you to such an extreme that it's ridiculous.

That second flag is beautiful
10/10 would fight for a White America under that flag.
It's clearly America with a strong Fascist flavor AND it's symmetrical, unlike our current clunky non-symmetrical flag. I love it.

Just convince groups to fly a thousand American flags at events instead of a panoply of individual organization flags. No NSM, AV, AW, TRS, TWP etc flags just American. Something like the tiki torch march but during daytime with American flags would be cool enough to pander to our side's edgy tendencies while still allowing Joe Sixpack to see it and think: "those are the good guys."

You are retarded

I agree, it applies even more so to European countries.

those flags are pretty good. did you make them yourself? i like the muskets and minuteman idea (i didnt even think of those). the second one is great too. i would like to see what it looks like without the thin vertical white stripes on either side of the blue. also im not sure why the two rows of five stars are in those placements
i couldnt think of any way to display a type of agrarian symbol (does such a thing exist?)

i wonder how that march would have been spun by the media and how it would have affected the normies if there had been as many american flags as there were tiki torches in there
white nationalists would likely be more in the favor of your typical conservative if they embrace the american flag more. maybe it would even provoke the alt left types to do more flag burnings (also good for our PR). average non-extreme white people could become the moderate muslims to our radical islam

I still say the TWP has some good non-Neo-Nazi optics.

Agreed I just think that should stay to individual events not mass rallies for broad audiences.

Good point about the flag burnings. Further serves to show normies who the good guys are. And antifa would never fly national colors.

Nah, Im not responsible for those flags. Tell you what I would like to see though: a side view of a white eagle soaring, carrying a musket in its talong across a blue starry background.

Constructionism sounds like the best idea and best groundwork for actually getting some stuff done. Should we make a kik group or some sort of group message to discuss Party ideals and goals and try to get the ball rolling? Or is this just an idea thread?

Fake quote. Try again with something real.

There was literally no wealth redistribution

Get banned shill.

National Socialism =/= Marxian Socialism

It was only a failure because Rockwell got assassinated by a CIAnigger.


literally no one in this thread has mentioned Hitler's Folk Economy or labor based currency of anything about national socialism at all. I mean Holy shit you guys are even going as far to say national socialism actually had wealth redistribution Hahahahahaha. No mention of class unity either. All its seen is some dumb ancient pagans claim Christianity is behind everything wrong with Europe when it's secularism and atheism. NSDAP literally kicked the pagans out when they started being hostile to the NATIVE Christians. Stop this shit. Research.

Then bring it up! help us make this dream a reality with your input.

My thumbnail sketch of what would constitute American NS, would be a combination of many of the nationalist economic policies of the 19th and early 20th centuries (tarriffs, anti-monopoly), and the racial policies of the same period (anti-chinese, 1924 immigration act) with some post New Deal fair labor, safety, etc policies updated for the 21st century, all with the American nation (whites) at the forefront.

The very fact that both Democrats and Republicans have utterly sold out and disdain working class and even middle class whites, a new party and movement built on their ashes is ripe for nativity.

I would encourage everyone to read about Italian Futurism. Aesthetics must also be considered prominently.

Here you go gents.

Basically when you get rid of interest, it frees up the capital, instead of being stuck in the cul-de-sac of the "Financial Market". It circulates through the economy. This is the major reason that Hitler turned around Germany's economy and created 6 million jobs in 2 years.

bumping with some more Futurism

You mean forced labour?

Art was very important to Hitler and he made sure to promote Art that idealized German workers and Aryan beauty.

These are some paintings by Charles Sheeler. We should spread art that stirs feelings of national pride and the dignity of Work and Struggle.

But how do we practically implement this in the American system? I'm all for it, but how did Hitler do it in the old Republic?


Here are some photographs by Ansel Adams. German NSDAP were far ahead of their time in regards to environmentalism, and their art also featured the beauty of the German landscape.

American Fascists should take pride in the awe-inspiring beauty of our nation

Does anyone know where I can find a website or book that details all the laws of Germany between 1933/1945?

this seems like the best thread to bring it up in

The Worker is the pride of the Nation and thus our art should be relatable to him, and seek to romanticize the dignity of Work and Production.

Reminder that Teddy Roosevelt was a National Socialist White supremacist who thought that the Anglo-Saxon and Teutonic races were the only ones fit to rule and that Europeans were destined to rule over and command the lesser races.

The principles of National Socialism still apply although they should be adjusted for America since it is an amalgamation of European people and culture and has a specific character and creation myth. Look what George Lincoln Rockwell did


Are the TWP a decent WN organization to get involved with?

restart the federalist party

If you like to be lead by jews posing as whites

No. Matt Heimbach is a jew. People need to stop giving them attention.

Double posting and namefagging while trying to call someone a jew. Something doesn't add up. You got any proof he's a jew or do German last names scare you?

nice try

The Wiemar republic was a interregnum, the field was free for a new political creation. He had a lot of help from the right in solid positions mostly Hindenburg, but Hitler also had an incredible personality and the movement was 100% proletarian. After the death of Hindenburg Hitler was voted in as president likely to the help of extremely efficient propaganda.

There is no way to really do the same thing Hitler did. National Socialism was born out of a vacuum, I think the theme here is that the vacuum itself needs to be present for such a political ideology to manifest. Let's not forget the lasting traditions that were to come about after Hitlers death like the SS and the awakening of the ancient Germanic traditions; these are extremely important as a side note to the work in progress that the third Reich was at the time.

Are you fucking retarded? this has to be bait.

gonna need a citation for that one faggot
Britain and France started WW2 and then begged the US for help

He may or may not be trolling, but I'm not. The American project was corrupt from the start.

You are one ignorant retarded subhuman, typical of an ami mutt.

When did the Bull Moose started to wear lingerie & pink lipstick and decided to kiss intersectional ass?

Ayn Rand isn't an ancap you moron, try to actually know what you're talking about.

Aka socialism

Fuck this lesser race shit. Colonialism is shit everyone should just keep to their own tribe. Do you even know NS was never in contrast to other races?

The Federalists, especially Hamilton, were all about speculative capital, and cucking to England.

The Jeffersonian Republicans were anti-debt, against speculative capital, in favor of productive capital (Sec. Treasury Albert Gallatin), and willing to fight England or the mohammedan dey of Algiers to stand up for America.

You forget our greatest symbol, user. The eagle. It trancends states and nation, existing through time as a constant symbol our people have rallied around. Bonus, its already an American symbol people recognise.
Other notable symbols that are historical include wheat, arrows (or muskets), olive branches, and shields.

Not only should our art be relatable to him, but all our works. The soldier fights for his people at war, the worker fights for his people in industry, the farmer fights for his people in the fields. These men are the backbone of not only our nation, but of civilization itself.

It's obvious who has actually read the NatSoc literature and who has not. German NatSoc placed emphasis on the greatness of the Aryan people and sought to develop that people further. It's foundational documents emphasize rooting out Jews and other foreigners from positions of influence in the Aryan state. Not rounding up the non-whites and placing them in mass graves.
The problem with this for US based NatSocs is the resistance to policies promoting racial supremacy of whites by the brown hoards and the jewish media that controls them.

Our primary objective of throwing off the yoke of (((international finance))), (((multinational corporations))), and (((the media))) is made very difficult by the forced indoctrination of the people about race. Regulatory capture and corruption by these segments force our hand into operating outside the system to force change.

Sounds pretty fascist to me.

Not exactly those living in the past brought use to this: Roundheads(liberals), kikes, cuckservatives, some of the post 1890 whites. These people are soft, however they are also dying.

Liberals aren't breeding anymore and temperament and predilections to certain political positions are very much inheritable, the 2010 US survey and Europoll 2011 both found that 93%+ of individuals had the same political and religious affiliation as their parents once they were older than 25. Indicating some form of heritable trait is being passed on.

White Democrats in America now have a birthrate of 0.9, blacks have a birthrate of 1.4, jews are even worse at 0.8, and spics sit at 1.6. White republicans are between 2.6 and 2.9 depending on whose numbers you use.

If we stopped all immigration to the United States today by 2050 only 20% of individuals in the US will be descended from habitual Democrat voters or self described liberals and only 7% will be black.

And mudslime birthrates are dropping like stone even in Shitstainistan.

Jews are also dying by inches.

This filth has always hidden within the white race, and also the NE Asians if you've seen their birthrates. These people lived off the cultural largesse of our traditional societies, Christianity for example forced these faggots to marry, be productive, breed and keep their retarded thoughts to themselves lest they be shunned for their disgusting sins. And back then the environment gave them no choice but to behavior in an adaptive manner or die. When they "freed" themselves from that social control the social standards of each generation declined since they were no longer being enforced by an outside social structure or the environment. And now it has come to this. Libtards and shitskins in America have divorce rates of 70% while white "conservatives"(defined in surveys are registered republicans) have divorce rates of 4-8% which is still way too high. Libtards have birthrates below 1 while conservatives have 3 or so kids. Libtards live in their dirty cities with their dogs and cats while conservatives live largely as their ancestors did in rural areas and very small cities. White males produce 74% of the GDP and account for 92% of those employed in manufacturing or resource extraction. White males do all the dangerous and hard work. This is what happens when fear of punishment and strife are not utilized as proper agents of social control. This is the inevitable result of allowing weak willed men, kikes, and cunts to decide the destiny of mankind.

We've seen bullshit like the libtards before, the Cathars were excepting of homosexuality, vice of all sorts, and even murder. They encouraged people not to breed, and thought that because the world was filthy and fallen nobody should have children and that no authority should control them because it was temporal, except for the Cathar Elect of course. Sound familiar? How many times has a libtard bitched to you about overpopulation and how you are selfish for bringing children into a world were they suffer, you are selfish for not adopting a little nignog because muh overpopulation, you are selfish for doing anything biologically adaptive and placing your family before shitskins you've never met. And when you point out that we could just stop feeding the shitskins and billions would die off in the first ten years they have no material rebuttal they and only sputter and stammer "W-W-WACIST!"

This is the same sickness we as a race have always had. The Catholic Church organized the extermination of all adult Cathars under the request of France and the German states because these faggots were trying to destroy society. But they didn't purge enough it seems, the Cathars were never that big and the Inquisition was created to prevent another heresy of that sort. And it did, and it only cost 4,500 lives at most over an 800 year period to do it. The Inquisition essentially invented modern investigative law because they weren't a secular court looking for scapegoats to throw to the outraged mob. They were actually trying to stop heresy.

But it was a mistake and yes any NatSoc plan of forcing these fags to act like humans would also be a mistake. We should just let all those who don't have a predisposition to survive die off, ZA VINAL ZOLUTION IV YOU VILL!


LMAO, no white nationalist would ever advocate that niggers live in a white country in the first place, not even as slaves, you clown.

You have to take it into perspective and remember the time, It was the 1700s for them. Its 2017 right now. Intelligents only gets greater as time moves on and corrections in society are made from studying history and not making the same mistakes. If they were alive today they would have never allowed them into this country even as slaves. They didnt know what the results would be back then.

What complete nonsense. It doesn't take a genius to know how importing niggers in large numbers would turn out for crying out loud! And not only did the founding fathers import shittons of niggers with a little help from a happy merchant or two, no, as if that wasn't enough they imported specially selected niggers, selected for robusticity and vitality! Who could have not seen this coming?

This means that either the founding fathers weren't white nationalists or maybe they weren't the geniuses they were made out to be by civic nationalists and other trash or both (which is the correct answer).

For the newfags, regarding the nigger question, white nationalists always advocate one of 4 solutions, which overlap to a degree.

1. Genocide, no more niggers anywhere.
2. Ethnic cleansing, no more niggers in a given white country.
3. Deportation, back to Africa or elsewhere.
4. Ethnostate based segregation, niggers get their own country where they can live. This country is physically outside of the white ethnostate. Rockwell was a proponent of this.

Plain segregation, ie. niggers live in the same country as whites but sit in the back of the bus etc, is not a white nationalist concept by any stretch and whoever says otherwise is either an idiot or a shill.

I like the first two flags, the last one is too obvious.

The SS was Pagan. The NSDAP would have rooted out any form of Christiany or morphed it into Germanic Paganism in the span of a couple of decades, especilly with the Hitler Youth. Why do you think that there were Hitler Youth activities on Sunday mornings, haha. You don't need to oppress christcucks, let them by cucked by their own children. If Germany would've won WW2, Christianity would be completely banished by now, 2017.

Our symbol should be the Golden Spiral or the Tet.

Your knowledge about the Cathars is abysmal. But I don't blame you, their activities occurred in a distant past. But (((those))) who know hate them with the same passion as the Third Reich.

Further reasons why I like the Golden Spiral…

● The liberal worships the grotesque, we honor the beautiful.
● The liberal seeks to destroy and spread the filth of the world, we seek to create and rise the torch that gives light to the world.
● The liberal believes in blind, cattlelike allegiance with only "safe controlled speech ", we believe in open eyes, open minds and free speech.

Oh look, it's the threadly German sperg who wants to personally kill every American to compensate for the deficiencies of his nation.
You really should remember the old quote about tossing stones in glass houses. But don't let me stop your reeing about how those God damned Amis are responsible for all of Germany's problems. Aka the same shit that got you laughed off of /k/.

checked but you have to remember that niggers were literally seen as farmyard animals and not human. they were kept in zoos etc.

He's right though. Germany had neither deficiencies nor problems until we destroyed the Western world's last hope. Today is not different, our soldiers are as eager as ever to die for Israel. Or do you think anybody in Europe cares about our domestic policies while those foreign ones that affect them remain the sam? You probably missed the thread about the German journalist who spoke out about our meddling and then died of (((natural causes))). The English translation of his book is constantly being delayed. His name was Udo Ulfkotte.

So basically, hitler was hindenburg's pence until he took the title of "Trump" for himself.

Both images have garbage arguments.
Jews involve themselves in all kinds of shit. They hate doing physical labor, and they have intelligent members around the same rate that whites do. The reason they must be removed from white society is their parasitic behavior.
Holly fuck is this a dumb argument. Man's whole existence has been mastering his domain. Would you have us destroy our tools and go back to living as beasts?

Transhumanism is the logical pursuit of life. Every individual should seek improvement. Our mastery of technology in the pursuit of knowledge and happiness is a noble endeavor. We will conquer the stars, and we will do it on our terms.

Looks like a duck, walks like a duck…
What you're proposing is perpetual "good times" which have been artificially imposed, because make no mistake; transhumanism is only for those who can afford it, and those who design it in the first place. Kikes desire artificial means to elevate them above the goyim, and you're genuinely autistic if they'd ever allow you to walk around with the power to juggle shipping containers, outrun a bullet train, or become technologically immortal.

At the end of the day your argument is a LARPy fallacy of: "if we're capable of it, we should do it" – which implies you support trannies too right? Provided they actually have a functioning womb and everything, they're merely the latest step of humanity's mastery of the sciences of biology.

I'm sure you'll realize how fucking autistic that sounds, so I'll spare you the (You). Think about who really benefits from a society in which merit is no longer developed through genetics, training, and study, but instead easily bought for the low-low price of $20,000.

You are dumb as shit.
This isn't even a coherent argument as a response to my response. I wasn't arguing that there were no "ducks". You said Jews were involved. I reply with: Jews stick their big noses into everything. You reply back with: Ah! what you haven't relized is that jews are involved. That's the same stupid argument you made the first time.
Civilization is artificially imposed you fucking mouth breather.
Well, maybe we should be the designers then. Of course jews use jew-debt-money to withhold technology from the goyim.
Allow? What the fuck. Are you asking their permission. Great fucking arguments. Lets just roll over and let them dominate us with superior technology.
No you stupid fuck. The argument is for us to keep doing what man has always done. Master his domain. Use science and reasoning. Not crawl back into a dirt hole.
The same stupid argument could be made for not inventing guns. Wouldn't want weak men shooting strong men. Better men use tools.

I believe that despite the definitions pushed post-war, that a Fascist Republic is not only possible, but existed since this nations conception. The franchise was restricted to people with an actual interest in the government.

Egalitarian dogma claims that the (((multicultural utopia))) existed right under the surface and we somehow "found" it when actual historical literacy invalidates that (implied) claim. An agrarian economic system makes it harder to track given that historians always point to mass media as a prerequisite for Fascism. They always ignore the fundamental societal structure that naturally results in Fascism.
Just because the founders didn't have TVs, that doesn't mean they don't fit in perfectly with 20th century dictators. The American system was originally just an English-derived proto-Fascism without the dictator. Mass media was just the last nail in the coffin for the American system because we did nothing to nurture or protect the media we created, allowing it to be hijacked. The 1950's were a great example of a more modern Fascism (anti-communism, nationalism, etc.) but it was built on the already rotten foundation of unlimited free enterprise, not the kind that made us great as espoused by trust busters and the ilk, but the apathetic "we don't want to bother" kind fermented by a massive global conflict that was against our interests by a corrupt administration and sold to us by jews.

Shit, we even had our own semi-secret police that were doing the right thing until jew legalism clawed its way through our culture.

I am not saying the US was influential in German National Socialism or Italian Fascism (I used Fascist as a catch all to shorten the post), but I am saying the original purpose was extremely similar but nurtured under different circumstances.

Have some other pics that help explain.

And some more.

Last batch.

No you illiterate shitskin, I showed you concise evidence that the major proponents of transhumanism are exclusively Jewish/Kabbalists, to which you respond "well haha zog controls everything so its okay gotta play their game to win it ;)"
No it isn't. Civilization is the process by which a society or place reaches an advanced stage of social development and organization; if anything, it is fluid and natural.
Does anyone who browse Holla Forums – or even have slightly fascist sympathies – control the industries which will design, produce, and distribute this revolutionary technology, or are all of these lead by shabbos goyim and kikes from Israel?
You're being purposefully pedantic with the choice of words. "Allow" as in; ZOG will never give the goyim the chance - be it legally or financially - to own the means to self-determination through technological enhancement of the human form. It's the same reason why they've been trying to ban guns for ages, but that's the difference: Kikes didn't have extreme influences over the US when our nation started, but they do have overwhelming influence over the legislative and financial aspects of American society today.
Right. So how do you reconcile this belief with a rejection of transgenderism? No matter how you cut it, the ability to transplant functioning wombs into men and barren women – maybe even some animals – is a direct by-product of mans increased understanding of the sciences. So it must be good and desirable, right? You have the intellectual capacity of a lemming and the cognitive consistency of a nigger if you honestly try to argue that "n-no, science is always redpilled and fashy!".
Ironically it could be argued; the reason why colonization can never happen again is because everyone in the world got firearms. Back in the day a few thousand Brits or Dutch could keep tens of thousands of subhumans in line through machine guns and artillery.

Come to think of it, here are this one too. Even on topic for the thread.

Webm's unrelated.

I'm white faggot. Just because you are ignorant of people like Zoltan Istvan doesn't make you right.
Great, keep advancing.
Yes–me–you moron. I network with major players in the longevity scene. I know people from around the globe. At this nascent stage it isn't even an exclusive club.
Fight back you coward.
Trannies are cucked men who succumbed to brainwashing. They aren't using rational reasoning to decide their fate. They are running almost entirely off of fee-fees.
That's why white men invented more powerful war machines. They can shoot at us while we drone them to death and out maneuver them with our logistics.

You're being defeatist. Fuck the Jews. Hitler didn't just piss around complaining about how the Jews controlled Germany. He gathered white men to build infrastructure and technology; including advancements in medical technology.

You are aware the war had more then one front right…

Democracy is almost as bad as communism. The US was the second most liberal country ever created only to the USSR.

You mean the money-laundering Hillary voter who asks for membership tithes to his sekrit "transhumanist party" and accepts "campaign donations" while not actually going on campaign? You're right, I don't suck the dick of your literally who, and I think you ought to go back to Reddit.
And I'm actually Barron Trump you can believe me I wouldn't lie to you in lieu of actual arguments
Zoltan Istvan seems to disagree; gotta shill out to become a card-carrying ZOGbot of the transhumanist "party" my fellow white nationalist.
If irony had a physical weight to it, you could be mistaken for a sheboon at popeyes

I believe you are too dumb to argue with, or your ego is so fragile that you will argue to win an argument even if you are logically incorrect.

BTW, networking with longevity people is factually easy to do. Go on Kikebook and send them friend requests. Many will accept you. Talk to them about the current science; they will respond and happily share information.

I don't worship Zoltan. In fact, I disagree with him on a bunch of shit. Though, the fact you had to do a quick google search to argue against him proves you know jack-shit about this stuff.

Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan are all proxy wars between intelligent races. Using lesser races as meatbots doesn't prove anything. Those chimps would lose their ass if there wasn't someone with a brain making the decisions.

Longevity and transhumanism are inevitable technological advancements. Letting the jews, chinks, and poo-in-the-loo-high-castes harness that tech at our expense is an incredibility short-sighted decision. The only solution to your way of thinking is to genocide every other race as quick as possible; because you are going to be a slave otherwise.

White nationalists don't own, breed and breed WITH their slaves.

America's founding fathers will undoubtedly have a pinnacle role in the National Socialist administration's national mythos when it comes to be. Likely their history will be glossed over to a certain extent - like that of Otto von Bismarck or Friedrich der Große was in the Greater German Reich. It always happens that way.

America's founding fathers were basically racialists but who did not hold a specific loyalty to the white race. There are plenty of cases where founding fathers autistically stated such and such a European stock weren't white based on very obvious hair splitting. To some extent you could call them radical anglo nationalists but they had no qualms with filling the 13 states with all sorts of European stock.

Nice projection there, kike. At the end of the day, you're moving goalposts - why even bring Zoltan up as an example of supposed le /ourguys/ if you then refute him and say you disagree with his message? See, you're just arguing for the sake of argument. You can't accept the fact that transhumanism is communism mixed with capitalism in the sense that it serves to redistribute all merit, which is now no longer inborne or developed, but designed and sold for those who can afford it; the most Jewish of all possible systems.
And now you act smug about how "tuned-in" you are to this super sekrit club of Shabbos goyim by chatting to them on Kikebook of all places. Give me a break and go back to whatever shithole you crawled out of. Your entire line of argument has been the same shit you see whenever electronic cars are brought up: "lol fam (((they))) cant hack our cars and if they do we'll just resistant build our own xD"

I also like how you conveniently left out Japan, which did more than admirably against the full force of the US with the battered remnants of their resource-deprived navy – which proves my point. The genie's been let out of the bottle a long time ago.

Maybe, but that doesn't mean you need to lay the groundwork for them because you've been convinced that it'll be some post-scarcity Wunderland in which - somehow - only the white man will be allowed the privilege of superhuman abilities while the jews, muds and other races are left in the dust.

Look retard, let's cut to the chase: Was atomic energy – let alone nuclear weaponry – kept exclusively in the hands of the white man, or did we use it as a tool in geopolitics until even shitholes like Pakistan (and of course Israel) got a hold on them?

The founding fathers were fascist in a sense. They created America for the Englishmen and Scotch Irish who fought for it. Our old anthem, 'Hail Columbia' was a song dedicated to Washington's leadership through the war and liberty.
All men are created equal is referring to English law in the citizens are all equal under the law. With that being said, the founding fathers did not want people from all over to change that meaning, hence why the President can ban people from coming in.
For our party, we ought to promote Americanism, not only our values that we hold up, but our American stock.

I brought up Zoltan because he's not a Jew to directly refute your argument that all the major players are Jews.
I disagree with him on "a bunch of shit" not his whole message. Are you functionally retarded. Do you know what nuance is?
It's not super secret you dumb fuck. I keep repeatedly saying it's not. I have litereally said the exact opposite of it being super secret.
>(((they))) cant hack our cars
This actually reinforces my argument. Jews are going to automate cars. They are going to use proprietary software and have the ZOG government force it on us. The correct response is to take control of it ourselves. We need truely open-source automated technology, and we need to remain competitive or exceed the jew capabilities.
Hey, stupid fuck. You left out my answer I already gave you.
Intelligent races. Kikes, Nips, and Gooks are all smart enough to compete with us.
You're proving my point. There is a technological arms race. It will never end. Refusing to arm yourself will result in your eradication or enslavement.

>(((Zoltan Istvan)))
Don't shill that leftist muppet here, Shlomo.
Kikes are always against nature.
(((Transhumanists))) are no different.

Checking these trips of truth!

This, especially the bit about Japan.
I was just at the Yasukuni Shrine, and it made me wish there were similar monuments for European Fascists in WWII. Of course, we all know (((why))).
Needless to say, the Japanese will never be transhumanists.
If you live forever, you can't give your life in battle for your nation and become a deity!

So what, (((Rabbi)))?

I pay more in taxes in one year than most brownies will their entire lives - why shouldn't white people FINALLY get something back out of their hard-earned taxes?


stunning vexillology, guy

do more of these

First pic
Fuck off, cuck.

Exactly. There's a good reason the Fasces/Mercury dime existed.

It seems like one of the better ones out there. But, Heimbach has a lot of Eurasianist anti-Imperialist views (Balkanization of the American Empire, etc) and is a major Russophile (especially for the Orthodox religion). Also, as a whole, some of them can be kinda larpy.
Some people dislike this.





So a Confederacy? Man, if only someone thought of that before…

Rugged individualists who voluntarily come together when needed.

>This is what the (((Americans))) did