Richard B Spencer Spook Allegations

Well I came across this document with some pretty wacky allegations about Richard B Spencer being a Jewish Federal Agent.. just wondering what you chaps make of it and can any of these claims be corroborated?


Other urls found in this thread:


either he is a mole or he is a moron. i dont know how anyone could be so unaware of how uncharismatic they appear to the public.

the only thing that makes me think he is not a mole is that he has been documented as an active white nationalist since his uni days.

Didn't we know he was an agent from the beginning?

First day namefag?

Got any links?

>[email protected]
Are you a fucking furfag AND a namefag? Faggotry overdose much?

I'm open to any evidence that Spencer is an agent, but that document has absolutely nothing.

Email protected? That's not what I wanted.

inb4 it's another episode of

Seems like it. Watched his twitter, no original thought there, all his tweets look like AI generated words put together by a CIA shill.

If he was not a mole, he would be a white nationalist since high school. At UNI is where they create the background.. the story.. that will be sold to the goys later.

nice kiketube you have there Would be a shame if patreon knew what sites you frequent, you retarded namefag.

So what if I'm a furfag 😸

I like your tweets, OP.

Have you tried doing a web search SOLARIS? Articles are numerous and detailed.

Gas yourself namekike

So tell me, how does it feel to have a shitty twitter where most of your announcements are gaming related? Enjoying those three views on your newly uploaded vids on magic the gathering autism? Seriously what the fuck are you? Your opsec is worse than antifa opsec and they are utterly shit at it. Go back to cuckchan, you fucking garbage namefag, and I won't pursue further.

For anyone interested in taking it further, OP seems like a cuckservative T_D trump supporter. He runs a gaming channel on kiketube, has a patreon and is from UK. His name is Joey Loney. He's got a google+, twitter and FB. They're all easily found by reverse searching his email address
. I hate normalfags and I hate namefags, so he deserves all the worst.

Oh and he namedropped Holla Forums on his cancerous twitter.

Isn't this fag that has accused every white man throughout history of being Jewish while simultaneously attacking "evil racists" and "anti Semites"?
If I remember rightly he believes Hitler and the NS were all just a Jewish psyop and that the world is run by nazis.
This is some alex jonestein tier cancer.

Are anglos human?

I'm sorry, this is just too great. OP, why are you following lady gaga, some nigger with a trump hat whose last name is Obama, Kotaku and pewdiepie? Better still, why are you following Ben Kikepiro and some blue hair emo girl? This is too fucking rich, wew. OP you fucking cuckservative, you.

He is an agent. NeoCons were Trotsky Zionists.



there was a photo with him and cia connections

Why does Holla Forums have such a hard-on for this guy, exactly? What does he do that is so amazing? I've never seen his work

The Bush cartel runs the CIA. Well, they did when the old man wasn't a fucking cripple. Then his retarded sons took over.

I don't know about that, but he claims Charles Manson is an actor.

he wants to create a Israel inside USA/Canada

his wife looks russian jewish

She's a Russian Stalinist who translated one of Dugin's books (National Bolshivism) into English.

why he asks for donations when he's a millionaire?

this was a good article

and whatever happened to that guy that punched him? the police did not find him yet?

more likely spencer and the puncher knew each other

that makes more sense than you think. if i was a jew hitler would be part of a greater plan of achieving world dominance


Are these the ones you were looking for?

You must be lost

That could be true.

I remember reading that he told a journalist he "mentored" Stephen Miller in high school, but both Miller and a 3rd party said that is libel/false, they simply knew each other by being in the conservative club at uni together. So I wonder if he was trying to tarnish Miller's name on purpose by telling lies or if he is really stupid.


nazifurs are pretty based

Especially when they follow emo tumblrinas, lady gaga, pewdiepie, some nigger and ben kikepiro, right?

Now that I think about it, he seems indeed to be too retarded for writing his own speeches.
All evidence points to a Dugin shill though, who is not CIA-friendly as far as I know.

Nazbol is not even a thing. It's pure intellectual masturbation, besides third-positioning is an integral part of nationalist and neo-fascist movements since decades and decades. Consult a physician as soon as possible.

Boy somebody sure is salty!