If I was a jew I would get enough coffins to fit all my shekels into them and take them to hell.
Peach is the deepest whore.
That's bullshit, but I believe it.
This is from A Link to the Past's instruction manual. Notice that the third file is named "Dan"? Who is Dan, and why does get erased? I get that the two Links are meant to represent the Light and Dark Worlds(notice one has eight hearts, just like the Dark World has eight dungeons(including Ganon's Tower), while the other only has four hearts, just like the Light World only has four dungeons(including Hyrule Castle), but that doesn't explain who Dan is. Are the devs secretly trying to tell us that there was originally a third version of the world in A Link to the Past, but for some reason it was scrapped before release? Or does this have to do with the Lore of the Zelda series?
What did he mean by this?
I wonder if anyone realized that loz overworld at the top is actually a wave of sound.
It was obviously just localizers fucking around.
What did they mean by this?
What does it sound like?
Who the fuck knows, i don't know how to convert it.
I want to fuck that keyghost
No thats inpossible.
There's not enough resolution for a distinct sound. If each tile along the X axis is a sample, we'd be working with less than 100 samples. Meanwhile, a 1 second clip at very low quality is 8000 samples.
If it is a sound wave, it's only there because the level designer liked how it looked as a screen.
Dan is bigger Luke.
And there's a hand with a finger raised
It's fucking Dan Owsen, christ. Come on.
the next level
Why is he in Zelda lore? What does he have to do with the Triforce?
What does that make Waluigi?
Dan Owen is the space in the middle of the Triforce: he's always there, but you never see him. And right behind him is Leslie Swan; no idea who's behind her.
you're very clever young man, but its Leslie Swans all the way down.
I chuckled
I always hear people talk about puffy vulvas like they're undesirable in some way, but it looks like it'd feel good.
t. dumb autist
Of all threads where it's posted, the one where it's fitting is the one you chose to call him out on?
Was he visited by 3 ghosts?
electrode's mouth is voltorb's eye