Aloha toplefts and bottomlefts! Is there a man/woman in politics that get's your bloodboiling with passion? and Not just passion for a glorious revolution?
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Aloha toplefts and bottomlefts! Is there a man/woman in politics that get's your bloodboiling with passion? and Not just passion for a glorious revolution?
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Sahra Wagenknecht
No. There are no heroes. There will never appear some guy in a Guy Fawks mask leading the revolution and free the people.
We must unite and do it ourselves.
Is this the girl Jason Unruhe got triggered over?
She looks like the Indian girl in my class. Except Kshama has straight hair.
why cant I take part her lovely syndicate
it's not fair =^
*in her
Why keep living
Neoliberals a cute!
pisspiggranddad is a qt
She's got Rosa's hair.
post feet
she's 47 m8, looking good for her age
Its not her age, just not my type
post your waifu then
Camila Vallejo
I dont have a real life one mate.
Nah, it's not about leaders, but rather the sexytimes.
Fucking Brocalists.
Nobody likes you or your flag
Men are superior
sup plebbit
what in the actual fuck. anarcha feminist?!
Please shove your soros money up yur ass and kys
The one and only
fucking soc dems
Less than 48h new
I like the emoticon you made comrade. Never seen it before =^)
Li Andersson
Yall have some shit taste.
Manuela d'Ávila
…and Olga Benario ofc
holy shit what a qt pie
And the girl in your class has hair like
*runs hands through hair in one quick motion*
*hair totally different now*
Does it count if they're dead?
he hated anarchists anyway so it's not like it'd matter
Stop posting your fanfic
Only her
Cute old grandpa man.
Yeah, not a lefty, but drop dead gorgeous
Katrin Jakobsdottir is a cutie, not someone I have a crush on, but a cutie.
I'm not a lefty, but Simone Weil is my lefty-waifu, and all your waifus are inferior to mine.
she also does this when you play as Leaf in the remakes
Querfront Sarah is not a lefty
Fucking liberal shitstain stacy
I want her sent to the gulags after torture and questioning
Yes, Wagenknecht is a Russian Querfront Imperialist because she said mean things about Neonazis in the Ukraine who get support by the German government. That means she is a crypto-fascist.
t. Antigerman intellectual
Good taste.
I just want a qt I can talk to about books and assfuck after spanking then hold hands or cuddle.
THIS. SANKARA. God he's too fucking sexy.
No, the Ukraine has got nothing to do with it.
It's cause she's repeatedly attacked Merkel from the right in regards to the refugees and her own party gets real pissy about that.
Apparently trying to get dose AfD votes.
We need more pics goddmit
Tapa ittesi radikaali joka ei koskaan tule olemaan poliittisesti relevantti.
How's it feel getting cucked by a conservative?
Sylvia Pankhurst is a qt
She could extract my surplus labor any day
I don't have any fanfic of Kshama Sawant. I only wrote one erotic story with Jenny Bharaj × Ed Miliband. Guess who looks stupid now?
She's not much of a leftist but she is definitely a QT.
Didn't someone here get buttmad because she fucked a conservative instead of him?
Come on anfem, post some hot socialist men!! (If you're straight)
Go into detail that sounds hilarious
There was a Finnish ML here going on a rant about how women are only focused on party politics and revisionist opportunism instead of revolution, that he was in fact only tolerated in his party as quirky guy who was very serious about everything. He posted scores of pics of that girl as an exemplary of this. When he was asked about his focus on this girl in particular, he went on a long winded rant on how she refused his advances and betrayed the revolution by dating a guy from a conservative party.
sorry bro, anthony has wrecked that
My benis
You know this phony sellout endorsed Clinton right?
Tumblr tier
There are very few women that understand left wing politics. Traditionally women vote right wing.
God, why have you forsaken me?
Best Catgrill
Eylem Ataş; proving that not all Turks are cockroaches.
it's the purest kind of platonic love
i wish she were my babushka
where did it go wrong
that's bullshit
she's a cunt for many reasons
this isn't one of them, antigerman faggot
They age incredibly badly.
Oh my god… it's the real life version of one of those all-girl military anime…. it's beautiful.
Yung Marx>Rosa>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Your shitty revisionist waifu.
I hate this century so god damn much
At least she MENTIONS capitalism.
this is like Holla Forums saying that all women are airheaded dimwits who like leftist politics because they crave daddy
Congratulations, you scored %50!
Good luck next time!
Right wing women typically are.
this guy gets it
Even more horrifying with sound.
This is the kind of shit that drives the people away from the left.
Can only speak for my country but that is true
How many notable female Marxists are there? Luxemburg, Zetkin, maybe Angela Davis, that's about it. For anarchists, Goldman and Michel.
My left-wing waifu is my gf :^)
Just kidding I don't have a gf ;_;
To make this post more pathetic I made my own leftyfu
Kollontai. Who could make a comeback riding on the cucking meme, come to think of it.
My gf who I've gradually been converting from a liberal to demsoc.
Man do i love shad
I'm stupid ass hell so what is this trying to say?
Poo in a loo girl is not bad at all. I'm not a cuck nor a race traitor though.
I thought indians were bure arjan
You need to go back
he was a qt
looks like Allen Ginsberg