Is this game Jewish Propaganda?
Regarding Darcsen
Your next line will be "shill" or >>>Holla Forums
Maybe. The only thing I can say for sure is it tries too hard to send a message.
found the JDIF
>>>Holla Forums
Now about the videogame, anyone have any news on the new one? is it gonna be absolute shit right?
I liked the game.
It's shit.
Fuck i knew it
Faldio did nothing wrong, he was the bravest and prettiest of them all
They fucking butchered him on the anime, he was the only one fancy enough to kill the emperor.
RIP fancy prince
No but these dubs are
He was also the only one smart enough to know Gallia joining the EU was a bad idea.
How did that whole incident not start a war, anyway?
I'll tell you after I gather the willpower to play through the horrible and no strategy involved gameplay.
(((Video games))) in general are propaganda.
I knew it would be a shit thread
nope, the darcsen are the nips
maybe because gallia is not retarded?
>Isara is the character that originated the Darcsen race, from a game design point of view. The entire race spun off from her trademark shawl, which was present when Valkyria was on the drawing board as Gallian Panzers (possibly before then). The decision to change her haircolor might have arose out of the fact that the Darcsens would have originally been blonde-haired blue/purple-eyed people, making them too similar to Aryan race and rendering the idea of them being the game's Jews moot.
Do the Darcsen have a centuries long history of subversion, deceit, and financial and political intrigue designed to ultimately bring all other races and peoples under their control? No. Therefore, the Darcsen are not Jews.
That's exactly what (((they))) want you to believe.
Fucking deceitful.
The best part of the game is the 'both sides are human' moment when the enemy soldier dies in Alicia's arms delirious and thinking its his mother, then one of the main villains turns up and lets you go as a thank you for comforting his soldier in his dieing moments. Then in the next level that villain is running a concentration camp and burns a whole load of women and children to death at the end out of spite.
The actual Jooz are the ancient Valkyr cause they fill the bill of
That actually wasn't the same guy, but I can see the resemblance. The guy that shows up in that one scene isn't named and is never shown again.
There's only one Jew in Valkyria Chronicles. I always ensure he'll never get that last paycheck.
Apparently I can't even trust my own memory anymore.
Selvaria did nothing wrong.
Trust nobody, not even your stand.
I was thinking of maybe giving this another playthrough. Any suggestions as to how I can make it interesting? Anyone have any unique ways of clearing maps or creating obstacles or barriers for themselves?
>no scout rush
>deploy soldiers with very negative potentials like Susie (Pacifist)
Rebalance mod.
Raita's original design for the darcsen was, ironically enough, blonde with blue eyes. The darcsen were meant to be post WWII Germans
They reminded me more of post-war Germany or the nips.
Valkyria Chronicles is just the classic bluepill narrative through a mongolian moving pictures filter.
It's not deliberately misleading, just naivete.
No, because the Darcsen's have literally nothing in common with jews except being generally unpopular. The Darcsen's don't share the experience of being holocausted with jews because as we all know, the holocaust in our world was a hoax.
Darcsens don't hold grudges, unlike (((some people))) For a few moments, I thought you had copypasted my post from a few threads back. Some of those points were almost word-for-word what I wrote. Spooky
I hear that the filthy dark haired scum are asians.
I still have a hard time telling who is and isn't a Darcsen. Apparently Marina isn't but her hair's as dark as fucking night, so I have no idea until the game tells me.
Blue. Darcsen all share blue hair and blue eyes.
But Zaka's hair is black and he's a Darcsen.
That sounds more like Russians, though
Japs have a hard time differentiating black and blue.
You can stop jerking yourself off now, Dmitry.
Seriously, though. When was the last time when Germans were blamed for something? But Russia is always a global villain. It's always
Its shit anyways
When Germany still existed.
Oh look, stormtard propaganda.
Yeah. Don't play it man, it's SJW bullshit.
JIDF was just one guy in his basement.
No the Darcsen are not jews from what I gathered from the story and I didn't even beat the game since my harddrive died with the game in it was that the Darcens history is all made up and it was the Valkyries who slaughtered them and made history see that the Darcens were are race of jews. From what I gathered anyways.
we are just getting old.
just donwload the galia crossfire mod something, it will make it more interesting.
The IDF isn't though. :^)
No, because we all know the Darcsens didn't do anything wrong. The Jews however can fuck off.
is there a way to play the game as an anti-darcsen?