Sad moments in vidya

Did a game ever give you watery eyes, Holla Forums?

If so, when was the last time?

When you kill Claus in MOTHER 3, and the ending.

Do you even know what that means?

Bydo side ending in R-Type Tactics. Not sure why

Last one was Witcher 3, but the only game before that that made my cry like a little bitch was The Walking Gead


So let me get this straight, goon. You can't start open topics about specific things, you can't talk about new games since then you're a shill and generals are cancer too. What's there left to talk about?

Thread complaining about SJWs or women in general and Overwatch-Generals.

That exists?

Soul Sacrifice Delta.

One that pops into my head is Shadow Warrior's reboot of all things. At the end you've murdered your way through all these demons (whatever) and then effectively murdered a family, and the spirit you ended up bodysharing with, who started off as a twat, turned out a total bro and sacrificed himself to save you, and all of this was to wake up someone to make it rain, who wakes up to discover everyone she's ever cared about is dead.

That moment at the end of Ratchet & Clank : Tools of Destruction where clank disappears taken by alien demi-gods who control time, leaving Ratchet all alone, without his best friend with whom he had so many adventures.

Yes, it also has a sequel that never left japan. It had FREE DLC, too.
But IREM is dead now (at least their video game branch)

I remember. Didn't really move me to tears, but it was kinda depressing. Especially after the camera zooms back into to the stairs and shows that Lo-Wang has left the mourning goddes.

The end of Silent Hill 2 for me.

This one gets me every time.

E-102 Gamma's ending in Sonic Adventure when I was a kid Like Six years old

>"Hey, this is kind of fun

The last game to get me was Sleeping Dogs with Jackie's death. It left me Numb. He was going to leave the gang, man. He was going to go honest.

I guess adventurers have to walk the path alone sometimes, right…?

Was that all a long ass setup for a shitty shoes have soles joke?


Red Dead Redemption

The Black one was E-101 Beta.
The one you play as is E-102 Gamma.


How many times did you repeat that gunfight?

I think it was because I try to put myself in other people's emotional position, so I was sort-of seeing it from her perspective.

The ending of Spec Ops: The Line Jesus Christ, that game caught me with my feel guard down the first time I played it

The first one that actually got me was beyond good and evil. That game had some pretty dark moments too

Chiaki in danganronpa 2
Xion in kingdom hearts bbs
Missile saying he is a good doggie for waiting in ghost trick

Cant think of any more that have made me sad
But most reasent was a replay of DR2 it hurt even more then the first time


The second half of ghost trick , several times. And the fucking ending

Every pokemon mystery dungeon rescue team and explorers of sky are obvious
The witcher 3 quest about the baron and the aborted child
Most visual novels

"The Miracle", especially if you played the prior game to it. But on the whole, while Shadow Hearts: Covenant has its moments of humor and lightheartedness, it's rather bittersweet in tone (especially given it follows up on the bad end of the previous game). Being Yuri is suffering.

every time :'( :'( :'( :'(

Snatcher made me tear up. I won't spoil anything but that game has some serious "bros to the end" moments in it.

I got watery eyes from Emil's sacrifice in Nier.

he had a hard life

he was just a boy

Luna death. A reminder to all, we wil NEVER EVER save Luna.

Which one?

Ending of Freedom Force, Man-bot is a real human bean.

I came here to post this. I never played the first game, so I had no attachment to Alice and yet still it hit hard. And Karin crying outside the door just hammers it home some more.

>She's still dead

If VNs are allowed, then Planetarian takes the cake. It made me never touch a Key game ever again. Well, that and the manga adaptatation of Tomoyo After.

The ending of persona 3 always makes me cry

I played this when my grandma died.

Still haunts me a bit.