ITT: We post games that touched our lives, and gave us wonderful memories.
Also requesting that 8ch photo of the best games since like 95
ITT: We post games that touched our lives, and gave us wonderful memories.
Also requesting that 8ch photo of the best games since like 95
Other urls found in this thread:
Survival project wasnt a GREAT game, but it closed down and I have nostalgia for it
Awesome game with a great soundtrack
I miss generic games with a soul. Shit like picsrelated weren't amazing but they were your baseline game. You were always guaranteed something fun would be released instead of a fucking 'cinematic experience'.
I miss GW1.
I liked shooting those little midgets because they always bounced so freaking high.
You can start posting the good games any time
Im only seeing trash
That game was too good.
I wish there was a Guildwars 1.5 ;(
Not just games. Everything was better before 2007.
2007 is the year that fucked up everything, and it has been the true Current Year ever since.
I don't think many games from ye olden console times can beat this.
I have a swaying Top Ten, but this will always belong there, along Deus Ex and the sorts.
ayyo dis nigga ryt ryt'chyea fam
hip hop especially monica
dis when eything started gettin online intergrated up inz n ey nycka wanted a smart phone cuz dey was told ey nigga had one already.
That's because 2007 was when things like vidya and the internet became easily accessible to normalfags.
Normalfags are a plague. Once they can spread, the product is forever fucked unless you nuke it and start all over again.
Might & Magic VI-VIII
i play those games at least once a yeas
I know. Technology is basically disposable garbage made for retards nowadays.
Casuals and normalfags ruin everything.
Reminder FEAR came out in 2005 and is better than any FPS to date
Makes me wish normalfags didn't also ruin the progression of technology because we could've been living in a world similar to pic related.
Instead we live in a world where people are more concerned with the new smartphone "innovations" because that's all they care about.
Maybe future fash will fix that.
I don't even particularly care for innovation. I don't believe in progress, and I don't believe that technological development is necessarily goof for humanity (it isn't, a lot of the time) so it's all irrelevant to me. If technology never advances again, it won't bother me as long as it's well made. Quality is more important, and it should be made expecting the user to be a goddamn human being, not a glorified monkey. These stupid phones are the ultimate symbol of equality. Even a fucking African savage with an IQ of 40 can use this garbage. It's visibly making our people stupider.
I don't care about new and shiny things, I care about things that work and last, and what effect they have on the eternal. Innovation is completely optional and frequently undesirable. Quality, stability and improvement should take priority over 'newness'.
Give me something good, not something new.
Yeah man, I mean, just look at how well the niggers have it in Africa.
It's irrelevant. We didn't need advanced technology to be massively superior to them.
Give them the technology and watch what happens. Hell, we have already done that, in fact, and look at how well that worked.
Do excuse me while I enjoy the benefits of clean running water, heating, electricity, toilet paper, vidya, the internet, etc.
Meanwhile, you can go be a dead Luddite in a forest somewhere.
It must be euphoric for you to be 18 and have finally figured out that the vast majority of humans are fucking retards.
Oh God the memories. There was no happy ending for Ascalon was there. Seeing GW2 actually managed to make me happy that Prince Rurik died; so he didn't have to see the survivors of his people become a bunch of furry fetishists living side by side with the creatures that slaughtered their grandparents.
I always ended up becoming evil in B&W, even when I tried to be good. It was just so much easier sacrificing a couple of children and throwing some fireballs at the enemy town.
FEAR online was baller
Metroid Prime.
You are incapable of even understanding my point.
Technology is irrelevant to the actual quality of a human being or a society. Evidence can be found in the fact that a materialistic simpleton like you can exist in the most technologically advanced society to ever exist.
From your purely materialistic valueless point of view, a PS4 should be better than a PS2 because it's more technologically advanced.
Technology can be used constructively and improve a society, or it can be used destructively and damage it. Currently, technology in general is more destructive than constructive.
Certain kinds of technology are more likely to be beneficial to the human spirit than detrimental, but the opposite also exists.
stop being nostalgic and fucking play it.
their's still people playing.
nostalgia is poison
Holla Forums was right again
alright op story time
tell us where the vidya gaem touched you
pessimists are always right since nothing is good in this world
2007 is when it started dying, but 2012 was the final nail in the coffin.
Nothing good after 2012 came from any type of media.
Anime is shit now Expect for JoJo, but that is a continuation of a series started in year 2012, so it doesn't count Few 7/10 and 6/10 shows appeared but were mostly unfinished and never got a second season
Games are shit now
TV is shit now
comics are shit now
music is shit now
art is shit now
Everything went to shit, but before 2012, there was at least some media that could be described as okay or even good.
Fuck 2012 just as much as 2007
Crash Twinsanity
Everyone is always saying how games before 2007 were good but were gamers good before 2007? I never played online before 2011(when I got my internet) so I have no idea how it was back then.
Guild Wars 2 pisses me off so much, who the hell thought playable Charr was a good idea?
Not really. I used to say Pwned unironically, in person.
I can think of some things that came out after 2012 that are quite good:
Bayonaise 2
Bloodborne and DaS3
Blue Ruin
Hardcore Henry
11 Cloverfield Lane
It Follows
Green Room
warning fa/tv/irgins will be even more triggered by this one than the last two Mad Max Feminism Road
House of Cards
It's Always Sunny In Philly
Come on you know this isn't true unless you're only looking at popular music. I shouldn't have to provide examples here because there are way too many.
Now this is 100% true, comics are completely fucked.
The bank level in Thief 2 made me finally understand what people on Holla Forums meant when they talked about how low-poly games could look so much better than games today. The first game was still more funexcept the lost city fuck thatI expect these spoilers to be fucked but I'm too tired to care
What the fuck? Just because muh nazis or some shit?
ITT games made before the nu-male craze
Are you me?
Still the best weapon based fightan game out there IMO. Would kill for a decent PC port with online play.
What is nu-male?
I'd just call these people "faggots".
I will never play anything this ambitious ever again.
Niggers have a significantly lower iq distribution though. Their average is 85 while the white average is 100.
True, but faggot is more of a blanket term, whereas nu-male targets a specific breed of faggotry.
Also, "Emasculated"
Mah nigga
Tech industry is almost exclusively made of nu-males, there is I think a higher percentage of homosexuals than the average population in there too but you'll see so many nu-males, it overshadows every other demographics.
Worst PS1 FF but absolute best soundtrack. Always sad to see excellent music in crap games. Like the composer really busted his ass to make something truly great and the rest of the team fucked it all up and his work is forever associated with shit.
And then you have places like the south, where race doesn't matter and literally everyone is retarded.
Excellent art direction > pure graphical power
Every time.
You know there isn't just mud level technology and "advanced technology" right? We don't need to keep advancing in every field "just because", and in fact the negative effects of such things as smart phones have been devastating to societal cohesion.
There are things to be gained from nature and from living naturally like actual human beings, instead of continually progressing toward a technological dystopia.
It's a Holla Forums chart, those are notoriously shit.
Always sunny started in 2005 you dumbass
The lowest iq distribution among whites in the United States is in Appalachia. The south is not at all like how it's portrayed in Family Guy.
Sounds like you need some "cultural enrichment" user.
I have so much nostalgia of these games.
Good posts, except for the filters raping poor Kirby.
Were you educated by Jon Leibowitz?
you watched too much family guy
I don't think that's the reason since the chick with dyed blonde hair is a neo nazi too, and the movie never takes sides in showing which side of the ideology it supports. The band clearly doesn't like Nazis, but they also aren't shown to have perfect moral compasses anyways (siphoning gas). All I know is that whenever I mention that it and It Follows are in my top 10 on >>>Holla Forums I get a minimum of 3 butthurt replies.
I think the real reason is that nostalgiacucks have convinced themselves that it is absolutely impossible for anything good to have come out in the new millennia while completely disregarding the fact that indie and foreign studios would be unaffected by everything that has happened to Hollywood. If either of those movies had come out in the 80's they would be seen as pinnacles of their respective genres.
GW1: the only game that gives you awesome fucking titles for not leaving the tutorial area
This fucking game.
American Asian-expats are cancer.
wait a second now this brings me the question
would a lesbian trans woman fuck a gay trans man?
Fucking christ I crossdress and even I don't know what the fuck that sentence means.
what anime?
boku no pico
No it's not :(
boku no eva
It's not that either, please stop
I want to watch it
Took me 10 seconds to find it with what's given to you in this thread
How did you do it?
I'm not so familiar with that type of research yet fam
You just have to fucking type "mecha anime" and go to google image you idiot, lurk more
don't have to be a sausage about it
My god even if it's ironic you should fucking kill yourself
Only game I've ever had an emotional attachment to. Game itself wasn't that great and was only really fun to break the junction system. Other than that it was a pretty standard jrpg with a comfy feel to it.
This music always feels like home more than home ever does. Maybe it's because it doesn't change. Balamb Garden will always be Balamb Garden regardless of how many years pass.
Replaying it now. It's really fun without slo-mo, and I have no idea why I took 0 damage from this.
I hate that game so much but I have an odd appreciation for it since it came out at the right time, so to speak.
Oh shit son I'm gonna try and force this to work on my craptop and pray.
Ever played it before?
PSO was the shit, even when it was a huge grindfest.
Played it so much I burned the HUD into my tv for a brief period of time.
jesus user
You could do worse.
I haven't user, I've heard how good it is for years, and my crappy laptop is literally just under the specs, I'm preety sure I can get it to run I can't wait. Once I finish my replay of half life its going to be next it looks awesome.
I have this one.
fucking kill urself
Guild Wars, much like Holla Forums, has Frenzy as a starter skill. 10/10 best game, gg no sequel.
Missions to mars don`t tend to generate capital, my friend.
SMT: Strange Journey
God Hand
Lunar observatory soon
2007 was a great year OP, anything after it was shit though.
That means a beta who was so low status that he thought he'd have a better chance with women if he cut off his dick and targeted dykes. Basically CWC tier.
I'd be happy just getting some balance passes every now and then, and maybe make PvP F2P while taking out the PvE rewards. Might get the brazilians and russians to play.
Monk master profession.
When was the last time you felt happy Holla Forums?
for me it was 2004
feels bad man
Which general was the best and why is it Dr. Thrax?
We're execusing long going projects that where in development way before this right? Roguelikes (The real ones not the casual bullshit people call the genre now) ever jumped the shark. And those stay in development literally forever.
Why even exist
Based Matt making the world a better place
And thats why i build a backlog with games from befor 2006-2007 , emulate the shit out of all emulators and now have around 1150 i never played but worth my time.
ugh i wish i could time travel out of this post-2007 bullcrap tbqh fam
Anyone remember the guys who wanted to build robotic bees to replace the dying bee popuation instead of actually solving the problem of bees dying? That shit really pissed me off and made me think of how short-sighted people can be.
I'm always fascinated by the AI in comparison to modern shooters.
Think about what could have been, had they continued developing it instead of casualizing it…
I remember when there was a free online component of FEAR that didnt require owning the single player game, that was cool.
Too many faggots cry over the bullshit games nowadays but forget that there are still a ton of games to play.
It's just the addictet people who can't play games and need the newest shit from the industry, hyped and brainless as they are. At the end they wonder, "why the fuck did this happened again?"
The BS of NMS or any cooowwaadoody fast food gem's should already everybody know. Even befor it is released.
Not only are there still a ton of games to play there are still good games coming out every year
a few, yes, but it's not like as if they would run away. So no need to get hyped or pre-order or to be informed about game releases! just paly good video games and stay away from the BS industry.
I bet you like 7 and 9 despite them having the same devs, the same hardware and the same and the same ideas about what makes a game good. And that is simply impressive music, art and an epic storyline, something all three games do equally well, but with different themes.
shit meme
This is why we can't have nice things.
Is there some way to pirate Guild Wars 1 and play through the story?
Not to the best of my knowledge sadly. I don't think there's any possibility of a private server either.
The Internet ruined everything.
A month after playing Dragon Age: Origins, I gave Baldur's Gate 2 a try.
Holy fuck was I blown away at the sheer scale of everything.
Combat was harder.
Story was better in comparison to DA:O of course
lots of places to explore.
I was lucky it was Christmas break then, so I kept to my room and played the shit out of it.
No other game had given me that feeling of grand adventure since.
tfw when sequel is shome shitty card game
I miss GW1. I still have it installed and play it occasionally.
fuck off
I finally got a job and can afford a decent computer.
and yet I don't care. What is there that's good and new?
Don't think so
I should start a thread some time to get us all playing
I honestly believe Cave Story is the greatest video game ever made.
I'm not even super down on modern vidya, I just think that Cave Story is flawless.
Deus Ex: Many DLC?
Out of practice as balls, but it was fun making very silly builds that still worked. I still remember the time I had a monk build that was so energy efficient that I took blood ritual for giggles as a backup skill. Caused the party to ragequit.
How the hell do you save these because I can't access it
The art looks blander, but the cinematics are actually decent to watch and there's a sense of drama. How is that they could put so much effort in to aesthetics and music, yet fuck up the writing so badly? The orders-part of the questline is especially cringy.
I kinda liked the platforming elements, HoT was pretty nice to explore. Too many MMOs rely solely on the shitty straightforward lock-on combat that WoW-popularized.
Rightclick on the filename -> Save As?
it's a flash file
Eye of the North was the worst of GW1 too which tells you how good GW2 is if it's still superior.
I really liked the progression in this game.
The way you start as some youth brigade volunteer to the leader of your own faction.
The story and music in this one was great, and I had never hated a villain so much in any other game except this one. Being my first Suikoden game, being able to recruit a lot of characters was nice and all the mini-games in this game was really enjoyable. Story was complex enough, that 15 years later, I still discover some new stuff about the characters whenever I read more about them.
tfw discovering Luca was driven to extreme hate after witnessing his mom raped
That one ain't working; maybe they axed SWF files again.
They weren't especially great, but for a game-backdrop they had some edge in them over GW2's bland ultra-egalitarian mush.
Just go on Artstation then
I didn't mean they were terrible as such just not as good as the rest of GW1's content. Largely this was because EotN was a concious attempt to prepare for GW2. Things like the Norn felt completely forced.
That's mostly nostalgia for you.
00s had just as much crap and gold as the 10s.
libtard cucks and niggers, shitskins get out
Quite possibly the most reddit statement I've ever seen. You have to go back immediately.
Yeah, there's at least OPM and Space Dandy and… hmm…
Space Partol Luluco was kinda funny, I guess.
For fucks sake how and why do women keep getting into lead roles on development teams when they're always fucking incompetent?
You know a dev team has gone to shit when it's infested with women.
Really, someone should go through the credits and start compiling percentage of dev-team being female vs user metacritic scores and see the magic happen. I guarantee you that the most successful games are built be teams almost entirely composed of white men, with any women at all involved in inconsequential areas like concept art or secretary work.
Ping Pong? One of the best anime ever made?
Finally convinced a friend who generally likes 90s jrpgs to try it a couple weeks ago.
I now have one fewer friend I can trust about video game opinions
You said 2012, let's start from there as I am sure you have probably missed most of them anyway. The ones with — are probably going to be easy to enjoy even from casual scum like yourself, though I might be giving you too much credit on some. * for the best among listed ones.
And there is another season to go.
I have included only the more enjoyable ones, but there are a lot more among the rest that are more than watchable and enjoyable, not just "shit." I am sure I have missed some too. But then again you don't really like anime, or never did. You are just casual scum that only has seen whatever other normalfags label as "actually good anime," which is not really about anime any more, but just what even normalfags like yourself are able to watch. And you might think that probably the "(not for the same reason as memers like you)" series are the best in this list, but Space Dandy is the only one among them I would put close to being a 10 if we are scoring them.
Wew laddeh, I bet you like Toshs non pornographic material as well.
Anime is fucking trash, its been for a while with some nice exceptions.
That list is fucking trash, go back to >>>/a/ with your moeshit taste.
Sheeeeeit I just started a new file a couple days ago. Fine taste, user.
I would if I were moving into a foreign country and taking a foreign wife, for honour and respect of the host people.
What about BR 2 - Lair of the Lotus?
They announced it some three years ago as a proper sequel with the same dev team.
Or was it already cancelled?
Rogue is still one of the best games ever made. Just try and prove me wrong.
Did someone say
There's a lot of excellent songs to choose from.
Art and animations are really important. Maybe women excel at those compared to men.
that's actually not bad of a reason
Patrician 10/10 taste
My friends would skip school and one of them even abandoned his home just to come to my house to co-op play that retarded yet beautiful game, that piece of shit gave me friends.
Why the shitty nin10yrold version with faggot Link instead of superior Heihachi?
I've seen this pop up in a few other threads. What is this obsession with games before 2007?
What was the magical switch of 2007?
Oh I get it, 2007 was the year you actually completed puberty and your tastes and such got locked in.
Remember kids, every generation thinks that THEIR entertainment was the best and the new stuff is just shit and it just so happens that every generation cites these things when they were between the ages of 13 and 22.
No amount of generations will make me appreciate the avalanche of shit we're going through right now
Going to save this list and look into them. Personal favourites are Psycho Pass (S1) 7 Deadly sins and Parasyte. Any of those you recommend given my favourites?
polite sage for off-topic
Thx OP you made me reinstall guild wars after a year of not playing.
links was so good that some of his moves were used for custom characters in later games.
Can someone screen cap this for me?
do it yourself.
Any particular reason why anyone should stop with the 2007 meme
IMO it's not really inaccurate.
I loved, love, and will always love Spyro
It literally ruined MMOs forever.
Literally who?
How could they fuck up the R system so badly?
Thread was ruined on the first post.
Urobuchi is a hack, generally stay away from his works. So 2 meh psychologicals and one battle shounen that was fast to go to shit (based on the manga).
The easy thing would be to recommend you to watch/read Monster and then read 20th Century Boys (directly continues in 21th Century Boys) and maybe even Billy Bat later, but it is a lot more chaotic. Shin Sekai Yori from the list above, Mousou Dairinin, Kaiji if you want to add gambling, Gunslinger Girl is great if you want to start accepting little girls (the second season is trash, don't watch it.), Aoi Bungaku Series instead of reading Japanese literature classics. As far as battle shounen goal Hunter x Hunter up to chapter 240 (just read the manga, you should get used to reading manga anyway as there are many good ones) is pretty good, for the rest we will know in a few decades. JoJo is actually pretty enjoyable, but don't become a rabbit fanboy.
But seriously, don't stick to a single theme, or you will become a retard yourself. Watch all kinds of different series. The * above are fairly diverse, so do watch some of them. And don't be fast to drop some series just because it includes something. Go along with it and with getting used to its existing you might realize it is not the worst thing ever and it can be used not only in bad ways, but in good ones too.
In fact I would recommend you to ignore the shows I recommended you earlier and just start watching Samurai Flamenco (toku/super heroes), Houkago no Pleiades (magical girls in space), Majestic Prince (mecha with de facto teenagers) and Koukaku no Pandora (cyberpunk moe) in this order. This way you will explore some different anime standards and how they used in interesting ways. As long as you are not a literal faggot you will learn to appreciate them and not to skip series just because of a certain aspect of them.
Here, but you should download something that is not paint and learn how to do it yourself.
Content creators pandering to normalfags has gotten worse of late and videogames were better off in the late 90's early 2000's when they didn't have to spend millions on shiny graphics and then make the game itself trash to keep the investment safe; but, everything after 2012 is shit, is a shit meme.
I should have added that Koukaku no Pandora is written by the writer of Ghost in the Shell yet many of the normalfags that watch only old anime and also probably masturbate over GitS will not only not know about its existence, but if they see it they would ignore it.
Whew. Is there a worse insult to a man? It cuts right to his core. "You're not a man. In fact, you used to be, but you've become an un-man."
Can anyone else relate to the fact you could have been, for all you know, a few degrees off to falling for this turbo cuckoldry? Muh principles and religion ensured I was safe from this destruction, but man if things were just a little different…
Fucking loser.
Gothic > Morrowind
Has this ever been questioned?
Gothic is shit fite me
I agree with most of your choices but I wouldn't recommend shit like Kouya, Time Travel Shoujou, Sore ga Seiyuu, Shirobako, Yama no susume or even Gekkan Shoujou to most people.
Also where the fuck is Luluco?
Yup. For a while I associated with literal communists. I ended up getting purged because being an autist I was prone to politically incorrect statements. This was in 2007 funnily enough
Where did I say that? I say they were the more enjoyable for watching and among them I marked some of them are more "accessible." There were way more non-normalfag anime in that list, but I guess you would need to have seen them to know. Level up before speaking.
Trigger meme garbage will find hard time to entertain me in any way.
underage detected.
Please tell me how your watered down reboots and sequels to our games are so much superior
No, they just suck too much to program or do anything else heavy. Doing mediocre art is acceptable enough for a diversity hire, which is what most of these employed females in game development are.
Nigger I obviously did see them and that's how I know they're intended for specific audiences and most people wouldn't like them.
Oh nevermind, you're autistic.
Never mind, you are socially retarded.
It used to be 2004 but they date will be pushed further with younger generations replacing us who will be nostalgic for "classics" like Infamous.
How is Urobuchi a hack? I would like to know please.
Because he writes nothing, but edgy LOLDEEP shit for edgy teenagers. He really became famous by writing an even edgier prequel to the shitty Naruto-tier garbage that is Fate/Stay Night. And then the Madoka meme (OH GOD! DARK MAHOU SHOUJO! WE HAEV NEVER SEEN THIS BEFORE BECAUSE WE ARE CASUAL SCUM!) and he started being picked up to work on anime originals just because of his name. To make what? More edgy garbage. Half the people are watching it, because they are normalfag edgelords themselves and the other half are doing it "ironically" for the "trainwreck wild ride." Kill yourself if you like him.
I don't like him either, those type of people is what wrecking the industry for a shity agenda.
Then why are you asking me?
Mari Okada should die too.
just wanting to know user's opinion. nothing again anyone
I read that as eternal newfag summer 2007
So does he eat the bird after washing it like a vegetable?
It used to be that way for my 16 year old nephew, but after some proper education on the history of gaming and going through older games, he's fully in line with me, at nearly 30. FEAR is one of his all time favorites, he learned to appreciate Deus Ex and other games of the era.
So don't go too far in your assertions, fellow-grandpa.
Welcome to Holla Forums newfriend
Come from 4chan, bud?
As if you have seen eve a quarter of them. You don't like anime and you don't care about anime, so don't act otherwise.
Doesn't matter. Making a list of anime without any explanation of why they're good at all is just listing anime. Everyone knows anime exists. It's pretty much just mindless filler to make retards think your post was actually good. You'd be better off just shitting out a nihilistic post with no thought put into it.
Found the newfag.
You know, you are right, but you are also fucking retarded. Is "there is no good anime made after year X" any better argument? No it is not. So I am also going to wait for the guy that has been watching 30-40 series every season and is going to write me long essays for every single one of them why they are bad.
Thats a whole lot of moe shit there
No. I'm not even saying all anime is bad because I'm a fan of a few of them. I'm just saying listing a shitload of shows is just one big meme. An even bigger meme than saying there is no good anime. If you said "there are good animes" I wouldn't have responded. Filler just tickles my autism.
So you are maximum contrarian to everyone. Good for you.
Crawl back to your /a/ cesspit, you hypersensitive faggo.
Yes, we get it. You faggots have made this same fucking thread like 3 times this week. i hate new shit too, but threads just regurgitated the same shit we already know. And if we're being honest games already started sucking starting in 1995 thanks to Sony trying to appeal to normalfags
2013 spawned amazing music are you retarded?
Good goy.
Epic meme, friend. Here's your (you).
This game was childhood defining for me and I feel sad every time I think how there will never be another game or series quite like it.
I destroyed everyone in every online game. But it didnt matter, even though I taunted, communities online were significantly less toxic
I know for a fact I uploaded an image. What the fuck
You're both pathetic.
Day of the rope
Your way of thinking genocides its own people. Its done so TIME AND TIME AGAIN. Pick up a fucking history book. SOCIALISM DOES NOT WORK
lurk more newfag
works every time
Is this a coincidence?
nice try
Jesus XIII is on that list, I thought everyone forgot it existed tbh.
I hate being old and not being able to play old vidya I loved for the first time again
Consolization of pc games, that's why it all went to shit. Multiplatform game means that you cater to the dumbest. I'm not saying that console games are bad, but I want to play something else than mario on pc.
Funny thing that Morrowind was a multiplatform game!
I miss those days when the only girl in the world that played games was my little sister who to this day loves games, more than me these days.
Why are you such a turbosperg?
Did you flip out in the subnautica thread too?
Are you retarded?
Are you?
Are you?
I'm jealous.
The second 2007 hit every game ever released was complete garbage, and there has never been a quality game to come out past 2007. Don't believe me? It's all in the numbers.
I'm already nearing 40 and I can tell you that it's nostalgia that hits hard till you try to play it again. It's not the same as playing it from scratch. In fact, I only feel rage since making similar games with enhanced graphics that our current tech can handle is possible but won't be done just because.
I guess Doom, Half Life, Allied Assault, C&C are also shit games.
At least she has a math degree and is an actual coder/developer and not another shitty designer or bottom of the barrel designer
Still shit but not as shit is what I'm trying to say