So even from a Liberal perspective, Obama was a pretty fucking dogshit do nothing President right?
So even from a Liberal perspective, Obama was a pretty fucking dogshit do nothing President right?
When will the brocalism,sexism and racism on this board end?
Liberals are going to pretend he was a good president and ignore him killing browns with drones and expanding the surveillance state.
We have 8 years of policy to look back on, and the "le exact same as bush" meme is wearing a bit thin.
It was very clear that he made the correct decision on certain issues, like the Iran deal and the general refusal to escalate the situation in Syria.
The fuck, he wanted the land war in Syria.
It's congress who stopped him.
No he didn't. Parts of his cabinet and the 🍀🍀🍀intelligence establishment🍀🍀🍀 did.
If GWB or HRC were in office, Assad would be gone. Congress be damned.
lol, they wanted that shit so hard, i remember someone made a video of a young john kerry arguing against Vietnam next to an old john kerry crying for blood for the blood god and war in syria
What are you on again suckdem nerd?
How should we know what is the liberal perpective?
I wish he did nothing.
Obamacare was an outright gift to the insurance companies, and he and Hillary are responsible for turning several countries in the Middle East and North Africa into total basket cases.
He's pretty fucking dogshit though, I'll give you that.
I will never understand why when he first got into office, he disbanded the progressive coalition that put him there.
Or why he did absolute jack shit while the Dems controlled both houses, or why he didn't even bother to negotiate single payer.
Or why when Occupy Wall Street happened, he completely ignored that massive public support and actually stood with wall street.
I mean, millions were out on the streets wanting him to create a new deal job program and they controlled both houses? What the fuck? Why would you just ignore that opportunity?
Not as bad as bush, massive let down president and squandered basically every opportunity he had to push a progressive policy position despite controlling both houses and having overwhelming public support.
No, fuck you, stop lying.
Except congress and the american people sided with Bush in Iraq, congress and americans do not side with Obama in Syria.
And? It's fucking congress that stopped Obama.
To this day, Obama still directs airstrikes without Congress' approval.
Or the fact that lives for black americans have become worse and worse every year he has been in power.
I mean, doesn't this instantly demolish Idpol? The largest racial inequality in decades and huge race riots while a black man is in the seat of ultimate power?
Nah, it doesn't.
Obama encourages these race-riots.
Its almost like he was only a senator for 2 years before being thrust into the whitehouse on a wave of millinal idpol and lying about hope and change right after bush destroyed the economy and started two unpopular wars.
But as soon as he got in told the lefty faggots to scram and surrounded himself with neoliberals, and neocons.
This is why a liberal in office is bad, they enact right wing policy while the media and sjw's ignore it because they are the right side of herstory
Its actually more evil than a right winger being in office when you think about it.
third way new democrats, selling out to wall street while pretending to be socially progressive
Obama did everything Bush did and make it worse.
>>>Holla Forums is that way.
nice falseflagging bait Holla Forumsrother
Is it just me or is Donald Trump proposing more progressive policies in a week than Obama did in 8 years?
lol, and libs are protesting him because he isnt a minority
Yeah, some of his protectionist policies are pretty fine for Americlap standards, no wonder he cucked Hillary
He will probably sell out anyways
We could have had universal healthcare if the republicans didn't try to sabotage and cripple obamacare at every turn
Look at his Cabinet picks. There are lobbyists for TPP, Goldman Sachs workers, the whole shebang.
"We're gonna bomb the SHIT out of ISIS and take their oil" hello george my old friend
Keeping just two provisions of an already flawed healthcare plan isn't progressive.
No, they're protesting cause he's fucking garbage and has incited the largest spike in hate crimes ever in such a short period in modern history. If you'd pull your head out of your "idpol everywhere" ass for a second, you'd realize how wrong you are.
We're bombing 7 fucking countries. So you know what, you're right. He's arguably worse than Bush in foreign policy.
pretty much
all comrades are my bros. As it should be.
where was OP sexist?
where was OP racist?
See that's why you lost! You create problems that don't exist and refuse to deal with problems that do.
And we're bombing 5 other countries now
How are you people falling for this bait
sasuga ancum
Actually i was just looking at this and congress blocked him every time he tried to close it.
And everyone conveniently forgets that it was the Syrian government that requested investigation into the use of chemical weapons in Syria.
maybe at home he was marginally better than usual.
Same old salty pork abroad though
He's a good orator, whenever I see him speaking I think "aw yea thats why he's good", then he stops speaking and goes back to accomplishing nothing for another few months or just killing a few more scruffy shits in the Tora Bora as if they pose a real threat.
Trump is going to be an absolute dogshit president so Obama may be remembered fondly in comparison.
Kind of like how Clinton was a shitty, do-nothing corporatist president, but people thought fondly of him during the Bush years.
I think Obama will probably be one of those mindnumbingly bland presidents schoolchildren dread being asked to remember anything about on tests in 20 years.
Not that this excuses anything, but it's instructive to remember a couple major points.
First, Bill Clinton also failed in his efforts to pass much of anything (including a major healthcare reform, commonly called Hillarycare, which what later became Romneycare/Obamacare was invented by Republicans as a counterproposal against) in spite of a Democrat-majority in both houses of Congress, before said Democrats were voted out, and the new batch of Republicans were intransigent to the point of blocking the Federal budget and causing the worst government shutdown in history up to that point.
Second, Obama's Democratic majority in congress largely consisted of obstructive and unsupportive freshmen elected in Republican areas, all of whom were part of a "conservative Democrat" Blue Dog Coalition, and were largely replaced with Tea Party Republicans when they were later voted out. This contrasts against Bill Clinton's first congress, most of whom were veteran Democratic congressmen who had been in their seats since before Reagan.
That's probably because Bill Clinton had some of the highest poll numbers on record for a departing president all throughout his final term. Carter-to-Reagan might sorta be a better comparison, and even he wasn't scraping the bottom of the ocean the way Obama is now.
Only a democrat could bomb seven countries at once and get a peace prize.
You're right, he's worse than Bush by almost all metrics.
Absolutely, but that's almost entirely a consequence of an obstinate reactionary legislature.
Obama was clearly more style and substance, but he didn't have much of an opportunity to pursue the hope and change he promised.
Bush was golf courses
Obama was Martha's Vineyard
He was a weak willed shitter that didn't do anything except kill kids
Lurk moar, faggot
When Joe&Barack realise they are Trumps useful idiots.
He's only better than Bush by normie standards because he didn't pander to a universally reviled demographic, i.e. the religious right.
By our standards, he was Bush on steroids.
Let's not forget the fucker sent the FBI after the Occupy movement and then said he was with us.
Even on social policies (inb4 idpol) he was shit. He opposed gay marraige until his second term, while now he's hailed as some rainbow leader.
You wish.
In 20 years they'll still be claiming he's a great president - not because he actually did anything substantive, but because of the symbolism of the first black president in a nation with such a racially divided past…
He had the power to executive order its closing, but didn't in fear it would hurt dems in the election.
This is where I split wth you guys. The religious right are so reviled but we have seen zionism and sharia be equally as bad if not worse.
Its not like christfags a nearly as calculating.
They basically just want no abortion and no gay marriage. Outside of these main issues they are pretty tame. And Same sex marriage in Israel is a meme. As in its not allowed at all and in countries dominated by islam forget marriage equality, just being gay is enough for be executed or put in jail.
The religious right isn't executing gay people.
Im not on there side, Im an athiest, but I see a lot of hypocrisy on this issue.