Anyone else never talk in games?
Anyone else never talk in games?
There's no need for communication, even if you were playing an assfaggots game, if you know how to pull the strings even the silent and wise owl can lead the team to victory.
wherever I go I must also shittalk
If you ever do that make sure you stay silent
I never do it in CoH group games.
This. I just can't not be a dick.
If player even remotely good I call him tryhard, but if he's not very good I ridicule him for being scrub. When someone calling himself a girl emerges, I instantly send them to kitchen or something worse.
And whenever even a hint of homosexuality of furry shit pops up I go full autism-induced rage mode with horrible insults and death threats usually resulting in a kick or ban.
I'm so fucking lonely
They might ban you but they'll never take away your values, please never change user.
Same here, i can't even play nicely most of the times. I like annoying people and getting reactions out of them, it's their fault for taking a videogame so seriously.
I'll bite.
I hope you enjoyed my story Holla Forums.
Since I don't like talking when playing a game, I just play singleplayer
I need to trade, after all.
Does this mean you're fine with straight furry?
I use to never talk but then I started because I was playing more squad based shooters and it leads to a much high win rate.
Most people want to play as a team but no one wants to step up as a leader, by giving common sense orders your team becomes much more effective.
Just share your kemono folder already.
I used to a lot when I played shooters competitively, in pick up games if you know what you're doing and playing with randoms you can just step up as leadership role. Use your experience to guide players into positions and work out basic strats, actually get shit done as a team. Compliment the good plays, keep it light hearted when shit hits the fan so people don't get salty. Basically no point now though, most popular games aren't very good to begin with and no one wants to talk unless its garbage talk. Although I don't really play much anymore outside the occasional moba so I don't really experience much. Matchmaking completely killed online gaming in so many ways. You can't get blacklisted from the good player bases and you can't separate yourself from the horde unless you go out of your way to play competitive/find a group to do in houses with but like I said most games played now aren't really worth the effort.
On consoles its basically impossible due to everyone and their grandma having access to a system with online. I remember original XBL days you could talk to more or less everyone since only few types of people even knew/cared about online gaming. But now you cannot go into a single game without someone either screaming like a retard, a small child trying to act like a nigger, literal niggers, people blasting shitty music over the mic for reasons I yet to figure out and people just being obnoxious for the sake of it. The few times I have tried unmuting on the Xbone in the bigger MP games every fucking time there is someone just screaming gibberish, no exception. Its fucking weird. Everyone sane has everyone perm mute on or sites in party chats 24/7 because its the only way to keep your sanity.
Its honestly crazy how different it is today compared to a decade ago.
Just use one of the links from here.
How nice. Those beaks are always so cute.
I talk but I shit talk 99% of the time unless I care about winning which is about 1% of the time.
I hate joining shit servers where "wacism" is banned and the hotpockets there get triggered if I dare call someone a nigger. I hate this new culture of taking casual multiplayer so fucking seriously with servers having retarded rules like "no disrespect, no wacism, no hotpocket disrespect." It makes everything less fun when I can't tell an admin to suck my dick as banter unless I want him to get triggered that someone dare disrespect someone with a IRL power equivalent of a crackhead.
But user, if it's trying to be "professional", fun is not allowed.
And since everything tries to become an these days, retarded rules need to be implemented into everything.
Suprisngly the only game where it isn't that way would be CoD where you have some championships where the teams just insult each other the whole time while playing CoD on pc with a gamepad.
I usually stand somewhere really stupid and coordinate with steam friends to boobytrap people into walking to death.
I rarely play multiplayer games or games in general these days on account of them all being shit, but when I do there's hardly any reason to talk. Most games you can play just fine without communication, so all you ever see in the chat is kids trying to talk shit badly. The exception would be ASSFAGGOTS but I've stopped seeing those as games and more like just something to keep my brain occupied when I have nothing to do.
When I do run into someone who seems decent enough to bother talking to somehow I get more gratification from the non-verbal communication or stuff like voice commands.
What of it?
Too busy playing moon man for everyone.
Every time. I just stopped playing multiplayer games altogether.
no thanks
I usually maintain full radio silence because I'm too busy playing the fucking game, but when I do start shitposting and shittalking then I dial it up to 11 and break the knob off.
Also if your microphone isn't on push to talk then you're a fucking cancerous piece of shit that deserves to get spawnblocked by teammates and forced to listen to most obnoxious micspam possible.
Most people playing multiplayer games aren't just looking to play the game. They're looking for validation just as much, if not more so. If you can't affirm who they are as a person, they'll kick you to the curb and find someone who can, regardless of their ability at the task at hand.
It's the same in real life. Notice how gregarious halfwits get promoted to management, but people who focus on doing a good job stay in the same position forever. Schmooze and small talk win against actual substance, every time.
I've been trying to talk more to teammates to get over some anxiety issues. So far, it's been pretty alright. It's been helping relax more in other public conversations and I've been stuttering less recently. Although I also try to avoid talking too much because it can be jarring to hear a bunch of mindless banter.
Mommy said don't talk to strangers
I communicate when playing ASSFAGGOTS but besides that I'm pretty silent because everyone I play with is usually speaking another language or the "DUDE WEED LMAO" kind.
I prefer no voice chat
The only reason you should talk is to piss people off.
Just simple stuff.
I always found that being deadpan generates the most salt.
"Dude your a idiot, you suck, shut up"
Never, but then again I don't play MP games either.
I fucking hate games with forced multiplayer
I generally dislike people who talk, especially people who attempt to tell others how to play the game. If I wanted bad advice from someone who ought to be focusing their actual attention on the game at hand and not how I'm playing it, I would have asked. Unless you're grouping up with me or being a solid teammate, I don't really care how you would do things differently because you're supposed to be doing them differently now instead of taking up your precious time and energy telling others how to do it in the middle of a game. Even if I'm not the one they're referring to, it annoys at best and at worst it leads to bad group cohesion and playing, inevitably from the one making the complaints.
I talk sometimes in HoI3 because the textbox gets on my nerves.
Whenever i solo queue cs:go i need to voice_enable 0 because I'm too fucking old to deal with the kids the game attracts that whine like bitches when they aren't having it their way
Wish there was something like it but only for old farts like me
I like when communication can be handled entirely by inbuilt text commands, like TF2 or Rocket League.
Rocket League's commands are hilarious too, to the point where no-one seems to feel the need to talk on mic or even type.
I never had a mic when I was younger. Voice chat wasn't terribly common.
I'll never get used to it.
likewise, usually it involves being a dominant flirt with everyone else voice chatting.
I'm afraid my neighbors will think I'm insane.
Why do furries want to post furry shit every chance they get? This is worse then being a bully.
I talk shit in the text chat but normally I actually stay on topic like calling out the location of the enemies and whatnot. It helps being the MVP 90% of the time so people don't kick me.
Sometimes being a bully is what is needed in a game
I-I don't believe you.
i-is she going to rape me?
Because I love bullying you.
i rarely speak in real life too so in games i tell people i don't have a mic when in reality i feel like nobody has anything of value to say and even if i want to speak to others i feel like i don't have anything of value to say either.
Often times i ignore others on text chat too
Yeah I feel that way, too. It's easier to keep your mouth shut anyway. These heckler types who want to throw your game off or try to grief you only feed on your responses, so I just shut everyone down by muting every single god damned person in the lobby.
Communication is hardly worth it, even in team games such as ASSFAGGOTS since no one will listen.
▶Retard was just owned by x
Why do I even play this garbage
Nigger leave
Never say anything, always destroy, usually kicked when people try and talk to me and I say nothing back or if they just get tired of being put in the dumpster
such is life with the tism
I just treat everyone else as NPC's.
The only people I've come across who talk in games fall into two categories. They're either 30+ year old grognards to talk to piss people off, or underaged reddittors who exist to try as hard as possible and subsequently get bullied for it.
The former is, unfortunately, much more rare compared to the latter. I want reddit and underageb& to leave.
Talking to the kids with high-pitched voices who continuously say "your mum is ugly"?
Sorry, but no interest.
your 2 categories are nonsense. I've run into all sorts in games.
i'm calling it a light-to-decent 4/10
Not unless it requires it for better team performance.
fuggg. at least i grew up to have a deep voice i think
Didn't have a pussy voice by the time voice chat became a thing so I talked when I needed to talk. I haven't played anything with public/in-game voice chat though. If I did I'd probably do a lot of shittalking, especially because most kids today are fucking faggots.
Social anxiety is a bitch
I did the same before I dropped the game.
Sober? Never. When I've had a few though, I'm extremely social. Hell, I envy players that meet drunk me online. I get really into FPS tactical chatter and stay really positive, I baby-step new players through the basics, I sherpa people through raids and give away desirable loot in MMO's… Dunno why it all goes away when I'm not disguised. Sober, I'm just a slow-cooker of minor worries and self-consciousness.
Meanwhile today absolutely everyone ever is either some subhuman third worlder who doesn't bother even TRYING to speak English
And they all act like NPCs
Why even fucking bother anymore
normalfags invaded gaming and it's all gone downhill
Even if you tried to shittalk in games it's just "reported" and you're muted.
I type slowly so most of the time I only communicate when I'm not doing anything or it's really important.
And the former is usually rare because if I'm just standing around talking then I'm not really playing the game am I?
Voice chat is a different matter though most of the time I will only bother to set up my mic if I know the people on the other end.
Anyone else never play multiplayer games?
yeahhhh i have problems taking anything in life seriously
I never do. People screamed at me when I tried playing CS or GMod without a mic so I uninstalled them. ;_;