Based CPY cracked INSIDE
Denuvo on suicide watch
Based CPY cracked INSIDE
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It was shit game to begin with, though. A fucking limbo 2.0.
all these drm cracks and still no good fucking pc games in 6 years holy shit
user, its time when you should just emulate older consoles to get for yourself some fun. No point wasting your life on the new shit.
So is it now possible to crack other games that use Denuvo?
there's plenty of new great games, but emulation is for poor faggots who accept worse alternatives
Anything is possible through Jesus Christ, user.
How long did the crack take? This game has been out for fucking months.
Name some
Megnet link anywhere?
Well this is a christian image board afterall
Promoting a religion that tries to make you weak, especially during these hard times, should be rewarded with re-education camps (i.e. schools)
Don't really care about the game but it's always a motive to celebrate.
Crusade time, deus vult.
That's funny coming from a faggot begging to be spoonfed. Put down the tendies and pick up the Bible, kid.
The core teachings of Christianity is to love everyone, and give your other cheek to the enemy. It plants the idea of some sort of mystic good place, where you get after death, if you were a good boy, so it only encourages being weak, and not trying to be a better person, an übermensch, in you like. I recommend you reading Thus spake Zarathustra in your language, he can elaborate further on the object than I ever could.
And asking for something =/= needing to be spoonfed. I just sometimes like to think, that people could help each other.
Wait, some indie shit used Denuvo? wew
Nothing of what you said is true. It encourages people not to be barbarians, a-la Muslims, but that's about as far as it goes.
Disprove me, please.
Because not like most cultures without a religion playing active role in it didn't frowned upon barbarians. Just to name a few: Romans, Greeks, Carthagians, Macedonians, Egyptians, etc.
Depends on the interpretation. Keep in mind, Jesus also whipped the fuck out of people, and said to sell your shit for a sword.
Alright pal, take it to
>>>Holla Forums
And where does he said that? I've never even heard about such thing. Do you mind to recite the actual verse?
Nietzsche fags please get out.
There wasn't a single instance in history that being Christian was being weak or handing your land and wife to the muslims.
Hell, Popes were the artifices behind Nations at each other throat uniting against the ottomans.Learn your fucking history.
Master-slave morality and all the trifle of shit we knew from people before Nietzsche is all good in theory,in practice it doesn't work because not everyone is like that, the vast majority, probably the 98% of people are slaves, exactly like people in history chose to be slaves way before Christianity appeared or where Christianity never arrived. You can't change that with Nietzsche, this is human behavior like eating and shitting.
No thanks, I like my right-leaning cesspool more.
Luke 22:36
"Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
You know being gay is a sin, right?
Because Leftypol is somewhat moderate, while the closet-commie nazi board is deep in the far-left.
What is a sin?
/liberty/ has been dead for ages.
I wish there was a new Holla Forums, what wasn't run by mods what ban conflicting opinions, though.
I miss seeing actual fucking debate, you know?
Of all the game they could crack they manage to crack one of the least interesting, at-least it's not ubishit but still.
It was funded/bankrolled by Microsoft.
Anyway, the real test is Mankind Divided. We need a proper new game to test the time it takes to crack.
I also fear that NieR will use Denuvo, being a Squeenix title.
People chose to be slaves? That's is an interesting claim, but the point slavery dates way back is true. Still, promoting and practicing a religion, that helps that mindset a lot, is not a good idea.
Sure, I just didn't study that much my bible ;^)
That's all right, bruv. So long as you stop spouting rubbish or stuff what you ain't versed [hue] on.
I don't even know if bait or just a semi-literate dipshit turned pseudo r/intellectual. Fucking GG and it's write like a plebbitor is fine too.
Here's your (you) faggot
My main claim doesn't change from a cherry-picked quote cited without context.
shit game
Nice, bruv.
Anyway, I gave two examples. The guy straight up whipped people at a temple.
He ain't the hippy-dippy tosser what people picture.
I hope they can crack Mankind Divided.
Everything can be cracked with enough time and effort. The question here is that will anyone take the time to crack Denuvo?
I guess the more files the game has the longer it takes to crack. good job italy though.
Look it up, it dates way back to Greece and more.Even now we are slaves and so is the ones on Holla Forums yelling about it. Becoming a pagan sure as hell didn't change them, all the cries of Christcuck didn't make one of them do something more than shitting in a thread, let alone do something as Varg.
Instead it's a perfect idea: as i said being a slave is way more a behavior intrinsic of the human being that influenced by external factors. Again history is full of it, even in countries were religion sophisticated as Christianity never reached or arrived too late.Because slavery is safe, is secure. Think about a domestic cat: he is not free, he is limited by the house and by what the master gives him but he is free from worries about eating or living,etc.
The majority can't stop being slaves, no matter what they read or do.Knowing this, it is better to give them something like Christianity and the morals of it instead of giving them Nietzsche, because, as you can see around,they will just use it do give value to their degenerate behaviors while being slaves to them.
To add:Nietzsche and so Master-Slave theory are out in the world since more than +100 years, what changed?
Yes, but the image of him was created in the name of being a hippy-dippy tosser, mainly that is by people picture it like.
Well, truth to be told, Nietzsche himself says that some people cannot become more than servants. Yet, I find the idea of becoming an übermensch is a goal that one should always work for.
Bear with me, it was a long time ago I have to write this much coherent english about actually interesting topics.
It already been done, a couple more times and they'll lose all their credibility. The Denuvofags are singing their swansong but I'll take years before they go full dinosaur and some other shit will eventually replace it
Christianity, and indeed all religions, are just a way for people to add meaning to their lives.
Heaven, a god that loves you and eternal life are a comfort in a shitty world to many.
Most don't appreciate the fact that the universe doesn't care about their short empty lives.
One day Christendom will just be another obscure dead religion and a new faith will be all the rage.
Mate that isn't even a proper fucking sentence. Who created him? In what name?
Are we assuming the bible as a fiction? In which case, doesn't the source material create him? If that's true, then the source material sure as hell doesn't show him as some hippy. Although you don't even frame it like that, instead going with a "in the name of" lot, which only further adds a load of nonsense to it. Seems to me like you're just trying to pad out the sentence.
The book don't show him like that, you faggot.
Read it some time. Only reason people go for that stretch is because that's what modern sensibilities did to it.
If people actually read the book, instead of making shit up like illiterate fucktards [cough cough (you) cough], they'd see otherwise.
People forgot Securom? That's disheartening.
I partially agree, however,as i said, the most will never reach that point, with religion, or without and the modern days are an example.
But on the same thought, there were and will always be the ones which will go over it even with religion. For them, Christianity will just be another obstacle to overpower, nothing more.
Eh, it's pretty old. Not sure I'd count it out just yet. Lasted a good 2k years so far, and that's if you exclude the Jewish portion, of which was before that as well.
My expectation is, we'll get another expansion. Firerain is the next apocalypse, or whatever. Probably a solar flare that wipes out most of civilization, makes it easy to bring in some hope or that jazz.
All right, I'll do my best to form a proper sentence.
In the book, where does Jesus call for crusades, or inquisitions? Yet, people did these things in his and God's name. With religions, what people made to believe by the priests, and popes is matter more than what is in the book.
My point is as religions can be interpreted any way, even possibly going very far from the mindset of the original source, the things one's should discuss is the current interpretation, not the original, and currently, especially with this new pope Francis, the give-in side of Christianity is practiced more commonly.
Then we're back where we started, where I said "depends on the interpretation", ain't we?
The core teaching vary from church to church, and often enough from person to person.
This isn't the Catholic or Orthodox church any more, where you only get the one teachings or executed.
Yet, the most common is the turn the other cheek interpretation. Especially with the recent migrant crisis, and the pope mindset towards it, it is dangerous, for some today, for some in the future.
Doom is pretty awesome
Catholics don't even like the pope, and they're supposed to think he's straight up "word of god".
Anyway, you want to complain about the "common", by all means, but keep in mind, the "common" is the common for everything.
The average overall is to turn the other cheek.
It's changing, but that's what's been the average runup for a while.
Besides, you're comparing everyone to eurofags. Eurofags are the single worst people on this planet. I would rather arabs, africans, chinks, slavs, or what have you, than Eurofags. They corrupt you by pretending to be one of you. They slip in, weaseling their way in, into your media, your teachers, your politics, even. You know where liberals came from? It wasn't America, I can tell you that. Those left-leaning bastards came from none other than the big steaming pile of shite itself, Europe.
But I get off topic. We ain't Eurofags, thank God.
Seriously, ask the average chirstian here in the Bible Belt what they think about the migrant crisis. They ain't going to be happy, I can tell you that
Well, I'm an Eurofag, as you say it, but I've met both opinions lots of times, with catholics who likes the pope, to others, who hate him. But you know, clever and rich people can always use the stupid, and to help maintain stupidness, the liberal mindset was created. Maybe I should go to America, but damn it, I'll defend my country with my work and even with force, if needed. At least we have proper border, and patrols growing every week in numbers.
that's so gay
Stay out of my country you fucking Euro bastard. I don't want your cancer here.
It's like the damn commie-fornians all over again. Sure, they say they hate the state, they say they don't support what the state's doing, but then, everywhere they go, they try to jam in the same bullshit, ruining more and more of the country.
Why not try to fix your shithole nation, instead? Or colonize somewhere else, revolt against your rulers, and become another free nation. Africa could use a hand, by all means. World could use another Rhodesia, though they skipped the revolt bit.
Maybe you have been blinded a bit by hate towards liberals, because you seem to skipped the last part of my post. Otherwise, was a fun talk, thanks.
Is it gay to want to defend your home, your woman, your family, and friends? Only if you use the word in the old English version (i.e. happy).
Fair enough, it's what I get for reading up to the "I should move to America" bit.
Still, seriously, everything wrong with the world came from there.
Can't even give credit for civilization, outside of Greek whatnot. Should've left the rotting barbarians alone, Rome should've.
Only reason America was half decent was thanks to avoiding that radioactive cesspool.
It is just a very prolonged sickness. As Rome fall, it was in a similar state, it was only in a more brutal world. I always dream of a land, where people get in by being skillful, and tries to improve life in ways, but I guess, I have to be realist.
But I want you to think a bit about where did liberals came from? Europe had the renessaince, knowledge was respected, than slowly things were detoriating into madness as it is today. Don't blame stupid Europeans, for they were simply cattle; blame those, who felt the need for such cattle, and changed them into liberals.
And fundamentally, those are the people who turned your beloved America into the cesspool it is today, as Europe.
We'll only see better days if the ruling class obtains the will to make a future for mankind, not greed only.
What the fuck are you people even talking about?
Someone post a magnet to Inside
I asked for it, and this is kind of what happened. I admit, I have a large part in derailing.
That's fair enough. Blame the people, rather than the place. Still, bit of a pain.
I feel it too, user. Maybe after the war, we can build something great from the ashes.
Egyptian paganism lasted like what, 10 milleina?
Within the last 6 years, off the top of my head:
90% of the games I just listed were made as throwbacks to 90s PC gaming. Gaming is fucking dead kiddo
What good came out in 2010 that made it the "last good year"?
Requesting 8ch photo of "best" game release dates since like 96
I loved you Guildwars ;(
Whats with all the hate for Red Faction Armageddon
The game wasnt as good as Guerilla but it was fun. It certainly wasnt bad.
Doom is pretty good as well
You wanna play a bad Red Faction game play Red Faction 2
Guerilla uses it way better but it still not fully there
Don't get me wrong Guerilla is the better game of the franchise and is pretty fucking fun but armageddon is no worse than the first two entries which both were barely good even at the time they released
>inb4 but muh RF1
RF1 had mediocre everything outside of Geomod which isn't even used all that much and is barely usable even when you could have done something clever with it like dropping that rock bridge while an APC is passing through but it won't drop because you didn't see that one pixel of rock holding it
I still can't continue playing Grim Dawn because it feels way too lonely. I wish I had a friend to play it with. at least Divinity Original sin wasn't that lonely
When can I have sweet release? Someone should update this.
It really should be though, the series is much better as Just Cause Space Edition with a better destruction engine.
I've got the gog copy if you want to play with me user.
would you play lan using tunngle then?
Yes, the destructible environment is leagues ahead of JC3.
As in, it has them.
Come on
What are you talking about. there are links in this threads for the game.
Nice dubs but I was pointing out that the OP was a faggot, not that there werent any links in the thread.
if you want puzzles just play the witness
if you're stupid and still want puzzles play portal 2
just enjoy the tears user
There is not a single game using Denuvo that I even want to waste the time downloading.
Deus Ex: Mankind divided.
Dont lie, you want to play it.
Sure why not? I typically just use hamachi though.
Assuming you live in the states that is, the input latency during simulated LAN with my friend in Australia was unplayable m8.
oh I live close to that north africa sadly lol . make a hamachi room since your internet is better obviously . I read that you can't matchmake with steam version so I went ahead and pirated the gog version
The other thread is derailed by best girl competition.
Are you some kind of casual?
I really want to play Nier
I see we have some real shit taste here. Why don't you go back to 4/v/?
Read it with its context. This is said during the Last Supper. His disciples present him with two swords and he says this is enough. It's obvious that he's just setting up evidence for the arrest he predicted, making him look like the leader of a gang of criminals.
This is the same guy who said those who live by the sword shall die by the sword, so which do you think was more accurate to his teachings?
There is a difference between slow and dead. People actively post on /liberty/ every day, just not a lot of them. Comparing every board to Holla Forums and Holla Forums's speed is fucking stupid and it creates a feedback loop that destroys smaller boards.
You had one job you chucklefucks
There have been plenty of good games in the past 6 years, all of them have been DRM free though.
Indie games use Denuvo now??
What the fuck!?
Imo it would be better as a mix between open world and more more crafted areas (better made than the ones in RF:A though)
Yeah, turns out it's cheap when you're a small dev so they do it, turns out it hurts them more than anything else, I know a bunch of people who bought it only because they could try it with the bypass.
denuvo is unique to each game. its not as simple as copy pasting a technique that worked on one game to another
Fucking horseshit user the only DRM that uses in game triggers to fuck you is not something like denuvo, denuvo doesn't need to use hacks to fuck you because it keeps people out in the first place
Don't comment on shit you don't understand.
not even for free
then go and copy that inside crack on to warhammer and tell me how that goes
Seriously lad.
I'll give you a hint since you're a retard
Bypass is unique to game
Denuvo does not have in game triggers like smaller scale DRM
Denuvo once bypassed is no longer an issue
Kill yourself
t.assmad pirate
Let's look at the list of games that use denuvo.
I don't feel too worried, lads.
That's how you admit you lost an argument
nice formatting, redditor
is right,
this doesn't even make sense to what he said
I want tech illiterate faggots to leave.
Stop being edgy little 14 year olds who feel the need to hijack a thread just to spout your insecurities with religion and how your 15min of wanking and thinking in the shower means you know the answer to life's most important question that way more qualified people have spent hundreds of years arguing about.
>>>Holla Forums
I care about religion, and I also squat 405.
Fight me you fucking degenerate.
I wanna fuck Christ-tan
Also here we go shitposting and relgion should be good.
I want to give Christ-tan children out of wedlock
Yes goy, religion is bad. Become an aetheist or a pagen and submit to hedonism.
I'm just shitposting, mimicking Holla Forums style posts is great at derailing and getting reactions on Holla Forums and the mods protect it
The same method can be applied but the triggers are not in the same place for everygame. If you copy the ROTTR crack in just cause you'd get the menu but cant get past it. Larger games might need longer time because they have more files(possibly the same number of triggers though). They memory patch every trigger to emulate denuvo
I was going to leave this shitpile alone, but then…
Denuvo said that the trigger are placed in loading screen as to never cause an issue on peformance while playing.
Why did denuvo affect the performance of lords of the fallen then?
Because they implemented everything like retards and used a lot of Nvidia techs so on top of the shittyness you have AMD specific shittyness.
It's ironic that Holla Forums created the most degenerate thing on Earth: Holla Forums shitposting.
They placed triggers on loadings and on things where it wouldnt be noticable such as a cutscene. They are lying to their teeth. If that would have been the case, Doom would have been cracked way earlier
I know, that's basically what they said, I guess what they mean by performance is fps, not loading time.
Matthew 10:34 (KJV)
34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
Yeah, you did.
And ironically you've proven exactly *why* Holla Forums shitposting is the most degenerate thing ever.
been posted like 5 times today user, get your shit together
>Not understanding meta shitposting
I don't know shit tech related. Does someone know if Mankind Divided will be cracked quickly or is it still a time consuming process?
I just watched a jewtube vid of it. No reason to play it after that.
daily reminder
captcha: uqjewt
Still time consuming.
As far as I understood it they patch the triggers that were set in place for Denuvo to check upon.
But since each game has an individual set of them placed at different places, it still takes time to find all of them.
Unless they found a method to speed up the process.