Gamer Food

What's your gaming snack?
This and Mountain Dew Pitch Black.

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You know you're not going to live past 40, right? Enjoy your dialysis.


Degenerate sodomite.

Mandarin oranges and water.

I actually like Mountain Dew and Doritos.

Thanks user.

Beef jerky
Vodka or Scotch

I bake myself brownies and cookies
I want you fags to go back to middle school

its better for him to die early than live a full pathetic life where he just posts greentext complaints about how lonely he is.

Mini Charleston Chews with some milk, beer or water.


That's pee. You can tell by the lack of coherency in the jet and how quickly the tights absorb it.

Do you fags even take care of your own battle stations?


that is legitimately the best doritos flavor

Usually have 2 servings of milk with a bar. Macros 2g fat - 29 carb - 26 protein. Tastes great too.

what's the point of living life if you live it like this

Ramens and coffee are fine
maybe some chicken and pea salad too if I'm going for an actual meal

Normally I just drink water while vidya, but now I'm eating saltines and Cane sugar coca cola

I usually have some kind of sandwich or I cook something with beef or chicken in it, and drink either milk, chocolate milk, or coffee

I stay away from chips and pop

The ideal gaming snack leaves no mess(no crumbs, spills, trash, et cetera), no shit on your fingers but is also eaten with your fingers and actually tastes good.

What is it Holla Forums?

a bowl of grapes
bonus points for green ones

I like coffee but I keep trying to switch to green tea to get rid of sugar.

Don't get old, kids.

Good goyim

I eat cookies and drink yogurt. I've looked at healthier snacks but everything I found takes too much effort to make.

I drink tea all day and clean my fingers off by dipping them in my cup when they food on them.




Normal skim milk has 10 more calories and 4 less grams of protein, at least the brands around here. I wouldn't even bother wasting my carbs on it for such shit protein.

excellent choice



There's nothing wrong with dipping your fingers in your drink to get small amounts of food residue and saliva off of them.

Is walking to the bathroom really that much of a struggle?

If it is, just grab yourself a small bowl of water and a cloth napkin.

What if I'm eating chips while playing vidya and need to rinse my fingers off after every one?


I guess I don't just graze my food for hours like cattle. I usually just eat it in 5-10 mins.


And you can't play vidya during those 5-10 minutes because your hands are fucking dirty. All I'm doing is going to extra mile to solve an obvious problem.

Yo post more.

That's disgusting.


aww yeah


What is this garbage?

Yeah, i imagine that it could kill you if you weren't lucky.

I know your not suppose to eat the shell but it's so salty and tasty

Sorry, but I actually like being able to taste my food.

No snacks. When I did go on all night vidya binge it's smoke breaks with either diet cola or coffee. Afterwards I'd either go to sleep if I was at home, if I was playing at a net cafe I'd grab a sausage breakfast sandwich from mcdicks on the way home. I haven't done vidya binge-ing like that in many years though, because that's something you can only really do when you're younger and invincible.

I want me some of that
I'm not going home until I get me a piece of that

I don't snack, but I drink pic related.

I'm aware how dumb it is buying bottled water.
However I often re-use the bottles for months with just tap water or tea.

stopped drinking regular soda, the corn syrup was giving me gout.

I know the real sugar stuff isn't much better, but I just drink one or two instead of going through five or six like I used to.

No one cares about anything you have to say bud

You did boo, you cared enough to reply.

How the fuck do you get Gout?


Toasted sandwiches and white wine

Am I getting my 5 a day?

It's chicken, it doesn't HAVE a flavor by itself.

High Fructose corn syrup causes a build up of uric acid, if the build up becomes to high it hardens and turns into crystals resulting in a gout attack.

I got it bad in my feet to the point I couldn't walk.

Beer, water, and goldfish

I usually eat them with chopsticks to keep my fingers clean


Fuck me that looks awful, did they enf up cutting it out or what?

If it's with a cup of CLP, yes.

So far, no. After about a week or two the pain would go away, but it wasn't until I learned what it was I cut out all HFC. real sugar pepsi is just now for a boost, like I said I only drink one or two cans.
some days I don't even drink any.

I am concerned though that it's not gone for good and I'll end up having another attack, but I've been "attack free" for a year now.

how fat are you?


I think it's neat

Wish the crystals were larger, though. We could pretend Tiberium was real

Gout is one of those things you just don't look up, like Mango worms and spinal surgery.


Stay healthy user friend.

Soda is bad, I drink it again, but not nearly as bad as I did for pretty much all my life. Water really makes you feel better.

This is about what I expected.

Tortilla chips and black coffee.

no. thems normal maggots

Mango worms are so much worse.

Man, spoiler that shit. Just makes me thankful we live in 'Murica. Not perfect, but all we have to worry about is obesity and nutjobs.

Anyone else love Reeses Peanut Butter Cups?

I don't know why, but this made me clean up my desk

I eat the gay cake

That's just nervous energy.
Mango flies don't lay their eggs in trash however.
The meat has to be alive!

Thanks, I'm trying. I've already lost a lot of weight. It probably doesn't help that I'm approaching my mid 30's as well.

I love those things.

Anyway, for the other anons who said they don't snack, what do you do? I usually alt+tab out and go cook, then game once I'm done.

Same. At most alt tab to watch something while eating.

Drinking yogurt through your nose is possible and pretty fun


You unwashed barbarians stop

Considering I swim at least four hours a week, not very fat at all

You're living in a cyberpunk dystopia, might as well eat like it!

(The liquid form tastes okay and is very filling. I haven't tried the bar form yet since it just came out but I ordered some, because who wouldn't want to have nutritionally complete food-like product simply labeled "Soylent - Food Bar" in a black and white wrapper?)

It's cool how Silicon Valley's universal vision of the future is shit that someone else invented in a white box and marked up 700%.

I bet that shit is overpriced as fuck and costs only like 0.1 per piece to make

Describing it in a novel doesn't really count as "invented."

It's like water but better

Coincidentally I heard that, that shit turns you into a tranny. I think Wu ate that shit.

I won't disagree, if you cook all your meals yourself it's way more expensive.

But to be realistic, the alternative here is not home-cooked tilapia and fresh veggies. It's fast food, junk food, and fast junkfood. I can afford to pay a premium to not get double-diabetes and still not have to learn how to cook or spend time actually cooking.

I don't think it's even been out long enough for that to have happened. No, you're thinking of xenoestrogens, which come from basically everything, including tap water:


It's nice how Silicon Valley's idea of the future is some of the worst aspects of sci-fi movies.


What kind?

Look at where you are, he did that to himself, he deserves nothing less than mockery and scorn

If he needs help why don`t his newfound friends on the LGBTQLMNOPYXZ pseudoprogressives help him

30 to 50 grams of roasted and salted cashew nuts.

That's fucking horrifying. San Francisco faggots are trying to turn unsuspecting customers into frail feminine nuMales to join their hipster SJW army

Seriously though, someone contact the FDA to put a warning label on this shit

wait, that shit is made out of soybeans? you fucking cuck really eat soy?

Hey quads, I've been drinking soy milk for 20 years and I'm not a tranny.
Well, I don't have any chest hair and I can't grow a beard, but that's not that big of a problem, is it?

Quit being a lazy dumbass and watch Alton Brown's Good Eats. Cooking is a good skill to have.

How fucking obvious can you get, no way am I ever putting something called "soylent" into myself. It may not be people, but fuck, it can't be healthy if they're calling it soylent of all things.

what the fuck is wrong with you?

and that fucking cuck with his soylent shit.

you little stupid shit

it's just one shitty protein bar made up off cheapest chinese soy flour as filler, loads of cancerous corn syrup to put it together, algal flour which always has unknown origins, beets powder to give it a sweet taste and shitty vitamin powder that's just 15% of what you need daily anyway.

I was right, it's overpriced shit. Go look up the ingredients separately and you could make up your own protein bars much cheaper.

At least, if you are too lazy to do your own shit, buy Amazing Grass Green SuperFood

it's just your usual cheap discount store protein bar with fancy marketing.

So did Cosmo. Probably full of estrogen.

Actually its not necessarily even that soy beans themselves are the problem, its more likely that this cheapo chink ass SF company is importing from China where they use growth hormone on everything.

I mean liquid nutrition. It's existed since at least the '80s, they feed it to coma patients. These guys just made it more like cum and spent the QC money on advertising to nouveau riche bug people and paradigms are suddenly getting shifted.

Gas the fucking techies.

Its far from nutritionally complete. To get the correct nutrients from supplements alone you need to take around 100 regular sized pills, that doesn't fit into a couple of glasses of that stuff, especially since its mostly soy powder.

What, you thought this was a game? You thought there were no consequences?
Guess again.

Did someone say mango worms?

is it just me or they would look good in some pasta?

I'm not sure I'd want to eat anything that might eat me from the inside out, but regular maggots aren't terrible.
Or crickets, for that matter.

South African coming through with the objectively best gamer food

I don't like pointing fingers, but holy shit, what a shill. Stop bumping this shit.

Hear hear. I want my city to go back to normal.

If anyone's dumb enough to get shilled, they deserve it.

I had a few whopperrito's and some nachos yesterday on a dota binge

shit was lit

I always love it when people from 3rd world countries come into these threads and presume to know anything about food in general let alone gamer food

Okay, now it's time to crash this thread with no survivors.

Cheap energy drinks and granola bars.

I always love it when americans think they're not third world themselves.


ah yes I forgot which board this was

sorry for enjoying things

Yummy yummy


I always love it when people from shitpot countries assume everyone else in the world lives in the US

ya fookin prawn

No need to get butthurt user


That's because it's almost always insecure americans who call everyone else third world.
How's that internet treating you, cunt?


You could try to be less of a faggot about it next time. You'll get there

Just learn to make fried rice and your life will change forever. Shit's cheap as fuck and takes 20 minutes of effort to get enough food for a couple of days.

Wait what the fuck I don't remember there being a white wiggle.

bowl o' dat hot water n sum mofuckin lemon wedge in there monica take all dat residue n eything right off fam

iz stay eatan them red hots while i b gamin n then there's them arizonas a nigga b fancyin fam. watermelon pretty gud, but i dun lyk the way niggas be eyein me drinkin it, like i b drinkin it cuh i'm black fam naw nigga shit is good

He mustn't be a wiggle in himself. Right?

A bowl of semi-thawed frozen blueberries or occasionally grapes, with water and valerian tea (I just like rancid feet smell), red bull or an iced cappuccino.

The best snacks are messy finger foods, so I generally just go afk and make a wrap with some canned meat and veggies before playing.

Bagels made by literal jews in Montreal.



GF threads are always the fucking worst, but coming into this thread? Oh boy, you guys have out done yourselves this time.

Coffee during the mornings and tea during the evenings
Coffee is straight black but I have one cube of brown sugar and a splash of lemon juice in the tea

true tbh fam
Anyone that drinks tea with sugar deserves to be hanged.

I just got a kitchen jooce press so and I got my own apple trees so I'm drinking apple juice 24/7.

No, literally Eating a sandwich during a game is fucking great

My nigger
although I do not eat the shell


this shit is the best

has no sugar, tastes natural and gives you a caffeine kick

It's only one step above club soda, but that works for me


enjoy your cancer

Fun fact, continued gout recursions can cause destruction of the joints.

Every thread.


Lately whenever I order takeout, I just get crab rangoon and some egg rolls.

Shit makes amazing coffee.
Also, been trying to make some home made pasta.
Pic related is what I'm shooting for, but it usually ends up looking like you took that, and put it through one of the levels of hell.



I normally only game after work so, except for weekends, I just grab my food from the taco bell next to where I work. It's not healthy in the slightest, but it's convenient and I can eat a burrito at my battlestation without making a mess. Soda is a rarity if that counts for anything. It's almost always water or organic grape juice for me.

I'm dealing with diverticulitis right now though so it's been white rice, white fish, and canned veggies for the past couple nights and for a few more going forward.


To any fellow fat fucks, just get rid of the fucking soda
Unless you eat seconds and thirds for dinner, it's gonna help

Mah boi, this is thread is what all gamers starve to death for.


Can confirm.

And now post the face, no one would get horny from these kind of pictures if they knew how fucking ugly these creatures actually looked from the front.

So America?
You people invented fake cheese. Game. Set. Match.

Inspect my repeating integers niggers.

doritos are disgusting. id rather have carrot cake


There's a chocolate place nearby that's just started making chocolate covered caramel oreo clusters. As long as I don't hold them in my hand they don't stain and they're like an explosion of delicious in your mouth.

i dont get why people are obssesed with all this corn flavored shitm and all this carbonated sugar shit.

You would think people that play video games would be smart enough to know about the old salty-sweet trick. But no, fuckers arent smarter than any nigger sucking dick to smoke crack

I used to want to try something like this. I made dorito-battered fried chicken once. It was alright.

I started thinking about FF cooking, and how these critters were named Hedgehog Pie, and that of course got me thinking about how they'd taste. "Well, they're a fire monster, so it would have to be spicy and unnaturally red, but I imagine a little bit of sweetness. Maybe if I ground flamin' hot cheetos into a powder that would work."

Since there's pie in the name, it'd have to be like a shepherd's pie or pot pie. Then there's the issue of what meat to use. They look like little frogs, so maybe either frog or alligator meat.

I don't know, just an idea. I'm open to suggestions.

Id be the fucker that puts green food coloring into the bottle and shaking it before serving it to the guests.

I mostly stick with Gnocchi if I'm making homemade pasta, filling and satisfying.

Some of my fondest childhood memories are from middle school. I grew up poor, I didn't get an allowance but my mom let me have any change I found around the house. I'd scrounge it together, roll it, carry it around in a bag, etc.

Usually on weekends and every spring break I'd have a friend over, and nine times out of ten we'd do the same thing. There was a mall two blocks from my house, and a gas station before that. We'd walk to the mall, pick up comic books and magic cards, I'd tell myself I was going on a grand quest and paying for my treasures with a bag of loot. We'd go to blockbuster and rent two games, we'd go to the gas station and I'd drop the majority of y money there getting us all kinds of snacks. Gatorade, cherry pepsi, haribo gummi bears, big league chew, kit kats, slushees, you name it. When we got back we'd order a pizza.

We'd spend the rest of the weekend playing through whatever we'd rented going through all our junk food and trying not to sleep at all. I played through Xenogears, Final Fantasy IX, Soul Reaver 1 & 2, Abe's Exodus, Armored Core, Monster Rancher, Einhander, Brave Fencer Musashi, Mega Man X 4, Mega Man 8, Mega Man Legends and Duke Nukem this way off the top of my head. Sometimes we'd rent anime like Slayers as well. One time we rented an ecchi tape, Dragon Knight or something, I forget. It wasn't very explicit. Pervy knight goes through a dungeon rescuing naked chicks. Most explicit scene was a busty pink-haired chick getting her tits whipped and then licked by a lizard monster. Back then that was the most explicit shit any of us had ever seen.

I miss those days. Even as an adult, I've repeated those weekends with girls many, many times, though generally with sex, booze and horror movies. That's basically my go-to cheap date for girls I meet off the internet. Get a hotel room, make an adventure of walking to the nearest gas station, order a pizza, watch/play something and fuck.

I don't remember there being a nigger wiggle.
A niggle.



frog meat is delicious and is criminally underused

you drink coffee and eat pasta while playing some game?

Wrong board, pal.

It looks like something straight out of a dystopian science fiction movie.
Holy shit it is!
Forgot link

spicy sweet chili is one of those weird flavors that wavers from "oh this is kinda nice" to "vomit"

have you seriously never heard of soylent green before? read a book nigger.

Water and whatever's in the fridge/pantry. If I actually bought food regularly then I'd be even fatter than I already am.

Exactly, that's why it'll always be a fantasy. That or you just put a bag over their head and tell them not to speak. I don't think I've ever seen a legitimately cute face on /cuteboys/, it's always generic Chads at best and (much more commonly) hideous tranny-looking faggots at worst.

What the fuck, this is a thing?

I plan on making some Baked Apples when I get paid tomorrow. I don't know what I'll stuff in hole form the removed core yet, but I'm thinking raspberries, blueberries and a sprinkle of brown sugar and serving it with some custard or with some maple syrup with some lightly browned oats sprinkled on after the maple is applied.

That sounds pretty wonderful, user. Thank you for sharing this.

ginger kisses and anzac biscuits.
I don't know if you americans have glorious Australia and New Zealand Army Corps biscuits but they're the best thing to come out of the second world war after space flight.

webm related?



Literally a burrito with american shit in it instead of mexican shit.

Finally got a pressure cooker so I just chucked in a couple chicken breast halves, a pack of mushrooms, and 3/4 of an onion because that was the shit I had sitting in my fridge needing to get eaten. Microwaved some potatoes and started cooking some flour and butter for a gravy mix while the chicken cooked. When the chicken cooked for 8 minutes, I took it out and dumped the liquid+mushooms+onions into the now cooked flour and butter. Mixed it up, added salt and pepper, served with the baked potatoes. I am completely serious when I say it tasted exactly the same as a can of cream of mushroom soup, but better. Ate it as I played a VN

It was pretty fucking good.

So, shit?
Also get some vegetables in you, god damn. If you make that again add in some diced carrots and a diced, skinned broccoli stalk.
Actually you could probably make a pretty good casserole with those ingredients. Try this next time:

fry together with a bit of oil, doing the onions first and then the mushrooms and last the steak. Only briefly fry the steak to brown the outside and get some of the juices out.
steam until tender
roast until only slightly cooked (makes the next step with them easier)
Roux to make the base for the gravy
Then pour the drippings from the meat into the gravy base to make the gravy, adding a bit more flour to get it nice and thick. Scoop out the center of the potatoes leaving the skin intact and a reasonable amount of innards lining it. Mash up the innards with a touch of tasty cheese, salt and pepper.
Mix the meat, gravy and veg together and spoon into the hollowed out potatoes. Make a lid out of the mashed potato innards and throw them back into the oven. Expect to have some leftover potato innards.
Roast until the potato top is golden brown.

I'd eat it

I wouldn't. I tried loaded Doritos once and they tasted like chicken nuggets.


It was really just whatever shit I had in my fridge because I wanted a quick meal. I'm making a serious fucking quantity (to freeze extra) of borscht out of shit from my garden tomorrow, so I'll be getting plenty of vegetables soon. Beets are the vegetables of the gods.

Regarding the canned cream of mushroom, I only know the taste because my grandma always used it as an ingredient like a true housewife of the 70s. I would normally agree on canned soups being trash, but there is something special about cream of mushroom. It was mostly just a strong taste of portabello combined with a flour+butter gravy. Don't worry, I never would actually buy it

Look up umami. Doritos are loaded with MSG for that wonderful meaty umami.

Sage for double post.

I tried them. They were alright, but definitely not for the price you pay for them. I have no fucking clue what they were thinking putting out something like this. Probably the same idiots that thought of .

I want a life-time supply of that chicken fry sauce, though.

Umami isn't a meaty-taste.

It was just really bland and not cheesy at all. The melted cheese layer was so thin that it wasn't even noticable.

Not too bad..

Except cooked meat has a lot of it so people associate the taste with meat.

That doesn't redefine its definition and make your statement true.

It was a reply to a post of somebody wondering how somebody could find that doritos taste like meat. I don't know how you could be enough of an autist to take that as me redefining umami as "meat flavor". What statement are you even saying is not true? That people associate umami with meat? Are you just sperging about me using "meaty" as an adjective for umami?


Calm down. You made a mistake, I pointed it out. You don't need to get annoyed over it.

Crushed hardtack is a good soup-thickener.

…but on its own? I don't think so.

How can you double down on an argument that stupid? Please, look at the post I replied to. It's a guy who is expressing disgust/surprise/anger that somebody could find that doritos taste like meat. I replied with a likely explanation and used meaty as an adjective for umami. Because people think it tastes like meat. Like the guy who the guy I responded to was talking about. How can you even find something to argue about in that?

It's not that bad.

Ok hun.


Did you try it?

I like mine super thin so it is like eating crispy potato chips but healthy.

Gamer food is legit tier thread. Easy things to snack on that aren't messy and silly troll posts like ketchup on popcorn. Is good quality thread.

Why not regular rusks instead?

Holy shit I thought those were just a baby food. You've opened my eyes user.


never forget

D-does it feel good?

It probably wouldn't. It would fall apart pretty quick and semi-solid things are no good for fucking. It would just be your hands covered in burger grease and various other juices before long

For the love of God user, don't tell me you're considering fucking a burger?


I can imagine trying it and having mustard, salt, and thousand island dressing enter your dick hole making it burn like fucking hell


wow you sure have superior taste man

Do you want to be a big hairless boy? Fine.
But don't expect any gains if you ever work out and still drink soy juice.

That poor fucking dog.

You got a problem with that?

that doesn't matter if ace k fucks up your bowels and causes you to take in more calories.


Wasabi Beans

Like wasabi peas, but even better.

I enjoy plums quite honestly.

you do realize the alternative to suger in those makes you retarded, even fucking insects know this shit and would avoid it on instinct.

Sucralose isn't ace-k or aspartame. That study is about sucralose. The ace-k and aspartame references possible interference with satiation, not affecting insulin levels.

This meme makes no fucking sense.
So you're trying to fucking tell me, that if two people with equal plates of food, one with a Diet Pepsi, one with a regular Pepsi - the one with the regular Pepsi actually ate less calories than the one with a Diet Pepsi?

Bullshit, literal fucking memes. I understand that it might make you eat more, but if you aren't a fucking retard and understand how to control your food intake, then it doesn't matter?

You do realize that sugar is actual posion

If I had to pick death by poison or Alzheimer's I think I'd like to die without being a suffering husk.