Happy Birthday CT

You guys remember me?
Its my NA Birth Day.

I liked Chrono Cross way more.

I liked both, dont understand the hate Chrono Cross gets.

Still seems ridiculous that PAL fans had to wait fourteen years for it to be officially brought over there on the DS.

overrated trash lol

Man, good times.

Fucking tumblr meme game, I bet its full of anti white propaganda by (((them)))

Having more than 40 possible party members is a mistake. Quality over Quantity, no matter what.


Depends on how it's handled. The Suikoden series had having 108 party members per game as a core element, though admittedly I still need to give the series a go, so I can't personally say how well developed/useful each character is.

A cold wind begins to blow..

I haven't played a single game in the Suikoden series While they can and most likely will prove me wrong to a degree, I maintain the argument that quality over quantity should be the rule of thumb

Because it was tacked on to CT in the worst possible way. CC is good on its own, but the baggage of retroactively ruining the first game with a bad end is what causes the hate.

Did anyone ever try that fan sequel that came out a few years ago?

Good game, but it's in FFVII territory of being so overpraised it's almost overrated.

Reminded me that this exists.

Yeah, there's likely a reason why most JRPGs, at least the traditional ones, tend to stick with between 4-8 party members, with some outliers here and there in either direction.

Come on, I know you guys can do better than that.

The multiple characters weren't handled all that well, but I think what made it so infamous is that it took a simple, satisfying story and turned it into a confusing clusterfuck.
That's basically what it felt like for me anyways.

At least of a third of the cast goes unused in those games, and some are just random joins. That said, still more than 40 good members in every Suikoden game.

Only a few outside of the main core are what you could call well developed. But even the random mooks each have a few scenes and some text dedicated to them individually, which is honestly more than a lot of games manage for their core supporting cast.
They're useful in as much as giant battles, that can make use of a large cast, are also a major element of the series.

The point was more that you could do both. Having a large cast doesn't necessarily detract from the main characters.

I liked CC as well, but it should have just been a standalone thing instead of going for any continuity.

Yeah, I can see that. It still surprises me that the vendors in Shadow Hearts Covenant and FtNW actually have some decent characterization and personality even if it's more them being greed faggots, both figuratively and literally, compared to most shopkeepers, probably because they travel where the party goes as a reliable source of income and it's very rare that you deal with any other vendors in those games.

Might be wrong, but wasn't Kato wanting to write something dark with Chrono Trigger anyhow, got overruled, and when Cross started development was given more control on the story? He also tried something like that with Sands of Destruction, wanting to make it a darker than normal JRPG (Sega pretty much told him to tone that shit down and as such the game wound up with a mood dissonance to it).

It's been a long while since I looked up the development. There isn't much I remember there.

Fuck off cuck


It's because Chrono Cross was retroactively turned into a sequel to CT late in development, and the lead writer was incredibly butthurt by this. As a result, the connections to CT are lazily tacked on, and said connections are nothing but said writer giving the CT fans a giant "fuck you" by retconning the ending of CT into

CC was a remake/redo/adaptation of radical dreamers, it had the CT tie-in from the get go.

Might as well drop an embed of the Chrono Trigger OVA.

seriously the best jrpg and not just because im drunk

Whatcha drinkin user?
sage for off-topic, don't wanna derail this shit

just fireball and i finished a whole bottle and im barely buzzed

Pretty okay. Just drank a bottle of pale ale myself.


onyl hard a

i think this is my main problem tbqh

Beer's pretty good user. Expose yourself to some grassy flavors.

I remember watching that OVA for the first time and genuinely expecting it to be a serious Chrono Trigger anime. It left me sorely disappointed. Still, it's pretty good.

It certainly did a lot of shit right and still holds up well.

Wish I still had the old link to a Chrono Trigger compiled media dump someone made for half/v/ like four or five years back, but I can't find it and even if I could the link is most likely dead now.

Yeah, it was just a promotional OVA for the game, not meant as an adaptation or anything (and honestly, OVA's aren't the best way to go about adapting games; hell, even full length seasons can have an issue of occasionally leaving somewhat important stuff out if the game's long enough).

well ntot shit i've tasted it and ingested it,b ut i can't justify spending money on it when jose cuervo is so much more wotrth it andmy night gets blurry

I'm disappointed in you user.

I have lost control over my life but atleat I can type slightly correctly


Overrated JRPG for people who doesn't know better, the Naruto of old games


I played it when it came out
It was my favorite game for years
I can only remember some of the characters and music now
And yet I can remember everything from Dragon Quest 1…
I'll play it again when I forget everything

Keep posting those top-tier OSTs.

Probably because it is barely connected to the original, fucks up what it connects to, and has boring gameplay compared to the first. The only things going for it are music and eye candy.

Best version of this song. Whole album is good.

Chrono Cross makes a lot more sense when you realize Xenogears is the middle part of the series, from a development perspective. Thus, a lot of themes carry over from Trigger to Gears (primarily the similarities between Lavos and Deus, as well as Shevat being a heroic Zeal), and between Gears and Cross, most obviously of them being the attack mechanics. When Cross hits its endgame, it is more of a rehash of the themes of Gears than it is anything from Trigger, especially when you play both back to back and realize the obvious ones like how Chronopolis and Solaris have the same exact plot twist about save points being evil.


They're not related in plot at all, although Lucca is in Lahan Village in Gears. There are a lot of staff members shared between all three games, Mitsuda and Kato primarily, as well as the spriters between Trigger and Gears.

oh, I missed the "from a development perspective" part. I thought you were being completely insane for a second.

chronno cross is better

The first half of Chrono Cross is great, but it goes straight down the toilet when you start playing as Lynx.

I'm still not sure who the fuck Lynx even is

It's been awhile since I played it, but wasn't he, or at least part of him, Serge's father or something?

I think that's the implication, but it still doesn't make any fucking sense to me at all why he's a cat and shit