Why the fuck are centrists so cucked?


I swear to god I'm losing my shit. Centrists and "moderates" are now defending Antifa. What the fuck is wrong with people? This cuck calls out the (((MSM))), has been attacked by Antifa ACROSS THE FUCKING GLOBE, and says they're not terrorists because they lack central organization.

Honestly, wtf do we do with these people? It's like they have some kind of programmed failsafe so if they start to deviate too much they get mentally blocked from going any further. How the fuck can people see so much yet be so fucking blind.

Seriously, how do we unwire these fucks? I'm legitimately asking. I can't fucking deal with seeing the rampant cuckery on faceberg and (((twitter))). I know we're winning, and we're going to KEEP winning. Victory is assured. But I can't understand why so many "moderates" are lashing themselves to a sinking ship.

Sorry for rant. I'm just fucking pissed right now. I'm tired of seeing these cucks everywhere I turn. How the fuck do we deal with these people?

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This is accurate. Years and years of propaganda has done that to them. Please study up on your Uncle Yuri.

Centralist are commies. See the Neo-cons.

Forgot pics. Polite sage.

They are exactly like the atheists who rejected God and The Bible because they were conditioned to think that spurning the supernatural made them rational, logical and therefore smart. Thus they wont even study it and realize that these books with all their myths are a gateway to understanding the past. Without knowing the Bible and Pagan stories of old you are a listless and lost soul without a past and easy pickings for post-modernist Marxists.

So too with the moderates. They believe that by rejecting extremes they are not only smart, but tolerant as well. 'Surely, the truth lies not in what is objectively true, wherever we find it to lie, but furthest from what we feel to be wrong, but also furthest from it's opposite,' the moderate will say.

They are walking contradictions. No Fervor. No zealotry. They are prey to those who would seize and make the future rather than wait for it flutter about on some errant wind.

They like to think of themselves as the smartest guy in the room due to egotism. They don't realize everyone's laughing at them and their milquetoast faggotry.

One thing that terrifies a centrist is being publicly proven wrong. It's why they only debate sjws or retards. They're like that kid who played Ocarina of Time all day, but never left Kokiri Forest. He's having fun playing around because there's no threat of losing. Eventually everyone else will move on and git gud while the centrists sit in their safe space and mentally festers.

Another analogy is like the cuckservatives who love Israel. Why? Because the left doesn't like Israel. They're purely reactionary. If the centrist sees a position, and they get even a whiff of it being partisan, they denounce it as unenlightened while they sit and fingerpaint pictures of Carl Sagan. If you've ever really listened to them talk, you'd see the amount of mental gymnastics they do to avoid confrontation with everyone except the very lowest hanging fruit.

This was the entire play behind calling anyone who supports Trump a Nazi while trying to present antifa and other far left groups as moderate.

Some moderates ended up this way because the media basically went

There are several ways to revert this, but personally I'd start with showing them that the illusion of antifa they have seen is not realistic. Show them antifa being extreme, more extreme than the "far right".

It was actually a decent move. One good enough to make me think that it's done by the deep state and not just typical idiot leftists. One of the big signs is how they seemingly acted like they had control of the media when they implemented this plan, something they would have if they were under typical "nation building" scenarios. It's a plan that would work very well if they had control over the people and the media. But they don't, so it's only really working on retarded centerists.

Because they're the most susceptible and targeted by mainstream propaganda campaigns. But I wouldn't worry too much though. That support for Antifa won't be for too long, because some leftists are anti-Israel (in regards to the Palestinian issue). Excite that issue within the left and watch the media stance change quickly. So inevitably they'll have to realign the center back into a neutral position. Best way to do that is to implode both extremes in an event of mass chaos so they're too scared to pick a side.

In all, (((They))) need the center to say in their hands and malleable at all costs. Losing it to either side risks their overall plans.

They are opportunists. Going with whatever is the most convenient. Politically speaking that is always the side with the most guns, and in this case it would be the government. The only way to unwire them would be to become the government. In Hitler's Germany there were about as many commies as there were natsocs, and they all turned into Hitler saluting fanatics within a year of him seizing power.

Until then you keep them in check. Keep them from disrupting your mission as best you can.

Because they're not actually centrists?

It's the "Cool kids" effect. They want to be normie so fucking bad they will do anything to not appear abnormal. You see it with adults in very social work spaces, when you have to work with the same people every day (like offices or warehouses/factories).

It's really a matter of sheltered lives and lack of intellectual development – which just sounds like me just insulting people I disagree with but there is a way to tell. If you say something that doesn't fit with mundane speech and they can't comprehend it or even react badly then they are having a mental breakdown. Sometimes they might attack you for bringing up another topic that they can't comprehend because they're actually upset, so they try to go full "cool kid" and act like speaking about it is 'weird'.

Remember those hidden camera shows where someone would go up to a stranger do something crazy and the person would just stare at them like it wasn't happening then walk away? That's the same thing.


Extremism has poor percetions because its perceived that extremes are illogical or too dogmatic (e.g modern feminism vs MikeeUSA-tier misogyny). I say this because this is also what I believe. It's as if the pendulum is swinging farther than before, in part thanks to SJW shit, and the end goal is maybe civil unrest (like what is happening right now) or even civil war.

You are also reading the retard and normei cesspool that is YouTube comments.

Whenever someone calls themselves a centrist there's a real good chance they're just an undercover leftist who doesn't feel they're in good enough company to show their true colors.

This is a good summary.
You can see how they project their fear of being labelled and outgrouped onto others. Those nazis? Oh, they're just like the sjws. Those communists? They're all fascists. They've simplified terms to extreme retardation so they can separate between two groups: in and out, instead of separating between many complicated factions with differing alliances.

They're just cowards.

All non-whites and commies/hedonists are our competitors and enemies. The deck is stacked against us in terms of numbers, but I would rather have 100 wolves than 10000 sheep. Focus on quality over quantity. If the disgusting Jews could get this far then there is no reason why we can not surpass them assuming we drift back to our purpose as a race.

OP you're a retard

Centrists are like a blade of grass in the wind.
Sometimes the wind blows west, so the blade sways west.
Sometimes the wind blows east, so the blade sways west.
Fields of grass may be stretch father than you can see, but they live in the dirt, they die in the dirt.

A tree doesn't sway in the wind. It shapes the wind, earth, and environment.
The tree kills grass and gives shelter to other life.
The tree lives and dies in the sky.

Don't be grass, be tree.

In terms of numbers, I just keep thinking of 300 but it will thousands of Tyrone Biggims crackhead niggers rushing our lines while their bodies piles up and stumble over the their dead (((comrades)))

Centrism, at least in the economic sense, has nothing to do what you're describing. The real enemies are liberals who support multiculti social values and fund kikes with their consumerism.

remind the centrists where they actually stand. Remind them that they arent actually in the center. Remind them that they are just jew programmed cunts, as much as everyone else is and that their standards are pointless and moot since they have actually zero content from the actual right.

I'm too old for this shit.

It's been that way since political cartoons existed.

We spend 12-20 years being indoctrinated by the left, it's amazing that any of us are able to think differently. Centrists, white centrists, need to be shown at every opportunity that we love and protect while the left hates and destroys.

I'm getting a little afraid of meme magic, it's starting to injure cats.

The centrist is utterly afraid of putting himself into situations where he could be tested and humbled. This is why he will always shit on people who take action, aggressively defend the position with least social risk, and virtual signal at any opportunity that he is above it all. These characteristics also bleed into the rest of his life where he will keep the same undemanding job rather than aggressively moving up, attenuate any righteous anger or motivation with weed and beer, drown his free time with safe consumer-oriented "hobbies" like TV/videogames/concert-going, and surround himself with untermensch who won't rock the boat. Whenever you see "centrist" mentally replace it with "coward" and you'll see there is little difference.

How does it even resemble Hitler's mustache? For the size of his nose it's too big, and is level with the nose to start with. I guess we need to add literally retarded to violent.

''Get da honkey cat"

Tim Pool is not a centrist, he is Center Left, a little more left than your usual classical liberal. Centrists hold the illusion that everyone has the same common sense he has, that every single motherfucker can be reason with, that dumb, stupid and useful idiots can be better.

They also fear history repeating itself, and want to avoid it. They never can.

That is why I am trying to create central fascism. Time to evolve.


I've found most centrists are mental beta's who've managed to snare a 5/10 maybe 6/10 women by having some characteristics of an alpha but overall being a doormat when it comes to political ideology and any real assertiveness, this is usually done to hang onto their girlfriend because they fear they will not be able to get another

Emphasis on trying. Gotta PR our shit, and I have a talent for that.

NatSoc won't stick and has many outdated aspects. As some random dude said here and on jewtube, we have to update our ideology.

Who gives a fuck what they think. Centrists aren't revolutionaries, they aren't protesting, they aren't making a difference, Hell, they dont even vote!

They believe in a thing called "Moral Relativism."

They do not believe in objective morality because for the most part they do not believe in any god.

Belief in a god means that you believe your actions are judged by an outside force that holds you accountable.

Without that outside stabilizing force to give you a firm set of right and wrong ideals to work with, anything can be good or bad depending on the individual.

If you cannot defeat moral relativism, you cannot save society.

Suck on a shotgun and pull the trigger


What in the fuck am i reading?
There are tons of fucking terrorists without central organization, most of the Taliban, Boko Haram and Chechen groups are all perfect examples of this

ISIS, Antifa, and even Right wing too. They call it self activated terrorist/actor/operator.

Oh! So all of those "lone wolf white extremists" weren't terrorists either then, I mean, they were working alone. HAHAHAHA oh wait, they can't say that, that wouldn't be very (((centrist)))


The "centrists" are pinkos that openly support the alt-left communists.

I looked into this phenomenon about 2 years ago, and many of these people have some severe double think. They are unable to assign a definition to words such as "purpose" "good" and "better" yet constantly use these terms in political contexts. I have come to the conclusion that all political arguments with moral relativists are pointless, as they simply want to choose positions ala carte.

So then move on instead to moral arguments. This is the crux.

There is no left or right, just right and wrong.

Always punch to your left. 8pol is NatSoc, we punch the AltRight. The AltRight punch the AltLight, the AltLight punch the cuckservatives.

Never stop, don't let the AltRight stay in that. They need to come to the full truth of National Socialism

You just described all women.

Centrists don't really matter though. They exert no effect in society in the long term. They are basically an ideological dead weight whose standing is defined by which extreme is winning the war.

I'll be honest. Postmodernism scares me more than any force in the world. An army can be shot at and defeated. An attacker can be subdued or killed. A disease can be treated. But postmodernism is like an untreatable virus. Anyone who gets "infected" becomes incapable of critical thought, despite subscribing to something called "critical theory". And I do not know of a single postmodernist who recovered. Even when they see the marxist machine in progress they become incapable of recognizing the larger picture.

Not force in history is as resilient and destructive as postmodernism. If there was ever a form of heresy that required Exterminatus, Postmodernism is it.


You just described why they shouldn't vote.

Everything we have to deal with now came out in small degrees. We can work to put it back in small degrees or do it through war.

I say why not both?

It shouldn't. You should just be steadfast in working to understand it's flaws and defeat them.

The fact that other people can even see these problems gives me the strength to fight another day.

I didn't say I wouldn't fight. Some things are worth fighting for, no matter how much it scares you. I'm not scared of death or defeat. I'm scared that some of these people who I actually care about are incurable. When you see people you were close to fall deeper and deeper into the madness of postmodernism, it's depressing.

It's like that shitty thing from a while back. People recover from cancer. They don't recover from feminism, or marxism, or postmodernism, or any other names given to this mind virus.

Dear pigchan…

NatSoc is left of center according to the burgerland left/right scale. The "centrists" as called presently are hard left using the traditional scale. The current right is the old center. No politician at the national level wants to act in your best interest. In fact, they perceive it to be better for them to act against you since it secures their well-being. This is why the establishment supports antifa and commies, because it silences you and degrades your ability to coordinate resistance.

It's almost rope time, lads. Pay the fuck attention.

The people you worry are incurable ARE in fact curable.

When we finally strike true victory, watch as the magical centrist slowly begins to lean right.

Not because of the strength and quality of your arguments, but because of fear of ostracism.

The bad news is that cowards will always be cowards unless they are pushed to a breaking point, and even then still sometimes they remain cowards.

Something happened in your life that brought you here. You didn't come here because "you just wandered in."

I'm sure there is some word to describe it, but I couldn't say what.

Wait until you learn about post-postmodernism and metamodernism

Go back to reddit, faggot.

iF centrists are grass and national socialist are trees then what do the shrubs represent?

they are too ignorant to know what is in their own best interest, either due to lack of curiosity, stupidity and diversions or bad information

I've never heard of the first. I didn't know they had become so retarded as to have to tack the same prefix on a second time. The second term I have only heard of once as an "up and coming" ideology (meaning it doesn't actually exist).

I've been thinking a lot about how events are going to be happening, and one thing that I have noticed is that Holla Forums is so bizarre in part because it has anticipated and swung for the curve years in advance of it coming along. The coming curve is the alteration of society from the power of popularity, to the power of action (or more accurately, true power).


They want to appease everyone OP. But if one side 'appears' or they're told is 'evil' then they will runaway. They don't want confrontation because life is pretty good for them. That's all they care about. They have no racial identity. These aren't just lemmings but lemmings who're debt slaves.

So calm your tits. Think of them as selfish children. They don't know what they're talking about. Also, what you're seeing, is staged. It's a Jew chosen and directed narrative. Who says the cunts you're seeing are even real people and not actors?

If it's real, you don't as it can't be done.

Who says we have to do anything with them? They fall into line and side with whoever provides them bread and circuses.

Le upvote me comment fam, I need that youtube gold.


I wonder how that would sound switched around though I guess it's justified since what you want to destroy is evil and is bad for society.but oh wait the left says that. That's centrism.

Moral Relativity is a thing. It's just that the chemicals in our brains tell us that we'd all survive longer if we didn't kill each other which is true. Morals are dictated by society and that means they're subjective but subjectivity isn't necessarily bad. Completely objective views are impossible, you'll always have some subjectivity but subjectivity allows us to find what we "need". "Objectivity" is merely another subjective standpoint.

Religion is subjective. Having everyone follow a certain religion doesn't make them objectively moral, it makes a lot of them follow your subjective morality like how the left indoctrinates a lot of people into their subjective point of view with some differences and you guys are also subjective like the left. You cherry pick your sources declaring all others Jewish/prejudiced and then say that proves your argument.

Stop being a faggot and analyze your thought processes. Of course I'm being subjective but don't you agree that skepticism is better than blind faith?

So centrism is being willfully blind to the fact that the old liberal values of the Democrats is pretty much dead, has been for a couple decades now and the entire left-wing is parasitically tainted by a cult-like ideology that exists purely for the benefit of whomever funds those lobbyist ideologues and piggybacks on to any promising branches that split off into the left wing then ultimately overwhelms it until it's just another label for itself.
Yeah centrists can get fucked, Nazis and KKK members are such a small minority in the entire US it took a whole lot of them across many states to even show up in sizable numbers in Charlottesville and they were still a minority in the right-winged gathering brought by Spencer. The majority of right winged people are not white nationalists as much as I dislike having to admit it.


They still think there's a reliable news source out there, someone with their interest in mind. They aren't getting 100% of their information from Holla Forums

How was this not obvious OP?

we need to turn the white people (especially aryans) into the 'moderate muslims' of our radical islam, so to speak.

"Centrists" are nothing more than trolls and partisans of other groups pretending to be unaffiliated to try to create goose chase discussions seeing if they can corner their opposition or shill for their pet ideology under the cover of being unbiased.

They all proclaim to know better than everybody else yet are unable to bring any substance or solutions to the table (because if they did they would reveal their loyalties). Don't entertain them, their minds are already made up to being fairweather cancer.


From what I am reading we are the post postmodernist. Since we are reactionaries to the failure of postmodern ideals. The post postmodernist rejects the postmodernist view of art and culture as disgusting and instead of celebrating the liberation of postmodernist thinking sees it for what it really is disgusting, worthless, and should be replaced with art that returns to the basics of art.

"Gans associates postmodernism closely with “victimary thinking,” which he defines as being based on a non-negotiable ethical opposition between perpetrators and victims arising out of the experience of Auschwitz and Hiroshima. In Gans’s view, the ethics of postmodernism is derived from identifying with the peripheral victim and disdaining the utopian center occupied by the perpetrator. Postmodernism in this sense is marked by a victimary politics that is productive in its opposition to modernist utopianism and totalitarianism but unproductive in its resentment of capitalism and liberal democracy, which he sees as the long-term agents of global reconciliation. In contrast to postmodernism, post-millennialism is distinguished by the rejection of victimary thinking and a turn to “non-victimary dialogue”"

Metamodernist on the other hand are cucks. That is the simplest way to describe it. They are trying to cuck to all sides like fucking Jews.

Centrists, skeptics, rationalists, and all these other faggots are just fence-sitters who want soft communism instead of overt communism.

Just look at their positions. They're totally okay with homosexuality and trannies and feminism and nonwhite immigration and all these other things. The only part they have a problem with is the people pushing for these things also saying stuff like "KILL ALL WHITE MEN!!!". That's all they care about. All these things are perfectly cool so long as they're more subtle in their destruction of white society. They're literally just tone police.

Their entire ideology boils down to "hurr durr people on both sides are passionate about something so that means that they're all the same! >tfw to intelligent to have an opinion!" the mere concept of centrism is a fucking farce, because what counts as centrist is totally dependent on time and place. It merely means whatever the status quo is, and then you're just committing the fallacy that whatever the current status quo is must be inherently the best system. They're just gatekeepers of the status quo.

I swear to god the names given to modern idealogies are fucking retarded. And no, we aren't post-postmodernists. These people fall into this mindset that new is better, that progress is always upwards, and that change is always good. Post-postmodernism exists along that spectrum.

Ideology should be named after what it believes, not where it exists along a timeline.

Nazi = National Socialist = An idealogy of nationalism incorporating socialism into a strong unified culture and state.

How fucking hard is that? These terms are DESIGNED to make discussion and analysis impossible by being ambiguous and nebulous.

You know who is at odds with postmodernists? Empiricists and Rationalists. They disagree with each other, but they both REALLY disagree with postmodernists. Empiricists because their ideas don't match reality, and Rationalists because their beliefs are irrational.

I'll never subscribe to a label that doesn't define itself implicit. Even alt-right is descriptive to a degree, though it is a cucked word. It refers to a blanket group of right wing ideologies at odds with the establishment right.

I swear to god these cucks…

Rationalism actually has some merit. It's just that like most groups these days they've been hijacked and no longer match their name. Rationalism implies exalting reason above all else. Actual rationalists are odds with critical theory and postmodernism because it is inherently irrational.

But because of shifting trends and weak convictions most are rationalists in name only.

That being said, rationalism is shit compared to empiricism. You use logic to develop hypotheses and then test it empirically to establish truth. That's why rationalism is so easily cucked compared to empiricism.

MUH BLOOD FLAG worshipping looks retarded to normies

The horseshoe fits

Of course. I was referring to the modern youtube crowd who uses labels like skeptic/rational/etc. You know, the Sargon types.

That said, Rationalism (as in the actual original concept) in itself is shit. Someone can spend all day using rational arguments and thought exercises to argue in favor of something, but if it doesn't actually pan out that way in reality, it's useless. This is why I can't stand Marxists, or people like Molyneux, who use this hypothetical concept of "muh ancapistan free society" and use it to make arguments about how great their idea would be, despite it never existing and having no data to back it up.

Of course, I may be slightly biased in that regard. I'm a pharmacist and also used to do a lot of work in drug research/discovery. That sort of field really exemplifies how dogshit rationalism is, because you can go on and on about how something should be the case, and how hitting X receptor and triggering Y response should result in Z long-term health benefit, if the clinical trials don't actually empirically demonstrate that proposed effect, then it doesn't matter.

haha rekt :^)

Is Molymeme even an ancap anymore? Other than the occasional "oh yeah fuck government" he's seemed to have completely bent the knee to the god emperor.

Empiricism itself is a stillborn epistemology, faulty in its very premises, and physics (and thereby all other natural sciences) threw it out more than a hundred years ago. The only reason it persists are the many SCIENCE!!! fanboys who never did actual science on a high level and never delved into the actual epistemological foundations of the scientific enterprise.

Break-away Eurocentric societies which will demonstrate the superior results of ethno-fascism. Part of the cultures of these nations will be the dispelling of illusions of history, such as the holohoax and related demonization of Germany. Centrists are generally blinded by the materialism of modern society and therefore subscribe to the same basic beliefs as the progressives without being particularly aware of how their own position is comparable to submissive progressivism. Only when they can be shown the difference between broken societies and those which adhere to true virtues will they understand the difference. Only when the greatness of a noble civilization can be put into their hands will they care about defending it.

Reported for not even trying.

The point is there is no center. Youre enemies to both sides, so pick a side, or both sides of the race war will treat you like a traitor and the enemy. Its just plain dumb to be a centrist in the middle of a race war. You have 2x the enemies who want to kill you.

Yesterday he had an actual fascist on, and he fell back into his ancap ways and kept arguing that all the problems of modern society would be fixed if it weren't for the government.

He still holds onto this fundamentally false idea that the only reason people act irrationally is because of shitty public school education or something, and that if we just had better education, then everyone would be paragons of rational thought and we could finally live in le ebin ancapistan free society. This is, of course, fucking retarded. You have to accept that most people do NOT operate like perfectly rational robots.

This is why I draw a lot of parallels between communists and anarcho-capitalists. They both have these utopian ideas of "if we just had X then we'd have the perfect society". Both of their ideas might sound good through (false) reasoning on paper, but don't pan out in reality. And when faced with the reasons that human nature doesn't let them pan out well, they both jump to arguments like "well we just need to somehow change human nature to fit my ideal"

This is what happens when your moral axioms stem from some retarded economic principle (such as muh NAP) instead of just deciding to do whatever is best at the time for your people.

Part of me wants to see the race war for no other reason than to see people like Sargon and the other "skeptics" continue their high-horse horeshoe theory while trying to make "rational arguments" with niggers, who them smash them in the heads with bricks and rape their corpses anyway.

This. They are almost too white (i.e. rational and trusting) for their own good.

…What? Empiricism is the cornerstone of the scientific method. It literally advocates for using sensory input, experimentation, and testing to discover truth.

They aren't centrists or moderates - they are brainwashed leftist propagandists that have a degree from one of these Alt-Left schools like Temple in Philadelphia..
they are afraid of…

…not being in the 'Cool-Kids' Club'

Empiricism is the epistemological doctrine that the only valid form of knowledge is sense knowledge. Despite having been flawed from the outset because of its self-contradictory nature*1, it was generally accepted as more or less valid meta-narrative (in its refined form as positivism) until the end of the 19th century, when experimental findings in physics (especially optics) and breakthroughs in the mathematics of physics showed beyond the shadow of a doubt that reality is infinitely vaster than and often outright inaccesible to sensual perception. It's safe to say that empiricism does not play a role in physics for more than a hundred years now, although it still lingers on in the "softer" natural sciences like biology, medicine and pharmaceutics.

The concept of "truth" has no place in modern science, and anybody using that word in that domain is a closet platonist (which for me personally is not an insult; for hardcore physicists like R. Feynman, it is). The contemporary meta-epistemology of science is operationalist constructivism: strict experimental operationalization*2 of variables and quantification of correlations*3 combined with the radical acceptance of the inherently subjective nature of all experimental setups.

*1 as it is logically impossible to prove the proposition "the only valid form of knowledge is sense knowledge" by sensual means

*2 "operationalization" means the strictest possible logical definition of each variable, in opposition to 19th century science which simply took its subject matters for granted ("this is light", "this is water", "this is a bacterium").

*3 in the most extreme cases not only "truth", but the very concept "cause and effect" has been thrown out, in recognition of the problem of induction as described by Hume, a contemporary of the (British) empiricists.


One of the big names of the cutting edge of of current theory of science is Humberto Maturana. Very deep and yet accesible, I really recommend him.

Don't empirically test the observable world around you, goy. Trust our (((authoritative))) models.

This got me thinking, both communist and rationalist ideals seek to absolve the human ego for different purposes. Communist see ego as a problem because the individual need to succeed over others, thus you can't have equal standard of living if one person is driven for more than mediocrity. For that reason marxist and other leftist types embrace the blank slate theory, since it's the only possibility to mold people into the perfect cattle. They're very deterministic in that regard.

Rationalist see the ego as a different problem on the basis of instincts and emotional states as irrational things in themselves, as if these things can have no rational basis to exist. So their ideal human is this high functioning autist, a robot that is incapable of error. They believe the solution to this is to heavily educate every individual into the same level of intelligence. What they sadly mistaken, other than believing equality is applicable, is that humans are not this fully rational animal as modern philosophers depicted. Human consciousness is only a recent development of our evolution and therefore very prone to error of judgement, which is why instincts are in place to regulate ourselves.

Each of these groups believe the human ego is what prevents them from utopian world. Even christianity tries to absolve the ego in preference to this perfect moralist (instead of teaching to master these drives, they teach to abstain from them). Yet human ego is the prime motivator to life, the will to power.

Besides I can't imagine how boring a utopian society would be if things like error and conflict were removed from the world.

Empiricism ≠ experimentalism. It's perfectly possible, and in fact desirable, to be a scientist and experimenter without being an empiricist. Empiricism really is nothing more and nothing less than the proposition that sense knowledge, and only sense knowledge, is valid. This position has quite a few problems:

) it's logically inconsistent
) it ignores the mathematical substructure of reality
) it ignores the inherently subjective nature of each and every experimental setup

And a few more. Empiricism and its offshot positivsm is well and truly dead in physics, and only lingers on in the other natural sciences due to inertia and a widespread disinterest in theory of science.