Hello Holla Forums,
I am a complete pleb and I have little knowledge of politics and it's history. Two years ago I lived my life strictly taking care of my own needs and not worrying about the world at all. I've been learning, but now I've realized I made a huge error. My opinion has been formed from second hand information.
Please post all books and/or links that encompass leftist/communist ideologies, or post your own ideologies if you think you're smart enough.
Thank you.
(required) reading material
Other urls found in this thread:
read zizek
The Ego and His Own by Max Stirner
I started with conquest of bread. kapital is also good if you can handle karl's shitty writing style
Seriously fuck Stirner. The first thing humans discovered was that by being together, their chances of survival increased.
Then this little turd comes and says everything is a spook, yet…He didn't built his own house, he didn't hunt/grew his own food, he didn't sew his clothes and he didn't published his own book.
At least Henry David Thoreau went to live on the wilderness for two years.
Fuck Stiner. He's cancer.
descartes' meditations, and Hume
is there a Holla Forums version of this?
Its clear from what you've said that you've read neither Stirner nor Thoreau
The cool thing about being a Stirnerist is that I can see through all of life's bullshit and I can live a completely guilt free life because morality is a spook.
Now, while under capitalism that means I can be as Porky as I want with no shame in my game (even though irl I'm broke and unemployed - working on it trust me), in Communism that allows me to take any drastic measures necessary for the success of the revolution without the trappings of guilt and remorse. I will be your greatest ally because I can do the dirty work most proles wouldn't even consider.
And when we've won? A quiet life away from everyone else (I'm introverted af, surprise surprise). Of course I'll still contribute - I want food, water, supplies, electricity and internet, after all - but likely as an architect or an author or a wind farm operator or something less social.
thank you, is there more than just marx and the anarchy crew or is that as far as society got?
Yeah you're right, i've never read Stirner. Nor do i plan to do so, it's cancer.
But i read Thoreau, or is it false that he went to live in the wilderness for two years?
Trying to post pdfs but size limit keeps fucking with me
Same. Unemployed, broke living with my parents. Looking for a job still, because i want to save some cash, in order to get out from Europe. Don't have friends either.
I would love to go live to either to Peru or Bolivia to live with the remainings of the incas.
You're nice.
That is an awesome goal, I hope you can achieve it
Hobsbawm's "Age of" series is a good look at modern history from a Marxist historians point of view.
willful ignorance isn't something to gloat about
If I recall correctly, in Walden he lived on a cabin on his friend's property less than a couple miles out from town. Friends and other people from town would visit him all the time.
You really ought to read Stirner. Maybe even start off with Stirner's Critics since that's where he clarifies things and addresses some of people's reactions to The Ego and Its Own
The cabin was a few miles from his mother's house. He would no joke drop his laundry off. The dude was far from living in isolation.
I'm not particularly fond of this pasta.
Here's some Holla Forums core shit plus some of my fav's
He built the cabin. He learned agriculture, he even talks about his failed beans. It's a whole self reliance guide.
Yes he had visits from his friends from time to time, there's a chapter about that. But he also spent a lot of time alone.
Or at least it's what he says. i never bothered to check out what is and isn't true. it's not like i'm planing to do the same.
I just like to baite on you Stirnerfags. Tbh i just don't care.
I should stop it tho. I stole the pasta and the picture from /his/ on half chan.
Not really, I don't need to read Mein Kampf to understand Hitler's dogshit ideology.
I'm sorry. I promise i will stop and change my ways and i mean this. Don't know what i was thinking by bringing the half chan stuff in here.
You deserve better. I'm going to be my better self from now on.
It's not really worth your time. It's poorly written.
But is shitposting a spook if it edifies your ego? :^)
Recommend a writing by Lenin from this page (marxists.org
It is a strange custom to recommend the Communist Manifesto, even though Marx and Engels already considered that outdated soon after publishing. Zizek is all over the place, he says reformist things when among reformers (support Syriza, guys!), he is seemingly a radical when the audience wants to hear that, and so on. He says something, some people like it and some people recoil from, and his fans will explain to you that the statement was meant literally for people who like it, and for people who don't it was meant as sarcasm. Proposal for his gravestone: "I was only pretending to be a pomo idiot." Freudo-Marxism, Lacan, Situationism, Foucault is 99 %pretentious nonsense and the other 1 % doesn't make it worthwhile reading.
Value, Price and Profit
Critique of the Gotha Programme
Towards a New Socialism
Check the infographic tag on leftybooru
don't read stirner yet, go easy and start with Zizek
Marxism and Anarchism are two branches of the anticapialist ideas that originated in the 1st International. Marxists agree with state intervention, Anarchists don't or they do but don't call it state
Rousseau's "Discourse on Inequality" is based as fuck. He basically calls out anybody who supports hierarchy as a cuck and BTFO's John Locke.
If the poor guy starts with that he will have a stroke two pages in
Stirner represents the worst of pseudo-intelligence in Hegelian circles (especially winebars and newspapers). It's all big words and fancy names to hide behind a 1% knowledge or reading of anything beyond uni phil intros and novel pages, and whenever someone points out bullshit or gives him cogent critique of his pop-phil tier knowledge it's automatically your typical coy and 'ironic' replies coupled with ghost drawings and painting macros to make everything seem like 'just a prank bro'. This is then usually accompanied or shortly followed by even more verbose and mildly obscure trivia about the subject to project and feign a teensy tiny bit of doubt that he might know just an ounce about it. This is exemplified at its most extreme when he starts qouting books (which he's never read) to signal that he 'really knows his stuff guise!'.
Ignore memeposters and start with this. It's a general introduction to philosophy from a Marxist communist perspective which will most importantly explain to you the discursive method. Very comphrehensive and easy to read, providing you with a proper basis to then read whatever else you want.
That's actually a terrible goal. Any european who thinks south america is like this left-wing paradise is seriously deluded. Latinos are on average WAY more conservative and right-leaning than europeans, and they're also intellectually on the level of chimps.
t. lived in mexico, chile and argentina for many years and got to know how crappy latin america is.
That's because you went to live in the industrial capitalist society of south america.
Why didn you try to live in northern Chile with the mapuches? Or in south Bolivia and Peru at mountains with the incas?
Stirner is a person who died in the XIX century. If you're talking about the memesters, they probably haven't read anything he's written.
First of all because rural life for the sake of it is retrograde and pathetic, and second because I didn't want to go live in some indian village stuck in the 15th century. Sorry if it offends you that I like a hot shower and comfy bed without fleas and dengue carrying mosquitos raping me.
Shit. Meant to memearrow Kliman
You know there's a reason 99% of the great leftists minds lived in cities and not rural areas. It's because apart from farmers only inbred village idiots live outside the cities.
Kliman is good. He trashes both centuries of opportunism.
I don't hate Kliman tbh, I just prefer Shaikh, ya feel?
Thats western retarded mentality and that is why i'm fed up with living on the so called "civilized first world"
Yeah dude. Poor indigenous people love when westerners come to their village and fuck their woman. They're just so much more advanced then we are in those kinds of situations.
And yet those indigenous people put their lives on the line every single day to go live in the so called "civilized first world"
checkmate chimplover