Breath Of The Wind

Wait, did anyone forget that Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword happened?
How are people even remotely excited for this game? Wind Waker was the final nail in the coffin.

2D Zelda >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3D Zelda

Stay salty.

I liked both twilight princess and skyward sword.
What did you dislike about them?

Twilight Princess was okay, but that's kind of irrelevant since this one's selling itself on being entirely new and unlike any previous 3D Zelda. It's trying to appeal to all the retards who like open world shit but I'm like 90% certain people will quickly get sick of exploring forests and mountains only to find a pair of pants or rusty sword worse than what they found at the last place.

I liked Wind Waker, and 2D and 3D Zelda are good.

Does this have random loot as well? I knew it had crafting, but not that.


Twilight princess was good though

Sony is for kikes, no thanks.

Yeah, those mechanics were great.

Twilight Princess and Wind Waker were both really good though

Squidward Sword is kind of shit unless you lay it on PC wit emulated Wiimotion+ to avoid waggleshit

I agree, but 3D Zeldas can still be good

back to >>>/4chan/ you fucking faggot

But I enjoyed both of these, especially SS.

I don't know if it's random but on the E3 stream they were showing all sorts of random shit in little caves and what not, it looked like the kind of thing that made for great teaser content but when you're actually playing and scouring the map for shit you're probably going to get bored of finding your 20th chest of fire arrows.

I played SS on Dolphin with Wiimote+. Very nice.

I mean whatever, this place is fucking boring now. 4 and 8 chan catalogs are the exact same. Reddit comes here to just shit post their opinions as facts.

Fuck off and die.

Why is Young Link so perfect

You will have no problems if you just play the Zelda games as they are released, once a decade: this isn't AssCreed's wasteful yearly releases.

Your first Zelda is like infancy, second one is adulthood and the third you'll enjoy with your kid.

You mean you haven't watched the videos?

Its going to be a soulless pile of "open world survival" shit.
Who cares.

My first Zelda was the first one for the Nes you fucking moron and my Favorite will always be Zelda II or Links Awakening.

What a waste of trips.

The retarded normalfags would be an absolute disaster at this game similar to that polygon gameplay, they would get too much freedom and content and would not no what to do and probably would quit early on.

Because I saw the gameplay demo at E3 and I loved what I saw. Deal with it.

You're a big guy.

What? an empty void of casual bullshit?
Seriously, I love how shitty this place has become.
Keep it coming, fagboys.

No, I am just older and smarter then you.
You parents should have thrown you under a bus.

Have an icon.

Twilight princess and SS are alright nothing special at least to me

Do you feel in charge?

Caling it now.This is Shill thread or Marketing ploy

It looks like it's attempting to imitate the first Zelda. Well, that and every modern third person open world game. Basically what I'm saying is I like the movement options they've shown so far, and I'd like to see someone hack it to make a remake of the first game. I'm not paying for it either way, I hacked my Wii U. For anyone not retarded as I am maybe you could try it on one of those Wii U emulators, if they ever get good.

No idea OP. Looked like shit when I saw it at E3 and it still looks like shit.

But its Zelda! and OoT and TP were amazing games! XD XD

They saw footage of it.


and people see the footage for no mans sky and get excited, what is your point, kid.

With the staggering rise of template threads, I agree.

Fucking fantastic.

You sound like genuine sonygger tbh fam

Fuck off, Arin.

I think he's right user. You sound like a kid.

I think he's pointing out there are some mechanics that are interesting. However, this does not imply the game has any good reason to use them. In fact, the open world level design might make it hard to apply much of that well. The first Zelda didn't have much beyond some basic stuff, nothing as interesting as I've seen so far, but it also used what it had well. The fucking ladder was one of your best items honestly.

I guess the Zelda cycle wasn't just a meme

Sega does, what Nintendont

But its just a recycle AGAIN of old items. Oh wow, you can go snowboarding, to nowhere. Oh man, where are all the interesting characters you meet in the world? oh, there is an old dude. OMG where does it fit in the stupid fucking fan forced timeline? Oh man, its got that stupid guardian ninja shit in it, I bet all the Smash fags will play it now.

Fucking boring.

Ah good, there's two of 'em.

Eh, I was prepared for a lot of faggots here to like it. No surprise. Anyone who can justify that Cart Escort mission, The bird flying bullshit, The stupid fucking howling, the broken clunky ass epona mechanics and 3 different versions of the game is a fucking idiot.

People have been praising TP for it's combat for a couple years now.

But thank FUCK you can skip cut scenes now. Jesus christ.

That's basically how I feel about it, it's like MGSV all over again where you've got tons of fancy mechanics and shit but if all there is to do with them is dick around in fields then what's the point?

You can like a game as a whole without liking every part of it individually. Those parts you mentioned were all certainly retarded and I'll never understand why they bothered with the stupid sumo minigame you use exactly three times in a row and then never again but the dungeons which are the real meat of the game were good enough to make up for them.

It has interesting mechanics and looks pretty, but I have no confidence in the whole open world aspect.

Oh, so since SS came out? Just like the Zelda cycle predicts?

Well, it isn't strange that SS's terrible wagglan combat made people look back at TP's with a different opinion.

But there really is nothing special about the dungeons beside the Gear surfing which was awesome. That boss fight was straight up Zombie Nation fight off. I just wished it talked random jap shit well fighting it.

3D Zelda combat has never really been that good. The fact that WW and TP make it so you dont START will all the combat techniques is a joke.

What techniques did you unlock in WW? You can do the counters straight away.

I fucking hate when people try to emasculate Link and i am black. And i visit /d/ very often.. This is just too much.

oh wait, nevemind. But that hitting the dude for 500 times was a fucking joke and spending what? 30 seconds to change the fucking wind was even worse.

TP was pretty gud faggot
Skyward sword just had waggling and annoying sidekick that stopped you every few meters
other then that those two games were fine but then again I don't support nintendo anymore cause their massive fucking letdown retards who can't stop fucking over their ips with Simplistic retards handholding no depth bullshit.
I mean look at what they did with paper mario holy fuck what a burtal rape that turn out to be

By the way, they claim they removed all the characters/towns from the plateau they showed in the demo. That might be a lie, but who knows. In addition, whatever that ninja magic stone is could lead to some interesting stuff, Zelda games need more magic. The other user was on the nose with the MGSV comparison, if it ends up bad it will be in that way. And not in the Skyward Sword way, which is a much worse fate for a video game.

You also forget the fact that the Gamecube non-waggle version was the definitive version anyhow

I'll agree, his challenge was bullshit. And I don't think you even get anything worthwhile for doing it.

Out of all the Zelda's WW has my least favourite dungeons.

Not counting SS because I didn't finish it.

If they did it was a fucking stupid thing of them to do, why would you show off a deliberately more boring version of an area?

Ladies and gentleman, the Zelda fanbase.

Not saying that they did it well, but what I am saying is that your logic of instant trash due to unlockable shit is fucking awful.


Supposedly they didn't want to spoil the plot or some dumb ass shit. All we saw was an old man and a korok, it makes the game look empty (which it might actually be, so maybe it wasn't that dumb an idea after all).

That shit was easy, whats your problem?

It is a meme. Every time a new Zelda comes out, it's always worse than the one before it, which people compare the new one against. When the next new game comes out and is even worse, the previous new game looks great in comparison to its successor.

Like I said, I have played through all of them a few times and to this day Zelda II is my favorite.
I guess I am just forever salty that Nintendo will never go back to the idea of Zelda II. I also love Links Awakening for the story and gameplay.

I will admit is going to be hard to top SS for shit.


In a perfect world, this thread would have zero replies and OP would be talking to himself.

I am just waiting for the link porn dump.

I love the love/hate Zelda II gets.

Actually, most people still think Twilight Princess is inherently flawed, too big, empty and generally unappealing while the core of the game is fine.
Skyward sword is indeed a shit.
But A Link between worlds is pretty cool, however Triforce heroes is gimmicky trash.
Zelda cycle is just a shitty meme, it's just that the series has a tendency to release a shitty gimmick fest after a well received game.

I'd like to add on that my statement really shouldn't be applied until OoT, that seems to be the last Zelda game where Nintendo seemed to try, while almost every game past OoT was them fucking around. You could also treat the changing attitude of people getting older, so nostalgic kids reaching adulthood start fawning over their first, while the older adults are so sick of letdowns they straight up leave the series.

The black sheep of the series should really be WW, the DS titles, or SS. Nintendo admitted themselves that WW almost killed Zelda. Obviously their response was to keep pushing it whenever possible.

It's a shame Link's Awakening started the whole "dungeon and boss entirely rely on the item you just got in the dungeon" thing. I liked it and the Oracle games mostly myself. Never liked Link to the Past and I'm not sure why.
Also, no one had talked about the new Zelda in weeks (at least I didn't notice it), so you probably shouldn't have started the thread.

Oh, that explains it, you're a literal faggot.

Fuck off reddit.

I am pretty sure Zelda II is the black sheep.
Yeah, gimmicks are a bitch.

I don't. The other old Zelda games (1, 3 & 4) they all have their merits but the only reason why you'd say your favorite Zelda is 2 is because you're a pretentious hipster. Sure, it has a lot of good stuff but in general it was a failure and the proof is that few of its core gameplay elements made it to the following games (earning XP, 1-UPs, jumping through the whole game Mario-style, losing all lives in the last castle means you get to start at the beginning of the game and you need like an hour to get back, etc). Yes I know it has some good stuff and sage names started here and the music and sometimes the fighting was cool and some elements were preserved that were not important with the sole exception of including a triforce for courage).


Would you rather I call you a gay? Homo? Fruit? Cakeboy? What is it about you guys where you can't help telling others you're gay. You're the one who should fuck off back to reddit and their little gay pride parade.


The fuck?

Oh? and OoT/TP the best zelda ever XD!
How is your dyed hair, shitty tattoos and 16 year old girlfriend you fucking loser.

Just call me a faggot, you fucking dumb ass.

TP has three versions now, shows how big of a circle jerk fanbase it has. Also look at the first replies to the thread.

If I called you a faggot you would have conflated it with the usual, non-literal, image board meaning of "person I (don't) like". That's why I added literal before it, you fucking retard.

Nah, Zelda II was very well received back in the day and people loved it. The black sheep label is rewriting history. It still has the same elements that make Zelda I good (challenging combat, rewarding exploration, good mix of action and RPG). The titles I mentioned are very divorced from that concept (braindead combat, pointless exploration, little action or RPG) and turn into bad puzzle games. Zelda II being a black sheep is pure revisionism.

Most Zelda games have RPG elements to some degree, Zelda II took it the furthest and was more obvious. You could say fairies in a bottle are extra lives, since they act in a similar fashion. It still followed similar tradition to take out the grind, with expanding your bar by finding items, or instantly leveling after beating a boss. You never had to grind if you were competent. Zelda I also had you finding the triforce of courage. The final dungeon kicked you back outside unless you saved or choose one of the options, I can't remember but I know you could just reset outside of the grand palace.

Zelda I is Wisdom, then Power.
Zelda II is where link gets his piece of the triforce of Courage.

Just call a faggot a faggot man or you look like a fucking moron.

I was talking about the good version of the game.


it looks fun and enjoyable.

unpopular opinion? I fucking love open world. to be fair, most games fuck it up.

red faction guerilla was awesome, but put restrictions on all sorts of shit and made the game frustrating to play.

Yeah, right over here.
don't use link shorteners/7VZmyl


fuck you mark.

You have shit taste.


TP and AlttP best Zeldas

No, they aren't.
Anyways, How is Breath of the wind going to be on the NX and WiiU? Does the NX have a tablet?

Good thing my internet is so slow.

I love when people make dumb generalizations like this, complaining about hypocrisy of the community so it gathers attention. And it works.

NOBODY can fucking deny them, so in trying to do that they stumble (Holla Forums loves proving people wrong, so that works). Of course, no one can confirm them neither. It's a dumb generalization for a reason. Nobody has proof of either side. Just vague memories of what might've happened in some threads some months or years ago. One thread with hundreds of posts can have many different opinions and not reach a single conclusion, so different people can get different interpretations from it. Now imagine that across many threads, in a vague range of time.

You can say pretty much anything. Anything that involves these type of discussions is fucking worthless.

Guys, focus on the games. That's the only thing that has substantial evidence you can work with.

people having shit taste confirmed

Fuck off kids, we are talking video games.

I played it

It's basically a watered down Assassin class from Dragon's Dogma, with some other things thrown in. Also the world looks huge. Also the weapon durability thing is gonna get annoying as fuck, since it also applies to arrows.

It's breath of the WILD, retard.
The NX itself is some sort of NVIDIA tablet abomination, so we'll see.

Damn it.

Can you give us a rundown of how it went? Combat, difficulty, enemies, story, items, etc.

that sounds fine. i really liked the assassin class in DD.

I wont let some user play the game for me to judge it for myself. It looks too fun for me to give up anyways. I love games where you can explore, fuck around and discover shit like nobodies business it just fills me with dopamine.

That sounds kinda gay but everyone plays differently, and there are many ways to play with multiple weapons and items to use. But tell me what did you do as you played? Can you give us the full story? Im genuinely curious.

Any experience with the nighttime gameplay? If so, is it like OoT where nighttime spawns some zombus but otherwise fuckall?

Gotta say, I'm thirsty as fuck for info.

Elaborate sucka

Can you explain how you were able to?

I thought that Link to the Past sequel was going to be shit.

It wasn't shit.

Each game hast it's strength and weakness.
Fuck Skyward Sword though, the first Zelda ever i haven't completed 100%

user…theres already hours of gameplay on youtube, especially gameplay at night.

This is just one of the several videos.

I loved the music in that one

I was at Nintendo World during E3, I played the game for an hour. Basically I was given a very small portion of the map, and I fucked around for an hour. I was unable to play at night time, since it wasn't in the demo we played. but the game should be a fantastic launch title. Combat felt like typical zelda, but with weapon durability, bayonetta doges, and the bow & arrow mode which feels like a gun. (hence the assassin comparison)

in addition to that coin, they also gave us a comfy shirt

reminds me of the ancient mew card for some reason

well either way, I'm not super amped for the game, but I will be buying it at launch. I just hope XSEED can localize Ys VIII soon.

They said the NX and Wii U version have no noticeable differences, so I suggest you pirate.

If you're going to buy it then buy it, but at least buy a used version user, dont give nintendo any money after what they did to games like fire emblem and XCX.

oh of course, I'm probably gonna import a European NX


TP was a good game. I never play SS, so I can't say much about that. Wind Waker was also good.

Are you retarded OP.

You people don't know what it is you want.

theyre D&C shills trying to kill Holla Forums.

The template stuff is a goon pushed thing that's been going on for months.

Fuck you wind waker was great

Breath of the Wild. Get Hype.

Is there armor durability too? Or equip weight for heavier armor

I knew from the get that they're fucking idiots but if they're spamming tired horseshit everywhere they possibly can I don't get why it is they don't get banned or slapped on the wrist after I report them, meanwhile mods will throw tantrums about some e-celeb's video not being in webm format and redirect the OP's Youtube embed to some bumblefuck "safe" hosting link, even though both are along the same lines of paranoia and people actively and tangibly shitting up the board is an actual problem unlike some Youtube circlejerker maybe making 30 cents at some intangible date in the future from somebody on Holla Forums watching it.

Every time I log on the internet I actually pray that ninjewdo doesn't release more shit about their shit game that will have you autists shilling on the board for days. If E3 had this place saturated with SHIELD SLIDING WOW PRETTY COLORS BLOOM EMPTY FIELDS SHIT GRAPHICS SHIT GAMEPLAY XD threads then good lord I'd have to get off this place for a very long time until the release hype is over. You fuckers are like battered wives for anything with your childhood brand slapped on it.

I know, I enjoyed Wind Waker.

Holla Forums is going to shit in general. I mean look at fucking Holla Forums. I think imageboards are going to die off in general soon enough. Something will rise from the ashes, it has too.

I am not hyped for it at all, and all I remember from E3 Nintendo stuff was some girl with big tits, and them sucking ass at the actual playing of the game.

I don't really have much sympathy for them after it split itself into Holla Forums and Holla Forums with no real regard for the fact that both camps were just hugboxing themselves. I hear you get banned if you speak ill of Trump on Holla Forums now.


Don't underestimate the thirst of normalfags.

Yeah, you should see the replies I get for asking basic questions about both parties.

Sadly you're not wrong though

This is what I dont understand, each person that I have met who "likes Zelda so much" but has only ever played ONE fucking game in the entire series.

He is a successful businessmen, he is no fucking Emperor and he is not even CLOSE to a fucking God. Also, doesnt your bible say not worship false idols?

8ch may be going to shit, but i wont allow it. I already been cucked out of one site and i dont want the trend to keep on going. Those shills are trying to use the power of not content, but context to meme us out of our home. We need to counter meme and make Holla Forums survive long enough to waddle through all of the shit.

This site may be shit, but its fun and one of the last few sites im willing to go on in this day and age.

All these years of meming about how Holla Forums was just a bunch of self-righteous Naziboos and now it's the truth.

That's depressing.

You're the reason God has left us.

It's far too late at this point. I haven't seen a decent thread in over a month now. 8ch is now a hugbox driven by epolitics and getting butthurt about small shit, instead of the edgy anarchy it was back in….jesus, 2013? I mean, I know we were always faggots but at least you could talk about whatever you wanted and have some funny/decent threads that wouldn't get shat up by people controlled by a hivemind.
The issue is the fact that nobody wants to discuss anything and would rather shitpost, and when they do start a debate/discussion, they fall back on tons of flawed logic, fallacies, and walls of text from other threads to have someone else do the debate for them. Idk man, I got my back against the wall here.

4chan and Holla Forums catalogs are the exactly the same, on pretty much all boards. I did some observing over the week. I will admit Holla Forums has some good shit sometimes, but its very seldom.
Holla Forums is not full of Nazis, really National Socialist wouldn't dare thinking of using a website to express their opinions. They would be on the streets building real connections and real armies.

It will be skyrim with zelda, so it'll obviously be the best game nintendo ever released.

Eh Holla Forums isnt THAT bad, cause its fucking video games. But yeah, I am pretty right wing white working dude who agrees with a lot of national social stuff, but going on Holla Forums is depressing as fuck.

Fuck, Skyrim was bad. There is no real denying that.

You're not wrong, I left halfchan to escape this shit goddammit


Skyrim remastered is much better
you should pre-purchess it

Come on now.

the worst thing about wind waker was how piss-easy the combat was.

Apparently there's some battle over a cancerous mod there and that's why it's gone to hell.

See >>>/sudo/

But yeah, the split was bad. Then again, every damn leftist is hugbox central far more worse than anything else seeing what reddit does. Holla Forums itself still allows for leftist opinions to a degree but most plebbits, increasingly kikebook, and even twatter don't allow them at all.

Eh, it always comes full circle.
Its the catch 22 of anonymous imageboards.

No, Holla Forums IS that bad. This place solely focuses on flops in the gaming industry, blogpost threads disguised as "whats wrong with gaymen man? i miss my good gaymen dude", Holla Forums threads, and generic hugbox/bait threads. And don't get me started on the specific niche generals geared towards shitty browser games yet constantly get bumped to the front page. This place is just fucking boring as all hell now, and even REDDIT of all places is able to have decent threads with replies that aren't shitposts as well as some edgier threads. It's all fucked.

Just bring this shit back to usenet and Yahoo groups. fuck me up.

Seems like you can get 2 or 3 good years before it all goes to shit.

Wait….I thought Todd….no, no this cant be…I cant….why, but….no. What is going on.

Eh, Nazi is an insult in my books.

I just find my week goes better when I am not on Holla Forums and I try and do what should be done in real life. Like build a home, family, connections, nationalism. That crap.

Maybe that's just the nature of imageboards? They peak incredibly quick and then it's nothing but a slow death from there