Is Trump a fascist?
Explain why or why not.
Is Trump a fascist?
Explain why or why not.
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define fascism
His policies (if he has any), seem to be focused more on Isolationalism as opposed to expansion.
He is a crass capitalist, what Trump says in public the rest of the American ruling class says behind closed doors.
Italy and Spain were pretty isolationist during their fascist eras
Seems more like a laissez faire constitutionalist to me.
He's just a liberal with a potty mouth
He's a proto fascist.
lol wut
italy sure as fuck no, how does joining Hitler in a major expansionist war help you look isolationist? They tried to invade many nations and simply failed, spectacularly, because italians fucking suck at everything
spain dealt with far too much internal bullshit to turn full fascist to begin with
What the hell is that?
If Franco wasn't a fascist then what was he?
proto- as a prefix generally means something that precedes the root word
so user is calling Trump ideologically equivalent to someone who would come before fascism
implying that he's paving the way for a future fascist leader i guess
That's not how fascism works.
He is not any edgier than your average Republican and anyone believing otherwise should get the fuck out of Holla Forums for no reading theory and not knowing what fascism is.
He's not.
Thats fine if the actual fascist we get is a left wing fascist who oppresses the working class whites
I'd say his policies against protesters and desire to further make the police iron fisted suggest he is damn close
I don't think that's what fascism is.
Hes not a National Syndicalist so no, though by Gentile's definition of fascism Hitler and the NSDAP really weren't fascist either.
Let's talk again once he suspends elections
it's a new term libs invented purely for trump
that way they can still call him a fascist without him actually being a fascist
pretty genius if you ask me
From the looks of it, Trump is pretty adamant about defending the constitution.
Doesn't that immediately disqualify him from being a fascist?
He's not Caesar, he's just one of those Populares that nobody really remembers but allowed Caesar to be Caesar, like the Gracchi brothers or Gaius Marius, or something.
Ceasar was a pretty good emperor I thought though.
If we go by the colloquial definition which is being against civil liberties and authoritarian, then yes, he is. Here's a massive list showing that:
(Yes, I know it's Reddit. It's quality though.)
Only in the typical Republican "it's freedom of religion when I do it not when Muslims do it" way. He only acts like he gives a shit about the Constitution cause he has to for GOP, anyway.
He wants to extend libel laws to cover criticism. That doesn't sound like respect towards the first amendment.
You'd need a constitutional amendment for that
jesus christ this list is shit, reaches so fucking far
fuck off back to reddit, liberal
Protofascist, definetely, he explores fascist themes but has moderate proposals, kinda like SocDems all over the world explore Marxist themes but do fuck all every time.
Not really considering how lean the US constitution is, it did allow slavery and aristocratic elements after all.
Fascism is a populist movement, the way the masses perceive it is like 80% of what it's about.
lol that list is not quality you fucking lib
I do not think that Trump, personally, is a Fascist. I do think that he ran as one, however.
So if enough liberals say he and his followers are fascist, like this circlejerk for example >>1047635
will he become a fascist?
So true. I was banned from r/anarchism for saying that i would rather see Trump as the US president over Clinton, because of her warmongering ways. Can you believe this shit? I'm not even american ffs. It's just my personal opinion.
Fuck…seriously, fuck those pseudo leftists that are in love with capitalism, war and corruption. Soros boysz are cancer.
He fits most of these
Trump himself isn't a fascist, but there's a fascist movement that's strengthening under him, more due to media coverage than anything unique to Trump.
We need to start organizing.
lol you really think trump cares about the fucking constitution
Where the hell are all these liberals coming from tonight?
Has many characteristics of a Fascist, but because America's fanatical individualism fetish, can't create that unified mass movement fascist culture that Fascism has
He's not a fascist himself. He's a right-wing populist propped up in part by fascist sympathizers, but his actual policies aren't coherent or functional enough in any capacity to suit an exact label.
Doesn't fascism borrow from the singularity aspect of communism?
Ignoring all the hysterical anti trump media propaganda, i think trump is a civic nationalist, and a passive racist at worse.
The people who call him a fascist are people who ignored that obama was responsible for strengthening the surveillance state and call anything they dont like hitler
And at least his not stupid enough to antagonize another country that owns a massive nuclear arsenal
Tfw I was banned from /r/Anarchism for saying I didn't think Kim Kardashian deserved to be robbed
He has many characteristics of a Fascist but personally I see him as more of an Authoritarian Reactionary along the lines of Putin. When I say reactionary, I mean it in the sense that he is an embodiment of the public, at least those who he represents, of their reaction to the IDPol of liberal PC police. White men in this world feel left out in this crazy world of identity politics and victimization. Wether it's justified or not is irrelevant. What matters is that they should be shown that they should not engage in conservative IDPol to combat liberal IDPol. They should be educated that IDPol is the problem, which itself can be attributed to Capitalism.
Tbh that ban was justified.
Trump is a mainstream Republican outside of his nominally protectionist views. Other Republicans have used racial and cultural dogwhistles to appeal to reactionaries. Trump is just too impulsive or stupid to do this, so it comes off as being more like a bullhorn than a dogwhistle.
Nah, I'm pretty sure the guys who robbed her were doing it out of greed and were rich d00ds already going by the knowledge they had of her schedule, it's not really bringing capital to the lower class
Lol, being crude is what separated him from the establishment, he doesnt talk like a political robot, he talks like some guy on 4chan or that makes youtube videos
He'll be a fascist, but the only group to be oppressed will be mlp fans
it sounds like he might try
I don't think he knows what fascism is. Trump probably thinks it's the same as communism because thats what his daddy told him when he was a lad.
The philosopher on fascism in even said Trump probably isn't a big book reader.
Hitler wrote his own manifesto and Mussolini is the inventor of fascism.
Maybe This is an entirely new right wing ideology
it's not a new term. the German National People's Party was protofascist in the 1920s. paved the way for Hitler
He and Hilary promised a police state in the first debate pretty much
Source? I'd like further explanation.
let's call it neofascism, or just fascism for short
It borrows from lots of leftist tendencies, even syndicalism.
How similar is Trump to Duterte?
Trump said he would institute "stop and frisk" policies for the police in poorer areas where there were high amounts of crime.
which is impossible, states and localities decide those policies
Who are you and why are you here?
No, he's Rockefeller Republican.
Are you retarded, you asked how Trump promised a police state. I answered it.
America is a police state, I never said it didn't.
Isn't fascism incoherent in itself, with the only consistency being authoritarianism?
Ignores rule of law, but from what I've heard of Duterte I don't think Trump is as extreme
So how come they haven't changed it?
Catholic Left
Epic, simply epic.
No, go read Mussolini to see how orthodox fascism is supposed to looks like, then read up about other kinds of fascism outside of Italy, it's an interesting subject
And what civil liberties has Trump spoken against? And how can he be authoritarian when his power will be held in check by the US system?
Keep calling Trump and by extension his voters fascist. ,Just see what fucking happens. This smug dismissive attitude from the left to the concerns is exactly what got Trump elected. So go on. Write them off as fascists and keep attacking them and shitting them down. See what happens in 2020. Cause you cunts will have earned it.
Almost all of that is listed out of context. Taking some jarring and discursive rhetoric as calculated or affirmative policy proposals is super disingenuous and deliberately misleads. I mean, libruls aren't actually autistic, right? This understand body language, tone, tenor, and social context?
What policies has Trump pushed for consistently, or held to on the final lap of his campaign? THE WALL, defusing tensions with russia and a less interventionist foreign policy, replacing obamacare, tariffs, public infrastructure funding, and btfo of lobbyists
Not exactly fascist, not even anti-fascist, it's a non-applicable comparison
He's a right-wing, neo-liberal populist similar to Berlusconi or Sarkozy.
Trump is a neo-liberal? Neo-liberalsim cannot work with protectionism. You're going to need a new snarl word here.
nobody needs trump's dipshit supporters. he won because hillary clinton was a horrible candidate who couldn't get anybody to vote for her, not because trump had some massive turnout.
This is wrong on so many levels.
He's got some of the traits but he's actually less imperialistic than what he replaced
Yes because I'm a cuck
no he isn't
he's just dispensed with all 'nation building' rhetoric that the us has traditionally used to justify its imperialism, he still wants to actually do imperialism