Does /vpol/ play Graviteam Tactics?
I picked up Mius Front when it came out and I've since beaten the German campaigns, is Op Star worth getting? How fun are the Cold War scenarios? Is Mius Front easier than Op Star, I'm playing on hard and I never felt like I was at risk of losing a campaign.
Does /vpol/ play Graviteam Tactics?
I've heard this mentioned before. How does the game play? Just a tldr from someone who's played it would be nice.
Shit I'll dump a couple paragraphs.
Basically, it's a battalion level simulator, sort of a modern Total War that solves the scale problem by having a campaign represent a tiny proportion of any actual war. I'm talking maybe a week on a small portion of the Eastern Front. You move units on a campaign map, and receive a set number and type of reinforcements over the course of the campaign. You can influence some of the refitting that takes place, but for the most part you are receiving historically accurate assets the division in the area had access to. You're generally given some objective, take or defend some ground, but usually that comes second to maneuvering against whatever enemy forces are arrayed against you.
You can move your units and declare attacks, then you end your turn and the AI does the same thing, then you fight a series of battles representing the different attacks that are being made. These are real time, you place units on a map that corresponds to the strategic map, where the square they were in on the strategic map influences where they can be deployed, your enemy follows the same rules you do on unit placement, you can declare initial orders, then the battle starts.
You have no way to receive more units on the battle map than you have at the start, and you're limited on what orders you can give them by the presence of local officers, telephone wires being run out, the presence of radios on tanks, etc. You generally have pretty complete control over your units, but when a battle goes really bad communication can start breaking down. That said, your units are pretty independent, an infantry platoon ordered to attack will move in good order, lay down covering fire, take cover, fire flares to signal their attack, and throw grenades. You've got maybe 10 different movement options you select from a wheel when you right click, but they're mostly pretty intuitive. The UI seems complex, and to some degree it is, if you want to know what everything means go read a manual, but you can do well if you have a passable understanding of how WW2 engagements tended to work, and little understanding of the complexities of the system.
Everything is about as realistic as is feasible, tank penetration is simulated, soldiers can surrender, artillery is either directly on the map or called in by a spotter, planes can arrive and fuck over either side and you as a lowly army commander often have no influence over that. I don't know where to stop to be honest, Arch Warhammer has a long video series on it, but if you play WW2 RTS games and wish they were more realistic, this is about as good as you can get. Mius Front also has the benefit of looking gorgeous in motion, particularly at night.
If you want to face a challenge maybe try playing the gommies,In my opinion the slavs get the short end of the stick in many of the operations.(in OpStar at least)
From what little I played of my pirated copy of Minus front the interface is much better than OpStar and I hope they add on more campaigns to Minus front because the Africa and Soviet-Afghan war are my favorite campaigns. I liked the Volokonovka campaigns as well but the minus front default ones might be better than that.
I got the distinct impression the reds were in the superior position in the first campaign in Mius-Front, historically they won, the second mini campaign and the DLC definitely seem Wehrmacht favored though. I know I'll be getting hit with a clunky interface if I go from Mius-Front to OpStar, but fundamentally they are very similar right? Except OpStar has way more content at the moment.
Ah, well I had no problem in that campaign after my Marders killed all the KV-1S the Soviets brought. They are really similar outside of interface changes, so you'll know what you're doing.
wrong board
forgot to sage but whatever someone will just bump it anyway
had never heard of it, definately interested. I don't buy games on steam though and can't find it anywhere else
How about no.
The fuck is /vpol/?
But yes Graviteam Tactics is the shit. Afghanistan is fun too but the Russian fuckers will not keep their heads inside the tank.
/vpol/ is faggots who absolutely must tell everyone they are from Holla Forums instead of going to their board to discuss politics there.
anything Holla Forums crossposts into is automatically of the same mentality
according to Holla Forums
So after you give the initial orders you just watch it play out? You cannot intervene?
I am pretty interested in this. I played a lot of coh1/mowas2 and some wargame, will that help getting into GT?
I've not played Mius Front but in Operation Star you can intervene once the battle starts. The issue is you've got a bar that limits how radical a change you can make to the plans or how often you can give orders and there's a delay until they arrive. Things like radios and telephone wires can help reduce costs and increase speed but you aren't going to be doing a lot of micro or major changes to your starting plan.
Oh and yes, those would help. It's somewhere beyond Wargame and Men of War in the autism scale.
Other guy has it right, there's plenty to do once the battle starts, the biggest difference between MoW/Wargame and GT is that GT is a lot slower. I've watched a battle go for 5 minutes without giving a single order.
I am actually in favor of less micro. I enjoy watching the chaos of battle unfold. However in mowas2 you constantly have to manually re-equip every single soldiers helmet and tie their shoe laces.
Is there MP in GT? Or can it be safely pirated?
Then you'd probably like Graviteam. I'd also recommend Rule the Waves and highly recommend Combat Mission if you love to sit back. Both are technically turn based but function on 'turn, see combat, turn, see combat'. You'd really like Combat Mission.
In the original MoW you had to manually resupply ammo from the supply trucks but at least that got changed.
No MP so feel free to pirate. If you can afford it at any point though you really should give the devs your cash. They broke away from Paradox and got fucked out of money way back when they developed a tank simulator.
This might not have been clear. They way Combat Mission in particular differs from turn based is you basically see a section of real time in which you cannot command then get to give out some orders. RTW does this also but you see a much shorter period of simultaneous real time between 'turns'.
mowas2 had manual resupply in the early stages. I remeber walking back and forth to supply my tanks and then it got blown up anyways.
I have a very tight vidya budget and I'm still mad as hell that I bought/supported the retard devs for mowas2. If you say the devs really deserve it though then I'll wait for a sale I guess.
Have some screenshots, the default Tiger in Mius-Front has Das Reich markings, from the limited research I did only Totenkopf was in the area when the main campaign happens, but I don't know if they had any Tigers.
There is MP (in Mius-Front only) but nobody cares about it TBH. Maybe one day they'll come up with a way to play a head to head campaign, but right now it's pretty pointless unless you have a community to play it with.
That was my biggest problem with MoW too. If you set up a battle right in GT and everything goes according to plan, you don't need to do much more than direct artillery for maximum effect. Even when you do give orders, you're incentivized to keep them as simple as possible, it's generally just as effective to select a platoon and order them to attack as it is to select each squad individually and do the same.
If things start going wrong, then you'll be moving troops around to try and fix them, and there will be times where things go wrong.
Looking at Combat Mission right now and it looks amazing.
to be fair the atheist accusations are /christian/ not Holla Forums.
I'm talking about an autistically detailed WW2 strategy game. Between the communities of Red Orchestra 2 and Wargame I'm pretty confident that most of us are Holla Forumsacks.
Just pirate it and buy it if/when you can afford it. That's what I did. You don't need the rather expensive DLC's immediately since they add new campaigns rather than update the basic gameplay.
They're fucking great games. Really can't recommend them enough.
Thanks, nice to see people actually play video games and not just the flavor of the month trash.
oh lawd
i screen capped this from there some time ago
ive never gotten that vibe from ro2
whenever i play the most ive seen is people making stereotypical german accents
also hearts of iron might be what your looking for
Depends on the server you play on, I suppose, but I semi regularly see people discussing politics in the middle of a game, almost always as nationalists. r/redorchestra also complains about evil racist hatespeech constantly.
I do play HoI though, put 100 hours or so into HoI4, mostly multiplayer.
that bar might as well not exist with how fast it charges back up
The rate at which it charges depends on how good you communication links are. If you're in a defensive position with telephone lines rolled out everywhere or a heavily mechanised force with radios out the ass changing things on the fly is easy. A bunch of poorly equipped slavs attacking a village at night is a different situation entirely.
Also, if memory serves, the amount it costs to give an order depends on what the unit being ordered's situation is like. If they're low on morale or far away doing anything more complicated than movement is difficult and even that costs fucktons.
I'll give you a quick overview from when I played it:
It's fun, decent depth, but the AI is awful.
It would've been a 9/10 game for me if it had working multiplayer.
its too overwehelllmning forme tbqh
Does anyone have a link to a torrent for Operation Star?