This man knows what hes talking about.
To OP specifically, assuming you're not trolling: You said you both started out as libertarians, which to me when you combine that with him owning a business/company says that all he wanted out of it was lower/no taxes and less government up his ass so he could cheat workers and screw them out of more money, ie: act like the biggest jew on earth.
You should have seen it coming that that was all he was after. I guarantee the signs were there and obvious as fuck. And now, that mentality is shifting him to the left because, as you said, cheap illegal labor, probably small enough as a business he doesn't have to provide health insurance so no workers bitching about benefits and can pawn it all off on the government, hell I'll even take a stab in the dark here and say he probably LOVES section 8 housing because its a steady stream of houses to fix after niggers wreck the place up and its sure to be paid for by uncle sam, right?
Truth is, your husband is a parasite, and you should have seen the warning signs when you were dating him. He doesnt give a shit about his country or race (you sure he isnt jewish?), hell he obviously doesnt even give a shit about YOU if he is letting himself go and Im willing to bet he doesnt have much to do with your kids but looovveesss to be there for "big events" so he can brag about "HIS wonderful children" right?
So he is finally showing his true colors and is just shifting political alliances to whatever serves HIM the best at any given moment. He isnt really a leftist, hes just your average jew in goy clothing.
Dunno what to tell you about him thinking nigger women are more attractive on average though. Yeah there are some ugly as fuck white women, I'd say though its probably a pretty even spread of white women that fill the spectrum up from 1 to 10 (ie: like 10% of white women are a 1, 10% are a 10, and so on), whereas nigger women its probably like 99% are a 4 or below and 1% are an 8 and THOSE are almost always ones that are seriously mixed with a lot of white genes in them.
So, on that note, your husband is obviously delusional and fetishising subhumans… I bet if you checked his computer thoroughly you'd probably find at LEAST furry porn if not out right beast porn. So yeah, total jew, only cares about his own profit and has sick fetishes.