One of the most common leftist arguments for immigration is that the country needs them. While the particular "needs" the left champions are mostly retarded shit, there is one that is very valid, and which is an economic reality – the white population is aging and shrinking. This is a recipe for an economical disaster, where you have less and less workforce, yet more and more retired that need pensions. The patchwork solution to this issue are immigrants, who bolster the workforce. Since white birthrates are falling globally, those immigrants will naturally always be non-white, as there's no place that would have such a surplus of them that it'd be able to continuously export them, whereas niggers have Africa, Asians have China, poos have India, etc.
Now of course, the best solution for all this is to raise white birth rates, but that is actually a massive problem. The entire societal and economical system of the first world actively discourages having children – let me outline just three key issues:
1) Having kids is expensive in the first world. Massively so. While a nig in Somalia can shit out twelve of them and only provide some rice and basic (usually passed down) clothing, a child in the first world needs to wear nice clothes, needs to attend school and have all the school supplies that come with it, needs to have expensive toys to entertain him, often needs a computer or at least a phone, needs to commute every day, needs a good, varied diet (usually the one thing everyone skimps on, especially in US, but the potential savings are then spent on sweets and other luxuries), needs to have a nicely furnished room, and so on, all of this for roughly two decades with all of that shit being periodically replaced with new things. While the quality of life of the first world kid is surely much better, it is also extremely expensive, so much so that affording this to more than just two or so kids is fiscally impossible for a middle class family in the West, and each such kid is sure to significantly hurt the lifestyle of its parents. And no first world parent is going to raise his child in poverty. Or, hell, even if he tried, the kid would get nabbed by social services.
2) Raising kids takes time and effort. Even if you're a shit parent that lets computer and TV raise his kids for him, they still need a certain degree of your time and attention. Things that are difficult to come by after an 8 hour shift. In the past, you could have the woman do it, since she didn't go to work anyway so she could afford spending most of the day taking care of many children without burning down. Today that's an impossibility, with only the rich being able to afford to have one of the parents be long term unemployed.
3) Being childless or having few children is an objective advantage. More money to spend on the things you like, more time to do whatever the fuck you want, easier rise on the career ladder, as your job is the only thing you have to worry and care about, none of that stress accompanying children… For a selfish, decadent individual who doesn't feel a strong urge to have offspring, having children must seem like the pinnacle of idiocy.
How does one solve these issues, anons? Women could perhaps be banned from work, solving the second issue,,but then you'd leave most of the country in poverty unless you somehow managed to convince the companies to massively increase the wages, but then they'd just outsource the jobs to a country where women do work. The third one could perhaps be solved by government incentives or even a childless tax, but these things rarely work as intended. I have no idea how the first issue could be solved.
What are your thougts on the topic, anons? Any other important issues you'd like to mention? Any ideas on how to solve all this?