It looks like white women have been taken in b feminism and have become unfuckable cunts, but are there any fuckable white women left?
Are there any quality white women left?
Yes. Sage.
That's a sage. Fuck off.
waaaah cry more about ur virginity on >>>/r9k/, this isn't the place for that shit
No. Go away.
1. Majority of women are not feminists.
2 Majority of births in the U.S. are white births.
3. Majority of white women did not vote for Hillary.
4 Kill yourself, Mordecai.
Yes. You haven't been able to find one because they're outside.
Fuck off nigger.
Yes, but they don't post nude for pron photoshoots you mongoloid.
Just flood the female internet with quotes from the works of Savitri Devi.
It's nudity, not porn. If the ideal of feminine beauty (a nude European woman) offends you, you are an unironic faggot. Counter-sage, faggot.
I think you mean marriageable women.
There certainly are, but they are very few and far between. It's unlikely you will find one.
Does that mean you should give up and be a sad, whiny incel? No. Never give up. So long as you breath, keep fighting for what's right.
Does the preponderance of shitty women mean you should be bitter and MGTOW? No. Because if you happen to get lucky and find a good woman, then you'll miss that opportunity. Also, from her perspective, most men are shit too. You may have been the only red-pilled masculine male she meets in her life, and you would have blown it and forfeited the possibility of a white family.
So what should you do? You should be the best man that you can be. You should keep yourself physically fit. You should cultivate knowledge and wisdom (read books, dumbass). You should save, invest, and work toward a career (not so that you can be a mindless consumer, but so that you can provide for a family on the remote chance you get to have one). In short, you should be ready. It probably wont happen, but you should be ready.
And the flip side of this, by the way, is that you should ignore the shills on pol who tell you to compromise and have children with any random whore you meet. They pressure you to have muh white babies but they are setting you up for failure. Marriage is a huge risk for a man, and if you jump into it, you're fucked.
tl;dr be a good man. be ready to have a family. but accept the reality that there are so few good women than you will probably not have one.
Fuck off already.
Of course there are, you just haven't found them yet because you're busy making Holla Forumstier threads instead of looking for them.
Was just about to say this, its not hard to put up with a dumb bitch long enough to slide your dick in her but its hard to put up with her shit indefinitely and many cant handle being fully redpilled
Yes, but you have to actually go out there and establish a social circle in traditionally conservative communities. You will NOT find them on Tinder, college or at bars. That also means you're going to have to soften up her parents as well…
Especially if she comes from an upper-class family.
yes but not in cities and I suspect most American women are shit as well.
This is the lowest quality thread I've seen since yesterday, shill
It'd be a shame if someone checked these smug white woman dubs and made all of the puritanical Christfag manlet conservatards that just flew in from r/the_donald mad by bumping the thread yet again.
Leave your basement you fucking neet.
This is solidly cuckchan-tier thread. OP you have to go back, or, failing that, KYS.
Mods please delete this trash and ban OP.
You're the worst user. I know you're a sliding jew, but here's your answer. Yes, there are plentiful great women left. No, you won't be hearing from them. They're not the ones protesting illogical bullshit throughout the country. No, they're not the ones claiming we're racists and bigots.
They're still here. They are the ones standing at our sides, pushing us further than we personally could. They are the ones in the shadows, and they will help us win this war.
can't ignore these trips
Kill all jews.
Trips of TORpedo that's mad the girl in the OP isn't 11.
I couldn't buy it because I didn't have enough money.
Like the value your autismatron is pointing at after that post?
Someone get the gas for this loser.
Shit demoralization thread though
I like looking at pictures.
guaranteed replies!
you just gotta look harder OP
Get yourself a beautiful Romance European woman, American women are trash so into the garbage they go!
nigger speak
…so Ukraine porn sluts?
saged and reported
Innies > outties
Outties are the pussies of sluts.
Do not want.
Virgin lolbergs/NEETs/cucks following their shabbos goy programming and demonizing the very effigy of white pride and glory: the thread.
Answering your question, yes there are good white women, they just don't flock to you because you're a degenerate.
feels good man
sage for shit thread
Fucking isn't the problem. The lack marriage/motherhood quality white women is the problem, and it really won't have a decent fix until society degrades to the point that a man's traits are necessary again.
Sage because porn and shit OP.
Decided to look into this a bit…
My findings suggest White girls are less likely to be hosers (based on a 7000-strong sampling of women 15-24), BUT, when they are whores, they are the dirtiest of dirty-ass whores.
Yes. Get out of your house in a while and stop watching talmudvision and hollyjew for your ideal of what a woman looks like.
Protip: feminist ideals and (((MSM))) ideals of women are neither average for an average woman or average for 8/10 and above.
You'll have your preferences that vary a bit but the average woman is always going to tend to being chubby, you know why? Read up on estrogen and healthy eating. Also young women that aren't anorexic will be noticeably chubbier whether they are athletic or not than both males that age and younger children of both sexes under 12.
Women have ass, breasts, thin face and jaw. Manjaws on talmudvision are not the average woman and only a little bitch of an effeminate faggot would find such women attractive. There is no such thing as but-her-face attractiveness. Many genes we have perform different functions throughout the body and a male tending female face has the wrong amounts of hormones and is thus not healthy for you to breed with.
If you ever thought sex was anything more than for breeding and that attractivenes was ever anything more than your intuition about what constitutes ideal breeding partner then you were wrong.
Good luck in your travels.
There are many still being produced in small midwestern towns - they tend to relocate to large cities which corrupts them to varying degrees. Some a little, some are ruined.
That shit better be encrypted, nigger
Please come over to my house.
A few of the findings herein…
lmao, just a steady boyfriend, or husband?
There are plenty of quality white women left. They're the ones who don't spend all day fighting for feminism and leftism. They're busy living life. You need to unplug and go out.
No. Aryan men are better in every way anyway.
The definition of the various categories is in the graphic.
That last part is interesting… The same 'risk-category' of White girls that contributes the most to the overall population of girls who NEVER use condoms, is also the ground which espouses the highest percentage of women who ALWAYS use condoms.
I would caress and nurture it with skin creme every single day till the end of my life
marry me sloot.
im 15
Does this board have moderators? How come every time I make fun of chinks my posts get deleted but shit like this stays up all day?
call me in 3 years bby
It's not real
Traditional. Fuck that cuck, lets do this. No sex til legal and married though, deal with it sloot.
''At eve the day is to be praised,
a woman after she is burnt,
a sword after it is proved,
a maid after she is married,
ice after it has passed away,
beer after it is drunk.''
question answered
that's exactly where you find cunts like that
english skirt girl isn't bad despite horseteeth, just too old
Stop watching porn faggot. You are already feeding the cancer.