Holla Forums accelerationism. Psyop the left into being retarded

ITT think of ways to fuck with the left's logic to get them to punch themselves.

We all know that leftists are retarded and their ideology has no logical ground to stand on and if not propped up by a certain (((group))) it cannot survive on it's own and collapses. However many modern leftists have, so far kept their power level in check and concealed most of the most sickening shit that their way of thinkng leads to, such as pedophilia, zoophilia, otherkin and other such things.

Now, since we know that leftist logic is structured in a way that literally anything can be excused because racism, sexism etc. we should abuse this logic loophole in the leftist mind to push them into doing retarded shit that will make them look bad in the eyes of the normie. Freebleeding, manspreading, bossy are good examples of this. The idea is to find a way to leftists to attack the comfort and everyday life of the average normie with unreasonable demands of conduct so that they(normies) would get to hate them, driving them towards the right.

ITT think of ways to fuck with the left's logic to get them to punch themselves. Think like the most extreme leftist.

Other urls found in this thread:



Think those comparison shots of Libya and Syria, where beautiful cities are turned into wastelands, except (un)ironically saying that that's exactly what you want.

What are you even trying to convey with that analogy? What does tricking the leftists have to do with lybia and syria being reduced to ruin?

Is there even anything left, beyond them fucking livestock in public?

The next step will never happen. Even left leaning centrists who have a kid would go full 14 words after that.

All we need is for them to tear down the right statue.

I go to a university. I will put up the most anti White propaganda possible, I just need the material to go do it.

I see your common sense argument and raise you Lactatia. Theres a direct correlation with increased single motherhood and it giving easy access to children served up on a plate for predators and male feminists. There's one good motive for male feminists to white knight for the ladies.
I want to get off Mr. Bones Wild Ride.

Not to mention the (((government))) already sides with child rapists in Europe as long as they're muslim. We already hit that point and nothing happened. Accelerationism is a terrible idea.

We'v already started this… let me check when this file was saved - over 3 years ago.
Here is a prototype OP, and we've had threads about this more recently, check image 2.

Are you incapable of critical thinking? Assuming you're not a kike shill, take a look at Chicago or Detroit.

What was the last thread for this?

Add furries and scalies to LGBTWTFBBQ+. Allow people to legally change their species. Outlaw refusal to recognise someone's fursona.

How much longer before the summerfags fuck off?

No, do not underestimate the extent to what the normies will tolerate if they see it as "the norm". It might take a bit of resistance at first, but if the kikes get their way, raping dead babies will just be a normal, accepted recreational activity.
100 years ago out ancestors thought that interracial/gay sex was amoral. Now it is all over TV and almost everyone accepts it.

We need to push diversity hard on silicon valley. Create a diversity arms race between tech companies. They like to virtue signal, but still they are 75% male, and 90% white (or Jew) or asian. They need more niggers.

Real acceleration is to keep resisting them. They'll ratchet up their rhetoric and attempts at violence.

I've come to check the dubs.

Goyimization provides a standard economic credit to all that contribute within society and conform to the requirements of the Ideology of the Chosen that is equal in measure and distribution and negates wealth in-equality, this is based upon minimum requirements which serve to end obesity and confront materialism.

Goyimization recognizes the worthlessness of all Spiritual beliefs in comparison to the Righteousness of the Chosen, that all such superstitions are equally irrelevant and a product of the entertainment industry, that which is indistinguishable is the indivisible, all personal beliefs are the same.

Goyimization offers a non-Discriminatory basis towards all sexual morals and parameters with regards to age, gender, ethnicity,species, it also encourages the recognition of the sexual requirements of others and the putting aside of personal discriminatory preferences, in this way ending rape.

Goyimization embraces all genetically challenged individuals towards a collective homogenization were no person need any longer feel inferior thus ending all feelings of personal inadequacy, no longer will physical characteristics be ridiculed or intellectual capabilities derided, the lowest common denominator will prevail

Underrated tbh

Perhaps you jest, but this is deadly serious for them. The tech CEOs aren't stupid, they know full well their developments rely on whitey. I know for a fact that behind the scenes they are jostling at how to diversify their competition while maintaing more or less homogenous dev groups themselves.

Get them to turn on Marten Luther King because he promoted a color blind world that denies the oppressed minorities living with the consequences of white supremacy the justice they are owed.

The most effective for this would be the Vietnam Wall. The left has a huge hate for Vietnam within living memory, and love to claim that it was imperialist. They would absolutely get behind taking down the monument to the "evil imperialist soldiers who died fighting the free people of Vietnam".

The boomerfags on the right are mostly vietnam veterans, and stake a huge amount of their identity on this. If you got even a credible rumor that ANTIFA were going to take the vietnam wall down, they would go NUTS.

Holla Forums has altered my ability to recognize patterns forever.

Make signs that are anti-capitalist with a red x's over jewish symbols.

It can't be that hard to meme them into taking the bait can it? We can push that Vietnam was a white supremacist anti-communist war, thus the soldiers were basically nazis. Just look at this fucking bigot, he could've been at Charlottesville.


Reminder that lefties will try to make people with any fucked sexual fetishes feel included. How about we try to make them include people with life threatening fetishes, as in it does harm to themselves or other. I.E pyrosexuals

Or push the idea that sex is a patriarchal construct made only to create more white males or some shit

This has always been a fucking stupid idea and it's made things demonstrably worse.

Apply for positions at overwhelmingly Jewish businesses, when you're not hired and another Jew is, file a discrimination lawsuit.

We need this. Vile white hate memes

That's good too

A better tactic is to lure antifa into the open with fake rallies that are planned as real but no one actually attends

Yeah, a pic of a bombed out city in Iraq. The caption says: "we did this to them, now let's do it to us" with antifa flag etc. hell, that's what they want anyway.

this occurred to me after google fired the manifesto guy - i thought "sure, let google fucking fire all its cis white males… then we just sit back and watch the gears grind to a halt…"

of course the owners of these tech companies arent going to stab themselves in the foot - (((they))) are a lot of things, stupid isnt one of them - but i think the google manifesto guy is just the tip of a very large iceberg of intelligent white devs who can't help but see the forest for the trees…

This is the way moving forward. The wall has been spraypainted on in the past, but a few dozen commies with sledgehammers would really get things going.

For those that want to get this astroturfed go low and slow. Don't just roll onto plebbit with this as your first post, they're not that stupid. Get involved in discussion, play the part of the lefty. Spend a few months infiltrating before you go for the gold.

The key to success is proper planning. Establish your cover. New e-mail, new social media. New accounts anywhere you plan to astroturf.

Two personas, your real one here and your fake leftist one. Make it authentic. You've all observed enough to know how they talk.


Whiteness is a scourge on the earth that must be eradicated. If you're brown or black, only sleep with other brown or black people. If you're white, you must abstain from sex.

Accelerationist psyop campaigns encouraging miscegenation have been tried in the past, but they were pretty quickly called out. They weren't subtle enough to not be pegged as a psyop.

One good campaign that could be revived is spreading the information that primarily (((white))) abortion doctors kill mostly black children. While blacks are horrible child abusers they would take massive issue with the idea of a (((white))) man being the one who encourages black abortions.

Could be useful in turning the golem against its master.

Saw the campaign run on a university campus once. Caused a lot of talk and outrage, kicked a half dozen special interest hornets nests.

Spotted the shill.
Yeah, you do that.

Global report.

Yeah, I recently had a disturbing encounter with a mother hinting that she pimps out her tranny kid.

make them more anti-gun than they already are.

what's funny is that the best way to do this is just waiting for someone on the right to shoot at the protestors. when this happens push them into an anti-gun frenzy by posting about "muh white male serial killers" or how guns are the tool of imperialism or something equally as retarded.

another idea: say that australia has no gun crime after they banned guns. the more anti-gun they become AFTER shooting starts, the better.

Accelerationism = doing the enemy's job for them

Because all the mainstream media already do to normalize it is not enough. Kill yourselves.

The trick is to make them look stupid, but have it be ultimately harmless to us, like the free-bleeding thing.

Look. I don't want to post every single false flag design I have made, but if you want your false flag posters to blend in, you will need to make them like this.

Now, please just make them yourself because I don't want to give away what I've made on a public internet forum. So I will explain how you should go about making your posters.

Step 1, spend some time with leftists on Twitter, Tumblr, facebook, whatever. I use my sockpuppets to hang out with them and interact with them as "one of them." Don't go about trying to convert them, instead, take the mindset that you are using your sockpuppet to reinforce their beliefs
Going in with that mentality will help you get a good grasp on what they believe.

Once you have a good idea on what they already believe (which is absolutely bonkers), get paint.net
Create some posters that parallel what they already believe but make it even worse. Use graphic designs that they already use. Use their language. And then take it to the next stage. But don't go overboard. A good false flag actually blends in with what they already believe.

Now, before you go about constructing some real grade F anti-White propaganda, pick a target. There are numerous anti-White groups to choose from. Who is your target? Is it Black men? Is it Black women? Is it feminist Whites? Is it faggots? Is it Hispanics? Etcetera. What do you want them to do?
Operation Pandemonium

In this example, my poster is designed to target Black women and get them to ridicule and push out White feminists. I want feminism to be non-White. My target is Black women, my goal is to get them to become even more hostile towards White women. Thus pushing them out of feminist organizations at my college.

So if you choose to do something similar, spend some quality time interacting with your target audience. Hang out on Black-Twitter and get to know just how disgusting Black feminists already are. You will want to puke but just "lurk" there for a while.

Once, while hanging out with Black feminists online, I actually spotted a fellow false flagger. He/she didn't do as great a job blending in as I did. He pushed too hard and used the wrong language and I PMed him about it. He was shocked that I was also a White activist. Don't be that person. Don't push too hard for anything. Only use the language of the anti-Whites

Now, something you can do and SHOULD be doing already is to post pro-White propaganda at your university. Post this. It drives them insane.

This strategy will work. The left's coalition is held together by the common bond of losing. There's no other reason faggots, Jew dykes, terrorists and that cunt Al Sharpton would be in the same room.

Their common ground is victimhood, or more accurately, losing to superior white men. Show their victim status is not deserved, and the others will turn on them.

Another angle relies upon genetics. Islam is inbred to the point of genetic disease. We all know the national IQ data. Suggest the Jew feminists are playing blacks and goat-fuckers for fools. Those evil Jew women want to take charge.

The Tower of Babel graphic is useful. It omits Hispanics. They might be easier to disrupt. Legal immigrants don't like illegals, and many Hispanics are upset with a diminished role for family and church. Similarly, an intact family with three kids that goes to church each week is a nightmare for Islamists, LGBTs, feminists, and BLM.

Excellent post, user. Now pardon me while I gas myself for shitting up the page with a second post.

How bout "total world annihilation"?

Very true. Middle/Upper-middle class latinos have a real disdain for them.

Thats some high-end shitposting son, everytime I see lefties fighting eachother I will think of you

Push to have Mt Rushmore destroyed and replaced with Obama, MLK, Rosa Parks and the nigger who made peanut butter

Not the best angle. Take it as a desecration of Native American lands. That has been a gripe with the redskin savages in the area since it was constructed so you've already got the history of the issue to lend legitimacy to the faux outrage.

Interracial cuck porn works wonders at pissing off white men.

it would be pretty easy to get leftists to go after this and it would have a big effect on boomers. great idea user.

are you fucking stupid?

Said this on the other thread, but what about taking down the statue of liberty?

Why because it symbolizes whiteness, solidarity between imperialists (french empire gift), exclusionary bourgueois liberty and exploitaition of migrant workers (main point here - get them to realize mass immigration of unskilled labour is a form of slavery that only benefits the rich capitalists while bringing wages down for everyone else and straining the system - supported by capitalists at the expense of everyone else)

a whole thread of faggots.

Jif Jackson?


Accelerationism, done right, is valuable. Turning up the heat on the slow-boiling frog may help it realize that something is fucked.

Seriously though, fucking animals in Canada is legal

Three ideas:

We should take control of trans-racialism before it becomes the next big progressive campaign. We all know that in a couple years transgenders will be old news and the hot thing will be something like transracialism or otherkin. We should commandeer it and shape it to our needs, thus forcing the left into the defensive and use their own arguments against them when they don't bow before our version of transracialism: "Why are you such a bigot? Race is a social construct. Did you just assume his race?" etc. The point is to do something so outrageous that it permanently forces them into a defensive state, or makes them push something REALLY crazy out there like open support of pedophilia and in either case we win.

We should take control of the left's sacred icons like Harry Potter, Star Wars, Steven Universe, etc. and make them conservative and right wing. We should employ voice acting, and voice synthesizer technology along with video editing software to make iconic scenes from these franchises rightwing and conservative with OUR messages attached. We have already begun elements of this, with memes, but it needs to go a step further into actual conservative storytelling that is enjoyable to watch. We will never win unless we take control of the culture and the media is paramount to control. If we can make conservative versions of Harry Potter, Star Wars, etc. and get them popular among the youth it will make the left white-hot with rage and make them act out badly which is in our favor.

We should take advantage of the nog shootings and chimpouts and start creating patreons and gofundme/etc. accounts whenever black violence is high. Better yet, meme some fake stories of blacks getting oppressed by police or whatever and then link to our gofundme/patreons. The idea is to take advantage of lefty virtue signalling and get them to give US money for our own projects. This will have two consequences: It will fill our coffers, and it will make lefties less inclined to donate to the latest nignog charity drive.

Sadly this is true. There will be nothing left of the worlds gene pool in another thousand years of Kike rule.

You'd be surprised how many places its legal, however it turns out that most people just don't want to fuck animals

It's cultural warfare.

You are doing god's work user.


very good

The next push will be polyamorous marriage.

What we really need to do is start memeing polyamory as soon as possible. People have recently come to terms with gay marriage, if we can meme this quickly enough to normies (especially in places like Australia where gay marriage isn't yet a thing) it could cause a harsh reaction as people are pushed too far towards degeneracy too quickly.

As an Australian I'm going to vote 'no' in the fag marriage vote coming up, but what I'm also thinking of doing is spreading pro-polyamorous marriage material as opposed to anti-gay marriage material. Hopefully this will cause people to re-evaluate their stance on the sanctity of marriage and vote no or abstain from the upcoming vote.

fuck off shill

Marxist icon Che Guevara was a known nigger hater. We can use this fact to cause division among leftists and BLM types. Create memes that left wingers have low opinions of blacks and are merely using them to further their own goals.

"Homophobia" seems to be more common among blacks than whites. Use the meme of intersectionality to push gay/trans acceptance on the black community. Something along the lines of:


with a photo of two black men kissing one another.

Has accelerationism ever worked? At some point we have to quit attempting to add two and two together and being surprised when it doesn't equal five. We know what works, the very things that have been employed against us.
Lets D&C them across the board.
We could try inserting small town America into the oppression ladder. It has been fucked economically over the decades and provides a perfectly viable candidate for leftist goodwill, helps our people, and reroutes resources from shitskins. This will anger niggers when they see someone else getting gibs, expose the race traitors who agree with the niggers, may shake some sense into some well meaning but foolish leftists, and might even do our people some good.

Stop posting old, wrecked, shrunken, JPEG artifacted versions of that mempic niggers.

Original PNG version attached. Save it. Re-propagate it.

Also attaching riginal PNG copy of the beta version, which OP used.

Like in the picture?


The point is to make it extreme: "KILL ALL WHITES" tier shit needs to be everywhere. You have to force normalfags to notice. If the enemy wishes to maintain the illusion of control, they must countersignal (sometimes, and lose power, but they cannot in this case). It's called Agree & Amplify. I swear, everyone here is a newfag anymore.

Kill yourself nigger. Back when we were at our peak, we did shit like this all the time.

black feminists like the word womanism they use this word to disaasociate themselves from white feminism

(I lurked the "other" Holla Forums for 2 years)
Fuck off to where exactly , there is nothing better to do for young people that get pills of the reddest kind straight from the source


how long until you mentor them

Missed by 1 digit but this deserves to be checked

So something in the vein of this?

I saw a screencap on here a while ago from some shitlib site that showed an article saying white people being against racism is racist. That seems very exploitable. What if we could convince white commies to stand back and let the superior black man take care of himself? Inaction is the only way to fight racism. Action on part of PoCs is Neo-colonialism and implying they can't take care of themselves.

meant literally the opposite
"action for the benefit of PoCs by white people"

Nah, it won't work, because it's not about logic or ideas or consistency. The point of that shit is that whitey can't win, and everybody knows it.

Liking black culture is racist. Not liking black culture is racist. Doing things is racist. Not doing things is racist. Being racist is racist. Being nonracist is racist. Now apologize! You apologized? WHAT A RACIST THING TO DO! Now apologize for apologizing!

It's about dominating and humiliating a rival tribe, not any actual ideas; and for whites who go along with it, it's about the thrill of submission. Calling white anti-racists racists only makes them feel authentic and enlightened.

Problem is that they already do this shit all the time, you see fucking little kids walking during pride alongside naked cucks with their dicks hanging out, how we top that?

Normalfags are so fucking scared of being labeled rayciss they put up with anything now

I was thinking of that comic too


What if we took the pictures of this kid and spun them into a meme campaign supportive of Bacha Bazi? We all know that it's the Afghanistan cultural practice of dressing pre-pubescant boys up as girls and raping them, but consider how many extreme lefties would see it:

Spin it as Muslim culture being supportive of non-binary gendering, it's the perfect hook for some uneducated lefty to share on Facebook.

Newfags are not supposed to post for two years, nigger. Lurk moar.

Here's my bit of mentoring. We need to be advocating that everyone that uses words like rayciss unironically needs to be shot in the face. That's the only thing that is going to end our problem.

If you must pretend to be the enemy, this type of stuff is okay, however. Normalfaggots need to be made uncomfortable so they stop standing idly by and letting our people die. If there was a campaign that wiped them out, too, it would be highly beneficial.

i gues this is the best place to post this, you want accelerationsm?

US mayor bans heterosexuals in town
