Look. I don't want to post every single false flag design I have made, but if you want your false flag posters to blend in, you will need to make them like this.
Now, please just make them yourself because I don't want to give away what I've made on a public internet forum. So I will explain how you should go about making your posters.
Step 1, spend some time with leftists on Twitter, Tumblr, facebook, whatever. I use my sockpuppets to hang out with them and interact with them as "one of them." Don't go about trying to convert them, instead, take the mindset that you are using your sockpuppet to reinforce their beliefs
Going in with that mentality will help you get a good grasp on what they believe.
Once you have a good idea on what they already believe (which is absolutely bonkers), get paint.net
Create some posters that parallel what they already believe but make it even worse. Use graphic designs that they already use. Use their language. And then take it to the next stage. But don't go overboard. A good false flag actually blends in with what they already believe.
Now, before you go about constructing some real grade F anti-White propaganda, pick a target. There are numerous anti-White groups to choose from. Who is your target? Is it Black men? Is it Black women? Is it feminist Whites? Is it faggots? Is it Hispanics? Etcetera. What do you want them to do?
Operation Pandemonium
In this example, my poster is designed to target Black women and get them to ridicule and push out White feminists. I want feminism to be non-White. My target is Black women, my goal is to get them to become even more hostile towards White women. Thus pushing them out of feminist organizations at my college.
So if you choose to do something similar, spend some quality time interacting with your target audience. Hang out on Black-Twitter and get to know just how disgusting Black feminists already are. You will want to puke but just "lurk" there for a while.
Once, while hanging out with Black feminists online, I actually spotted a fellow false flagger. He/she didn't do as great a job blending in as I did. He pushed too hard and used the wrong language and I PMed him about it. He was shocked that I was also a White activist. Don't be that person. Don't push too hard for anything. Only use the language of the anti-Whites