BLM leader begs white people to give them their houses

Nothing is more funny than a list of demands that white people give things to "black and brown people, especially those in generational poverty". No wonder Black lives matter is so popular among democrats.

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Use this and the recent kerfuffle they had with Antifag to further pit these two groups against each other

Niggers already robbed and razed Detroit. Don't give them another city.

For everyone who doesn't want to watch an AVGN lookalike talk about it and wants to read it for themselves.

Gonna use "sheetless klan".
tl;dr gibs me your shiney charizard
Thought this was satire until I looked the magazine up.

Post your shit to cuckchan if you want to try to become an eceleb. Fuck off.

Two more

How about a free ticket back to Afrika.

Hey niggers,

1. Stop being niggers.
2. See #1.
3. ???
4. Profit

Jesus. They REALLY do think we just walk up to some counter and get our (((white privilege checks))) and our money just falls from the fucking sky.
No nigger, we work for our fucking money and YOU FUCKS are the ones who get checks for existing. Holy shit I fucking hate niggers.

Generational poverty just means all of your ancestors were too stupid to make a living.

Great-Grandpa was a smallholder. Grandpa was a factory worker. Dad was a small business owner. I'm on my way to a doctorate.

This is just like when nigger overrun schools got more state funding and it didnt improve anything. As soon as they would get WHITEY's house they would never be able to maintain it, and it would be a crackhouse by the weekend.

It is so unfair that we cannot just execute the subhuman scum.

I like the comment section.

Post a webm you baka.

Kek their demands are literally gibs me dats

Seriously laughed aloud at, "Baka," whilst squatting on my shitter.

It's a quasi-intellectual way of saying "my parents were retards who demanded free stuff and worked as little as possible, while cultivating an especially violent culture of drugs and gangs, and I blame white people for it."

The contemporary mode of thought for niggers is that they shouldn't have to work as hard as other races to be equal to those races. This is often twisted and mis-phrased to make niggers convince themselves that they need to work harder than everyone else to get ahead. This is only partially true, because it was black people who set themselves back so far. They ruined their own neighborhoods, their schools, their families, their children, and moved their starting point so far back that they can't compete on the same level as the average non-nigger. The schools are subpar. There are no study programs. Even if they wanted to take standardized test prep courses, there are none in their cities. The food they have available is all sugary jew bullshit that hinders the brain's development and leads to serious mental and physical impairment later in life.. But they only have shit food because niggers refuse to shop at "gentrified" shops, or they rob them so often and assault the owners enough that they leave forever, giving them nothing but bodegas with bars over everything.

And even with constant government funding, programs, aid, and all kinds of other tax-payer funded services, countless scholarships and hiring quotas, these dumb apes can't force themselves fractionally up the social ladder with each passing generation.

No greater redpill than our opposition unabashedly flaunting their true nature.

I wish icould tell them that all those white privilege gibs are owned by the 1%((((choosen))) tribe. That by he way are standing next to them when demonstarting.
Those jews are playing the niggers like a fiddle,
look here monkey some bananas,
am i your friend now, am i?
Good boy he dindu nuffin he dindu nuffin
hes good boy
now go and shit in this white mans garden.

Now when thinking the jew despises the fellow white people, it makes sense to pit the nigs against that mildly retarded looking so called nazi that the (((msm))) like's to parade around. We are in the same debt circus shit as they are, meaning in poverty since generations.
This white privilege mantra hits hard, but kek did some good against it. Didn't know why he had stay in the shadows last months or he even dead?.

Do these people not understand that there is usually a reason why people live in "generational poverty" one that will not be solved by simply giving people stuff. You give them a house, and they will lose it to taxes within a year. You give them money, and they will spend it on spinning rims and other useless shit. Whitey giving free shit to shiftless niggers only serves to put that property in the hands of the Jews either through selling them worthless bling or by buying the house on the cheap at auction when that "generational poverty" family continues doing the same stupid shit.

Why did you post this twice?

Top kek. The nigger cries out in pain as he strikes you.

Ultimately these niggers have a terribly misguided idea - that they'll do anything by owning land except give surrounding whites an awareness of black dysfunction. If I were a nigger I'd push my fellow niggers to stop aborting and "allies" to adopt niglets. Remaining at 13% and increasing the % of racists? Wew, nigs.

And this is what will be in power if we continue down the path of multiculturalism. South Africa and Rhodesia should have been good enough examples, but it seems like the white middle class of America really needs a slap in their own faces to understand.


I fully embrace becoming a proper 'white devil' now. Speak for yourselves liberal cucks.

I don't mind being a nigger's nightmare.

Please don't misunderstand, I don't expect anything from Africans - they're only capable of thinking about gibs in the present, they never evolved to deal with winter. It's just comical that 1) they shit out kids like literal shit 2) they murder them 3) they blame everything on being a minority and 4) they're aware that they've got a lot of supporters who are wealthy, brainwashed and childless.

Thanks. I wish we had something like this on jews.

The Culture of Critique by Kevin J. MacDonald


I cannot tell if this is real or Holla Forums-tier masterful satire.

Oh, it's quite real, I am certain. However, how will they steal a bitcoin? 😂😂😂😂😂🐱👤


Nigger Shoah when?


Pretty much.

Second pics for you.

Dubs (and that ID ain't bad either) for a 'hot' civil war between the White and Nonwhite left, which also claims a bunch of cucked cops.
We'll just mosey on in and sweep up the pieces afterwards.


China needs to perfect artificial womb technology asap. If white men can create children without the need of involving women this shit will never happen and the European genetics will be saved by the same kind of autists that customize their own versions of Linux. Pls china, the USA is too pozzed by Christianity to develop this tech, you are our only hope!

We need to reverse degeneracy and encourage white people to start families and have children. The Jews have made it so a good portion of white people don't have the financial means to do this, and have made the meme that having children is a "drag", when it's one of the only ways a man can be truly happy. After the revolution we should give a set amount of money for each white child born, and give something like $500 a month per child. When we seize the assets of Jews and shitskins this won't be too much of a financial burden for the government. Their evil memes are unnatural, so making white people want to have children and reversing their kike memes won't be too hard when we fumigate the kike media and education system. That being said none of this will be possible until we complete a total purge of undesirables in society, with the Jews going first. Once the Jews are gone it'll be a downhill battle for us

Your personality has changed a lot user, seemingly for the better keep it up