Raising the Minimum Wage

This is a series of videos about raising the minimum wage, and why it is a bad idea. A little red pill for those of you who are actually here to learn something.


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There shouldn't even be a minimum wage.
Also, Holla Forums knows about this, this is Libertarian-tier, pre-Redpilled knowledge.

If we are against raising the minimum wage, we should be equally against any cost of living increases. We are, yet have no control over that.
Simple eggs have increased in price tremendously in the last few decades, rent has skyrocketed in most places, taxation has certainly not gone in a downward direction and yet the people earn less than ever thanks to these same stagnating wages in the face of cost increases everywhere.

My children should not have to compete on an even level with literal actual slaves.

There is little to no common ground with libertarians with any self-respecting white man as they are psychopathic Jews.

Libertarians don't care about morals.
Libertarians don't care about community.
Libertarians don't care about art.

All libertarians care about is their property. That's it. In their opinions, there should be no consideration of morality, no concern for the people, no value placed upon anything that does not profit them.

Libertarians argue using their own definitions. That they've learned with their own dictionaries, and they will slander you for not using their rhetoric. They will label anyone who doesn't agree with them as a "statist", which is nothing more than a strawman. And if you disagree with them on any point, for any reason, they will declare that surely you must carry all of these characteristics. This has happened every time anyone have tried to debate them.

Libertarians argue like Jews. They hide behind concepts that they refuse to define clearly, like "natural law" or "the non-aggression principle", and they constantly bring these up (while refusing to say what they actually mean) as a shield against any criticism. And they will constantly deny doing so. When proven wrong on something, inescapably, they will later declare that they remember winning the argument. In fact, they adhere so closely to Adolf Hitler's description of his experience debating with Jews, that it is almost uncanny, and it's really not surprising that so many of the most influential libertarian thinkers were Jewish themselves.

You cannot agree with anyone who thinks it is acceptable to torture an animal because it is "his property".
You cannot agree with anyone who thinks that a strong government is a bad thing.
You cannot agree with anyone who seeks to further the destruction of a white nation and its folk.

Libertarianism is a Jewish cancer that is diametrically opposed to the well being of the white race.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Capitalism means just that: the state has no control over the economy. This is the furthest to the right you can go in economics.
"The Free Market will solve it!"

The irony is that the free market IS in fact correcting itself. All the cheap labour flooding first world countries will at first lower salaries and finnaly stabilize. Just like the free-market advocates claim.
The problem? Not only is this process going to take decades to stabilize (end goal: you earn the same salary in every country) it has an enrmous innertia on the rest of the economical system. This means that prices of commodities WILL drop… when people can't afford them. This will happen too, but will take EVEN MORE TIME.
Everytime a market shifts violently, it takes a fuckload of time to readjust. The more violent the shift, the longer it takes.
The last trully violent shift was in 1927. The Great Crash was nothing more than the market correcting itself. And it was a catastrophe. In 2008 we had a small sample of it. Another catastrophe.
If this shit keeps going though, we're headed for 1927 x100. Shit might even colapse so hard it will not be able to correct itself: the infrastructure holding the market might crack and crumble (law enforcement, healthcare, pensions).


this desu

shit thread, op

According to principle I would be against any minimum wage. In an ALL white society I could be persuaded into it though. But the US is filled with niggers and other assorted failed shitskin races. No way in hell I want to subsidize their low IQ uselessness. It's one thing to use the minimum wage to protect white workers from exploitation it's quite another to use it to give subhumans a living wage in white countries.

The problem is that people are working waged jobs, instead of owning their own family business or farm. 100 years ago, everyone owned their own business, see pic related.

You know how long it takes to grow 80% of your own food? 1 hour initial prep time and 15 min a week after that. And you can do it in a fairly small garden. Most food time is spent on storage since you need to ferment/de-oxygenate/freeze/smoke/salt most foods to keep them from spoiling.

We also waste too much money on housing. People should not be living alone, renting, or paying property tax. Families should live together in inherited ancestral homes. Younger sons should go fight for new lands to conquer to build their own homes. By minimizing food and housing, living expenses are negligible.

As far as a minimum wage goes, a simple supply/demand analysis shows that if you raise the cost of labor the demand for labor drops. The only way to raise the cost of labor (ie wages) is by creating more demand for labor (either more jobs or less available workers).


or we could just remove all the subhumans

Most people working on minimum wage beyond teen years are immigrants or niggers.
Cut off all immigration and kill all niggers, and the entire country becomes a thousand times better.

When I was in college they had a fund raising drive for heart disease, but not just ANY heart disease:

Fuck's sake it's like nobody give a rat's ass if MEN are poor, but suddenly mention that WOMEN are poor and everybody starts to care.

It's the same shit. Only the boss is diferent. If you work on a shit company, the boss takes a lion's share. If you work on a non-shit company, the boss takes a fair shair.
The only diference is the availability of resources. It's a well-known sociological principle that "one human + one human > two humans". Several people pooling strenghts together will always accomplish more than isolated lone wolfs.

The problem with food production isn't time. It's space. A farm to sustain you will take a fair bit of land. Want to sustain a family of 5? It takes 5 times that area.
But that's not a problem for you since you already answered it next:
What the fuck is wrong with you? This isn't 1157, the world is explored and conquered you idiot. If you go "conquer new lands" the people already living there will kick your shit in because, surprise, they want their shit to stay in their hands. That's literally nigger thinking. "I want more gibs and that guy has it, let's nig his shit".

Which we already do. The demand for unskilled labor is dropping because surprise: we don't need as much unskilled laborers today. The demand for technical skills IS increasing. All across the world.
A bunch of faggots here bought the "college is a meme for SJW's and niggers" and decided to "learn online".
Who would have guessed it: your 50 hours of reading pdf's aren't recognized in the job market. Meanwhile, people like me actually worked their butt off studying shit, told SJW's to take a fucking hike it's not even hard, they're 1% in STEM fields and then found a job easily.
I program industrial machines. Shit's not even hard. It just requires knowledge. Nothing more. Do you know how many people have that knowledge today? Very, VERY few. Of those, do you know how many CAN PROVE they know their shit? Fewer and fewer.

Here's some food for thought: the army will not hire anyone with 83 or less IQ. It's a minimum requirement, they can't hire you even if they wanted. At 83 IQ and bellow, a person is literally deemed too fucking stupid to do anything right.
I've seen what some people do with industrial machines. The damn thing is fully automated and yet some people STILL MANAGE TO FUCK IT UP, FUCKING CUNTS
Do you know what percentage of humans falls within this range of

You fucking faggots never attented a job interview for that kind of shit have you?
I've done 3 before my actual job. Janitor, burger-flipper and restaurant waiter.
Face the fucking facts: the young white spoiled dumbshits don't want those sorts of work. It's like this in America, England, France and Germany.
Germany is in fact so bad, most of their youngsters move out of their parents home when they turn 18, work shit jobs like that for 6 months and then give up. The biggest threat Germany faces right now is having a large part of their young adults (aged 20+) back in their parents home without a job.
Why? Because they don't go to fucking college anymore. They finish Highschool so they can get the driving license and that's it. They want independence and to live alone. Then they get a taste of what jobs they can get with no education and decide shit is hard.
The same shit happened in Britain when I was there. The same shit happens in America (that has a far greater NEET problem) and France is even worse since there's a 50% they'll not only be NEETS, but also nigger-loving "street performers". You know, the faggots that think Parkour is exercise and graffiti is art.

There's only one thing you need to get a good fucking job nowdays: use your fucking brain. Activate those almonds. Get that nogging jogging. Learn math, physics, mechanics. The SJW's sure as shit ain't doing it. Apu and Ahmed aren't doing it. Neither is Jamal or Tai-Ping-Wai.
The only competition you have are the Japonese and they mostly stay in their country.


Kill yourself.

They're not BASED you fucking idiot.
They're fighting. They're trying to do something.
Someone said "Hey, I'll pay someone to clean this shit" and they showed up.
The average NEET will decide mopping floors hurts his back and surely he can get something better with no technical skills and no social skills.
Eat a dick, faggot. I fought for what I have. And now I have it easy.
Niggers and shitskins don't have the education or the brains for that education. But they still find something.

I'll put a fucking nigger or a spic before a NEET living with his parents any day of the week. You know why? The shitty nigger/spic might be dumb as shit, but they'll clean my floors. NEETs will stay at home and type "kill yourself" ad nauseum.
A nigger that works isn't using food stamps. He's not leeching my taxes to pay for his shit.
A NEET will fake Aspergers to get NEETBUX out of my money.
And since I'm not a fucking idiot, I got a job that afford me an house in a quiet neighborhood. The only niggers that would cause me trouble live a hundred miles away from me.
On the other hand, the NEET that can't pay his own Internet bill and constantly tries to leech mine needs to be punched several times per month till he gets the picture.


You don't belong here, kike.


And before you jump on it:
There's one subset of people who didn't go to college and still deserve admiration.
People who went to trade school, learn something and got a job.
If you don't have the brains for STEM, then get yourself into a trade school. It's not as prestigious, but it gets you food, rent money and depending on how hard you work, all the luxuries you want.

If you finished Highschool/dropped out and figured you're the smartest motherfucker around and you don't need to learn jackshit besides memes and ad hominem, the job market will teach you a harsh lesson.

Either clean MY fucking floor or don't complain that the nigger will.

you are a boomer-tier good goy.

And pick food they just threw out of the garbage right back into the cambro because "it's a waste". You've never worked at a fast food joint, you better start now because I've seen some shit.

I know that one.

Did I say "all whites", moishe?
I said NEETS. If you defend NEETs, you're defending the most jewish, narcisistic, backstabbing subset of the white race.

Contributing to the Jewish system is buying overpriced hollywood trash, using facebook and taking loans for shit you don't need.
I get paid a fair wage for my job. And I can afford to have 4 kids more if I get a raise

Do you want out of the system? Be my guest.
Don't work. Don't earn. Don't do ANYTHING AT ALL. Stay at home, alone without money to do anything. You'll just be a +1 on the unemployment statistics. Join the 15% I mentioned. Noone gives a shit. People like you are expected to die of famine wallowing on your waste.
You didn't study, you didn't learn anything of value and now wonder why noone will give you the time of day.
Hint: you're not worth it.
The fucking spic cleaning floors works better than you. Why? Because he works. He's a fucking dumb idiot who avoided getting shot by his own countrymen, can't speak a lick of english (and never will) and is twice as likely to rob/betray is employeer.
Why is he hired instead of you?
Because cleaning floors is bellow you.

Get rid of spics and other imported trash that works for $5/hour.

Remove women from non-traditional work roles. They should be nurses, teachers, and secretaries. Not factory workers.

Go back to single earner households.

All in all just reduce the number of people in the work force if you want to raise wages naturally.

This too, that faggot is probably from some nice rural area where he never has to see any niggers and has never worked with them, lived around them, or even had to share a city with them. They're fucking animals that have no place in a white society.

What you're describing are symptoms of the Jewish problem and its degradation of our culture. The solution isn't to just throw our hands up and say they're jobs americans won't do. The solution is to KICK THE SHITSKINS OUT, GAS THE JEWS and allow wages to meet market demand. When white people feel like they have a future they will work any job to get experience.

So instead of fixing the culture and the shitskin problem the solution is to kick the disillusioned youth to the curb? Otherwise 95% of people here agree with your statements on STEM or going into the trades.

Yes, the only reason I'm kept on the job is purely because I keep the place clean and god forbid up to the standards of our country's health code.

Kill yourself kike.

The difference between genuine shills and autistic neet losers who fool themselves into thinking that they'll actually live through the DOTR just because they're white and know meme magic are getting quite dim these days.

Get this, you can work, earn enough money to do something for yourself, and get out.
There are options other than jewish debt slavery and NEET(jewish debt slavery if on NEETBUX)

You know nothing about me, I guarantee you I make more money than you in a year and haven't worked a traditional job since I was in my mid 20s.
You probably also don't understand the fragility of the US Dollar and why it's a very bad long-term investment.

The spic exists to contribute to the jewish system, get into debt, and work low paying jobs while my tax dollars pay for them to live three blocks away from a neighborhood that was majority white ten years ago.

I've done a lot more degrading shit than cleaning floors lad. You talk like someone who's young and comes from a wealthy background that's never had to experience niggers and spics firsthand. Either that or you're just fucked in the head.

Nigger, I'm 27. Not even my parents could be called boomers.
You think "contempt for younger generations" is exclusive to boomers?
I spent highschool watching idiots playing computer games IN CLASS. College had me surrounded by morons that played League of Legends from 8 AM to 8 PM.
All those idiots deserve poverty and famine unless they lower their heads, swallow their pride and serve my lunch at a restaurant. I have no respect for any of them.

Yeah, I know that. I worked in one too.
But we had a "rotative job opening". Turned from an in-joke to something serious.
Every month a nigger would be hired for that position. And every waged a meal or two on how many weeks he'd be there.
Every single month they'd do shit like that. Or pick up fries with no gloves. Or comb their hair next to the grill. One picked up fries from the frier with his bare hands and got burned too.
I worked there for 8 months. Only 2 niggers survived for more than a month (the wager was given to them) and they stayed there for longer than I did.
But I also remember that we had exactly 3 white guys, 5 niggers and 3 spics.
And everytime one of the niggers got fired, the interview would have nothing but niggers applying to it.
At the time I had friends that needed cash and I tried to get them to accept it so I'd have someone to talk to without ebonics.

I despise them. I hate them. Nothing infuriates me more than seeing idiots spouting this shit and 5 minutes later bum someone else for a cigarette. For the 10th time that day.

I despise the shitskins and spics. But I put those morons bellow niggers.
No, I don't have nigger friends. We're a small bunch of white guys only, all racial aware, thank fuck. Too a fuckload of work to find people like this though.

Bullshit. It will not stabilize itself. They started the process with keeping wages low for decades, now that the boomer generation who had a economic war fought on them stopped breeding and population stagnation and decline started to occur it meant that wages should have increased. Solution by the economist is to flood the market with subhuman low intellect retards from other countries. This has a upwards cascading effect. If a person wants to escape a 40hr job working at walmart, they will learn some basic skills themselves or posses them and they will take ANY junior position in that field for far less wage just to escape the ultimate low-wage! People who use the excuse of 'should have learned something' because they can't relate too people who might be a garbage man, shelve stacker, order picker or agriculture worker really have no clue what they caused by allowing the unfettered migration.

Capitalism is extortion of the majority to enrich the few. If we had a free market; the big bussiness in the US would have all been bankrupted due to compitition. Instead, these big capital companies buy up smaller companies and continue to stay at the top. The governments supports this structure; by giving them tax loopholes, subsidizes etc etc which means it is corporatism. Even their 'free market' nonsense in Capitalism is pure cancer. The State should control wages, healthcare and pensions but it should not be controlled by leftist retards who apply keynesian economics where they borrow money to steal from future generations but instead apply austrian economics where it is calculated what will be required and might yearly change their projected requirements for the State's liabilities.

The housing and cost of housing has become a investment market; for this reason Hitler banned this practice and declared that everyone is entitled to beeing able to buy a home and pass it onto their next linage without the intervention of the state asking for taxation or without bankers using it for their fractional reserve banking scheme's.

When firms like this endole.co.uk/company/00421479/mckay-securities-p-l-c
make hundreds of millions a year by simply holding onto assets who increase in value while nothing was changed to the 'asset' you know your economy is fucked beyond belief.

Kill yourself kike.


No, that's your blind love for capitalism and idealistic vision of nonwhites.

Glad I missed out on that, those people will be labeled asocial when NatSoc kicks in and sent off to work camps.

They're not looking, moron. They're not looking at all. If they were, they'd show up at the interviews. The "those jobs don't pay enough for white people" argument doesn't work: they don't even show up to discuss how much they pay. They don't care and they don't want to do those jobs.
You can argue all you want, I've got first-degree experience in the matter. I've seen whites declining those jobs. I've seen whites (like myself) accepting them.
It's not a matter of race. It's a matter of wanting to earn your place and stop leeching your parents.
Niggers don't have parents to leech. The father is gone and the mother is too obese to work. So they either work shit jobs or steal shit.
The majority of whites today is not only leeching their parents (dooming their own future) they've also convinced themselves that it's perfectly acceptable to do so.

Look moshe the bottom line in nonwhites are animals that shouldn't be mingling with whites at all
you defend it because they're good goy slaves that contribute to capitalism which is just as damaging to European heritage and the extended family as communism.

I kicked one of them out because of this shit.
The fuck did you want me to do? Have the useless faggot hangaround for 10 years?
Pay for his shit every month? Let him raid my fridge whenever he's hungry?
He was a NEET, and NEETs deserve the rope.

Look commie the bottom line in nonwhites are pack animals that do shit jobs so I don't have to.
you attack it because you want 1500$ to wash my car which is just as damaging to the job market and the extended family as capitalism.

How's the monthly tugboat and your dad's money doing for your wasteful lifestyle "white" neet? Oh wait, don't tell me; you're self-employed! Even though you have literally nothing to prove that you're self-sufficient over this burning trash pile.

You can't be fucking serious. There's always someone who has to scrub the toilets, even in the white utopia. Who do you think would be willing to do that? Definitely not your fellow whites no doubt.

Then you are just as bad as the judeo-masonic elite who consistently import nonwhites for cheap labor. I'm not a communist, I'm full NatSoc which opposes both capitalist jew debt-slavery and communism.

And you want some spic washing your car who will follow you home and rape your mongrel wife and octaroon daughters. As people have said earlier there should be no minimum wage. people should be paid for the work they do with currency that actually has value.

Kill yourself anytime, this is the oldest capitalist excuse in the book

No shit it wont.
What I pointed is a fairy tale. The dream-goal of the whole "one people, one planet, one country" idiots. Everyone, everywhere earning the same.
But you have people blindly believing this shit all around the world. These people are well fed and taken care of and don't see a problem with it because in a crash, they'd still be well-fed and well taken care of.

And how can the few extort the many?
The "few are stealing our money!" argument is parroted around a lot nowdays but I rarely see anyone explaining how it happens.
Did you join up with other posters from here on "ebin twitter raids"?
Or with the folks that "post red-pill memes" on facebook to "de-synthesize the normies"?
That shit is the so called "extortion of the many by the few" people talk about.
All these things and many more ammount to nothing more than people WILLINGLY AND VOLUNTARILY submitting to the Powers That Be.

The cost of housing is the best expression of the free-market: it's taking advantage of retards worldwide. On average, buying a house in the suburbs of a city will cost you 40$ of the price of a similar house in the middle of a city. Heck, were I live it's worse.
A house with 3 bedrooms can be rented for as low as 450$ a month. Move a few miles further close to the next city and that shit goes up to 2000$. One example I know of (since I know one person there) is an house with 2 bedrooms housing 12 people. It's illegal as shit, but the landlord will only care if the police find out. He's getting 2500$ that the 12 schmucks can pile up every month. They could move out of the city, but that wouldn't let them go out to enjoy the latest Hollywood blockbuster in the nearest Cinema. They wouldn't have a Dance Club nearby or a park to get shitface at 3 AM.

Those people are fucking morons living in a system that eats morons alive.
Do you expect me to feel pity for them?
Half of them haven't bothered to look for better prices. The building next to them has a two-bedroom apartment for 1500$ and they have had no idea until I told them. They took a fucking month to decide if they'd move or not and BAM, it was taken.

I have no sympathy for idiots.

What is disposable income what are rising costs of bills due to kikes fucking the economy and the government devaluing the currency?

Muh white ppl don't wanna do shit jobs. Majority of not workers are niggers you hooknose.


Your rant are pure unadulterated autistic ramblings. It's not a argument. You say what is consumption, but then list brand names. If i want to a buy a washing machine, i expect that thing to last a life time. Instead i have to deal with capitalistic orientated businesses who intentionally weaken and use retarded practices to make the product have a life time of 2 to 5 years. This strategy is called planned obsolescence, minimizing costs and maximizing profit. Some 70% of the US economy is consumption and the majority of it is buying cheap retarded bullshit that self destroys within a few years. It is wasteful beyond belief.

Just KYS you ingrate kike.

Shows how much you know about Capitalism.
Capitalism has far greater problems and flaws than "jew debt".
If you owe money to a Jew it's because you willingly took a loan from a Jew.
If you trust a Jew, you get fucked. It's that simple.
Capitalism has problems when it comes to the social dilemmas. It's essentially "socially-blind" and does not care how happy the citizens are.
Yeah, happy workers work better, but two workers work the same without any investment into their happiness. China claims to be Communist, but the principles they apply in their factories are capitalistic.
Capitalism also has the problem I described before: it's reacts really badly to sudden market changes. It's the only thing communism ever did right: the control the state exerts on markets makes them less unstable. Until the main flaw of communism rears it's ugly head and the market collapses under the weight of extreme regulations, of course.
Neither system is perfect. Communism is far worse, no argument there. I loftily defend a technocracy but since that's a goal unattainable for the next century, the best system we have right now is a mix of both while constantly shifting from right to left based on the needs and demands of the population.
That's what America, Britain, France and Germany did. Full right-wing for years, suddendly problems with the workforce? Turn the helm to the left as hard as you can and take in all those shitskins, there problem solved.
And yes, this is gonna blow up in their faces, I'm not defending It's a good idea, it's a TERRIBLE idea but spawned from market necessities, not idle jewish fantasy.
But yes, it does serve the Jewis interests.

I don't think you know what Federal Reserve notes are tbh.

And you have no idea what caused this? You're either a shill or willfully ignorant.

It's been pozzed since the 1920s you massive autist.

should happily work for Mr. Shekelstein's vacation home for $7.25 per hour! The minimum wage is a bad idea! Don't you watch the fake "right wing" Fox news. Thankfully we have those Kosher Libertardians to teach the Goys economics!

I busted my ass pretty hard at my last job. We had unlimited overtime, so I was putting in 50 to 60 hours a week for easily 8 months. I cleared up some debt, bought a few toys, and had some work done on my mobile home. I worked so hard that I got a wrist injury and was released. I've been looking for work for five months now and I rarely get callbacks. It's not a matter of low skill and low IQ. There simply are too many candidates for too few positions and the requirements are high for even entry level jobs. I worked five years as a security supervisor for $10 an hour. When I left that job, they raised the requirements from having a high school diploma to having a bachelor's degree in criminal justice, but the pay didn't increase. I was ineligible to work the job I had been at for five years. Sites like Indeed outright tell you how many people are applying for certain jobs, and even some low tier service jobs have 50+ candidates in the small city that I live in. The job market is a nightmare right now. I went to a career fair not even a week after I lost my last job, in a suit, brand new resume in hand, with a good attitude, and I applied for easily 50 jobs that week. I got all of two callbacks, which resulted in interviews, and no job to show for it. I apply for at least five jobs a week, and I rarely get an interview. The last job I interviewed for, I had a phone interview, two in person interviews, an assessment, and I even had a degree that was related to the job, even though it didn't require it. This was for a 24k a year salary job. I didn't get the job. I'm not worthless, my IQ isn't sub-85, I have a degree, I don't do drugs, I have a clean criminal record, and I'm an 8/10 in the looks department if I clean myself up. Yet, I can't get a job. The bootstraps mentality is bullshit and not representative of the current job market.

Did you see me say they were doing a good job?
No. They're burying us in debt. I'm not arguing that.
Did I say otherwise? NO again. But don't look at the current numbers. Look at trends. White's unemployment are RISING and that should worry people.

The point is precisely that the Free Market is FUCKING UP EVERYTHING. Re-read my post after finish primary school, Jamal.

Well that's an easy way to disprove people. Just call shit you don't like "ramblings" and bam: all arguments refuted.
Consumption HAPPENS. It's the basis of ANY market. The problem with brands is the centralization of consumption. If everyone buys X, it doesn't matter if there's competition. Everyone buys X, so X does wathever they want. Discord pop'ed up. There's a dozen alternatives to it and motherfuckers still use discord for everything. This is Free Market FUCKING THINGS UP.
Your washing machine breaks up because for years upon years people brought from the same 2-3 brands (depending on where you live) and those 2-3 brands have their machines manufactured in the same fucking factory over at china. It's not those brands fucking you up. It's the factory back at china. And the brands don't give a shit: if the costumer gets pissed, they'll buy from another company that sells the same machines and get fucked over again.
There is a (((free market))) where competition is either gone, not possible or in some cases flat-out illegal.
Go on, try to set up your own ISP company. Verizon is shit, everyone knows this. Why hasn't another propped up with better services?

America buys "cheap retarded bullshit that self destroys within a few years" because that's all there is to buy. You hear me? There's nothing else. There's no quality. There's no good product. It's all shit and you get to pick what flavour of stench you want.

just stop posting faggot.

Go and try looking for shit that requires STEM fields.

Oh wow, you read my whole post in less than a minute. That surely means you are presenting a valuable argument and I should hastily remove myself.


so now it's changed form 'whites be lazy' to 'w-well you need a STEM degree or you'll be fucked because of all the niggers and spics that have flooded the country and been given rights'

reported tbh.

No shit sherlock. Does the average joe take money from them? Because that's what I was arguing before: personal loans.
The Federal Reserve is a monument to the fundamental failure in history of the USA.

Let me guess, World War 2?
Go take a fucking look at imigration figures for Germany. By 1950 they were taking a fuckload of poles and Ukrainian workers. Then shit stabilized near 1968. And it stayed stable for almost 30 years.
It's recent nigger. That's what I'm telling you: a new generation showed up and it doesn't want to work. MY GENERATION. You can toss all arguments you want. I saw my own generation abandon studies, abandon jobs and abandon anything of worth in pursuit of hedonism and self-fulfillment. Now my generation is 90% compose of fat, stupid nihilists that just want the world to burn because they perceive shit to be unfair to them.

Right wing doesn't mean extreme-right, faggot.
There's a plethora of shit your country did that falls within the "right-wing" spectrum.
You also fall on a spectrum.

Whites WERE lazy dumbfuck.
They had the chance to take those jobs, said "fuck it, I won't do it" and now they find niggers occupying them.
Now the nigger and spic horde is already here. You know what would have kept them out better than any wall? Whites holding on to those jobs.
Now there's only one way out: do jobs niggers and spics CAN'T do. That is pretty much reserved to Higher Training jobs. Nearly all kinds of Engineering, Medicine, Biology, Chemistry. STEM shit.
It's either that, or jack shit for you.

This isn't twitter, faggot.

wheres the pic?

At my job niggers are the laziest workers, they do the shittiest job at everything.
It's extremely physical warehouse work, between shipping and processing, you're expected to maintain a steady pace of constant labor.
Whites (aside from the old ones) seem to be the most on track and driven to getting things done by default.
I see nogs talking, barely moving anything compared to any other group and causing fights when they actually occur.
They constantly show up late or want to leave immediately when they arrive, do as little as possible, skip and clearly want to get paid for breathing.
I'm among the highest output workers in the entire building, it takes two and a half of the lazy workers to match me, I don't whine like them and view the physical exertion as being paid to essentially go to the gym.
The bright side is my job tends to hold the lazy garbage workers accountable, the shitty employees eventually get fired for watching the clock.
The threat of minimum wage leeches coasting at least in my case is low since our productivity is enforced with the consequences of termination.

they CAN'T do any job, you'd know that if you've ever fucking worked with them. kill yourself niggerlover.

No you're wrong! Just read this study my friend Ari Geldstein at Goldman Sachs wrote for the Wall Street Journal!


Just replace the minimum wage with market unions.

Wow let me pay you for nothing just so I can work, what a great deal for me. I love paying kikes just to have the privilege to work, thanks a lot Mr. Goldberg!!

I have. They work like shit, as I've said a dozen times already. They're the worst fucking workers you can get. But they work. The boss doesn't give two shits because he NEEDS SHIT DONE.
They get shit done. Badly. With constant fuckups, but it's better than sitting on our thumbs waiting for work to do itself.

That's not gonna happen. Or rather, it sort happens.
Everyone and theri grandma has one of these. They're worth fuck all.
Have you seen what percentage of students finish these degrees? At my college, it was 20%.
And you can't just count the number of degrees to measure their worth.
You have to compare it to the needs of the market.
Social Sciences DO HAVE a place in the job market. A very small space that was over-filled on the first year those degrees launched.
STEM on the other hand has job openings increasing at a faster rate than people graduating.
Why the fuck did I get an entry level job paying twice the minimum wage with no working experience? Because I'm the only one who can do it in a 150 mile radius.
And in 2 years I get 5 times minimum wage. Why? Because either my boss paid me that or a company next doors wanted me. Why were they willing to pay me that? Because people with 2 years experience are already earning 7 times minimum wage and they can't find anyone to lead a team.

Dude, get yourself to Europe. It's cheap, college costs 100 times less (I'm not joking) and all you need to do is to pick a degree that's recognized worldwide (aka: 80% of them)

Also, remove the college requirements for licenses and just use state/private aptitude test for accessing job competency.

That is actually a good idea.
Europe does it in most of their countries.

???????????? This is the system that the N.S.D.A.P. used (Nazi Sozi for source).

You have autism lad just fuck off.


Kek you're not from here are you? Labor unions will always be shit, we are talking about modern day current year +2, not NatSoc Germany decades ago. Also check my trips faggot.

No, that's the furthest libertarian you can go in economics.

And how exactly are labor unions shit?


You weren't even close to trips, though. Wonderful doubles, though.

The post he replied to had trips nigger

How fucking stupid are you? Pic very fucking related.

Retarded as fuck.

Not and argument.

Union =/= tied to the state

So, paid by post or reply? I'm guessing reply.
Try again, nigger.

So it is. I am in fact the nigger here, faggot. I apologize.

Neither is emulating your jewish anti-family father figure stefan moneyjew. Fuck off.

Go back to reddit. Women have always been nurses and secretaries when not in prime breeding years.

Right, cronyism only happens in the state, the instution where people are known and have some chance of being held accountable. It never happens in instutions that flat out refuse to tell you who's in charge.
A greek myth.

Do you work at all?
Are you sucessfull?
Can you make it on your own?
Do you make 30k a year?

Do you like to measure dicks online with strangers? Cause that's what you're doing as you type your reply.

Shit, I didn't know what. Why the fuck did I bother arguing before?


Still someone is making money, and most normal people help out their friends faggot

I dunno lol, you're either autistic or a kike so I don't know why I bothered.

Raising the minimum wage is good, assuming that some kind of sterilization program is brought back. Why don't you look into the history of the minimum wage and see what it was designed for?

The whole logic of the minimum wage, when first introduced, was that inferior races, like, say, the black, Slav, Mexican, or whoever, were inferior workers to the white American of Anglo-German descent, but would under-live him in a race to the bottom. In response, the white American would have fewer children. With a higher minimum wage, inferior workers, like blacks, would be thrown out of employment. In the original design of this program, once unemployed, they could be dealt with by sterilization.

Cronyism is immoral and unethical. Be it whites or non-whites, it's a shit behaviour reserved for those who want jobs they don't deserve nor earned.
Your nose is showing.

Cronyism is good and nepotism is too. And volunteering unions are a myth? Fuck, guess the union I'm in is fake…

it's about ethics in games journalism, right?


Do you know where you are, Boomer?

Stop bumbing this thread. We know this already

No. Meritocracy. You give people according to their skills not according to their whims.

Get the fuck out Holla Forums

Depends on who is getting the job. A son/daughter? It's good then because your parents predict your outcome in education, IQ and work (Stonk, 2005). Anyone else, like a friend? Not so much.

No, we need to eliminate the minimum wage. Bring back high paying unskilled labor jobs, manufacturing, from overseas. Also eliminate "work/welfare" aka allow people to get welfare and food stamps if their job doesn't pay enough… this will force jobs to pay a competitive wage, use computers/robots, or go out of business.

You're the one who's been sucking off shitskins since I started lurking the thread, acting like a boomer. You're completely wrong and I'll tell you why. Building automation, which is what I assume you do or something similar relies on everything not turning to shit. Economy takes a shit? You're out of a job nigger, who's going to be building shit with new tech when nobody has money?
I weld, I'll tell you why it's better than your prissy university shit. I work my own hours, I am my own boss, I have my own rig, I pay less taxes than the kikes, I actually create assets. I am a producer, you use something someone else makes, you will always be dependent on someone else for your money.

Shit, that's great. All we need is white people with prestidigitation skills and the future is saved!
I mean, if the parent says he'll be a great worker, no reason to doubt him, right?
There's no way he's gonna turn into a useless piece of shit. He's WHITE after all. And the son of a WHITE. That's all that matter here.

Fuck off KIKE, I was telling Holla Forums to grow up before the SJWs were. It's idiots like you that prevented them from going after the yid's wallets when they had the chance because it was 'unethical'

I always rationalized hating my job like this, it's better that the gym pay me than paying the gym. It's a way to delude ourselves through the day without adopting the work ethic of a nigger.

Not what I said and you're strawmaning me. I said that your parents are good predictors of your education, IQ and outcome, which they are and I gave you proof to refer to: Stronk, 2005. So what this means is that if you have a good worker, their kids are most likely to be good workers too.

Nigger, I studied Electrotechnical engineer.
If the fucking society collapsed, I'd have a job fixing electrical generators with spare wire.
Or I could run a dozen powerlines to several people without burning someone's freezer.
Fuck, assuming ANY electronics survive, I can do tons of shit with them.
I can assemble a radio with 20 meters of wire, a screw and a piece of carboard.
What the fuck do you think people study nowadays? How to flip switches on?

There's your problem. EMP/CME is most likely shtf scenario after niggers.

(Checked, but you're still a faggot)
Way to dodge the entire premise of the argument. You are still a consumer, not a producer. At the end of the day, I have people asking me to work, I usually tell them no, you know why? Because work is a dime a dozen for me, you on the other hand seem to have trouble finding work since you've taken to shilling Peruvian mountain climbing websites for rent money.

They only need to NOT be melted.
An EPROM can be made to work again.
Capacitors will certainly blow up, but you can make your own with two plates of metal.
Every other component has a 90% survival rate against EMP shit.
niggers will club a screen and assume the computer is "dead". At most they'll also club the PSU to stop the fan.
Everything inside survives. Not to mention all kinds of industrial components in factories that are made to withstand extreme hazardous conditions.

A fucking iphone turns into a brick with an EMP.
An industrial PLC will reset the memory and await new instructions.

Coddled upper middle class white underaged ancap retard detected

Minimum wage should adjust to inflation, there is no argument against this. It should not be $15 either, the current minimum wage should be set between $10-11 an hour.

(checked and your dubs are better than mine)
We can argue about which one of us earns more.
But at the end of the day, all I care is if people work.
It doesn't matter if it's doing heart surgery, programming or flipping burgers.
I didn't want to leave the thread angry at the other posters.
All I want is for white people to stop hanging at home, stop being NEETs and actually do something. Work. Earn your place in the world. Fight for it.
For many years that was what kept niggers in their shitholes. We made things happens.
We were scientists, workers, medics and policeman. And soldiers, economists or managers.

I don't want white people to stay at home waiting for something better. I just wanted to see all the friends I grew up with getting a job and belong to the same world I do.
Instead they're cooped up at home, frequent dubious clubs and waste away their life while our politicians keep importing shitskins.

I have earned a good job and a confy living standard. But it feels hollow because I'm alone here.

Nice reading comprehension, retard.

its called biology baby
no one gives a shit about random sperm
but you got to collect the eggs man, its the basic drive of life, EAT AND FUCK

I understand where you're coming from, but in every society you have moochers, it's a fact of life. Do what you can to stop helping them, pay as little taxes as you can, don't support deadbeats. If people want to work they're going to work, if they don't they'll starve.

Oh shit, sorry, lad: it's Stenze, 2006. I was going off memory and got the name of the study wrong. Here's a screencap of how well the predictors are. As you can see, using your parents is a pretty good proxy for yourself (this is of course when you can not do any of direct measure on the individual themselves - but yes, I agree with you that direct measure of the individual is best option but to say that nepotism is not a good measure is false.)

Kill yourself kike.

Not necessarily, you can have worker's run the union; you can have their managers run the union; or state itself run the union via third party. You could also have nonprofits. The point of the "market union" is A. to NOT have a blanket minimum wage and each market of labor can set its own boundaries and B. allow workers to enter at a lower wage to get their foot in the door (i.g. entry level workers).
Refer to B. why they would voluntary.
You realize owners and managers can fire you, right?
Hmm? No, the whole point of the union is to set a basic minimum wage and worker's needs for that market. It would, desirablely, cover all of the market and unions in that market could compete for A. workers and B. businesses.
? I'm not seeing what incentives you are refering here to.
Well, I am from here - just haven't been here in months. Sorry if I didn't circlejerk you off with trips and dubs and all that shit.

Wut? I work at walmart and other retail jobs for the past 4 years, most of my co-workers are/were white, which is harder than restaurant work because you have to listen to complaints for things I have no control over. They celebrate diversity but because Jamal and Paco doesn't want to show up whites tend to get the job.

its been too long since ive seen a genuine troll on Holla Forums
hats off


there havnt been enough jobs added to the economy to keep up with workers added to the economy for years
america has 9 years at the longest before a collapse, period of choas, and then rebirth of something(s)
all these unemployed will be usefull in the violence, and the used for colonizing/armies

How hard did you fall for the college meme? What was your Bachelor's degree in?

Had to about $5,000 when I got my job I kind of worked with my Dad before my first job but that was only every other week.Got a American history degree because I was taught if you want to learn why not get the degree and was pushed by my hs teachers.

The minimum wage is, ZERO.

You know how I know you're Jewish?

This touches on something nobody talks about. Only about 3% hires are from online applications. Getting an education and applying for high-wage jobs is complete nonsense. Your social network is everything because employers don't hire people they don't know unless they are desperate. So that 3% are only jobs that are have such terrible conditions or such low pay that nobody connected to other employees wants it.

I have been on both sides of the interview table several times. These were hard learned lessons for me, Anons, take heed.

Employer hiring preference strictly follows this order:

-Immediate blood relatives
-2nd-degree relatives (uncles, nephews, etc.)
-Personal friends
-Person with whom employer has sexual interest
-Applicant of incredible distinction in field (Nobel prize winner, cured cancer, literally Jesus)
-Qualified Affinity group (race/gender/sexual perversions)
-Experienced/qualified applicant with recommendation from current employee
-Qualified applicant whom has an acquaintance within the company.
-Experienced applicant (2yr/5yr/10yr are numbers that get you through human resources excel macros)
-Unqualified affinity group
-Qualified diversity hire
-Qualified applicant (relevant training/education)
-Competent applicant (intelligent without special knowledge
-Unqualified white male

Find where you are in this ladder. If anybody is above you on this ladder, no amount of experience, training or interview charisma will make any difference. Most employers already know who they want to hire before a job opening is even made publicly known. Most employers are not actually concerned with intelligence or competence, but want employees they like personally. They certainly have no interest in fair.

Keep this a secret to yourself. Managers and executives will deny these things, but (much like women who say they want 'a nice guy' but end up fucking the dope dealer) cannot be relied upon to tell the truth about their motivations and behavior. People are fickle creatures, and objective valuations do not happen in the wild.

May this knowledge serve you well, user. My best advice for job seekers is never get bogged down with job applications. Put yourself into social situations (hobby clubs, sporting events, political rallies) where you are likely to encounter people already in the company or field you want to be in. Try to find out if a company is dominated by a certain affinity group. If it's run by feminists (as Yahoo! used to be under Marissa Mayer), then don't bother applying if you're male.

There is a lot of luck when it comes to careers. You can improve your odds by being intelligent, competent and charismatic, but there is really only so much you can do. Really, the best your competence can guarantee is that you avoid catastrophic failure (going to prison, getting Hepatitis C from heroin needles, adopting a niglet). Jewish market ideologues preach competition and merit, but empirical evidence of real-world outcomes do not support these maxims. IQ, for example, only has a 0.35 correlation coefficient with income, which is to say, not very suggestive of causation.

To "fix" the minimum wage, "fix" the federal reserve. And by "fix" the (((federal reserve))) I mean audit and remove it. Declare all of the (((national debt))) void because it is inherently based around a scam. Then remove the minimum wage.

Minimum wage should be zero, but if the state finds people being paid net to nothing if they are actually productive members of society, such businesses should be punished. I think the business owners will be able to pinpoint their workers' worth, that much information for a state to process seems like too much.
Also, I agree entirely with this:
Same goes for welfare. Have a small welfare state for emergencies when you purge the minorities.

I want to learn programming and codefaggotry in spite of all the damage communism did to it, and i'm an autist because both my parents are boomers despite me being a full decade younger than you. Please tell me there's any hope in being a codemonkey.

There is. One way is to become an online freelance programmer. That entails all of the challenges of becoming a freelancer but online freelancing was built off the back of freelance programming.

The minimum wage prevents the lowest of the lowest, the poorest of poor to even have a function in society.
Have you ever studied this subject? The minimum wage does nothing good to the economy, NOTHING.
For instance, it wasn't until ~5 years ago that Germany implemented the minimum wage, and before it, it functioned FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS.

Yeah, people aren't just not going to pay. If you work for me and I pay you shit, you will go to the next guy who actually pays you a little more. I do think businesses that operate that way should be punished if they never pay anyone.


Fuckoff with your idealist free market bullshit.

Miners actually do not get paid minimum wage. They get relatively good salaries and if they mine uranium or something equally dangerous, that wage only goes up. Miners are specialists that need to know how to operate equipment and detect dangers at split second notice, faggot. They aren't some faggots with pickaxes hitting rocks. Depending on the country they also get a good healthplan, proper insurance/dowry and not bad early retirement. Only unskilled workers get paid minimum wage, like burger flippers and cashiers and shit like that.

It has nothing to do with the free market, nor with Libertarianism.
Humanity lived without it, having it was pushed down by the Left and destroyed the poorest part of society.

I just said that businesses that operate that way will be punished, what are you on about? Obviously, toxic mine work will be lucrative because it's a difficult job, like sanitation workers. Men will step up and make bank doing that work because businesses that swindle them will be removed.

Actually in the early 1900s miners made shit, y'know before workers unions existed. That's why their living standard has improved. Not because of their generous bosses.

Minimum wage doesn't destroy society. Where did you get this idea?

Then what is "if x doesn't pay enough y will pay up" supposed to imply? charity through labor? Please tell me how making LESS than the current minimum wage would help anyone working minimum wage.

They don't. They never have been, corporatism is rooted too deep to fix these businesses. Removing minimum wage does NOTHING to help workers.

Ask Germany, again, they didn't have a minimum wage until recently. When it got implemented, inflation rose and joblessness rose.
Seriously, that's the problem with fast recruiting, we start getting people who lack the foundational stuff.

They will in the paradigm I'm arguing for. The mistake you're making is assuming I'm saying "today, so and so is such and such". I'm saying that it ought to be the way that I am arguing for.
It punishes niggers and spics, let them rot. They're the poor. I support employment discriminating against them and hiring whites only. When they're hired, the businesses will pay them. Remember, the "ought" that I'm arguing for will set up a system that allows for businesses to keep the best interests of the white working class at-heart.


Raising the minimum wage is a bona fide natsoc priority. Those who are against it are allied with the kikes.


That doesn't make any sense. Just because you pay people more doesn't mean they do more. Extend this argument to niggers. Affirmative action and the whole nine yards: still no results, still in poverty, still amounting to nothing. You can only shift the minimum wage ONCE all minorities are purged, not WHILE they still exist. If you start paying everyone more, that's a recipe for disaster because it allows ethnic minorities to take advantage of that increase.

Inflation isn't caused by minimum wage.. it's happened regardless if it's existence.

I only support the removal of minimum wage if basic income was implemented.

Besides, the current minimum wage in most states is far below what it should be.

Only in California and Massachusetts(?) should it be lowered and adjusted to inflation.

And if you pay less they'll do.. less? you're not making sense. Obviously work is dependant on how desperate your workers are. That's how abuse starts in business. It's why minimum wage exists.

It would be simplest to lower small business taxes, blow up obongo care and increase minimum wage to the correct amount and eliminate income tax.

Business makes more money, workers don't get kiked.

Seriously, go read a book.
"Web of Debt, by Ellen Brown" is a prerequisite to post on Holla Forums.

Don't allow them to earn more if they ever decide to.
Well, minimum wage isn't designed for a career, but a temporary job. The breadwinners cannot logically sustain a family, or themselves, if they lack expertise. Society isn't going to slow down just so that the lazy or unintelligent will catch up. Besides, there ought to already be some sort of welfare for those who are truly your disadvantaged ethnic countrymen. However, if they abuse it like leeches, then they should be forced to work.
Says more about the inflationary causes than the minimum wage, though.
No, I'm saying that shifting the pay for a worker does nothing except give them more money.
I don't dispute that, sure.
The paradigm I'm arguing for does not allow this abuse. State intervenes and punishes businesses that act this way.
You don't need to have a minimum wage to punish employers who swindle employees.
Agree on lowering small business tax to a degree, agree with destroying obongocare, disagree with increasing the minimum wage (to what and why?), disagree with eliminating income tax. The state would have no money for anything, half of the Fed's budget comes from income tax. I believe in a mixed economy, or whatever is most pragmatic. If that means no income tax, then so be it, but you've just said 'eliminate it', not why it should be eliminated or elaborating on a scenario in which it would be irrelevant.
Don't need a minimum wage to prevent this. Nobody follows the minimum wage without state intervention. My argument is that just allow state intervention when workers are kiked, full stop.

Suppose the price of shoes was set by the government, at $100/pair. Do you think anybody would accept shitty shoes for that price, if they had to? Instead, competition would increase at the $100 level and shoe quality would increase enormously. In addition, there would be increased demand for local craftsmen, and so on. This is why, historically, all of the Aryans, wherever you may find them, and I do also mean whenever, established minimum standards of quality, and this was based upon the gold standard.

you are assuming that minimum wage and people making under 40k a year have an impacting influence on the economy. It doesn't.

This can happen with minimum wage existing. You could simply deny minorities minimum wage if that's what you're worried about. Mixed Market is the best means for an economy to function, income tax can be lowered in favor of sales tax. It's what the Australians do.

2013 Cuckchan called and they want their threads back

Oh no we haven't been replying to shills and making excuses for Trump le 666667D chess :DDD

Fuckoff, this has been a decent thread.

No, nobody would buy the shoes because I can find better shoes for less. Why would I pay more money for lower quality? People just choose some other marketplace for better shoes, legal or illegal.
Then you'll just have really fancy shoes worth $100. That doesn't mean the standard of living or GDP (PPP) has increased: people will still try and find cheaper shoes because they might be willing to pay less for shoes that aren't as top-end as the $100 shoes.
Yeah, there can also be an increased demand for shoes that don't cost $100.

Sure it can. I don't argue against that, I just don't think a minimum wage will do any good. If I make it illegal for you to pay people n-1, what happens if you don't have the money for it?
Yeah, I guess that works, then.
That makes a bit more sense, lowering one and raising another.

I agree, it isn't that bad. Although OP posting once is of major concern.

Business closes, product prices rise or employees are laid off. But thats why minimum wage should be determined by inflation and not muh feels ( as the case in California).

$15 an hour led to more automation and workers being laid off for businesses already paying for obongocare and ridiculous taxes.

My point exactly. You aren't solving the issue: you're creating new ones.
How's about this: exile the "money changers" who devalue currency and promote disincentives from not constantly spending/consuming. That way, inflation won't fluctuate as much.
Also, isn't the minimum wage already set at where the inflation rate is?
True. Get rid of the tax burden to free up the wealth.

But even the most basic of common sense tells you that the only job you can get with that degree is teaching and that is an already overbloated job market.

You are not listening. You won't be able to buy a pair for less. Clearly you are distracted. I would add, you can see, in practice, that lowering wages brings in all kinds of low-quality people, and this is now notorious.

Pay close attention:
1. You cannot buy shoes for less than $100
2. You need shoes
3. Therefore you will not accept low-quality shoes, but buy high quality shoes, though you may be angry about this
4. And, of course, service guarantees will emerge as well, in this situation.
5. And nobody will buy any low-quality shoes at all.

Low wages and low standards of workmanship (a lack of guilds) leads to low-quality goods from inferior people.

Now, this is merely to disprove your assertion that quality of work would decline under a minimum wage. This is simply not true, as I have outlined.

It hasn't been changed in awhile. The current minimum wage -should be- $10-11 an hour. Not $15 nor $7.25, I can't even figure out how people got the idea $15 an hour is sane.

I guess it is wednesday.

People talking about 50+ applicants for a job. I remember a restaurant opening up back during a "mild" recession. Eight positions. Three thousand applicants showed up, in person. Shut the streets down. At the same time, I had just gotten a STEM doctorate, and the positions I was applying for had 800-1100 candidates. Places had no idea how to even process the volume.

Technically most of us are the oldfags of 8ch.

I found this place before the Holla Forumsirgins flooded so I'm an originalfag, bow before me losers (:

Keep letting corps use your tax money to preferentially hire drug addicts and monkeys.

This is the kind of content we need more of.

You're a Boomer?

The minimum wage can come up naturally just as it was previously artificially suppressed by both feverishly exporting jobs and importing desperate voiceless labor as fast as humanly possible, among other factors. The outlook on this is positive under a Trump administration. It feels surreal saying/writing that.

Lolbergs get the rope too. The economy must serve the nation not the other way around. I am not sure if minimum wage laws are the best way to uplift the working people who are the backbone of the nation and the main focus of a National Socialist state but solidarity and cooperation among all classes for the good of the nation and volk should benefit the working man first

Back in ye olden day my country didn't have this and, lo and behold, people got exploited to the bone. While carelessly raising the minimum wage is never a good idea, completely abolishing it is fucking stupid too. It's a good measure against slavers and that's what it should be and stay, it shouldn't turn into free gibs. Unless you think becoming a Third World shithole where children slave away in dimlit sweatshops almost for free is a good idea. In that case then yeah, let's abolish it.

And also what said. The constant inflation from kikery makes your currency more and more useless, causing prices to rise. If wages don't artificially rise along with the artificial rise in prices then you're shoving people into poverty by design. Which will happen because no one can compete with slave wages.

No it's actually you who wants to have your cake and eat it too. You want kikes to endlessly print money, but then you don't want to deal with nor bear responsibility for the consequences.

Those were transfers of wealth, not accidents, not markets correcting themselves. It's credit expansion followed by contraction; a game of musical chairs. You're either a full-retard or as said, a jew.

Of course they do. The lolbergtarians sold us out to Holla Forums before, that's all you need to know about where their heart and loyalty lies.

Do you have a job now and did you get a job then?

Why? It's not like OP is forbidden to create a thread and walk away to do something else. I sometimes dump recent news articles on Holla Forums and then don't reply in my own threads because i'm busy scanning for more news.

This is wrong. Once a monopoly has gained power, especially in a very high-cost business like telecom or tech, there is no stopping them. Intel was so close to becoming a monopoly until AMD got their shit together.


Do you shill part time here and there?

To be honest, back in the day i experimented with different builds using Intel and AMD and i've never had good experiences with AMD. I remember one of their CPU's wasn't even protected against overheating, so if you crashed you had to quickly unplug the whole shit so it didn't melt off of your MB.

They did it in Canada and I know a lady whose cafe is closing down, small business can't afford to pay wages. Liberals and Lolbergs feeding off each other, it takes time for the market to adjust and in the meantime small business is annihilated until only (((starbucks))) is left.

lot of you need to learn some ADVANCED ECONOMICS

If I was a small business owner I would just not fucking hire anybody and buy robots and computers to do literally everything possible. All I would have to do is sit there with a gun to make sure nobody steals them.

Wages are irrelevant when the monetary system is unsound. The jews will just chisel you with inflation.

with what capital

I'd buy that fucking shit on adafruit and build it myself if I had to. The benefits of scale don't apply to small businesses, but the problems of scale don't either. RFID tags on all the merchandise? A colossal multi-billion dollar undertaking for a large company, but a weekend project for a small business.

i dont think diy electronics are gonna be able to automate a business

DIY electronics for a DIY business, it's a perfect match really.

It's a typical problem for local economies that central oversight from the government will screw over a local economy that is dependent on a very fine balance.

Having a state mandated minimum wage is counter-intuitive to competitiveness and is very harmful to small businesses. But having no minimum wage is the same as letting (((vultures))) feast endlessly on the labormarket.

I've always been surprised other nation's didn't organize their labormarkets as we did in Denmark. We essentially have a tripartite negotiation every few years between the industry organizations, the labor unions and the government, where they figure out how wellfare spending, wage development and work conditions should be able to fit together overall. And then the companies and labor unions locally figure out their wages.

We had large industrial butcheries save themselves by negotiating lower wages with their workers while they restructure the business to be more profitable or while they wait out a market slump. In return there were no layoffs.

I imagine labor unions in the US are controlled by our greatest allies, but if the government did a reboot of the labor market through major reform, it might be possible to restructure the system, as well as dislodge any hooknosed manipulators from their cushy union offices.

No, significantly longer.
If you really want to attach a date, then 1911 is an indisputable date.

Surely nothing will go wrong with letting the (((state))) handle things.

>(((income tax)))
oh, you mean the thing that was implemented two years after the implementation of the kike-owned central bank to pay off the (((debt)))? Even though direct taxes are unconstitutional?

AMD has gone a long way, in fact, they're better than Intel.

I work two days per week and minium wage is high so if it is low then i would be able to work more and maybe own a business.

I did shit work for about two years before finding a shit job related to my field, then over four years at that before finding a normal position.

I'm German and this is the first I hear of needing any sort of school education to get a driver's license. Are you sure you're talking about Germany?

Actually, I visited some engineering courses while I was choosing what to study and there were plenty of Ahmeds there. That was one of the reasons I didn't go that route. Didn't want to end up in a field with those people, having to work with them closely.

P.S. That was unclear. Of course I agree one should pursue STEM related things. Just saying, some fields within STEM are absolutely contaminated and one should look carefully where one enrolls, at least in Germany.