Undercover IRL Operations

This war needs to be fought from all angles. Our enemies are lawyers, politicians, businessmen and bankers, entrepreneurs, celebrities, religious leaders, journalists, academics– the list goes on.
Meanwhile, the largest numerical base of our people are middle class suburban-rural whites with limited public influence and financial resources.
Provided a hot civil war doesn't start in the next few months, we are going to need to infiltrate the same (((industries))) by which they maintain their power. The slow subversion of the aforementioned fields is how they came to power in the first place; there's no reason that with time and concerted effort, we cannot do the same.

For my part, spending the early years of my life as an excellent sheep good student got me into a pretty good college, one from which many of the people in the above listed industries get their start. While the place sucks, I might as well use the opportunity to get a foothold in the (((liberal elite))).

ITT we need to talk about how to accomplish this. Are there any anons who are similarly positioned in their school or career? How do you maintain the appearance of fitting in? What do you talk about? Do you go out with (((them))) on social occasions? How do you stay sane when larping as a communist? And as a white man, how do you avoid getting called out for being such? How can you stay undercover without completely compromising your morals? Are you part of a small group of anons who are also undercover in your industry?

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I'm too busy larping as a white landscaper in the south to play dress up, not only that but I don't have soft business man hands like (((they))) do so I would stick out

This war is being fought on all fronts. Thankfully, comedians from the Before Time have been cracking jokes since forever. While an edgy joke doesn't necessarily make a NatSoc, it does make someone who likes us more than them. Never doubt the power of going half-powerlevel and letting your friends find out the rest on their own.
Light-hearted comedy is your best bet. If they laugh, they're already almost on our side.

I'm in the bluepill heart of the northeast, every conversation that I have is an act of subversion. I am a bit older and better at this than I once was, but I'll share a tidbit or two.

I've had great success by dragging people away from eastern philosophy and towards stoicism, they love "smart talk", luckily virtually no one is capable of debating. The deep initiates tend to see any resistance as 100% nazism, and it's easy to test the waters with them because they're so unbelievably emotional/reactive despite their training. They don't accept apologies, though, so to ingratiate yourself to a high level blue you have to signal to weaker people around them how virtuous you are. It can be hell, they really are like mini dictators.
I also steer conversations towards people having innate differences instead of socially constructed differences, which goes right under their radar and plants a little seed here or there. Aside from those two angles I play, I pass for liberal until someone starts saying they sympathize with the right about something, then I drop the facade if they're signaling that they're trying to get away from the multicult.
I've had 5 success stories so far, baby steps. We should all be offering safe havens to the folk under the thumb of this social virus, whatever works.

Can you give some examples of this? Would this be "Oh yeah I volunteer at a homeless shelter on weekends" or as simple as saying "Yeah I can't believe those racists in Charlottsville…"

>I don't have soft business man hands like (((they)))
Just say you play guitar or some other instrument that uses tension metal strings. My fingers are have huge calluses from that.

This is what I've been doing for quite some time. Humor is an excellent way of breaking down barriers and shattering taboos. Think about how all of us got started. Of course, this doesn't apply to everyone, but a great deal of us started off on Holla Forums over a decade ago, laughed at edgy nigger/kike jokes, and after so much laughtering and memeing, the taboo was destroyed enough for us to actually look at the facts without any more ZOG indoctrination keeping us down.

where I work I'm the only person who gives a shit about the news, and I've been talking and explaining what's been going on (and bullying the libs who try to push lies) for so long, people have been actually coming to me first for my opinions for the last few months about current happenings. i showed them evidence that cville was organized by jews or people married to jews, the flags were all brand new, etc.
i don't run with the idea that the jews are behind it, though. i don't even bother to cover who might be behind a lot of things, but I never miss a chance to tell them about the latest lugenpresse propaganda piece and the spin they use.
what IS useful, though, is pushing on them that (((someone or something, like an organization))) is actively encouraging the balkanization of the US along racial lines, since they haven't swallowed the redpill on race. this is especially useful for pointing members of the military to look into matters like cville to see who could be behind such a heinous agenda, but they must look on their own

Our primary enemies are the foundations and NGOs, along with the financial system, since they fund the rest. They are the base, and we can topple the entire thing if we can hit them hard enough. Attacking anything else is just cutting heads off the Hydra.

This is purely anecdotal, but I've turned a lot of my friends from jokes. One of the alpha guys in my group went very silent and angry when I started making fun of the holocaust. A month later he was calling people jews as an insult. Comedy can crack even the strongest of dams.

Exactly. It also allows you to get away with saying stuff that you wouldn't otherwise be able to say, because you can just say "just a prank, bro!" I literally make jew and holocaust jokes in front of kikes IRL and they just have to sit there and say "haha you jokester…". It's like schrodinger's cat, and I'm both joking and being serious. It's a great tactic.

Sure include those too. As far as beating them goes, one of our people on the inside of any such organization goes much further than 100 shitposters.

I definitely think this is a tried and tested method; of the redpilled people I personally know, many of them got into it because of the jokes/less serious memes.
However, to seriously subvert organizations at the level I'm talking about, the people we'll encounter are not mere brainwashed normies– they are the kikes and (((good goys))) themselves, who actively know what they are doing. I'm interested to have a discussion about how to ingratiate ourselves with (((them))), when using redpill humor on them won't work since they are the active enemy.

I'm knee deep in a local antifa commune if anyone remembers my thread.


How do you manage to hold prolonged conversations with them without suffering an aneurysm?

Good way to put it. I hang out with normalfags on the reg, and once you're in the pub and talking shit they don't give a fuck about muh racism as long as it's funny. I've even seen friends who are socialist dicksucks crack a smile over some Holla Forumstier jokes.

Comedy isn't really a way to subvert the marxist indoctrinates. It's more a way to vaccinate those who aren't yet initiated into the high orders of redistributionism.

Not him, but I know all the bullshit bingo terms like microagression and misogyny and so like to start conversations that paint them into a corner. Then I take another dab.


I act just kosher enough as to not attract suspicion. Also in private social situations they follow the will of the strongest in the room, its really primative and leftists are easy to manipulate with body language. If they go off on one I act as if the person is a stropy child an just continue talking with someone else. They get real malleable when you ignore their bullshit.

anything you can think of, if the lines come off as too artificial, it could backfire because they DO have a sense of cringe, nonetheless. These aren't automatons, but their method of thinking is social-standing-based. Try to come up with a social cause that you actually care about, ecological issues/corruption work really well.

I'm Greek and up until last year I was a teacher (own English language school, but closed it down due to recession).
For the 7 years I taught, I would subtly redpill my students. I wouldn't crack jokes, but being young myself, a lot of students in the classroom were confident enough to open up to me, some were even actively trying to impress me. I'd turn them against degenerate behavior, I'd provide Holla Forums approved advice. (Ex. Told girls not to jump at the opportunity to date any guy. To wait for the right one, to "save" it for the one who will appreciate them. That the one that is there by their side is more important than the "chad" because the "chad" will just use them).
I'd constantly them that family values are the most important part of their future. Told them that us men are born as the protectors, the shield of the family while women are the leaders of the household.
If they made fun of a kid for being a nerd, I'd stop the class for five minutes and explain to them that the nerdy kids are the ones that will excel in studies. That nerdy kids are the reason they have smartphones, internet and even electricity. I'd also tell them that those kids, would end up being their bosses in the future and they should aspire to be like them.
If there was a rebelious kid, I'd involve him/her more in the classroom (ex to pass on the corrected homework). I would make them feel that I needed their assistance to do my job and it made them want to do better. Sometimes I'd even make mistakes so that they correct me and I'd say "well done" for that.
But most importantly, if I was asked a question, I wouldn't provide the answer. I would tell them what they need to know to find the answer themselves. I would teach them that the beauty of a problem is the process of solving it and that nothing in life would come with easy answers. All they would need to solve it, is the will to do so.

tl:dr, a teaching position in classes of kids/teenagers would mean you can make a difference in the future generations. Maybe subtle, but still important.

Sounds like you've done good work, having a role like that in people's lives is really important. If only to be the one who is informed, the one that people go to for solutions. It's a crucial piece of society. I hope there are many more like you in the teaching world right now, because it's needed more than ever.

you are a good person user

A piece of advice you people may appreciate when trying to debate them, coming from someone who studied politics, psychology and debate. Do not aim for the outright fanatic Leftists. They are nonconvertible and non debatable. Aim for the "following the trend" folk. And always talk to them about themselves, never about yourself. After they feel you like them or something, start doing this:

Try to bring them to a "logical dead end", as i call it. Talk to them until you find a hole in their way of thought, and then "curiously" ask them to explain it to you. After that they will recognize that their thought process makes no sense, and will become an open slate for new thought processes. From there, you can keep building, especially if you meet them a lot.

Έλληνας εδώ επίσης! Μπορείς, με πλάγιο τρόπο, να μου πείς πού διδάσκεις?

Δίδασκα σε φροντιστήριο στην Γλυφάδα. Το έκλεισα όμως και είμαι Αγγλία τώρα.

Thank you guys, it means a lot.

Not in your situation or ever have been but with that being said;

The same way you would with anything that's alien to you. Adopt the mannerisms and other social behaviours. Afterwards, workout and showever.

Nothing is completly about one thing. Unless you're like in a cult. Not everything is 'triggering'. So avoid politics, religion.

>>Do you go out with (((them))) on social occasions?

If you want to infiltrate you'll have to. 'bonding' bullshit. Also getting fuckers drunk is very valuable. You can be the designated driver which will also mark you as a good guy and conscious of your social responsibility or some shit. Plus they'll owe you.

That's a bit over the top. The types you're talking about, the top professionals, they love money just as much if not more than anyone else. No future lawyers give a shit if Tryone has a sandwich or not. It's more like, which BMW should I get?

Called what? A larper/fake what have you? No one is going to suggest that.

Have red lines. Also detox from them every few months. scientificamerican.com/article/mental-downtime/

You don't ask anyone shit like that, it's pure fucking bait. Screams informant.


You can't subvert cult members you retards. Marxists are like Christians in the sense that no matter how hard you try you're not going to convince them of betraying their core beliefs.


Also keep redpilling.