Really, fuck this game.
I played few days before it totally blew up and everyone jumped on hypewagon.
It was boring, retarded game with shitty bullet hell mechanics.
Fucking characters are just memes with character value lower than fucking Green Value (oh look, this guy is good, but then he is bad) WOW.
8ch/v/, please lets show people that emperor is not wearing clothes.
Even the soundtrack sounds like meme music.
Every track sounds like 'cantina_music_from_star_wars[downloaded from].mp3'.
I do not want my games to look like this.
Fuck Toby Fox.
Fuck Undertale.
Fuck 'lel so random' memes.
Really, fuck this game
Other urls found in this thread:
Undertale is an 8/10 indie game, fuck you.
It sure does have cancerous fanbase but that doesn't make it a bad game like for example gone homo that was also praised by the clickbait media.
shit thread and waste of internet air waves
Why keep advertising it then?
Why don't you just save your shitposting for when someone actually makes an undertale thread, then you can spam that to death.
If you're hating this game so much, why do you feel the need to talk about it every thread ? You aren't better than those who feel the need to spam furry NSFW pics in those threads, or those who shitpost in waifu/general threads or in threads they don't like to feel themselves superior.
Go back to where you came from. Be it cuckchan, reddit, tumblr or whatever dark place of the net.
Great. At that point most of Holla Forums that were hyping it played the demo five years ago and were happy that the game was basically an extension of the demo.
You heard about it on release yet complain about bandwagoning? Top laughs
Holy fuck I'm basically zoom.
Remember that time a game you didn't think was very good got game of the year? THAT WAS ME BARRY.
Remember that time the game you wanted to rent when you were a kid wasn't at the store? THAT WAS ME BARRY. IT WAS ME ALL ALONG
dude its a great game, i think its tight, good characters, very interesting, great art style, revolutionary mix of genres that has never been done before and fantastic music, there's nothing wrong with this game
Grade A thinking here you fucking retard
Yea, fuck this game, it's shit and deserves no threads.
The funny part is, the autism from the Undertale fanbase created a backlash that made the people who hate Undertale (like OP) even more autistic than the fans themselves.
Just so long as you realize the truth in pic related, OP, it's okay.
And FUCK YOU, the Star Wars cantina music is one of the most influential and iconic pieces in all of cinema. If you want to compare Undertale's music to that, well… okay? Kinda defeating your own point, but then you types always seem to trip over your own feet, so it's not surprising.
I fucking hate the "game" and its awful fanbase, but goddamn if Save the World and its many remixes isn't one of the best video game tracks I've ever heard. Way too fucking good to be related to some indie garbage adored by tumblr-tier faggots everywhere.
All the main-theme-related pieces are pretty good.
I don't know why everyone likes Megalovania though. It's completely unrelated to any of the rest of the game's tracks and has a completely different soundfont (because it's was made for Earthbound) which makes it stylistically distinct. It simply, objectively doesn't belong in the same game.
It was alright for the five hours it lasted.
I'd forget it even existed if you fags didn't sperg out about it twice a day.
Probably because it plays during the most challenging battle of the game. I like it a lot too.
Top Ses
This sounds like some kind of auditory Stockholm Syndrome.
Because it plays during the "hardest" part of the game and gets you free fanbase credit for how totally hardcore you are.
Nevermind the genocide boss Sans actually being one of the easiest patterns in the game because of how predictable it is.
It's worse and less creative than most shit that came out of Newgrounds. As soon as the faggot thing thought it was clever for breaking the fourth wall I uninstalled it. Self aware shit is entirely worse than unaware shit.
Find this substandard faggot and sodomize them with your weapon of choice.
To be fair, except for Omega Flowey which relies heavily on RNG (and is the only part of the game which really qualifies as "bullet Hell"), all of the bosses have predictable patterns. Sans has more patterns, but they always go in the same order.
Which makes no fucking sense because he's the only one that knows you can SAVE and LOAD. He even comments on how many times you die because he can read it on your face. You'd think he'd change up the combination of patterns if he knew you'd seen them before.
Most of the people who gush about how hardcore they are couldn't finish hardmode, which, hilariously enough with the lack of hp, hardmode ruins is probably harder than sans, ignoring the obvious that nobody played hardmode and there aren't pages upon pages of guides for it.
why is this not banned yet? Summon the board kike
I don't know what's the big deal with hard mode, anyway. Adding artificial difficulty to pad the time it takes the player to progress through a game, while adding zero content, is one of the worst things in the industry. Though, to be fair, Hard Mode did have a couple new enemies. Not enough to justify it existing, of course.
In any case, to anyone who likes games that are so-hard-I-have-to-smash-my-face-into-a-wall-for-months-to-beat-it and hated Undertale for [insert reason here], would you say that it would suddenly transform into "a good game" in your opinion if the ONLY thing that changed was there being more bullets to dodge?
I thought not.
That's more execution of skills and pattern recognition, hard mode is the natural progression of the formula to a harder difficulty.
It's the logical push through, starting you off with endgame enemies with starting gear.
It's okay if you didn't get it dude.
Some people are slow on the uptake.
Music is alright, though not a lot of tracks really "stick with me" but they're catchy, fun to listen to.
Soundtrack is a solid 8, easy
The rest of the game is pretty shit though, I didn't feel anything while playing it.
LISA had a better soundtrack and felt better.
I played the demo last month. I don't get why everybody was creaming themselves over it, there's nothing special about it. the bullet hell shit is tedious and has no challenge. the "puzzles" are retarded shit a drooling mongoloid could solve with ease. the writing is meh, and the hamfisted attempts at emotional manipulation annoy me. can somebody please explain why Holla Forums was so excited for this piece of shit?
nice b8
asgore and megalovania are the only standout tracks. everything else is bland, forgettable mush, much like the game itself.
it's catchy. more than I can say for the rest of the soundtrack.
not necessarily
this on the other hand is just pretentious and I hate every game that does it.
are you fucking retarded? bullet hell is supposed to have patterns that are handcrafted with mathematical precision, so that there's always a right move and a wrong move to make - like in 2hu. spewing random shit all over the screen isn't bullet hell, it's bullet diarrhea.
no user, you are the cancer.
that image is full of shit probably, but there's discussion to be had here, unlike every other undershit thread where it's just shitposting and bait.
Look, its okay, you didn't get the ending. There's no shame in admitting it.
I call upon you genesisposters. Save us from this shit.
You went into the game expecting something other than what you got (like expecting a 2hu game), or otherwise already deciding you didn't like it because of what you'd heard or because of the fanbase.
The game was okay if you played it in a vacuum and aren't one of those people that thinks the only deciding factor of how good a game is, is the difficulty. Comparing it to other games and saying "it sucks because it's not like this" is simply idiotic.
Grow up, manbaby. Tolerate its exsistence, but you don't have to accept it. If you want Undertale but better, fucking make it. He made a game, what's YOUR excuse?
Manchildren like op is ruining this board.
One of my only real "jobs" (as in things that make me money that don't involve my computer and require leaving the house) is as staff for a venue where we host weddings each weekend. On rare occasions we have theme weddings, though we haven't had anything as dramatic as a Star Wars wedding or a Klingon wedding or whatever. We did have a goth/vampire themed one, though.
Anyway, I can't stop this sneaking suspicion that someday we're going to have an Undertale themed wedding and I will be literally the only staffer who knows what the fuck is going on. Last Sat. during a dull moment, I was toying with ideas for how I could do a subtle Chara cosplay without messing up my staff uniform.
This thread is fucking retarded. Whether the game is good or not is irrelevant right now, you guys have shown that the fanbase really can't handle any criticism without going full retard.
People like you that irreverently defend this title are what drives people that haven't even played it (ie. me) further away from it, because I don't want to be near the sheer autistic fury that is this fanbase.
Nothing is perfect lads, admit that, and you can start to see the improvements to make in things that don't have them.
Reminder that you are just as bad as Undertalefags.
Every single game listed in the quarterfinal is an overrated piece of steaming mediocrity.
Are you sure it's not the unending dozens of threads over the past year telling you how horrible it is and here's 200 reasons why? I can't recall ANY thread since at least the end of last year saying "Hey guys, this game is good!" it was always "Fuck this game" or one of the generals which, toward the end, were made for no reason than to spite the mods having an official stance of "fuck this game".
Honestly, I'd find you unbelievably abnormal if you did NOT start to believe it must be a terrible game with zero redeeming qualities after being told it over and over.
Just realize that holding your nose up and telling us that you won't play the game isn't going to upset anyone. It just makes you look like a troll.
Inb4 "B-b-but you responded so you must be upset, something something autism, something something cucks, something."
I think OP works for a marketing firm that was told to push anti-Undertale threads as to demonize the game and condition a generation of people to hate on the game based on shitposts.
Undertale Thread? I thought those weren't allowed!
If the people in that wedding have any idea of subtlety, they wouldn't make such a big deal out of it if you did.
But it's an Undertale themed wedding, so I wouldn't do it.
Everyone posting in this thread deserves to be banned.
Anything is allowed so long as the mods don't notice, which they probably won't because the OP's first picture isn't Undertale (and the thumb is unreadable) nor does it have a title that tells you what game it is.
As for the wedding thing, I'd probably just wear a heart locket and eat chocolate. I can't think of a way to do the cheek-blush thing without people thinking it's makeup (which would be weird since I'm a guy).
How about go fuck yourself?
The only time I see this game brought up here anymore is when spergs like you have an aneurysm and start posting about how much you hate the game when nobody mentioned it. Which then encourages more discussion about the game.
Everyone who doesn't know how to sage properly should be banned as well.
We have spoiler images, you realize.
Fuck off faggot.
This is a difficult maneuver.
It's much easier to fuck when you're on the faggot.
You know, interestingly enough, when I first heard of Undertale I thought it was a furry porn game. This is because the title seemed suggestive of "under tail", Dreemurr sounds like a combination of "dreamy" and "murr", and the first fanart I saw was Asriel lewds. I was really wondering why there was so much hype over something that sounded like it would have an extremely niche audience of furverts.
Haha, you sure are an angry one!
You should relax, and I dunno… maybe jerk off?
Maybe try something new, like imagine yourself as a woman for a change. Close your eyes, imagine the emptiness between your legs, the hole in your crotch, follow that feeling up your pelvis and ponder upon your uterus. Now, you see a very fit lizardman rising from the river on a sunny summerday, in all his primal glory. You gaze upon his glistening muscles and feel a sensation in your vagina. Your nipples stiffen, and you can feel your face blushing. How embarrasing!
The lizardman looks at you and gives a smug smile. He knows exactly how you feel about the situation. He walks up to you and grabs you by the waist and pulls your bodies together. You can feel his scales gently scraping your skin. Against your pelvis, you can feels something wet and warm growing… The lizardman reaches besides you on both sides and lays his hands on your buttcheeks. He drags them towards your thights, and in one fell swoop he grabs your legs and lifts you up while spreading your legs. You seek balance by throwing your arms around his strong neck, and resting your chin on his shoulder. You slide down slowly, feeling your breasts and stomach scraping his coarse body. You feel his slick, throbbing videogames first pressing against your vulva and then penetrating inside. You feel waves of pleasure shooting through your body and can't help but gasping out loud. The lizardman reacts to this with a self-satisfied smile and a deep, soft hissing-sound.
As he starts slowly moving his videogames back and forth, you remember hearing from the village elders stories about young women such as yourself getting impregnated monsters who walked like men, and giving birth to new such beasts. An aspect yourself whimpers "what about your duties to your own species?!" but these foolish notions are quickly silenced as your physiologically perfect reptilian mate turns your head against his snout and invades your mouth with his forked tongue, tickling your tonsils in the process. You stop caring. All you want is more of him inside yourself. "humanity is overrated", you think as the lizard continues his gracious plowing. After moments of extacy, the creature that you have accepted as your master shoots his hot, thick gameplay into your womb, guaranteeing that the only offspring you will ever carry will be of the true lizardman PC gamer masterrace who doesn't start fucking awful stupid garbage bait-threads.
You sound exactly word for word like a No Man's Sky apologist. I'm not kidding, this is exactly like a post on the Steam forums defending it. Uncanny.
The difference one had promises it didn't deliver and the other is Undertale.
I'd call anyone a retard who says that NMS is crap without ever playing it, just the same. If you say it's dumb to believe the hype or the advertisements, it logically follows that it is just as foolish to believe the backlash.
Also, wow… just wow. Has NMS actually replaced Undertale as this board's personal whipping post? That's actually kinda funny,
What's your tumblr, user?
I want to follow your blog.
I don't have any personal websites (aside from a account that I haven't touched in a decade), so your attempts to bait me are not only obvious and petty, but completely misdirected.
That's like three separate levels of failure. I'd call it a record, but such things are likely typical for you.
Everyone, post best JoJo-Undertale crossover material.
It's shit anyways, though. You can get well enough information about a game by reading about peoples' experiences and watching raw gameplay. I know some people have liked it, but those people never can properly articulate what they like about the game and not sound like total dumbasses.
What the fuck?
You can't trick me user. Give me your URL.
I agree with OP aside from the music, I thought the music was alright.
Not sure how articulate I can be at 5:30 in the morning and barely able to see the screen, but okay.
The characters are charming without being saccharine or pure-uncorruptable-pureness, and often took unpredictable turns (like shy nerdy Alphys being the monster version of Mengele, motherly Toriel being a child-murderer, or the goofy Sans being secretly a badass); the backstory was well-hidden until you actually played through the game a couple times and read all the little notes and tidbits; the gameplay provided just enough interaction to not make your own actions seem completely superfluous (even though they mostly are) while not being too difficult so as to get in the way of the story; the artstyle is nostalgic and minimal; and most people can agree on the soundtrack being at least decent and at best a standout.
Most of these things are ruined or at least minimalized if you experience them as spoilers rather than experiencing them in the game. That was my point. It's like watching The Sixth Sense when you already know he's a ghost. The only thing Undertale really has is the story, and while not excellent, it's certainly entertaining, interesting, and a little bit emotional unless you're a teenager who thinks it's not "macho" to have feelings for the innocent goat-child and his broken-hearted parents.
For me personally, once I did understand the backstory, I identified with Chara very strongly. I even wrote an entire fanfiction to make it so they (and by extension myself) am not actually pure fucking evil and that I can be a Good Person even though I'm not a Nice Person..
If you really want a nibble on your fishing pole, fine, have a webcomic I'm following.
Every fucking furfag must fucking hang.
Oh, I didn't mind Undertale. I think it's pretty rad game. But NMS is the one I was talking about being shit.
GTFO, normalfag.
Oh, well I've got nothing to say about NMS as I've not yet played it and don't particularly plan to. I like my space games with actual orbital mechanics.
Well, anyway guys it's been fun but I have to get to sleep. I've got actual stuff to do tomorrow. And remember:
W h a t y o u s e e i s n o t a l w a y s j u s t a d r e a m.
You wanting to fuck an animal shouldn't be praised.
I neither loved nor hated it when I played, but I remember how in the first few days after its release many on Holla Forums actually praised it for its music and such. As the game got more attention from the SJW crowd everyone sort of switched positions on it. Now I'm not sure whether loving it or hating it is a meme.
The only good thing about Undertale was the music. Now you furfags go take your pedo game and fuck off.
what in the actual fuck does this mean
I unironically liked it.
Do you know what anthropomorphic means?
It means: IT'SSS AWW-RIGHTTT!!!~~~
why don't you stay there next time?
Nice meme thread
that thr fanbase can't handle any criticism without going full retard
Most of the people that seem to like the game aren't going full retard, are you projecting user?
Keep telling yourself that animal fucker.
this entire board is filled with plebbitiers thanks to our shitty board owner mark allowing the cancer to spread. They'll defend tumblrtale to the death and refuse to hear any criticism valid or otherwise. It's become a cult tbh
Are you sure you aren't refering to your own behavior?
I don't think I'll ever play this game because Holla Forums won't shut the fuck up about it.
I pirated it when it first got popular, I played it for 15 minutes. Don't worry about it, it's boring as shit
I played the demo years ago, I can't bother trying it after seeing cancer for a year straight.
im glad op finally figured out a way to get spice up his autistic spam thread so the mods wont ban him on sight
Holla Forums is for Holla Forumsiral marketing
This place has more shills than Holla Forums.
How many of these have you fucking made jesus fuck
Accurate on every other point except this. The soundtrack was great.
Also, stop fucking talking about it. It's fucking pathetic how related this image is.
Also, your first image is literally "My uncle works at Nintendo and he says" tier.
Found it from a sage post on a now deleted thread on /mtt/. There was another on /vg/ recently as well. It's like a farmer sowing wild oats if the oats were shitty avant-garde retro songs.
Apparently Paul Seely was a musician who posts stuff on his myspace. This is the only chiptune left I could fine, because looking up the his page now only shows two other songs.
Spider dance best theme
It's a great game that you naziboo stormweenies just can't appreciate because you are stuck in 1945 instead of 2016. My wife's son loves it.
You're trying too hard to fit in with that bait.
What bait you trumpcuck goobergator fag.
The game is alright. Nothing really golden or pure shite about it, it's just okay/10.
The only thing that's really dumb is the people going full autistic shitposting over the game existing period here because "X place liked it" or "furfags played it" and thus to them it = shit forever and thus is cancer.
Seriously, what kind of autism makes people end up deciding a game is shite forever just because some people they don't like play it, or because people use memes involving the game elsewhere?
A bit of column A, a bit of column B. People you don't like liking things that are even tangentially related to things you might like is a basic tenet of human nature. Also the pure deluge of autism at launch didn't help. Someday I'd like to do a real post-mortem on the thing, a real in depth look at how this became what it is, and a real, as unbiased as possible look at its creator.
Holla Forums has its unwritten list of "good games" that are all perfect and flawless and any criticism about any part of those games is just you being an idiot and a casual. It also has it's unwritten list of "bad games" that are completely horrible and have zero redeeming qualities whatsoever and any praise about any part of those games is just you being an idiot and a shill.
It's like how it's okay to insult the clunky interface in a "bad game" along with insulting everything else about it. But say that about the UI in Dwarf Fortress, and everyone says you just can't handle the perfection that is that game and it's toodeep4u.
It's the same thing with Fallout 4. Say that it has glitches and crashing issues and everyone agrees and says that it's one of the biggest reasons why it's the worst game ever made. But mention these same glitches and crashes in Fallout: New Vegas and everyone jumps down your throat to deny it happens at all, or claim nonsense like that it adds to the charm, or try to deflect it by saying that such minor issues like that don't get in the way of the wonderful experience that is the perfection of that game.
It's fucking ridiculous, is what it is. It's gotten to the point where many people fawn over the "good games" with an intensity approaching religious fervor, refusing to believe there could possibly be any flaws to them, and get into such a frothing rage over the "bad games" that they're one step away from declaring jihad, refusing to believe there could be possibly anything enjoyable about them.
I'm not sure if it's the fact that Holla Forums is leaking out into fucking every board here — even the traditionally "tolerant" boards like /furry/ and /cuteboys/ are filling every topic with even-the-Nazis-weren't-this-bad racism and enough memespeak to impress Big Brother — or if this place is just showing its age by homogenizing with the rest of the internet and becoming an exact clone of halfchan, but it's changed for the worst over the last year or so.
There's no more love or fun or community here anymore, it's just hatred and rage and increasingly fractured groups and subgroups doing nothing but circlejerking over their approved games (most of which are nothing more than "everything old is great and everything new sucks" despite the fact that their parents hadn't even started dating when Doom came out, and they likely never played it) and lashing out at anyone daring to have a different opinion or raise actual conversation. Half the people that come here make it a point of pride to mention that they don't even play games or talk about games and just shitpost memes and parrot whatever hype or hatred they've heard, for things they known nothing about.
You hear a lot of people talking about a "toxic" relationship or work environment, and most of the time it's bullshit, but I'm starting to believe that it's true for imageboards; Holla Forums used to be different, but not anymore. The only thing that's happening here is complaining about how every single part of certain games is worse than child rape, or praising every part of other games like they're the second coming of Christ, and telling all the newbies to GTFO and stay off the lawn despite most of the userbase being teenagers, themselves. It's not healthy, and it's frankly really starting to bore the hell out of me because it's so predictable. A bunch of bots could copy/paste old posts from old topics until the end of the Universe and it wouldn't be any different.
You are so kewl op let me suck your peepee
Holla Forums isn't one person, sorry people hate your precious shit game. Also OP is a faggot, who cares what other people enjoy, you fart huffing retard
You're right. It's hundreds of people who all pat each other on the back for having the exact same opinion about everything. You only call OP a retard because he's wasting time, because nobody on Holla Forums likes Undertale, only the SJWs and furries and people on tumblr. Something something No True Scotsman something something.
this is the dedicated shiposting/stale copypasta thread?
What the fuck are you going on about mate. I call OP a retard because he's a fucking retard who can't get over people liking something and I'm calling you a retard because you're obviously buttflustered someone insulted your precious game, you retard. What a shit thread
One day user, one day anons will realize they were wrong about undertale and FO4 and all the other games they say are bad. Summer will finally be over.
I wish sage would just automatically delete your post. By using it you're freely admitting that you are adding absolutely nothing to the conversation, so why don't you just shut your fucking mouth? What are you even here for?? Feel bad about yourself so you need to call other people retards all day…?
Please crawl back into whatever hole you came out from.
You are oversimplifying it a bit too much, but you are correct.
I personnaly think Doom 1&2 are great games but consider Hexen, Shadow Warrior and Blood to be better, yet everyone sucks Doom dick only.
I'll also freely admit Oblivion has a fuckton of issues but it's still quite possible to have lots of fun with it, even without mods or Shievering Isles.
However, Fallout 4 isn't hated for the bugs or crashes, there's a lot of bad things about that game and the hate is entirely justified, especially considering the company.
It's too austistic, of course, the Boston Salt Party is basically a large amount of people talking and discussing the ending of a game they don't even like, for instance.
But it's still an actual bad game with some issues, whereas New Vegas was an actual good game with some issues instead.
It's easy to see if it's them or not. Just gotta see if there's a bunch of faggots that are trying to polarize every single thing they talk about.
The community… Sturgeon's law, user.
I garantee to you that there are some decent Anons around that you can have nice and interesting conversations with. It's rare to happen but it does. I stick around because of them.
Even back in halfchan, whole place was filled with faggots but I stuck around because there were still people like REDS (reliable ecchi deliverer sniper), some tripfaggot that always delivered sauce that nobody could find, mostly lurked and everytime he posted, it was some insightfull shit you liked to read.
Just do your part and don't feed them attention. Sadly, even your post is doing that. Don't even aknowledge their presence.
Talk about the things you like with the people that actually care about talking about those things. Ignore the retards that always de-rail thread because they think the over polarized opinion they are just parroting is more important.
a whole lot of TLDR filth
This is one for the books.