What do you think will happen to America in the next four years?
What do you think will happen to America in the next four years?
what's it to you?
Bush lite.
Trump's gonna turn out to be another Neoliberal Center-Right type. Caitlyn Jenner will have a white house visit.
Economy will collapse as it is wont to do under capitalism, if socialists play their cards right and try to ally with workers as opposed to triggered reactionary liberals we may have a chance to create some working class unity
War with China and Pakistan.
TTIP passed
that's the biggest change
USA is already at war with Pakistan user
You know thats horrible, but we need one to teach this fucking country a lesson.
Trump will be more unpopular than Bush.
Trump will do what his Republican handlers tell him because he's in over his head and he knows it.
Trump will not run for reelection and will consider himself lucky to have not been assassinated.
Today's most devoted Trump supporters will claim that they "always knew he wasn't for real" four years from now.
MAGA is Hope/Change of 2016.
most americans posters will be posting from their outposts in Ardabil as conscripts in war against Iran
Well it will go full blown, with USA and India going up against Pakistan and China.
China must be getting the feeling now America won't be paying back it's debts, Trump's policies will mean she will be $50T in the red by the end of his presidency.
I suppose the Hitler comparisons aren't for nothing - when Germany was borrowing money like crazy in the 30s he said "who said anything about paying it back?" and Trump's lived his life the same way.
We have Russia and Europe on our side now, do you really think China will wanna fuck with us?
Proxy wars, sure, but not China v. NATO & WARSAW.
GWB again
That's if they don't just find something to impeach him for and replace him with Pence
Russia has a defensive military alliance with the Chinese via the SCO, they're certainly not leaving that
Meanwhile in terms of military power Europe is useless without a decades long rebuilding program
Europe is fucking useless and you simply can not count on Russia. Not long ago they were doing joint exercises with China in the Pacific.
Putin owes Trump nothing.
Why though? Trump seems intent on being all buddy-buddy with them, he'll probably wash his hands off Ukraine and conclude Syria in a satisfactory way for the Kremlin
I'll repost this thing that I saw on Holla Forums:
First briefing by the CIA, Pentagon, FBI:
Trump: We must destroy ISIS immediately. No delays.
CIA: We cannot do that, sir. We created them along with Turkey, Saudi, Qatar and others.
Trump: The Democrats created them.
CIA: We created ISIS, sir. You need them or else you would lose funding from the natural gas lobby.
Trump: Stop funding Pakistan. Let India deal with them.
CIA: We can't do that.
Trump: Why is that?
CIA: India will cut Balochistan out of Pak.
Trump: I don't care.
CIA: India will have peace in Kashmir. They will stop buying our weapons. They will become a superpower. We have to fund Pakistan to keep India busy in Kashmir.
Trump: But you have to destroy the Taliban.
CIA: Sir, we can't do that. We created the Taliban to keep Russia in check during the 80s. Now they are keeping Pakistan busy and away from their nukes.
Trump: We have to destroy terror sponsoring regimes in the Middle East. Let us start with the Saudis.
Pentagon: Sir, we can't do that. We created those regimes because we wanted their oil. We can't have democracy there.
Trump: Then, let us invade Iran.
Pentagon: We cannot do that either, sir.
Trump: Why not?
CIA: We are talking to them, sir.
Trump: What? Why?
CIA: We want our Stealth Drones back. Besides we need Iran to keep Israel in check.
Trump: Then let us invade Iraq again.
CIA: Sir, our friends (ISIS) are already occupying 1/3rd of Iraq.
Trump: Why not the whole of Iraq?
CIA: We need the Shi'ite govt of Iraq to keep ISIS in check.
Trump: I am banning Muslims from entering US.
FBI: We can't do that.
Trump: Why not?
FBI: Then our own population will become fearless.
Trump: I am banning H1B visas.
USCIS: You cannot do that.
Trump: Why?
Chief of Staff: If you do so, we'll have to outsource White House operations to Bangalore. Which is in India.
Trump (sweating profusely by now): What the hell should I do as President???
CIA: Enjoy the White House, sir! We will take care of the rest
He did say that, then he went around and said how the US needs to strengthen Eastern Europe
Pretty much this, there's a reason US foreign policy rarely changes
The 3 letter agencies and Pentagon more or less decide everything
It's easy to see how the neo-liberal foreign policy of HRC and Obama would increase tensions with Russia and China (via Syria, Ukraine and the "pivot" to asia)
How resurrecting neo-conservationism will is a little less clear. I'm sure Newt will find a way to fuck as all though.
Holla Forums is pretty good when it's not discussing irrelevant 19th centrury philosophers and economists and ACTUALLY WHAT'S HAPPENING INS THE WORLD RIGHT NOW.
But we only discuss "what's happening ins the world right now" this way because of said "irrelevant" 19th century philosophers.
Race war before inauguration.
Speak for yourself.
Yes it's irrelevant. You're never gonna stop people making a profit whether or not some nobody in the 1800s said it was theft or not.
Do you have a bunch of deus vult memes as well? You're not gonna do shit you pussy.
If the Republicans are smart, this is what I think they will do.
Use Trump to push all the heritage foundation nazi shit they've always wanted to push, but knew it would be their careers if they do.
Just before or Just after the Midterms, impeach Trump, putting in some Republican Stooge to "heal" the image of the party.
They've got what they have always wanted and have a perfect scapegoat.
Worked for the Tories in the UK and Australia.
I know capitalism is horrible for the economy, that's why we need a system like Venezuela.
Don't have to du nuffin numale beta cucks and their pet niggers are already starting to try to burn cities to the ground.
Either we succeed or the human race destroys itself. No other options.
A huge portion of the board population is strongly influenced directly and indirectly by philosophers from all eras.
I thought neo-lib refers to economics and neo-con refers to foreign policy.
We obviously do need another economic system, but communism isn't gonna happen.
And we probably will destroy ourselves, but even if we don't it won't be because we all turned communist.
You're probably trolling, but it's scary that some people really talk like this using buzzwords exclusively to form a sentence.
this is where this meme falls apart
4 U
Trump will run for reelection.
He lives in a fairytale land where he is always right, everyone loves him, and nothing will ever not go his way. Even if he goes into 2020 with a 1% approval rating, several cities are in open revolt, and there is a new attempt on his life foiled every day, he'll lurch stupidly out of the Whitehouse and carry on his reelection campaign, blaming everything on the liberal media and paid agitators.
His level of narcissism is pretty delusional. He wastes his time attacking people on Twitter that are literal nobodies.
It must.
Fortunately, you don't have to wait four years. Just check the other threads pointing to Trump flipflopping and you'll find Holla Forumstards saying exactly that.
We either revert into slavery or feudalism or advance into socialism and then perhaps into communism, the choice is yours.
Why the fuck would we want the triggered Liberals. They should go on holiday to gulag-land
War with Iran.
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