Funny MSM/SJW mental breakdown complications

Holla Forums How soon until the Mainstream media start trying to make SJW the new nigger?

So they're finally admitting it's all jews behind it?

Those animals need to be brought back to their natural habitats in Africa so I don't have to be subjected to such high degrees of bitching.


I swear one time I heard someone slip up in public and say "globalism is a dog whistle for antisemitism".

It's like you don't remember jews calling Trump an antisemite for calling bankers out.

Globalist wasn't even meant to mean Jews when it was originally conceived. It's just so on-point as a word that they need to kill it. It was invented as a way to say they have no nationalist sentiments and are unpatriotic.

Anyway, all the language even 'le centrists' have utilized regularly are going to be declared racist, etc. etc.

The MSM is going to swing at 'nahzis' and believe it's justified in taking the whole middle-right with that same swing.

Then a society is going to erupt that's all 'egalitarian' and shit where 'nazis' are their common enemy and they'll think 'oh my god we're so good this society is so great'

then they get robbed by bankers and they get pissed off again and they have no language to fight culturally with that isn't 'naaazi racissst'

no more words, so they just chimp out and you get a hellscape dystopia

eventually that collapses and you win

webm nigger

I don't watch MSM, is this true? Do you have any examples?

Do you think she meant kike?

Keep going. Please don't stop MSM.

All I want is to be able to live in a country that isn't retarded. Is that too much to ask?




Of course it fucking is.


He condemned both sides you faggot. Of course he isn't going to praise WN, jesus christ how new are you?

the adl-like assiociations have always thought that globalist is a codeword for jews.

guilty coscience?

He also shilled on twitter right after about "unity" and condemning "bigotry" and "intolerance"


What do you expect him to do?
SIEG HEIL and make it obvious as fuck?

I know it sounds like DR3 but SJWs really are intolerant and bigoted, too.

How about not duck out on twitter when he didn't have to

would they prefer to be called a (((rootless international clique))) ?

CovFeFe means 1488 you silly goose.

Only the shills make this D&C comment.

Cuckholding will be added to LGBT?



It's too late to cut him off now. The butthurt is great to witness.

Christ this bitch is fake as fuck, this is some high school theater class tier acting