Take Back The Future

Spotted this on Voat, very high quality cartoon about getting physically fit and redpilled.

Rare to see material like this in this age where most cartoons are completely degenerate.

Not sure who made it but it deserves more views.


Other urls found in this thread:



Because we refuse to earn shekels and put it into media propaganda.

I just need to look at the thumbnail to see this shit is just as degenerate or even more.
lol, they look like drawings my dragon ball freak and chad-wannabe classmates in middle school used to draw.

The Cartoon has a good message.

Americans and Europeans need to drop the NatSoc symbols - it won't help you convert normies. The rest of the cartoon is fine.

If any of you faggots commenting above aren't actually hitting the gym, you're a disgrace to your ancestors.

The only post worth reading in this bread.

No thanks

Third time it's posted here.
It's still shit.
Get this: I am a chrisitian too and even I can see that shit will only allienate people who aren't religiously inclined.
I get the aesthetic thing they're going for, but something faster paced would work better. Shit sounds like nu-stoner-core.
Nah, it doesn't work that way. You do gay shit, you're gay. Saying "no-homo" isn't a straight-magic wand you can wave and solve the gay away.
Noone likes chads besides other chads. Everyone on that video comes out as a chad.
You can take pride in your accomplishments without looking like a fucking narcisisitic cunt that likes to eat his own farts.
That's a great idea! You know how we redpill thousands of normies? Just shove a swastika in front of them! That will surely get their noggings joggin!

You fucking idiot.
The average normie isn't ready for the Swastika. Read about the "Socratic Method".
You start by finding common ground between you and the listener. That's something they can easily accept them. Then you show them things between the common ground and your own position. Have them take steps towards you.

You can't shove shit down people's throat and expect them to walk your way without choking.
People have to take that trip voluntarily. They need to WANT the swastika before you show them. They need to yearn for fascism before embracing it.

What your doing is the same shit Jeovah Witnesses do. "Hello, let's talk about something you don't like without giving you a choice!"
Get fucked, learn to talk to people like a human being without resorting to memes.

And you need to hang yourself. You're a disgrace to everyone who reads your retarded post.
You mean the one's proudly displayed in the video?
a)It does not carry the message you claim it does.
b)Dropping those symbols is moronic and akin to the "statue-smashing" of the left. Refer to my post above to discover when to keep them hidden and when to reveal them.

The video is meh, but I like the idea that synthwave is basically the music of the far-right. However they should've went with some motivating synthwave:

these faggots were exposed.. do not donate to kikes

Commenters in this thread need to look at the bigger picture.

user modus operandi - never follow the eceleb but if the message spreads redpills, spread the message.

OP's video, spreads redpills about lifting weights + open borders.

Nazi tat is stupid but dont throw the baby out with the bathwater.

The video is a net positive for propaganda purposes, thus approved.


2dadsTV is faggotry in action.. good luck with that!

this is great

you're never gonna make it

I initially thought the video was trash, after seeing these comments I'd like to make a formal apology.

Why am I not surprised

using the swastika is well-poisoning: no normal person knows about, cares about, or wants to care about national socialists, history, or identify with a contaminated symbol

especially when you understand that strict racial hatred is a feature of the jew, there's no need to have any feelings about race, these are implicit in normal human relations. In other words, behaving wisely about race is something you do privately.

Embracing the swastika plays into the hands of the jew, who is almost certainly the direct source of the swastika's current symbolism: a complete lack of self-awareness, and an unwillingness to search for a non violent solution when appropriate

the song comes from a pretty popular guy on youtube called "cyber nazi" he makes a bunch of fashy themed music in the 80's aesthetic.

Nah, it's actually good. Everyone complaining about it here is most likely a kike.

Reported the PR kike

its weird to think that even Holla Forums is contaminated to this degree

there much be some level on which you understand that the usual strategies aren't going to work against us? There's already too many of us, and we're already far too experienced with you.

We're not ever going to behave foolishly in public, commit violence, saying anything that conforms to a kike narrative. Even a single calm truth teller can sway an entire mob of useful idiots. And we have a tool that you can never have, we actually care about others. They can all sense that powerful difference instantly.

You stand out very clearly as someone who's not from here, and thus look like a shill.
Your heart might be on the right place, but the video does seem to paint "neo-nazis" as closeted homossexuals. Many anons might think it's not stupidity but controlled opposition to do just that.

Reported for being an obvious jewish shill. Unless you’re natsoc in everything but name and symbology, you will never succeed.

Here's a webm, courtesy of YDLG.

Actually it's pretty good. I dislike the Christian faggotry but that's just me.
Personally, I prefer different propaganda and I like to focus on "negative" messages like _if whites do not work together we will be reduced to a powerless minority_
But positive propaganda has its place.

I like it.

Never apologize to your enemy for being what you are. If you use a Black Sun, they'll call it a nazi symbol; if you use a cartoon frog, they'll call it a nazi symbol; if you use an "okay" hand gesture, they'll call it a nazi symbol.

You know why they have to virtue signal all the time? Because as a White person you're always guilty, even if stop signaling for one second. They called Jimmy Fallon a "facist-apologist" because he agreed to have the leading presidential candidate on his show without calling him a monster. This video is meant for the redpill curious, might as well go full 1488.

It also puts out an important meme, you HAVE to be jacked if you're in this movement. No excuses. not there yet but I'm watching what I'm eating and going to the gym

You don know it won't save you from the bullet in the end, eight? You will die in the ways most horrible, Shlomo.



(((They))) can recognize good propaganda when they see it.

OP, great shit, don't let the black pills get you down, keep pushing yourself mate.
I modified attached so that you need NO EQUIPMENT. NO SHEKELS REQUIRED. LIFT! Lift like the day of the rope is coming, boys!

2 fags kissing a child but promoting Nat Soc?
They (((out))) themselves. Every. Single. Time.

self check

How is it faggotry?

Kill yourself you neckbeard piece of shit

Fuggen saved before youtube shut it down.

Author might be questionable sexually but the result is great.

Holy shit, dude, you're just making your opinions worse.


here is a good reminder of what symbolism means compared to MUH PR


Cut out the 2dads bullshit from the end and put a Holla Forums logo on it. The message is fucking brilliant but we can't risk giving those faggots any publicity. Then we spread it through YouTube.

What? Christcuckery and shallow message prevented me for saving it, but it was "good".

If you put your logo you deserve that. Editing to remove logos is acceptable, adding them in, never. This includes links or names of movements.

…with the exception of a Holla Forums logo but that's because it's not one central thing. Holla Forums is like the blacksun at this point.

Still saging because is still true.

Logo is pedophile tier.
Looks like Jewish psyop.
No webm.
Not fooling anyone, faggot.

Because Christianity is a dumb religion. It is a semitic religion. And it is an egalitarian religion. Christianity makes otherwise healthy White Americans think they're brothers with some 40 IQ African cow herder just because he goes to a church once a week. Christianity causes otherwise healthy White Americans to think that the Jews are the chosen people and that Israel is god because Jews are good, Da Bibal sais soh. Christianity causes otherwise healthy White Americans to have more loyalty to their church than their kinsmen.

Christianity is based on the Tanak and Torah. Christian doctrine teaches that almost every single paramount of virtue was a Jew. Christian doctrine teaches that it's a good idea to trudge through the African jungle and convert the natives so you can Bring em toh Jezus and get rewarded in heaven. It's like Islam, really.

Now, I know I have rustled some jimmies because there are still some superstitious people who actually believe that an ancient jewish god named Yahweh magiked the world into existence and made a magical snake staff to heal Jews and then Yeshuah walked on water and he have Jacob the land of Judea and named him Israel after Jacob defeated Yahweh in a wrestling match while crossing river and Jews once ruled Egypt because some other Jews sold their kinsman to slavers but Yahweh gave him magical dreams so he convinced the king of Egypt that he was a magician and that there was a global flood because Yahweh thought that his creation was wicked so he drowned everyone except a dozen people in a magical boat with every animal on earth…
There are still some people who believe all that and shame on them for being so gullible.
But let me try to make amends by saying this.

I'd much rather live in a dictatorship ruled by some nutjob Christian who thought that you can make stripped goats by forcing goats to look at sticks while they mate and that eating shellfish is sinful than live under the tyranny of the anti-White Jews who want my race to die.

There. Did I unrustle any jimmies? Probably not.

Christianity is as stupid as Islam. That is the truth.

Wow, why did you have to insult those? checked, Christians are a bunch of cucks, everyone is encouraged to go talk to them and find out

why not focus on white european religions instead? or better yet, dont have any religious references at all
"dyed-hair tattooed whores can be wife material as long as they convert to a nice kosher religion like christianity"
dont make people think that they can have children with so much better genetics than themselves.

i bet you think pic related is a "fucking narcissistic cunt that likes to eat his own farts" too, right? what kind of person would even type that out? i didnt even like copy/pasting it you fucking kike
fuck off. who fucking cares if they're not ready. we dont have time for that compromising bullshit

The symbols are fine for propaganda or historical appreciation but LARPing is cringey, period. You may as well go in the woods with your fellow wizards and play live action dungeons and dragons while you're at it.

How about just being a good example? Clean cut, fit, traditional values - you know things people can admire. Don't be a cartoon character.

Just watched the video. It's clearly satire. If you don't think so you're probably gay and unironically identify as alt-right.

people will get used to it. stop folding to peoples' beliefs in lies and kikery

i didnt even notice that. what's up with that? strong family values and a non-fagged volk are core concepts in national socialism. why would they put that there?

the Holla Forums logo is not necessary. i think it would be good to start having natsoc not be so directly associated with an anime image board. they're two completely different things. Holla Forums is a niche kind of thing; national socialism is much bigger

everything is a larp. this world is illusory - that means everything you do is a larp no matter how genuine you think you're being

if i carve a swastika into the side of a tree as a big goof and i dont really mean it at all, does it make a difference that it was just satire? the effect is the same. if i jokingly say "2+2=4", am i wrong because i didnt mean it?

Just like the Trump = Hitler video, even if it was meant to be satire to some people, It's sn effective recruiting tool.

First, fuck you. Second, we are not a parliament where success is measured in coalitions that comprise a centre. Movements are based, are formed, and developed consistent with the convictions of a visionary few, not the fears of the cowardly who hew to the many. Swastikas are gatekeeping; they scare away the mewlers like yourself. Just as tatoos on the face signal other prisoners that your level of commitment is great than theirs as you have sworn off a comfortable normal life on the outside. The intolerant minority always wins: nassimtaleb.org/2016/08/intolerant-wins-dictatorship-small-minority/#.WZxfoReQxhE

That condescending attitude and squeakyness around "mean comments" fits rather nicely with the typical redditor.
Go there and hang out with the other 17 year old losers.

Good vid. Dunno what voat is.

OP's Video comes from CIAlt-Right pro-fag ecebel channel '2 dads'

fuck off with your thinly veiled faggotry

Because they are CIAlt-Right not NatSoc and want to equate pro-white and pro-fag.

pro-fag (even ironically) is anti-white

When I watch the cartoon it evokes a feeling that this shouldn't be taken seriously - at all. A swastika is just a swastika, someone can take it however they want. The cartoon provides more context. I do agree with the content but the way its produced it just reeks of irony.

I'm trying to help faggots be less gay, that's all. Don't be so sensitive.

faggots are irredeemable and have a mental illness that causes them to prey on children, no point in trying to help subhuman sickos that are far beyond help.

no they called him that to give trump some semblance of credibility as a non jew. he is a jew and it was jewish media tricks.

Good work OP, keep it up.

Also, your a faggot.

Synthwave WILL be playing everywhere on DotR. It's so diabolical

I like the format, maybe someone can remake it to better fit our movement.

I'm a literal Natsoc though. You drop your symbols faggot.

"Tattoos r degenerate!"
T. redpilled nu-male.

Here ya go!

Your shilling is getting shit teir.

Sometimes lefties make good right wing propaganda by mistake, like Super Deluxe making the anti-Jeb videos then making that abortion 'Hillary Clinton Meme Queen' video that her campaign paid for! or that anti-Trump San Francisco cuck who made the faux Japanese Trump commercial. But this just looks gay, nigger.

I take back what I said about the video

Looks like Spencer is putting those CIAbucks to good use

Sauce for her campaign paying for it?

could have been a lot worse, but not that bad.

Fuck off kike

Look on, dare you see the truth.

Gays don't reproduce so nobody cares. If anything gays can be pretty useful in not being pussywhipped by girls using jew-speech.
Gas the fags/kikes though, they're different.

We get our own propaganda now? How fantastic.

I'd like to see the quality improve a little more, but I know these things are done with a tight time constraint, pending genocide and all.

Pretty good/10

Thanks for reminding me of this gem.

That was… actually not bad.
That 2dads shit needs to be removed at the end though, and replaced with the 8ch pol logo or something.

Yes they do, faggotry is a mental illness that spreads through child molestation. Faggots are a plight to the earth and they are all pedophiles. They must be actively persecuted or they will defile more children.

Not to mention making up 60% of the serial killers and bi fags are even worse because of disease spreading and overall being useless.

All fags are also "bisexual" - the concept of sexuality is a farce, there is only that which can reproduce and dead ends, all dead ends are dysgenic and involve pedophilia, this also explains HIV/AIDS in women.

Faggots do. Gays don't. You're painting a broad picture with a large brush, friend. Its just like saying every black person will go full nigger at some point. Have you forgotten about our BASED black friend?
Also, cool echo chamber you two are creating.

Yeah, no, fuck that kike honeypot.

Pretty sure this post gets you banned forever.

Just remove the 2dads bullshit and the video is excellent.

Did you also ask Milo to fondle your asshole while writing that gay post, faggot-kun?

At least when I die, my gay will die with just me alone.
Can you say the same for your cancer?

I think they chose name 2dads.tv to avoid getting shut down. They even pinned a comment that said so.

Don't let these people get to you.

If you say yes to these things, then you're an asset in our movement, period. Only the SJWs want to control your brain for wrongthink.

Just leave him the fuck alone if he's not doing that shit in public.

If that's legit, that's pretty fucking smart.

Too much emphasis on the Jewonastick

I actually really like this. Thanks OP.

The vid is good and all….but can someone edit his tattoo off?
Despite a tattoo being disgusting itself, a swastika is a big stop sign for normies.

Then it would be just an alt-kike recruitment video.
Would you rather youth join them or become National socialists?
This isn't targeted at boomers, it's targeted at edgy teens.

Who is "we"? Who is "our", Shlomo?

Swastika is the whole point, dear cuckold.

Pretty faggy vid, OP. Enjoy that jewish alt-right cock.

It really isn't, only woman irrationally freak out about it and most normie men are apathetic about it if you really look at normie reactions. Only very lefty people are triggered by it. Not to be an asshole but do you interact with lots of people?

gas yourself

To me it just doesn;t make a whole lot of sense for national socialist symbolism in the American white nationalist arena, after all America was founded as a white ethnostate was was largely racially aware until the '60's, its not like Nazi germany was the only race conscious country in history. Why don't we ever try to model after others?


It's alt-right, what did you expect?

This rings true; just as Chrisitanity is a foreign myth to Europe, and one that is for the most part, a deeply undermining myth at it too National Socialism in Germany meant so much more in 1920's~30's Germany than it did in America, and so too does the Constitution mean more to an American than a German. It's a matter of ancestry, and a matter of heritage. Of course, being of a common European, and white gene is the most important thing, but equally important is each nation's culture, heritage, history and myths.

America, Britain, Hungary, Japan, and so on, have different founding myths and ideals. They each have their heroes and persons they see as the ideal man. The crossing of the Delaware, Romulus and Remus, and the legends of Japanese gods. Without them, and without respecting them, you will never have a truly national movement. Using foreign symbolism will never succeed in that place, because it's inorganic.

I'd like to argue and point to the contrary that the swastika/hakenkreuz is organic in Europe, given that it have been seen from way back when. Either way, the closer and more relevant to your nation's myth after all we are for the most part nationalists, the more successful that symbolism will be.


Stevie Wonder could see your nose Mordecai. Instead of letting the kike wield the power and perceived intention of the divine swastika, how about reclaiming it from the kike, and using as it was intended, to cleanse the cancerous off the earth and to reset things back to their natural, and righteous, order. The kike can only defy nature for so long using their Kabbala, nature ALWAYS returns

Now fuck off you pussy ass PR cuck

Heiled as the truth. Wake the fuck up christcucks. Your cult is a kike cult


Daily reminder that Youtube wilfully ignores Elsagate cartoons. Lets get some animationfags together and redpill the young (just don't sperg out and use swastikas and Hitler speeches from the off. Make the first few minutes innocent so mother will turn away before the A.Dolf pest control shows up with the gas.)

lol Kikes reeeeeeeing from this video

The amount of shills in this thread makes me feel Jews are worried about this slick video

i was listening ot a lot of youtubes of legit 80s japanese lounge-pop a few years ago.. this music brought back some hardcore nostalgia

there really is something sublime to this aesthetic

Call me idiot if you want, but about that pic, I cant understand what it is explaining. What does it means by "sets", and "repetitions" and "exercise"?. Cant see where to star or choose.

Oh no, this video is "gay" goyim, dont believe it. Its a Jeewwwish psyop goys.

Please dont go to the gym and increase your testosterone levels.

Increasing your testosterone levels is bad goy, dont do that, dont put on muscle, I prefer it when you're more passive.

Pic related was my favorite part.
Stuff like that needs to be uncloaked more often.


this was bretty good

Yes goyim, recruit edgy teens in your ranks, they are totally redpilled just like you, it's not like they're just idiotic teens who don't know jack shit about anything yet and their retardedness will totally not slowly chip away at you, they're your greatest allies!
Good goyim, keep pushing the shaved tattooed nazi trope, normies will totally like it. Remeber the swastika too, it's not like we (((they))) brainwashed entire generations to unconsciously recoil in disgust at the first sight of it.
And goyim, how dare you not agree with this? Aren't you a fellow national socialist? Perhaps you're alt-right? Or PR goy?

you didnt even sage you fucking retard

Seeing as you guys are already doing webms, consider making one out of that "exposing the merchant" part of the video, I imagine that'll make the rounds on the internet. That and a gif.

This is who you agree with

Shut up faggot.

A desperate attempt to associate the alt-right with Christianity.

+1 for you user
thanks for new redpill material that we will spread everywhere we can

Every single time.
Hey user fix you damn fonts, what botched distro is that, LFS?

uh oh

Cybernazi is god amongst men

it saddens me tbh

This one track is SO more motivational than Xurious' stuff (which makes me gloomy). I want a whole game with music like that.

Is that Patreon fucking with him? He should make a Hatreon.
Then again maybe people "donate" by buying his tracks.

Like it or not, nationalism cannot be contained to the

you're right, they are fucked, thanks!
looks like it's browser's fault not OS

No, your faggotry will propagate in the form of AIDS and ass cancer


that song is off of dead rising 2. he just speeded it up a bit




Homosexuality is a spiritual illness, and abuse spreads spiritual illness, especially if perpetrated against children. That is why people have such a powerful reaction when seeing children being abused.

I will add though that homosexuality has several causes, not just sexual abuse in childhood:
- Absent or neglectful father
- Sexual abuse by older male in childhood
- Systematic rejection by male peers (long-term bullying and exclusion)
- Hatred of one's body/ body image (goes along with recurring bullying)

This is the jew's game. break up the family, spread dysfunction, then encourage broken individuals to engage in the sick behavior that result from growing in dysfunctional families and societies, while telling them to "identify" with it, or that they were "born this way".


Thanks user, I've been looking for a while for exercises I can do without equipment, you really helped.

I see now why the jews get off watching their victims squirm. The kvecthing in this comment section is delicious.

What's amazing is how simple and clear our message is. Health is like real art: people know it when they see it.

something about this animation style and this really low-key, hypnotic music stuck. been thinking of this vid all the time for the past few days.

It's clearly an attempt at subversion. Could someone take the vid, maybe remove the swastika tat and remove the fag logo at the end and replace it will Holla Forums?

Just because they attempt to subvert doesn't mean we can't subvert their subversion.

Then again, leave the tattoo. This is probably an attempt to poison the well by some jew fag group. They are trying to associate healthy men in shape having families in the sun as being "nazi" like it's still the 1960's. To the diseased LGBT and other undesirables, these healthy values mean disease, the same way disinfectant means to death to a colony of bacteria.

Get rid of the end logo and it's excellent propaganda. I love 80's Cybernazi aesthetic.


This is what happens when you use too much Holla Forums

The gay shit is a joke you dumb fucks..

can they help themselves?

virgin post

What's with everyone calling everyone CIA? Are whites so pathetic they can't get anything done themself, or are we whites so perfect, we can never just plain fuck up?

Jews are not white, Shlomo. Spencer is obvious controlled opposition.

I'm home boys.
Anyways, it's alt-right sure but it's still enjoyable to watch and listen too and if it red-pills even one person then it at least worked right? Throw /fit/izens into the front and rear lines during a rally and see if they can break the wrists of bike lock attackers.

I'm not Shlomo, I'm Pekka.
I'm asking as an outsider because I don't get American obsession about everyone must always be feds, if something goes wrong.



2dads.tv doesnt seem gay. Just like my twitter bio reads 'lesbian transexual gay jew', doesn't mean I am actually that. I've just noticed that my latitude for saying mean things on Twitter increased exponentially after doing it. I used to get banned once a week before I started filling my bio up with Twitter-approved keywords. I'm 100% sure they use some algo to scrape your bio and run it into a SJW oppression olympics engine to determine your oppression score and then use that to determine if you're ready for a shoah. It's just one layer of irony folks, god help you if you run into two or more layers of irony. This purely literal shit is reddit levels of meme awareness. Rise above just the literal.

t. meme war vet

That makes perfect sense. I get banned within one tweet these days. I'll try your technique.

To my understanding, you should do one exercise from each column, but user removed 2 and 6 because they involved equipment.
Repetitions refer to the amount of times you must do a movement or exercise before resting.
A set is, well, a set of repetitions.

I've seen you kike posting the same shit. Only kikes can cry this hard about the beautiful swastika.

It's an age thing. A lot tougher to convert someone who's been brainwashed against it for 40 years. On the other hand, the holohoax is the basis of the SJW religion, so who the fuck knows.

Id hire them in my Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment.

We have had success spreading the redpill under a shameless National Socialist majority for pretty much a decade now. The Jew is our racial enemy, and so are you, shill. Were not afraid of the truth, and the last thing we will do is hide it. Hitler did nothing wrong, National Socialism is the best ideology ever created, and our ticket out of this whole mess, and to saving our race. National Socialist Germany was the greatest society to ever exist. 1 in 3 dont believe the holohoax anymore, soon we will be the majority and you will regret standing in our way, race traitor.

Doesn't matter. The only people who are going to be turned off by half a swastika sticking out from under a guy's shirt are marxists and boomers, who are beyond saving anyway. The younger generations don't give a single fuck about MUH NAZIS MUH HOLOHOAX!!! because it's so far removed now that it's become irrelevant.

Edgy humor works. Holla Forums and /n/ and /new/ and Holla Forums have been converting the youth for a decade now, going all the way back to Habbo Hotel and making SwastiGETs out of afro-niggers in suits. This sort of video is designed to appeal to white teenage males in highschool, and it's perfect for that. It doesn't MATTER if some boomer cuck or kike gets appalled by it. They don't fucking matter. They'll never come to our point of view anyway. It's like the cuckservatives continuing to try to get the nigger and spic votes. It's not going to happen.

The real story is that the video appears to be made by a Jewish racemixing pro-fag adoption hasbara group, grubbing for shekels. Its the only video on the channel, and has a nigger and chink kissing what looks like an Irish boy. The channel is named "2dadstv", is associated with a donation page, a twitter and other. The symbol is 2 adults holding hands with a child, in blue and white, the colors of Israel.

After a few minutes of thought, maybe THIS is what they meant by zionists working with the aut-kike.

I bet you think all the youtube commenters with names like "Shlomo Shekelstein" are actually jews too, right?

The only thing on that youtube account is that video. Youre a shill. People are taking it, and reuploading it without the pro-child abuse message. Why link supposed "Im a Jew" sockpuppeting with a pro-white message? Your argument doesnt make sense. Its not a parody account, its not trying to make Jews look bad.
Its Jews, trying to spread anti-white propaganda, while asking for donations, on a page that promotes gay adoption (child abuse).


Oh, and hes going after them with copyright and already had one taken down, because he wants anyone who watches the video to see the pro-child abuse shit, and donate shekels.

Maybe it's a joke

It's times like this when I question if this is all just a psy-op to embarrass us one last time.

the cartoon certainly is parody. there are lots of fucks around pretending that it isn't. if they have a patreon though they can't fall back on that excuse.
Nobody would give a fuck about that video if it didn't have that song which they took from a video game. I really think I smell kikery here.

They didn't take the song from a game. They took it from CyberNazi. Do we know if CyberNazi knew about this?

Was fine until that. I thought the 卐 tatoo might be too much for normalfags, but then again there's and

Normalfags still associate Christianity with traditional values.

This looks like it was made by truthseeker tbh

Which track?

This is what I was thinking. They are taking other uploads down for copyright yet using someone else's music.
The only way it makes sense is if it's designed to embarrass us after the fact.

yeah its like elevator type muzak that plays in the mall in dead rising 2. admittedly his is a lot better. the point is that this cyber Nazi can't be all that great of a guy if he doesn't mind them pro-faggot kikes making shekels off "his" song

Do you not realize what they're doing there? C'mon brainlet, 99% of the population understands that any boy with 2 dads is getting raped, even if 75% pretends they don't.

CyberNazi: Take back our future


The only thing that's weird is the 2dad.tv. Why does everything have to be confusing and paranoia inducing.

That is some not so subtle shilling. Was being spotted part of your plan?

I don't know the name of the track, man. played that a few years back, now…sorry. It plays in the pause screen too sometimes

Don't mix the two.

shilling how you faggot

how the fuck is calling out these 2dads faggots who are obviously making a grab for shekels off the back off this cybernazi faggot who evidently can't come up with his own songs, shilling? shilling for who, capcom? what would be the point? retard
I see what they're doing. they are trying to jam this alt-kike shit into meatspace so every normalfag gets tired of seeing them, just like they did with the feminists and sjw's during the trump campaign

Bro, CyberNazi's logo is all over the song. The 2dads.tv is a red herring and you're too much of a brainlet to realize.


This is one of those parodies that backfires because it actually shows why National Socialism is good, but this is supposed to be terrifying to people for reasons.

fine whatever, if you say so. I guess capcom must be in the business of licensing small neo nazi musicians' songs for use in their multi-million selling vidya, right.
maybe he did do it first and they really did pay him for it. I highly doubt that they would risk stealing somebody else's music, especially such a cliché song.
as for calling that a red herring, it doesn't even make sense. It's actually more like a punchline. yeah, to a bad joke. which is a really common tactic amongst these jews and their shills. present something reasonably convincingly, and then undermine and discredit it ultimately. sort of plays out like the vader "rebirth" in that one scene. you just realize they are taking the piss, just as it happens. its know to jews as "chutzpa" a form of in-your-face mockery that is like a game to them, how much they can get away with

version without swastika, found on halfchan, just webm'd it


Didn't coment above, but, you are right, will do.

eat shit faggots

It's all well and good but

this is perfect without the alt-right, swastika, and 2dads shit

I will agree that with its current leadership the majority of Christianity is indeed cucked.


is somehow

the more you fuckers kvetch over this the better.

also the whole 2dads thing the site was namecheap, has been shoad. If it was anything pro gay it would not have received this treatment. But go ahead and keep telling everyone how an aesthetic cartoon with a good message is so evil.

Its the implied faggotry of it all I think, is also irritating to some, with the chadification and christfaggification being the operative memes there. The cartoon isn't dreadful, as a social commentary or parody of sorts, which is probably how it came about, but that channel really must go. It should be destroyed. shills, thinking people here are stupid enough to get behind this obvious attempt at using us to market their shit to normalfags who are actually stupid enough to give money to these crowdfunding faggots, are spamming this crap hoping it will go viral off the back of the catchy bassline (which is stolen so nor the 2dads fags or cybernazi can bitch about copyright issues)

making popular this video will only serve the jews

riteo moshie, you keep kvetching.

Nice, and the message from aut-right is replaced with /fit/ and Holla Forums. That was the first thing that needed to go, cut the ties but take their shit.

More of this is sorely needed. People need to stop editing pictures of pepe all day and learn animation to put more like this outside.

I know Holla Forums is mostly concerned with just meme'ing all day but there's a culture war going on and conservatives/right wing need as much help as they can get.

I'll take it to spam on normie outlets. Besides, tats are degenerate.



no thanks desu

These are the degenerate faggots responsible for Two Dads TV. Don't fall for their Jewish psi op tricks!

A focus on semantics is a (((tip))) as to what a post is really about. They can't help it - it's fundamental to their own culture, and it works pretty often as a lever to split groups.

If you goys ever decide to make something similar, I can probably help with the artwork.

nothing further required, fuck off and larp somewhere else.

When will they stop the madman



The name of the channel is meant to throw people off the scent.


It's a combination of
1) legitimate concerns due to past administrations obsessively infiltrating every vaguely white national organization
2) scitzos
3) shitposting
4) retarded shills who believe everything said here is unironic and think they can shut it down by claiming everyone is CIA

its classic Faggotry if ever I saw it, and only a millennial wouldn't recognize it. the tank tops, the macho shit, and the building a church and having a christian wife part is the true "red herring" here if there even is one. The way he's like some loser complete with waifu poster, who goes on the internet and gets red-pilled by… this video. Oh, its just laughable. the red pill in the kid's eyes looks just like a cock. Just the fact that they have to say "No Homo", just so you know, so there can be no mistake, that the kid isn't a little faggot who follows around musclemen, speaks volumes. then they go and drag rowdy roddy pipers name through the mud by claiming he would be okay with that gay shit. they show him smashing a mosque, but this video offers no solutions of how that could be brought about. it doesn't say anything about niggers or jews, just that one little bit where he pulls off the kikes mask.
Its just typical that it shows the manufactured LGBT enemies, who don't need that much beating, they are so stupid they are defeating themselves, but barely even mentions the true racial enemies. That, combined with the kid growing up into a guy with a christian wife who builds churches, well, I'm sorry, but that is Faggotry. you know, Faggotry isn't always necessarily implicit of fucking men. most chads, for instance, are fucking faggots.
It all just stinks of alt-kike faggotry. there's a distinct sense of deja vu, yeah that's it, straightedge faggotry, that's what this video reminds me of.
bear in mind ofc that I'm not so much replying to you personally so much as all you faggot shills trying to make money off this shit. Not that good, stolen theme song and without value as entertainment or (good) propaganda. that concludes my review. you can reply, but I probably won't read it as I have to go and fuck my christian wife


For a video that was only a couple minutes long I think they hit the nail on the head there. What do you want it to be, two minutes of "IT'S THE KIKES!" ad nauseam?
I'm replying to you, and I guarantee you will read it. Perhaps followed by a sad fap to cuck porn on your part, but I'm sure that's just my projection, Schlomo.

Retarded video. It looks like a joke, and was probably intended to be one.

why do you have this faggot pedo shit on your computer?

she has a pretty cute feminine peen, no doubt

George Lincoln Rockwell's piece on the swastika:


So no webm/gif of the part with the guy demasking the "remember the 6 gorillion" with the open borders sign?

Read up on your basic genetics mate.
Do you happen to be one of those varg faggots who thinks anybody with brown hair or green/hazel/brown eyes are literal shitskin halfbreeds?

If they are all pedophiles how do we explain "bear" fetish or wanting to g anally rammed by older guys?

Pedophilia might be more common among the twink-favoring types. It may be a minority converting kids though.

Given how much of anti-homo comes from Christfags, when I see this asserted on a thread where Christianity is criticized for its Judaic roots, I wonder if this is a smokescreen to defend your religion by presenting an alternate devil.

The shill:
1. Black pills everyone.
2. Promotes trite entertainment and other diversions.
3. Delay, delay, delay. Read another book, spread another meme, do whatever it takes to avoid what must be done.
4. Discourages people from showing up to events so his actual side has a better chance of winning.
5. Promotes non-violent activism in the face of violent opposition.
6. Spreads infiltration rumors so no one knows who to trust.
7. Inflates and exaggerates the might and awareness of the enemy (or infiltrators) to omniscient/omnipotent scales so as to render them invincible.
8. Invents artificial rivalries clearly intended to be resolved not by a competition of ideas, but which can ONLY be resolved by complete dissolution of the coalition with no hope of reconciliation or compromise, even on matters that are in the common interest.
10. Spreads fear, uncertainty and doubt - appeals to paranoid instincts by promoting ill-defined shady characters pulling the strings without any evidence, either direct or indirect, that they were involved. These things eventually become diversions which do nothing but occupy valuable time and waste valuable resources investigating things that have no hope of being acted upon. If you can't do anything about it, it's probably a diversion. This is a variant of #7.
11. Puts the focus on "democracy-makers" or e-celebs instead of the Volk so as to channel one's feelings towards that lone figure - whether good or bad - into a false group consensus.
12. Creates exclusive groups instead of coalitions so that they are easier to isolate, D&C
13. Questions all monetary or fiduciary incentives and attributes them to solely "profit motive" or mercenary tendencies without evidence, advocating instead alternative groups that have no capital. The goal here is to get people to believe the only "good" movement is broke so it cannot grow, recruit, train, outfit or supply its base.
14. A corollary of #13, raises constant complaints that the group is poorly outfitted and is therefore not worth joining, thereby ensuring that the group will never be well supported or outfitted.
15. Calls for a solution to come from others instead of taking direct action themselves. These "others" are never well-defined or, if they are, are notoriously unreliable.
16. Diffuses complete responsibility onto the group. Avoids accepting responsibility for any phase, process, or individual action vital to the group's success.
17. Six degrees of Enemy: makes some poorly-defined, obscure, or convoluted connection between a group you support and a group you hate in an effort to get you to drop support for not only that group's association, but everyone in it.

bit of graphical glitch of swastika removal during bench pressing. 1:51 swastika still visible in car.

Alright you fucking retard, if they are jews trying to steal our money, why then did they make it called 2dadstv, why not name it 1488 productions? If their goal is to trick alt-right people into donating money, why out themselves? You make a low iq argument, and you are the reason people think we are insane. Stop posting, you retarded faggot.

Soon leftists will be punching random people with above average muscle mass because they "look like a Nazi." We are successfully memeing our side as well groomed, athletic, successful, and their side as unkempt ugly losers. And they are accepting that framing, the dumb bastards.

This is the real state of white fighters.

its 2d ads. They put it as 2dads as a joke

it has a hook nosed kike subverter right in the video you nut

Get fucked, PR cuckold.

Look at this fucking shill, gtfo.

I was gonna dismiss the video, what with thew suspicious channel name and the like, but this salt is too good to pass up. No this is even better than salt, this is raw fear. I can very easily get used to reactions like this.

This tbh. Also checked.

What? Have you learned nothing from Gamergate? Even (((weev))) agreed that PR is faggot cuckoldry holding us back when he came here.

You are a guest here, yid. Now go back to your your kosher TRS sites and never come back.
Anyone who gets offended by swastika gets the rope.

How many reports does it take before this bate thread is deleted?

Not a bad video except for:
2dads.tv wtf?

tats are gay and lame, we all know that, but I think it was just here to help deliver the message.

Ok, let's wait Odin to come back. Oh right, he's dead.
As fas as I understood they are evading the Jewtube ban that way.

More dead or less dead than zombie jesus?

checked and kek'd
These people are pathetic if a piece of art triggers them so easily. i don't think we'll have a problem winning next election either tbh.

>(((weev))) agreed
There's smart PR then there is this. This video is created by the jews. It reeks of degeneracy

Rabbi, please. Who are you trying to fool?
Considering there's worse uploaded on that site that could be banned for muh nazi, i doubt it.


A Shill, yes:

On second thought, 5 is applicable too.
I thought it meant a shill would be against violent opposition in theory. But when it comes to practice, those who push violent activism in hamfisted ways are usually pic related.

The only positive thing about the left larping is that a Jew had to pay sheckels for it and could not use it for something else.

Youtube just shoad the original version of this hosted here: youtube.com/channel/UCDNQ4F9slRoKsB1bfGRwwJA/videos

The original version had 104,231 views before getting taken down.

Can anyone upload it to Bitchute?

Oy vey! This video might encourage males to get fit and want to be traditional family men!


Fuck off yid

and… taken down by jewtube.

seriously. Nothing good happens when you go out flying the fucking nazi flag like a stormfront hillbilly faggot.

I wonder why you fucks are so into nazi shit. Yes they weren't evil. Yes, Fuck the Jews, Yes, to strong traditional values. But no to fascism and socialism.

get triggered all you want. I recomend looking to the constitution and the founding fathers. Not this edgelord nazi fanboyism. We get it Nazi's can be admired, and maybe the world would be better if they won. But there is nothing constructive to be gained by using their symbols.

Took a little looking, but here's the track.