'We won't talk troop numbers': Trump vows 'clear definition of victory' in Afghanistan
Published time: 22 Aug, 2017 01:04
Edited time: 22 Aug, 2017 03:06


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Because the rest of them are unsourced news articles with "sources close to trump say", riddled with shills and are filled with off topic back and forth arguments of

This is how threads are properly formatted.

So basically he's saying he wants to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children?

What shithole did you copypaste this from that's still arguing about the value of plugsuit sluts?

Gas yourself.

no they are not
this I agree with, next time please do not space the fucking sentences out like that its unnecessary to do it every fucking sentence.

If you had listened to trumps speech earlier you would have heard such terminology being used throughout it. The whole speech is on his goybook and twitter if you want to watch again or webm it. What trump does is more important than what he says in the end.

Also why you saging schlomo?


DEUS VULT! act 1
No longer building Afghanistan! Now we remove kebob and pillage the resources officially!

Yay lets celebrate more action in bumfuckistan because 14 years isn't enough!


basically saving h1b country because microshit would be angry

was it pakistan that was the more aryan nation or india?

Pajeets, the pakistanias are closer to kikes in origin. Hence why invading pakistan is a great step against the kikes.

funny, i remember someone saying that pakis are the Aryans who split off India

Huh, looks like the shills are ignoring this thread in order to twist Trump's words and blackpill others again. Have a bump.

Alright you fucking retard, explain how this is great for MAGA and whites. Do your best.

Great now we have imbeciles from CFR and the Atlantic Council celebrating. It must be tough seeing Russia, Iran, Iraq and Syria destroy all your shitty planning for the region. Sorry to disappoint you KIKE, but Pakistan isn't getting invaded.

Trump is finishing what the last 3 presidents couldn't you retard. Take resources and get out.

What board am I even on anymore?



So this is why there are so many shills in the other thread. The CIAniggers don't actually want the job done.

Gonna be pretty hilarious if the Americans come down as hard as the Soviets did in 1989, only without fear of CIAnigger-supplied Stingers.

Copying and pasting from web3.0 bs sites invariably results in that doublespacing

New ROE is a big fucking deal.

I'd say half of the soldier deaths are indirectly from some West Point fucko implementing some dumb ROE saying you can't shoot Haji even if he's bumrushing a checkpoint in a car.

My understanding was that even if you had Taliban fighters in front of you aiming guns at you, you couldn't actually open fire until after they did.

Yay more bush 2.0

Only now he's screwing with Pakistan and India and we all know how much they love each other!
Unless this is full colonisation i will take no fucking part.
Conquest or nothing. None of this "giving Afghanistan it's freedom" bullshit. Time to reclaim aryan lands.


The cianiggers are deliberately making a revolt that can be used as a casus belli. Fuck me are you retarded?

Like clockwork.

Enough to stop fucking around now and score territory.. and oil.

No we all see this as a potential bush 2.0 unless it goes full conquest mode. Which is ok considering the history in that land, both aryan and greco-persian.


What do you faggots suggest?
Get out of Afganistan, let defeated ISIS fighters find new employers, take over and undermine the nuclear armed neighbor Pakistan?
Or if you're a lolberg: get your head out of your ass.


So the arguments are:

1. Trump is going to bomb caves thousands of miles long, because Russia couldn't do this correctly. He's not working for Zionism, but killing terrorists. He is actually killing lots of shitskins and this upsets the CIA because they built up terrorism in the Middle East. Terrorism is created in hotspots, not online or in Europe/American cities full of Muslims who are pissed at American-ZOG military policy. Trump will be successful at this because he's going to bomb the hell out of them, and listens to his generals - the best generals ever.

2. Trump is doing the exact same thing as the other two pieces of shit psychopath Presidents. He's just not telling us what he's doing. And he's going into Pakistan to surround Iran. The pay off is kikes support Trump, corporate America gets hold of Afghan minerals, and Jews can use the poppi fields to sell to American druggies (just like in Vietnam).

3. (the head of Blackwater's argument) Trump is caving to the flase flag created by the Alt-Right's rally and must do this because "social engineering" is more important than anything. The money in the Middle East wars could go to helping America. We need to pull out because Americans cannot win a shithole and turn it into a vacation spot, and support an puppet Afgani government. (see Tucker Carlson).

Please tell us who is correct instead of shitposting each other to death about who is jewy who.

What Trump's argument is in tl;dr:

Try to get out and not cause another deadly regional destabilization. In the shortest time possible while saving face.
That's all there is to it.

Something that isn't being talked about must be going on there. We're onto our third president that wants to keep troops there.

Afghanistan is central to opium production, big bucks there.
It is one of the neocon lynchpins for an invasion of Iran
It allows for regional control (airfields, bases)
Supposedly over $1T in untapped mineral wealth like lithium
Planned route for "new silk road" that involves pipelines

Kiddy/bunny farms? inb4 whole afgan colony is slave colony.

All that is great and all but why don't the kikes themselves just annex it in that case? Why have cianiggers be a proxy for the land?

and be seen as the aggressors? Why, dear goy, they're pure and innocent victims of the Holocaust! They can do no wrong!

This. Keep in mind even Trump acknowledged that we have a huge heroin problem, and it primarily kills white people. They're not going to let one of their greatest tools of white genocide slip away from them.

Gotta keep pushing that shit on white communities, so war it is.

The agenda of the (((mods))) on this board is becoming very obvious.

They do good work. Your post will probably be deleted by the time this one goes through.

He's just mad because we got blueballed with North Korea. There will be no sudden success in diplomacy here because we don't negotiate with terrorists.
And now if we do get a chance in North Korea, we won't be able to spare the troops.

Fuck off shill. We don't need to be plagued with your retardedness
Mods are A okay in my book.

Not just opium. You're doing a disservice.

The strongest pain reliever in existence, Morphine, and derivatives of it, are only able to be created by poppy produced in Afghanistan. Of course, artificial morphine can be synthesized, but there is no way to scale that production up to the demand of morphine. It must be grown in that soil.

That makes Afghanistan one of the most strategic locations on the planet. The US NEEDS this land if we're going to conquer the world, which is the desire of all nations. Neocons have been pussyfooting around the issue – wasting money on "nation building" as a front for occupying poppy production there.

What we *need* to do is either annex it, or create a puppet state. Preferably annex. Why? Because the US is strong enough to fuck everyone up all at once, and if we take such a strategic place, we'll have nearby regions gunning for us. They will hand their territory to us, and we will justify it with some slogan, "Only by making it a US territory can we protect it from terrorism, because only then do the laws of the land allow us to respond to threats there appropriately."

When really, we're just going full on imperialism. We'll say the same shit until we have the entire middle-east, with Israel as our ally until our borders touch. And then? We'll need their land. Their land-water connection is a strategic resource. We'll be the aggressors because they're fucking jews, of course they will, and we'll have the entire population of that territory ready to tear some kike throats out with US funding properly backing them.

That's the plan. Afterward, we'll leverage our morphine production to ally with slavic countries to do some more war in Africa, to "save the people". We'll call it a good war, and by all accounts it will be.

No idea what comes after that. No pieces are being played for it yet. Africa, however, has been deliberately destabilized for decades. It's easier to fight a country in chaos than one in unity. Same shit we're doing in the middle-east.

Mark my fucking words, this is what's going on. Screencap this and you'll have a (generalized) map of future events.

So long gay Shareblue

Russia learned a mistake of afghanistan was a hard way. Sending a little amount of troops to that place and expecting swift victory is the dumbest decision ever. Expect a huge loss there. America won't take over Afghanistan, its a waste of soldier's life and resources. The most fucking unstable and hard to fight in region.
Too bad you will only understand the scale of the problem when you will be hearing news about failure of military operations there. Also fighting on multiple fronts in this age is political suicide. Trying to get to syria, iran, afghanistan and north korea at the same time is nothing more than showing the size of your dick and doing nothing with it.

Consider my post as nothing, but at least don't enlist yourself, its not worth it.

I've only had good dealings with them except one ridiculous ban that was quickly repealed. The moderation here is about as good as it can be. You should be worried if the board ever changes hands.

Fuck you Endchan.

Eh if trump wants to be king of money he will need to take the entire world back from the kikes. I could seem him being literally hitler with 1488d chess and doing that eventually.

Pretending america somehow goes back into isolationist mode, why not just study the properties of the soil and replicate it in the states? It is just soil ph, moisture levels, amount of heat, amount of UV, salinity, type of poppy seed, and weather that determines the quality. It would be easy enough to mass produce the seeds, salinity of soil, heat, and soil ph. The only things I could see being a problem on bare dirt is UV amounts, moisture levels, and weather in general.
Or hell just dump huge amounts of their soil on cruise ships and isolate it from the other soil and grow it in a huge box in the states? There are certainly alternatives to if america does not go full imperial.

Today they ripped off my registration tags from my car in the Mexican nieghborhood I live in. Not because they wanted to use them, just to rip them in half.
Then some cop came by my small neighborhood street and gave me a huge ticket for being parked outside my own apartment. I can't afford to pay it so they're going to tow my car, lol.

Thanks Anons

You can fight that in court. Call the city and explain what happened. File a police report for the vandalized tags too.

Oh fuck off. Heroin doesn't come to the US from the middle-east. It comes from Mexico, which the wall will stop.

Trump doesn't want to kill whites. That's why we voted for him the first place.

By the way, the entire Trump-Jew connection is strategic. Israel is a very useful ally in the middle-east because of their land-water infrastructure, and their merit in not being either 1. Nogs or 2. Sand nogs. Do you see any fucking blacks in Trump's cabinet? It's almost like he places a high value on genes.

Most likely, Trump sees kikes as white. The evidence for it is all there. But consider from that standpoint – he'd condemn white nationalists, but not wholeheartedly, because they want to kill jews but also protect whites. He'd want to keep non-whites out of the US, which all of his immigration policies will do effectively. He'd protect Israel as a kind of haven for a white phenotype, where they practice all sorts of eugenics that would make even the Nazis blush.

He thinks they're white.

Now, don't get your pitchforks just yet. Isn't this useful? Suppose there are kikes that want to kill non-whites first, considering whites as preferable to nogs. Wouldn't you want those kikes to be the prevailing (((chosen))) in the world? Isn't this the behavior we see in Israeli jews as opposed to communist jews? Gas them afterward, when you know your daughter isn't going to be raped by a nigger.

ok. I'll give it a shot. Thanks

If you tags are valid it should be in the DMV database. If you're lucky the city will even just waive the ticket entirely. The cop was probably just a lazy shit who didn't run the plate itself.

It's not a technical limitation, it's an economic one. Sure, we could do everything you said. Costs of morphine will go up dramatically as a result and its use as a strategic resource diminished significantly.

Poppy grows extremely well in Afghanistan, as-is. To truly understand what you're asking, I'll give you a comparison – imagine living on the ocean. Instead of buying food from the farmers on the land, you decide to buy a lot of dirt, fertilizer, and grow it. Only, you'll have to purify your water since the sea water won't work, which will require an exponentially larger amount of energy, so you'll need to upscale your energy production. All told, the ordeal ends up costing 100x more than if you had just fucking bought it.

I don't care if kikes were 8ft tall super genuies chads. They can all gas themselves equally.


Kike detected.

I knew you guys would respond that way.

Look, how are we gonna gas them == right now == ?

If you have any fucking ideas I'd love to hear them.

You are forgetting about cost over time, of lives, of resources to protect/blackmail their local populations, of waste, and of not being independent of others.
Burgers would recoup the cost over time of being independent of others.

Also did I not just list everything you would need to do? The expensive part is purchasing land at the correct elevation to grow it and the initially purchase of chemical stabilizers to get the soil to the correct attributes as afgan soil. After that it is just maintenenance of a farmer and his equipment. Instead of a army.

They're riddled with mental illness. We've made them name themselves, soon they'll gas themselves.

How about we're NOT going to flood Europe with Afghan 'refugees' for starters.

Exactly why neocons are such fucking idiots. Unless it's a territory, it's a liability, not an asset.

And no, not entirely. Afghan soil and this particular kind of poppy has the unique property of producing a molecule that can be easily converted to morphine.

IIRC Grow poppy elsewhere and you can make heroin, but morphine? Nah.

Trump is on a preety effective track to that. By taking packistan he can have a army outside of kikeland to invade them. Along with all the work Holla Forums has done doxing major kikes in the USA. The only difficult part would be kikes who fled to chinkland/india/europe and lesser known kikes. Russia would deal with their own kikes because putin is woke. Cunts in australia surely could take care of their kikes. India would easily be conquered to find kikes. Europe would be laughably easy to conquer if they stay disorganized as they are now. Chinkland would be interesting to say the least as most kikes are (((white))) looking compared to chinks. But the already mixed in kikes would be very difficult to find without invasion. This is just finding them all at once and saying nothing of how to get them to gas themselves.

I believe the purpose of the migrant crisis isn't a replacement, it's a destabilization. That region has been selected by someone – probably the US if I'm being honest – for takeover. Strategically, they'd rather have the population be 30% non-white and own the land, than 100% white and not own it. Especially considering the only thing getting in the way of proper eugenics is foreign intervention. Look at how Trump praises Merkel – purely a political move to try to keep her in power.

Just speculating here, I think those are the hands behind it.

So, there's literally nothing wrong with refugees if Trump creates them?

Doesn't it get to China that way?

cool. Thanks. I'll ask them.

Ahaha no fuck you Imkikefy. I've been to Endchan and laughed my ass off at your impotent rage as you had no power there, burning through proxies calling everyone names like some autistic screeching Mark.

Don't count on it.

In the interm, we should build communities of natsocs and consolidate power. Everyone here sees the NWF is a honeypot but evidence suggests the contrary. Imagine a Holla Forums commune in western Montana. It would be fucking glorious, and with a population large enough to win local elections outright. That would give us actual political cards.

Has any president ever said this before?

It's a jew.

I'm not defending Trump or saying there's nothing wrong with it. We shouldn't even want to take over Europa, it's our fucking homeland. Leave it be. Defend it.

We'd better get a candidate who is pro-Europa next time around.

Time to ramp up the Refugee Crisis! Because Fuck Europe!

China is connected to the middle-east by land, the US is not.

It's notoriously difficult to smuggle across water in the modern day. Fucking everything is X-rayed, and there's no way to bypass customs because you're on open water. Get spotted, get sunk.

At first I was taking you seriously, but then you said
There will be no next time you faggot. Those kikes are dug in too deep. There is a reason Holla Forums says gas the kikes race war now. Holla Forums wants escalation because the long term game is the kikes.

Some thing to take into account:

The site provides more sources and also a vid.

This, also keep in mind that region is full of mudshits with nukes. Especially Pakistan/India is a big issue if any of them should collapse.

Kikes are going to earn big bucks on the heroin/morphine trade and at the same time get to flood Europe with Afghani 'refugees'. All made possible thanks to 'muh based Gad Emberor XD :D'.

What a dumb question. The US has been fighting all of Israels fights and giving them free money squeezed out of US taxpayers.

We need to play multiple strategies at once. Vie for presidency, but build communities.

I have this dream of taking all the Gamergate refugees and relocating them to a Holla Forums commune in the US northwest. Off-grid, they can't fuck with us. Directed WIFI with large antennas and large dishes on both sides, solar power energy infrastructure with cheap B-grade solar cells. Collect rainwater, or get it from a municipal source. And do it all on cheap as fuck land.

Logistics are all there. Why the fuck not?

No one gives a fuck about that, its just about protecting the heroine exports.

Unless you plan on declaring Holla Forums their own state, then because it will be outlawed. If you declare Holla Forums their own state, then because it will be invaded with all of Holla Forums in one spot.(granted (((they))) would fail so epicly but still a huge loss of Holla Forumsacks)

Keep in mind that the Taliban have a presence in Pakistan and work together with their ISI (intelligence service). It's going to be real easy for Trumpstein and his neocohen buddies to escalate this into a war with Pakistan. All they have to do is destabilize Pakistan and then come up with "MUH NUKES FALL INTO WRONG HANDS" and boom there you go; casus belli.

I also find it highly suspicious that Trump is opening up another war front right after it became evident that his jew friends failed to take down Syria.

The Taliban works together with Pakistan. Goes to show how much you know, do everyone a favor and hang yourself.

1. The only good kike is a dead kike
2. If you honestly believe that anything good can come from working with jews you will never, ever have a chance of stopping them.
3. Jews don't want to get rid of niggers and sand niggers. They're lower functioning and easy to control. They want to get rid of us because we're the only ones that can actually stop them.
4. You're insanely delusional.

Killing terrorist isn't what Russia want, Putin only want to protect Assad in Syria.

The genius 1488d chess in trump calling nukes is that (((no one))) will call his bullshit out lest they sound crazy.

Its a shame, American's really are doing the kikes bidding. Pushing the destruction of whites for 70 years.

Trump is a Zogbot, simple as that

We need to fucking do SOMETHING, and building a community innawoods in the American Northwest is a hell of a lot more likely to succeed than protesting in the streets or violence insurrection.

Yeah it's definite for me too now. I accepted this bitter fact when someone pointed out to me that Trump was even using the exact same wording as Obongo when trying to justify military presence in Afghanistan.

You'll just have another waco on your hands where the feds send in troops and gun down anything that moves.


Well meming to use normies as canon fodder sure works well atm. It also gets the truth out to more people. I also don't think you understand the land requirements to house all of Holla Forums. It would take more than the state of montana if you wanted all to be self sufficient.


This is fucking BASED, mudslimes btfo.

The Jews are so mad right now.

MAGA my fellow nazis.

Or Ruby Ridge.

Waco in particular was occupied by relative loons, all of the men willingly cucked by their leader. It was pretty fucked and good riddance tbh. The lesson there is, no one in the local community liked them and they had zero political sway.

We would. We would actively participate. We would do volunteer work to win over the community. We would run for public office. We would win. Feds aren't wanting ANYWHERE near that shit.

I don't think any of you realise how big Holla Forums really is. There would be soooo many government agents joining Holla Forums it wouldn't even be funny.

Doesn't really matter. Of course they'll infiltrate, but we'll be white-only. Even white feds will understand our message and cause, especially if they're having to pretend to go along with it. Then they'll see that we're helping our people, our communities. They'll see us wanting to fix our country.

Honestly I'm putting bets on us in that exchange.

No you faggot not joining to infiltrate, that would be what is left of cianiggers and ZOG abroad. I mean literally going unironic 1488 mode.

Yes we don't need to be in the middle east at all, what we need is to stop the Arabs, the chinks, the beaners and the niggers getting in and to kick them out

Truly an insult to intelligence.

Do you not know about 9/11

Nothing wrong with 1488 or the rest of our message. We should be clear and proud about it. Very transparent and honest.

But no violence. No encouraging violence. No skinheads. No drugs. No crime. Only helping fellow whites and offering a paradise for Holla Forumsacks.

Trump was such a cool guy…

…before he became president.


I don't see the problem.

Gotta love intervention when your own country is unstable, right?

What part are you confused about?
Doing the kikes bidding or what the kikes bidding is?

The actual pilots were Saudis, nigger. So even by normie narrative it's fucking retarded to invade Afghanistan in response.

Another decade or two to spend wasting American Lives and money in a pointless war started by a shining example of the worst kind of neocon.
But never mind that, lets fantasize about it being a crusade or a grab for resources instead of facing facts.

If you want to get the head of the hydra for 9\11 you should be executing Goverment and CIA involed and Invading Isreal.

The problem is, destabilising the middle east for isreal and creating more refugee for Europe.



He should've just said: fuck Afghanistan, we're leaving.

but people will see your post.
Gosh isn't it interesting how Holla Forums works?

That's why smugglers use subs.


Stay mad, kike.

Why would I be mad? Trump is going to get our opium fields back and displace more Afghanis.

But we have been doing this for 16 years now even for ISIS was founded and backstabbed we alquadia.

I'll give you a hint on why this doesn't work: the Afghani people a tea boy fucking, opium selling village dwellers who live spread across the mountains in tiny communities that don't understand and don't want to follow western legal traditions. They just keep on hiring male child prostitutes, they keep "paying off" blood feuds by giving their daughters to the other party, they keep lynching people based on local Sharjah courts and they will keep rejecting any form of centralised law that infringes on their local traditions that vary from region to region. They only cooperate when there is military presence but that is due to the law of the strong. As soon as military retreats from a region they happily accept the Islamists back in because they get to keep living their traditional culture. A noble cause but sadly degenerate. It's just how these people are.. maybe we should let them live their 200BC lifestyle .

Check this docu (around 00:52 onwards) about some army guy who tried to chanve the Afghani police's practice of hiring young children for lil boy sex. (Spoiler: everyone in the village thought it was cool and pretended to change but never did)

Forgot video

Boy yeah those kikes sure are gonna be mad we did all the dirty work for them! I can't wait to see their faces after they've gotten their hands on all that heroin!

You're going to get the rope, can't wait for DOTR.

Yeah, giving citizenship to a bunch of ragheads sure wont fuck us up in the long run right? I mean no other former empire was totally destroyed because of this, right?

Assad already predicted this. Trump is ZOG's bitch.

Here's Assad on Trump after the Tomahawk missile strike on Syria:

"I was very cautious in saying any opinion regarding him before. Before he became president and after. I always said let's see what he's going to do. We wouldn't comment on statements"
"So actually this is the first proof that it's not about the president in the United States, it's about the regime. The deep state or the deep regime in the United States is still the same, it doesn't change."
"The president is only one of the performers on their theatre. If he wants to be a leader; he cannot. As some say, he wanted to be a leader, that Trump wanted to be a leader, but every president there, if you want to be a real leader, then later he is going to eat his words, swallow his pride, if he has pride at all, and make a 180 degree U-turn. Otherwhise, he will the price in politics."

Vid related. Starts at 6:44.

destablizing the middle east is a meme

the middle east is full of savages and will always be unstable no matter what

People like Gaddafi, Saddam and Assad keep the regions stable you filthy motherfucking shit kike. That's why you want them gone.

This fucking line alone. I swear to God you're either a real kike or one of those autistic 4chon mods from the STI crew.

? ? ? ?

Yes brother. This is why Israel is the sole beacon of democracy and hope in the middle east. We must not let Israel fall to those evil muslims.

nice strawman but israel is also in the middle east and so my argument covers them too dipshit

Like clockwork

April 2, 2017

April 6, 2017
Syrian Airstrike (April 7 in Syria)

April 7, 2017

Keep getting played, faggot.

Territories don't get citizenship. They can't enter the mainland.

welp, guess it's time for me to take another week-long break from Holla Forums

No they fucking don't. Subs are insanely expensive.
Experts estimated that 25 to 40 cocaine semi-subs departed from South America in 2007, and expected that figure to double in 2008.[25] The western Colombian shore topography is near ideal for transporting the cocaine produced in clandestine laboratories in nearby Nariño department. About a third of the 550 metric tonnes of cocaine coming out of Colombia each year leaves via the Pacific coast and a significant amount is being carried in semi-submersibles.[26] The U.S. Homeland Security estimates that drug submarines now account for 32 percent of all maritime cocaine flow between Latin America and the United States.[27]


Ah, so you're denying that Israel has a right to exist. You're the same type of anti semite lowlife that trolls on this website. Well good luck with your muslim president in 10 years time. Israel will always be jewish.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

jews don't have a right to exist, period. They are scum and parasites and that extends to their habitation of the Rothschild land they call "Israel"

yeah… the Rothschild land…

Enjoy your ban unironic kike.


So is that it, you shills got BTFO and now it's just "time to derail?" Don't you find your lives exceedingly tiresome?

i dont go on that site actually, too many 'based' shitskins trying to be white

And still insanely expensive and rare. The vast majority is done directly across the US-Mexican border.

And you want to focus on something that 1. Has nothing to do with heroin and 2. Is still a minority of drug smuggling

(this isnt a troll question), why dont we just synthesize it artificially???

Who is building these submarines? Is there a way to stop this?

That's called Oxycontin.

Oh ok, so why not just sell that instead of heroin? How is our overseas policy dictated by illegal drug sellers???

so having an iron, tyrannical fist (Gaddafi, Saddam, Assad) that doesn't want to start any shit (daily reminder how Saddam was deposed, what Gaddafi and Assad were actually doing to the West, ie. nothing at all) and just bask in their superiority instead of shitskins fighting each other or anyone stupid enough to march in on their dickwaving contest which you try to clean up through forced democracy which doesn't work because of religion hijacking their politics (Iran, Egypt) is worse… why?

Actually the Ashkenazi Jews are being demographically replaced back home, they're a dieing race. The Jews in Russia might be the only clan left by the time this shit show is over.

You must be new. Lurk two more years without posting and just reading. A TLDR on why is kikes do not want it as they are the drug controllers. So it does not happen.

Oxycodone is still nowhere near as effective as morphine.

can someone give me a quick rundown on why the kikes want more heroin if they are making money on oxycontin

you ARE aware of the whole white genocide thing, right?

They don't want more money. They want obedient slaves. Whites will never be completely obedient.


ok sure but the data says that more whites are affected by synthesized 'legal' drugs than illegal ones, heroin probably kills more niggers than whites tbh fam

Google the (((Sackler))) Brothers. These two Jews set up a phony medical journal to convince normal doctors that Oxy was a drug of first resistance. Before them Oxy was highly controlled and only given to the terminally ill.

Use nerve agents on every square meter of land in the middle east, then claim all land as America 2 desert Boogaloo

so they kill of whites with "legal" drugs and purge the absolutely useless from their desired shitskin/nigger slave race.

China proved a hard pickle for them since chinks are almost as big jews as they themselves are, so what did they do? Tried to drown them in opium.

u wot?

People have been asking that question for a long time, user.

I've literally never seen a Paki who didn't look and speak like the lowliest of lowly subhumans. Even niggers in general are better looking than Pakis. So no, Pakis aren't anymore Aryan than most Indians are.

Not only did the US strike the SAA several more times after that, it also increased it's support for the Marxist kurds and is building bases in their territory.
Not mentioning their MLRS systems near Al Tanf and their """moderate""" rebels who they still train.

Each sub contains a lot of coke. There aren't many of them, they just carry a lot.

The subs themselves are insanely expensive and the loss of one is a fuckhuge loss of profits.

Someone is making these subs for the drug dealers. Find them and find more kikes.

Wow, I'm utterly convinced. Still not voting for Hillary, faggot.

Nice job moving the goal posts faggot.
Here you cuckold, why don't you look that stuff up?
Or even better, why not go to /sg/ to get informed you retard?

Israel won't even be Jewish much past 2036. Demography is everything, dontcha know. We should applaud Israel for taking such a strident stand against global warming, wew

No moron that is called oxycodone. Oxycontin is the time released formula of oxycodone.

There are a ridiculous number of shills on today. People who use quotes incorrectly, people who don't know what dubs are, sockpuppets replying to themselves… This announcement must've really rattled (((them))).

maybe people are just torn over the consequences of this, not everything is a 'shill', grow the fuck up.

Fun fact they were sued for that very reason.

Holla Forums aka "reddit where you can say nigger"

excellent quote good sir have a gold



Three years of their spam, user. Three.

It's aggravating because no one seems to bother looking up the bare basics of that conflict, so you always see the most retarded things being said about it by ""redpilled"" morons.

The only way to "win" in Afghanistan would be systematic genocide. Kill every man, woman, child, and goat. Otherwise, the USA will be chewed up and spit out like the Soviets. Pic related.

Congrats boys, we finally got John McCain to win the 2008 presidential election! Took nine years but we got there.

come on user, that's going too far.

the goats are innocent

Pakis are the afterbirth of the Mughal empire, which was founded as an offshoot of the Timurid empire, which was a Turkish-Mongol hybrid.
Unless you consider steppe-kebab Aryan, out your stock with Pajeet. India has less of a history of expansion outside the subcontinent anyway, I don't see that changing in the next century.

maybe they should invent the toilet first before trying to take over the world eh

Ah, the go-to escape for Trump marketers. Nevermind that Trump is on the same kike train as Obama, even going as far as using the exact same wording as Obama for his justification, and that Hillary is fingering her dusty cunt right now at the prospect of another debt-spiraling war.

Former Navy Seal Erik Prince:

“The presidency by its nature lives in a bubble. When you fill it with former general officers, you’re going to get that stream of advice. And so tonight, I would predict, sadly, that we will hear more of the same of the last 16 years and, sadly, exactly what the president campaigned against last year in the presidential election.”

I've fucking had it up to here with cognitive dissonant chesscucks and Trump marketers.

This. They want all the goyim to be Chinese, Poojeet, nigger, or some kind of Sunni Muslim.

There's a link posted in this thread that contains sources detailing how the kikes saved their banks in 2007/2008 purely on drug trade from Afghanistan and the accompanied money laundering. Maybe you should try to read.
They've never really been interested in outward expansion, unless you count ancient times or Mughals/British (who weren't Indian)
I suspect part of it has to do with the Hindu system, making them believe their people belong in that land.

great idea trump

wtf i'm a neocon now

What makes Afghan so great for poppies?

What if the US regularly dumps female hormones into the water springs of Afghanistan?

Cheap slave labour and remoteness. Poppies are not that hard to cultivate.

I'll admit that when I first heard about this I was extremely angry, however he flat out said he's only interested in protecting our own interests abroad instead of "nation-building" or acting as world police so he has to abide by that now or risk lighting the powderkeg that the US currently is. He campaigned for no foreign wars, which this technically breaks, and he also campaigned for protecting our interests abroad. You cannot have both so he has to choose one, speaking as an American I would choose preserving our foreign assets purely for our own sake. However I'm still not thrilled about this, but if he decides to stick to his guns and actually takes the muzzle off of our military then he'll have my full approval. I intensely dislike our military-industrial complex but I hate even more the fact that we spend insane amounts of time fighting battles that serve purely to line the pockets of kikes. No conflict means no paycheck, no paycheck means no shekels. If the gravy-train leash is taken off and our military can actually fucking act like one then conflicts will be shorter which means less time shekels are going to the kike-run arms industry

What if indeed.

when will you motherfuckers learn?
at the end of the day it really doesn't matter if trump is on our side or not
we still have to fight the kikes, and never give them an inch or let our guards down for a second.
if trump is on our side, then great, but that is no excuse for us to get complacent and lazy in our fight.
if trump isn't on our side, then that makes our fight harder, but still winnable, and many times more necessary.
don't ever, EVER listen to demoralization shills or blackpilled retards who tell you to just lie down and give up.
their whole strategy right now relies on demoralization, obfuscation, confusing, and D&C
regardless of what you believe about trump, i'm sure you can recognize that there's this artificial idea that's been passed around for a long time now that says we somehow are completely dependent on him for victory
that's part of the shilling
so every time they get an opportunity to make it look like he's come up short, they can milk it indefinitely and try and make us demoralized.
just remember this. even if trump is on our side, is he going to be out marching with us on DOTR and forming RWDS? no. WE are the soldiers, and victory is dependent on US.
even after everything that has happened i'm STILL holding out hope that trump is on our side. too many of the people opposing him on here are obvious shills. just remember though, (((they))) will ALWAYS try to play both sides. there are more shills on here with a faux pro-trump agenda than many of us would like to admit

Look at this this way, hopefully we get the most free sandbox mode and just act like it's Just Cause: Afghanistan. after 16 years we all just say fuck it and go extra loud.

I've been to Afghanistan. It's a huge fucking Stone Aged shithole. It's hard to imagine what might be so damned important there. Pakistan wants Afghanistan for their "strategic depth" doctrine, and answers to why we're fumbling around almost 16 years later are in Islamabad, not Kabul.

CIA and opium? Seems plausible to me, but as a target of opportunity, not an underlying main reason. We agree to spin our wheels and let the Paki ISI continue to influence the Taliban in exchange for (((something))), and the CIA skims off the opium trade as a freebie.

Everything except payback for Chinese collaboration with Pakistani espionage is on your list.

Last week, the Administration announced an investigation into Chinks stealing American intellectual property. What if part of that investigation concerns the Awans? Trump sends messages to both Pakistan and China, and promotes India as a regional power.

No kidding. I rarely post here, but the shilling is off the chains. Maybe some are clueless fags, but observant lurkers should know more about this place.

Get the fuck out.

>CIA and opium? Seems plausible to me, but as a target of opportunity, not an underlying main reason. We agree to spin our wheels and let the Paki ISI continue to influence the Taliban in exchange for (((something))), and the CIA skims off the opium trade as a freebie.

I gotta disagree solely based on the structure of the CIA. They're theoretically accountable to the public only insofar as they are the beneficiaries of government spending. The black budget they have is likely the vast majority of their actual operating budget and to have a black budget, they need to fuck around somewhere where there is a drug market. There are two places they like fucking around for this very reason: Afghanistan (for its opium fields) and Central America (for cocaine). There is little to no public support in the zeitgeist (not that there's any for Afghanistan. But on a fundamental level normalfag Americans can vaguely understand why we'd be blowing up towelheads) for intervention of any kind in South America and their networks of human assets from the last time we were in Afganistan will likely be far easier to rebuild.

I think the fact that Trump gave the speech around JFK's gravesite was very telling. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was killed by a joint CIA-Mossad-Lansky Crime Syndicate plot for a number of reasons including his desire to scatter the CIA into the winds. This is clearly appeasement to the spooks so that they don't give his family the Kennedy special.

Unfortunately, I don't think appeasing the CIA is the right move, not only because of the implications of the war (which will be fruitless for the American people), but because of the fact that such appeasement will continue even if they dispose of Trump (Pence or Ryan would be simple for them to lead around). It's just giving them more assets to enact their agenda.

So much for Bannon fighting for Trump.

first day on the job eh?

was 16 years not enough? Just fucking get out of there like you said you would, you fag

The problem with refugees isn't that they exist, but that "we" are letting them in.
We could have world piece and there would still be hundreds of millions subhumans who would want to "flee" into the west.

Hoe do you know he's not getting out of Afghanistan you nigger?
If Trump WAS going to pull out of Afghanistan, how do you think he would do it?


god you're pathetic

No it's Art of War

Consider suicide, eh?

Mothafuckin' check

posting in a learningcode thread

learningcode demonstrating advanced rhetoric as usual


he said he would leave. he is escalating. keep performing those mental gymnastics, though.

There is no reason to be in Afganistan besides opium

Shoe me where he said he would leave

Rare earth minerals

And yesterday he said he still wants to leave, and is trying to, but can't just pull out, or all of the people that died, and money that was spent will be for nothing. Your mud hut is going to get bombed to shit, as well, since ROE got opened up.

It's a sunk cost.

Why are we continuing to train these Afghanis who then shoot our soldiers in the back? Afghanistan is a complete waste. Time to come home!
7:05 AM - Aug 21, 2012

We should leave Afghanistan immediately. No more wasted lives. If we have to go back in, we go in hard & quick. Rebuild the US first.
12:10 PM - Mar 1, 2013

Let’s get out of Afghanistan. Our troops are being killed by the Afghanis we train and we waste billions there. Nonsense! Rebuild the USA.
11:55 AM - Jan 11, 2013

I agree with Pres. Obama on Afghanistan. We should have a speedy withdrawal. Why should we keep wasting our money – rebuild the U.S.!
1:59 PM - Jan 14, 2013

We have wasted an enormous amount of blood and treasure in Afghanistan. Their government has zero appreciation. Let's get out!
1:06 PM - Nov 21, 2013

Do not allow our very stupid leaders to sign a deal that keeps us in Afghanistan through 2024-with all costs by U.S.A. MAKE AMERICA GREAT!
6:12 AM - Nov 21, 2013

Still doesn't mean he's not currently working to bring them home

user pls. Goats did nothing wrong.

It's funny isn't it? This is like a quintuple mistake; not only is it Vietnam all over again, it's fucking Iraq + Afghanistan + Libya + Syria all over again.

The best part is that kikes will be dancing in glee because their heroin fields are being protected by Americans, paid for by Americans and they get to direct a new flow of 'refugees' straight into Europe. And when Europeans complain: "STOP IT WITH THESE FUCKING SANDNIGGERS!!!", the jews will simply shrug and say "Trump did this, don't you like Trump goy?". I never trusted him from the getgo, i did give him the benefit of the doubt. But now he's squandered whatever bit of credit and trust he had left. The worst part is that the Alt-Kike is coming down on every voice of dissent. It's nothing different here either; mods are hawking over threads like kikes and deleting and banning everything that takes Trump's kike move into question.

The most telling part is that the Trump marketers themselves have gotten off the chesscuck train; there's a thread up right now where some Trump PR faggot tries to transition the chesscuckoldry into 'Deal Making'. After all the disappointment, dissatisfaction and distrust, even the Trump marketers realize that there's a limit to chesscucking. So now they've ditched 'muh 4D chess' and try to peddle 'Deal Making' as an excuse for all the kike-approved moves Trump makes. So the new narrative is no longer some genius chess moves, no, from here on out it's just 'deals'. It's all about these 'deals'. And don't you dare question them you filthy anti-semite! We need to invade Afghanistan, because that's part of Trump's 'Master Deal', this is 'Deal Making'. Don't be angry at Trump for playing into the kike's hands, this is all a deal! The jews are getting the best of all these 'deals' but i swear! You goys will come out on top! Really!

I can deal with Trump being the next ZOGbot in line; i've never held high hopes for a guy surrounded by jews. But what i can't deal with is the cognitive dissonance that comes from everyone who refuses to call a spade a spade. This is the kind of shit you'd expect from Leftists.

Finally i'd like to close with the reminder that Holla Forums is National Socialist. Trump never was our 'hero', at best he was a candidate with the potential to change things around. He was granted the benefit of the doubt. By being openly Obama he has squandered all of that now.

A true hero is someone who is not afraid to be openly Nazi, someone who is not afraid to openly admit that the 'Holocaust' is a Big Lie, someone who is not afraid to openly speak about the crimes that the jews committed these last decades, someone who is not afraid to admit that there's always a jew behind everything that hurts whites, someone who is not afraid to admit that jews are enacting a passive genocide on whites; nay truly, someone who is not afraid to stand up for whites no matter what.

Trump is neither of these.

Well, I should specify night in the US, not in Tel Aviv.

So let's get this straight. First you slap the Afghans in the face by blaming them again for 9/11, an accusation they know is false because everyone in the region knows what the fuck Saudi Arabia is up to, and then you are going to step up the violence that has kept people joining the Taliban resistance to fight the near generation long US occupation. This is supposed to make the population want to kill US soldiers less and make the Taliban weaker.

Yes, you're right, it's totally different this time. My bad.

What part of "We're not nation building" did you not understand?

What part of "every fucking President said the same fucking thing since 2001" do you not understand? Outside sources of the US seem to be getting tips that Trump has been taken down with a soft coup already and it's Pence's presidency now.

How about MG:Survive, eh, faggot?


why do you accept that statement at face value? It was only said because that's what the people who voted for him wanted to hear.

This isn't you, right, it's some other conveniently timed Serbian, posting the exact same thing on Holla Forums, right?

And here the kike comes out.

In years before you tried to pander your meme that 'we can't kill the Taliban because we have to win hearts and minds'. That was your fucking meme. You kikes told us that the Taliban cannot be killed by warfare because the people in Afghanistan flock to the ideology of the Taliban.

NOW you kikes want us to believe that we can simply kill the Taliban by means that you previously told us were impossible. Fucking apply for the gas chambers you hook-nosed rat.

Fuck morphine, fuck the various black markets (even though I'm a big part of it heh), fuck Afghanistan. Just bomb every last building to rubble and leave the region with not a single working car, jet, or anything else and lets take a good long back from the bullshit there. We got a war to fight in Europe and America to take it back from shitskins and cull the degenerates.

No. And the Serbian is from here >>13271037


*Woops >>>Holla Forums13271037

I'm just catching up after some sleep.

Oh vey goyim we can't be killing ISIS, we'll be waging war against talented CIA and MOSAD agents! It's time we impeach Trump for treason!

Welp, looks like I won't be out of a job anytime soon.


The crushing out of dissenting voices is what pisses me the fuck off to no end. You want to know if a given group wants to see reality and understand what the fuck is going on or if they just have some preconceived agenda? Then look at what they tolerate. If you feel you can say and do anything you're in the right place, if you feel like it's a walking-on-eggshells environment where some joke or devil's advocacy or whatever can get people banned, the place is dead. I want every post to stand for itself and for blatant kikes to kike in the open, for shills to be exposed, for bullshit to get denounced, for the nature of subhumans to be revealed; and it's not going to happen if it's all just disappeared like it's 1984. I am a firm believer that censorship only can help deceivers. The white race does not need lies, it is the natural ally of truth, but we must have the two stand together so the spectator can see for himself the obvious. That won't happen if the dialog isn't allowed in the first place because some kike mod is in a dash to fulfill his quota of 100 bans a day. Not that the bans work; but the deletion of posts to create a controlled narrative now that is more troublesome. Thank the Alfather they at least let one kike post stay up in here with red bantext message below it. Kikes should have stars pinned on them so to speak, so everyone knows there's a jew in their midst and to be wary, but banning and deleting just makes the kikes more subtle and perverse than when they come out overt and blatantly kikey.

Oy vey goyim don't question Obam- i mean Trump! We need to sacrifice American men to kill those evil sandniggers created by the CIA and Mossad. Why? Well, uh…i-YOU FUCKING ANTI-SEMITE!

kikes are always the ones whispering in the kings ear. so they can act like a woman and never accept responsibility for anything they cause.

i thought you were going to mention their lithium mines here. from the kikepedia page titled mining in afghanistan:

only a brutal asshole can keep the shitskins in line

the goats can stay (checked)

see above
also see:

Fucking kek, just noticed you can't even 'oy vey' right.

CIAniggers confirmed ITT.

underrated interaction

Oy vey Goyim but it's for the children, Trump is your goy.

Gaddafi wasn't even a 'brutal asshole', he made his country the most wealthy of Africa after all. He just didn't tolerate sandniggery.

Assad is even a step beyond that, he's way too kind.


the point remains. a firm hand keeps the muds in line. i still need to study up on assad. will take your word for it for now

Considering how Assad has treated sandniggers the way they should be treated, I think the world will owe him a massive debt in the future.

Assad just wanted to be a fucking doctor and not have to put up with this shit.




Wow, this is some next level kiking. You respond to my post were I dismantle the not-nation-building argument with the very argument I dismantled.

No, we are not going to nation build. We are going to kill terrorists. To make a stable nation possible. So we don't leave a vacuum for terrorism.
Which is totally different nation building, trust me goy.
Don't listen to the explicitly stated goals that are indistinguishable from those of nation building, listen to what he chose to call it. If it's not called more war for Israel it can't be more war for Israel.

Gas yourself.

(((neocohen intensifies)))

Well that's a smashing analysis except for one glaring flaw. Israel controls the US, so your land is their land. If the US wins, Jews win. Things will come to pass as you say, but with the end result of whites being genocided in the process.

You can't have a stable nation of Arabs without an iron fist dictator because they are too dumb and radicalized to run a stable civilization otherwise. So how are we going to make a stable nation possible when the Afghan government we are supporting is some milquetoast faggot shit that only survives due to US government subsidies. As soon as we leave any non-dictator government will immediately be toppled and replaced with a radical Islamic version.

Oh you were just being snarky with the other user

Afghanistan is where empires go to die.

I was over there. The rules of engagement are: you get attacked, you kill them.

The problem isn't those rules, it's the incompetent officer corps and the loser niggers and spics put in charge of our guys.

I'm so glad I didn't have a spic or nigger for a platoon sergeant, but the command sergeant major of the battalion was a dumb spic and everyone hated him.

I kid you not: one time we had back up from this bradley unit from 3rd ID, the spics running that shitshow unit didn't even bother to load the brads with 7.62mm and refused to fire the 25mm at these hajis laying in the grass with rifles. It's so retarded, it's not even funny. Can you picture not even bringing ammo to a fight??? I can't. I couldn't fucking believe it!

The military is so ass backwards, I can't see how they plan on winning anything. They'll bomb a few villages. Kill a lot of hajis, declare victory and leave. So, basically what the Soviets did when they retreated.

Any good Soviet Afghan war movies?

9th Company.

The only one I've ever found.

Military issued rape whistles when?

There are Shills here acting like out of touch Neo Con boomers trying to make any pro Trump sentiment guilty by association and there are shills acting like intellectual Anti Trump lolitarians. It's super fucking obvious to the people that matter CIAniggers. Get fucked and die.

Remember this, newfags.
Also, remember that "anyone who disagrees with me is a shill" is a shill tactic

He who controls Afghanistan doesn't just control the heroin trade, but all opiate based compounds like codeine, fentanyl, morphine, etc.
The drug dealing pain relief clinics don't stack heroin, they stack legal opioid drugs, like oxycontin, dolophine, duragesic, etc. and all those housewives who stand in line at the pain relief clinic or are put in a coma to help them with the withdrawal symptoms are not addicted to heroin, they're addicted to perfectly legal prescription opies.



Admitting you're israeli on Holla Forums? Wew.

inb4 trump touching wall pictures

In the military we say back asswards, get it right fool.

Those tweets didn't age well.


Pharmaceutical morphine is (at least officially) produced from opium grown in India, or poppy straw grown in Australia and France.

this is true

When I'm at work I check news articles that show up in the News app in Windows 10 just to see what our enemies are writing about. The suspicious things following Trump's address were not just tweets from neo-cons praising him, but also nearly zero news articles mentioning the event. Normally there are a few top articles at any given time bashing Trump about the latest thing he's said or done, but looking through the headlines it's almost as if his speech last night never happened.

OxyContin is fucking ridiculous, time-release my ass, literally everybody that takes it crushes and snorts. And turns into a fine powder with a single push.

low cost of labor and dry mountain soil.

India/PAK used to produce a metric fuckton so the brits could get the chinese hooked on it.

hell, according to some shit ive seen, 10-20% of the Iranian population is addicted to some opium derivative, just because it grows so well in that area of the world.

Like says, it can be grown anywhere. but it loves light, heat and dry soils. makes it particularly potent. The general lawlessness and low cost of labor makes it insanely profitable

pic related is people putting make up on each other and pretending to be dead soldiers


OK, let's analyses this retarded argument.

Let's say by a miracle peace in Afghanistan just happens and large scale industrial mining operations become possible, and also the US gets complete monopoly on these reserves and also manage to stripmine every ounce of those 3 trillion out of Afghanistan in a decade and also all the profits can be collected in the US. A complete fucking pipe dream in other words, but let's run with it.
This means $300 billion in profits a year. For 2016 the US federal budget was $3.9 trillion with a deficit of $587 billion. Of that the defense budget alone is nearly fucking $600 billion. In other words those pipedream $300 billion isn't going to cover even 8 % of the budget. It's barely even half of the fucking deficit. This is to say nothing of what the additional cost of the military operation in Afghanistan will end up being. Harvard estimates the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have cost between $4 - 6 trillion since 2001, and wars of course cost more during their intensive phases, so expect a few hundred billion per year for as long as getting Afghanistan safe for mining takes.

Meanwhile the heroin market in 2012 was $80 billion according to this source.
According to this older source opium was worth about $7 billion.
In addition prescription opioids account for an additional $35 billion and is climbing. 90% of the world production is used to drug US citizens.

Apart from for the opioids these sources are old as fuck and by all accounts I can find the market has grown, but they are the hard numbers I can readily find so let's go with them. Now over 90% of this shit is supposed to come from Afghanistan, but we're being nice here so let's say 80 % since we have no hard numbers of how much big pharma sources from the illegal market but since it's run by kikes probably close to 100%.

So 80 % of the old numbers gives us $97.6 billion. Find another $24 billion over the course of that decade and over the time we've mined $3 trillion that's $1 cool trillion of drugs coming out of Afghanistan for the CIA to play for. Now how much of that opium they control and how large a cut they get back from their pushers is anyone's guess, but with $1,000 billion to split another decade in Afghanistan is going to put hundreds of billions outside the black budget for CIA to keep up their white genocide agenda with.

TL;DR: In fantasy land keeping on fucking around in Afghanistan is going to cover half the deficit, minus the cost for the military operation, for a decade while costing more white lives and pumping hundreds of additional billions straight into our mortal enemy the CIA and keeping the jew happy. In the real world you aren't going to get jack shit becasue you are not going to get monopoly and you are not going to be able to mine it at this fantasy rate. Any potential profits will be completely consumed by the cost of the continuous military presence needed to protect the mines from being seized by the Taliban. Totally worth the white lives, funding CIA and keeping shit stirring in the Middle East for Israel.

Questions for discussion:
How is the Taliban taking control and going back to burning haram drug fields and fucking CIA out of their money in any way bad?
Even if we could potentially make some profit out of Afghanistan is a few lousy trillion worth keeping on being slaves of the kikes for?
Wouldn't it rather be OK to be spending trillions of dollars if it meant doing damage to CIA niggers and kikes?
In fact wouldn't it be worth going to total war and spending every cent of available resources if it meant undermining CIA and the kikes?
If so how can you argue that any monetary gain whatsoever is ever worth playing along with them for?

This is the best post any Holla Forums board has ever had.

I can only add to your comment that everyone should take a moment to read "War is a Racket" by Major General Smedley Butler.



great post

That's it, show's over. Goodnight.

Deep throat a shotgun, kike.


dancing boys traps

but muh redpilled cops
but muh red team planner said mil is on our side

as someone who is occasionally called a blackpiller, I point out why I think trump has nothing to do with our side purely because bad intel leads to worse choices. It will be however hard it will be, hoping for help from chessmasters is not only a waste of energy, it can lead to bad decisions. The survival of our race is paramount, if it seems impossible with the most realistic model of the current environment, then we need to think of how to change it. Being lulled into half-measures (if they are) will bite us.

the part that disregards centuries of experience in the region

This still unnerves me to this very day.

shabbos trump kiking out for israel again

This is why I lurk, terrible all the responces are similar to mine, happy to see some real content again. Sage for no contribution.

I'm carefully disillusioned about Trump right now, but niggers, you're descending into reverse-magapede-territory again.

You're ignoring the subject matter and only taking stances for the sake of being against whatever Trump may or may not be planning this time. Can you for once examine a situation based on anything other than Trump? No, we shouldn't be nation building, we have no business being there right now. How can we have state-funded military devoted to invading and nation-building, if we are ourselves being invaded and have nobody to defend us? While not being allowed to defend ourselves? Yes, killing sandniggers is always good, but this has more avenues in which it is going to go bad, than avenues in which it might have a positive effect.

It costs $1.6m to kill a single Sandnigger in Afghanistan and the total cost to kill Afghans is at least $40k per taxpayer (You).
And of course every dead sandnigger creates at least 2 jihadis and 3 refugees that show up at your doorstep and demand gibs & fuckings. The US government has turned the middle east into Jihadi central and europe into europistan with your money.

Well fix that with an increase in troop levels and mercs.


Yep. He's getting ensnared like a chump. People didn't elect him to further clear the path for the Greater Israel project.

Anyone who thinks that this will benefit the US goyim in any way is clueless. Nothing has been trickling down to them for decades from these wars. As a matter of fact, the kikes in charge are drawing their blood and coin on the other side of the World while they're getting genocided in their own homeland. It's fucking tragic.


ROE gunna make it not a one sided hugfest for once, thank fuck. You might actually be able to achieve something in a-stan.
Even the Ruskies had pretty soft ROEs.

Lumping a-stan in with Iraq is a big fail number to quote - Iraq was a far, far larger operation than A-stan.

It will be more profitable than the worstbest case you have cherry picked.

Also pipelines and keeping the pakiniggers down is good. They are like indonesia, full of fucking terrorfags.

Checked and this

Yeah Assad is swinging from a god damn lamp post isn't he?
Syria-Iraq border wasn't just opened two months ago for first time in 4-5 years, cus drumpf muh chesscuck. I'm seeing things right? Iran can resupply hezbollah via land now, that didn't happen? Jesus fucking christ you shills think in a single dimension, only parroting what you see on talmudvision and it's hilarious.
Just get it over with an post it, faggot.

If you think much trickles out of the govt for the general plebs other than gibs, you're a fool. Nothing has ever changed there.
Learn2business and take advantage of it or STFU. It's not hard.

I have no intention of taking advantage of it. Did you miss the part where the white goyim spill their blood and coin for the Greater Israel?

You sound like a filthy kike - angling to make a profit from other peoples' misery.

Grew up with a lot of military types who go to a-stan pretty regularly. While they can't give me specifics, they all say that it's a fool's errand to go back. Short of killing everyone, there's nothing else to be done. Unless Trump is willing to do this, Trump is just bending over for MIC again. Which was actually my #2 issue, apart from immigration, as it is every year. Very sad, Trump could have burnished his legacy by ending the war quickly and letting the goats fuck each other as they have done for time immemorial, but he chose to fellate the MIC and the GOPe. However, if this was the bargain he made for real immigration reform, I'll take it. That said I know that as soon we are redeployed, the GOPe will stab Trump in the back yet again on immigration. That is assuming he isn't on board with them completely of course.

No, I'm a businessman.
Instead of working for the kikes as a slave in a former life, I now jew the jews as a soveriegn/nobleman.
You must realize there are more than a few Holla Forumsacks in upper echelons.

If people want to join the military and fight for the kikes (when has it never not been for them?) that's their choice.
I'd rather make stuff that benefits humanity, but if there are multiple uses for it including military, then why not?
I bet if given the choice between more sheckels or less, you'd choose more too.

That's not gonna end well for obvious reasons. These bargains are weakening his support. He should have cleansed the intelligence/enforcement agencies and used them to go after the Swamp instead of publicly folding like a lawn chair.

This is exactly how I felt yesterday:
>As I started listening, I sensed myself getting angry. It was the same empty, bullshit propaganda I’ve been hearing from U.S. Presidents my entire life. This broken record of disingenuousness has become simply unbearable…

No mention of the poppy fields?

jews and shitskins aren't people.

What the fuck are you talking about? Trump is not sending jews to fight in Afghanistan and he's not spending jewish shekels to do it. What do you believe is the cost/benefit ratio for the US in this clusterfuck? What's the Israel's? Do you even know how the kikes like to do their warfare?

I'm no expert or insider, but just as a human being, the vibe I got from the taliban press responses seemed like they were butthurt and pissed off about this

You gave me some more hopes. Thank user.

Innawoods man! let's go to the woods. Jesus fucking christ. In 2008 I destroyed a couple militia wannabes like you in Washington State. It was some yahoo groups thing I found online. Took me 2-3 days to rip the shit out of that faggot kiddy playground bullshit. "Hey guys! let's make a fort".

The leader turned out to be some native american guy who said his tribe worked with the British during the revolutionary war. He didnt like bad mouthing the British. Then there was a cop who told me he was a cop in private chat. "Hey I'm a cop, I'm going for lunch be back in a bit". Then there was this obvious fat LARPing dipshit who thought Putin was going to invade San Francisco and we all needed to be on "high alert". hahaha, I tore all those faggots a new asshole. The native american leader wanted to meet up and fight me. I managed to get half their guys on my side with only a few comments calling out their stupid shit.

"Do you mean to tell me Russia is Christian now? Is that what you're trying to say?"

Fat guy talking about the woods non-stop. The NorthWest is the most cucked politically left area in the United States. "Come to the NorthWest White Man… start a new nation." What the fuck???

I think I get what you're saying but your sentence structure and word choices make you sound utterly schitzophrenic

Nah, you're just a handicapped millennial so cropped up sentences and compact communication stresses your vaccinated sub-par mental abilities.

Your generation needs soft, one sentence, generic, patterns.

GenX communicates like programmers.

You know that something is wrong when even Trump disagrees with himself.

You also probably had a faggoty emotional reaction after you read the word "cop" because you're a child mentally.

Reacting like a woman due to having a female oriented mind is definitely 50% of the source of your struggle reading GenerationX material.

Too many words compacted too tightly together.


No, just that writing out "hahahaha" and putting three question marks in a row on an imageboard where that really, obviously isn't something that people do on is a bit on the odd side.

No. lrn2 reading comprehension.

I get it.. you have no identity. So you're focused on others as a way of measuring the possibilities in life. This puts your age at 16. No friends. Little to no human interaction. Stunted socially, etc.

There's a high possibility your father is missing. Not around in your life.So you badger those who you beleive are older than you as a twisted homosexual way of learning from them by looking at their reactions to your faggotry.

If you need adult male instruction, just ask around. No need for female oriented child like games. little boy

blatant /salt-left/ shilling. Don't think we can't observe your writing style and epithets.

Afghanistan isn't anywhere near ISIS, ISIS has no intention of fucking with the Taliban, which is what any attempt to spread to Afghanistan would be. This is war for ZOG. Look at who is supporting this in the media, kikes and kike shills.

About the only saving grace is that 4,000 troops is a relatively small number, for reference that traitor McMaster wanted 80,000, and Obama's troop surge was around 40,000.

Firstly, they always get goyim to fight for them whenever possible. Secondly, they are utter shit in open conflict. With their vastly superior military they still couldn't defeat Lebanon.

Any estimates on how much pig's blood soldiers are getting issued?

Hopefully a couple gallons per soldier per day.

Me the programmer born 1993.


You actually managed to get every single one of those assumptions wrong, friendo. Good try though. Go type "???" and "hahahahaha" like you're on faceberg some more though, that'll sure show that you aren't the emotionally stunted one here!!!!

See how dumb it looks when I do it there at the end? It looks no less dumb/finnish when you do it my man
Only minorly related. Iran and Turkey agree to send tens of thousands of troops to attack Kurdistan.

Good goy.


Trump is taking up Obama's foreign policy. There is nothing particularly good for Americans in this, unless you like the Oil Wars/WWIII that started 16 years ago with the Twin Towers False Flag.

Anyone got a webm of the classic Bo Dietl quote "I Also Put Bacon In My Hollow Point Bullets, So When I Whack The Terrorists, He Ain't Going To The 72 Virgins."?

For to date happenings hang with us for comfy times.

Can't wait for the autistic screeching over "MUH HUMAN RIGHTS"

so is it time to join the army?

If you want to make history!!!

Do it now. I'm too old but you're likely perfect.

These people don't care. They will stop at nothing from keeping you and I from living in the world we deserve.

I needed that get. Thanks, user. I'm not above criticizing Trump, but I am giving it a bit more time before completely abandoning him and saying the Deep State won.


Try harder.

Trump was merely the best tool to show the rot within the system. Trump acts like Obama acted like W. Bush acted like Clinton acted like H. Bush acted like Reagan acted like Carter acted like Ford. Around the time of the USS Liberty act presidents have always been the pawn to jewry.

The lie which is Democracy is a problem, Democracy has never done anything great for a people, only convinced them that the people do not need a king but instead get (((merchants))) who lead their social and financial lives.

democracy is just another word for fascism.
America is a REPUBLIC

And what have Republics always become when they believe in multiculturalism?

you know that's an orthodox marxist doctrine, right?

vid related

When you want to make a point saying A is apart of B isn't enough to convey what point you're trying to make. You posted that WEBM too.

My point is that Jewish merchants have promoted Democracy historically and then have built the (((media))) industry to control the thought of the people thus making Democracy a joke, and Jews by definition are International Capitalists. Who use this Globalism to take the will out of the people they want to destroy by selling cheap goods into this populace made by slave labor in other places, profiting off this transaction. Once the people lack will they become slaves to this Internationalism.

no, its literally marxism. Marx came up with that meme you fucking dipshit. read Marx's "On the Jewish Question" (1833) and just about anything else – that's literally a Marxist critique of Classical Liberalism you drooling fucking retard.

learn ur books b4 opening mouth

when america is 60% spic and the national language is spanish people are going to look back and be glad we fought a bunch of towelheads in the middle east. islam is the biggest red herring.

in 10 years china will hit critical mass and it would've taken america, europe, russia, and lots of other asian allies to stop them but now europe is taken over by islam, america is taken over by spics, and russia was forced to ally with china. it's like the west was a fluke this kind of failure is so bad.

Your classification isn't an argument on the merits of what I've written. So your classification only comes off as saying your points are wrong by being in an arbitrary group.

Marx never called the Jews for what they are, all his essays lead to Jewish supremacy of the world by removing the concept of race. Just by seeing the problems of Liberalism doesn't make a critique of it Marxist.

no, it just indicative of either your worldview (marxism/anarchism) or your confusion (not understanding). Your appeal to 1930s German reappropriation of this idea in order to create rhetoric used to combat Jewish influence is essentially moot. the idea that liberal-democracy is merely an ideological veneer on what is essentially a plutocracy is Marxist (or anarchist etc) in nature.

Read Rocco for the "true" fascist critique of fascism. And, if you're a complete autist, you can read Evola's "right" critque of fascism. taking marxist rhetoric and replacing "capitalist" with "jew" simply shows you don't understand historical situatedness of NSDAP rhetoric, or the fact that they self-consciously understood that what they were doing was propaganda. Rosenberg literally wrote a book called "Myth of the 20th Century," for instance. In todays parlance, you might translate that into "hey guise lets meme this"

This is a smart plan.

*fascist critique of democracy

Your attention is only to one side however. I'm not stating that "liberal-democracy is creating a plutocracy" where the plutocracy is made up of the fine people of the nation. Instead I'm stating that an outside group is using political theory to move its station along, all what this outside group of Jews is using only retards the race in nation.

My worldview includes the natural hierarchy of the world and isn't marxist/ancarchist, which is a war from below as that is just the Jews warring with the nobles as is Capitalism which is just Jews warring with the workers. Class cooperation in the mind of Adolf Hitler is what I stand for where both the worker and elite binds themselves in an oath to racial preservation.

uh… user

I never said you did

right, replacing "capitalist" with "jew" – also, ps, Marx already did that. see here dipshit

yes, you're confused. I know

I knew you would write that quote as I've heard of it before. Calling out the Jew isn't saying what they are, in the last century practically anyone in the whole world knew that. Marx never said there is power in racial cohesion and thus isn't calling out the Jew.

Calling out the Jew is saying the Jew is different from your nation and is trying to unravel the racial cohesion that your nation has because that allows him to exist in it. Why do you think some Amazonian tribe would kick the Jews out? It's not just because of greed it is because wherever the Jew goes the Jew forces his customs onto the Goy and smart peoples recognize this and tell the Jew to get out or throw the Jew down the well.

quotes marx about judaism.

You don't believe anyone within a nation can be noble? That it is a fight by the worker against the upper classes?

That is just Jewish rhetoric to destroy a nation and is what Communism did to Russia. Within a peoples there will always be hierarchy as in an army, class cooperation is the norm. The jew getting either side to fight each other is not and is a way (((they))) gain supremacy.

No. It's only that you don't believe in racial preservation.

you both should kys

when did I assert any of that? stop putting words in my mouth

no, not really. it was actually classical liberal rhetoric against at a (often literal) slack-jawed, retarded aristocracy, and most of them were gentiles, you dipshit

I'm not going to treat the rest because it is beside the point. you're literally understanding the world through a hodge-podge of rhetoric. that is my point: you're confused.

its okay. most people are. its only shameful if you stop listening/reading and keep flabbing your fucking mouth like you are now

Marx talks nothing of preserving the white race because he is not apart of it. Marx says nothing of European countries to promote racial hegemony or any country of the world for that matter because he was born of a Jew and is thus multicultural in nature. Typical Jewish tricks.

Your argument is the same as a conservative Jew talking about how bad Israel and Zionism is and how all the problems come from liberal jews, it's just a way to deflect. I've yet to hear a Jew say that any country with white people in it deserves to have only white people in it.

By the way are you Jewish?

Whenever I say the racial cohesion of the white race must be maintained you don't agree with that point? Why not? Don't you think racial preservation of any group is important?


Joining the Navy myself.

Really fighting for a Special Operations billet. I have a friend from Highschool that I red pilled and he is going in for intel specialist.

Gotta put our people in and set up shop Israeli AIPAC style.


The point is, whoever said, essentially, that democracy is bad because it masks a (jewish) plutocracy was speaking from a marxist, anarchist or perhaps young hegelian (bruno bauer) perspective. instead of attempting to understand why this is true, said faggot keeps arguing and shifting goalposts.

red herring. see above.

What the fuck is this thread and why is it pinned?

8/pol/ and 4/pol/ have always been thinly disguised Republican Party Zionist neo-con propaganda boards. Why are you acting surprised?

The information cycle on 8/pol/ and 4/pol/ is driven entirely by Fox News, Breitbart News, Druge Report, and Infowars.


That's what the extreme right does in Germany and it works flawlessly. Media keeps kvetching about "nazi villages" that need diversity but they are powerless. And those regions keep electing NPD officials (NSDAP successor party).

mossad-isis cat goes full-on jihad
dirka dirka shirpa shirpa bakkalat

are you retarded? Jews are a race and not members of a religion.
Jews= are a race, species or ethnicity only through different definitions to describe the same tribal subgroup.
Marxism is the attempt to destroy ethnic cohesion.
Wow, it seems there is a definiton for ethnicity.

Go back plz

You don't have the ability to say there is sanctity in race because you have none and your discourse is only to label, not speak on the merits of plans. You should take solace in this as the hard times approach, I'm sure it'll be advantageous.

pakistan>afghanistan>iran>iraq>qatar>yemen>saushit arabia>oman>((((uae))))>((((((((D U B A I)))))))