They've been lying to you for under 20 years.
Remember to learn nip faggots.
They've been lying to you for under 20 years.
Remember to learn nip faggots.
b-but I can't learn Japanese. there's more kanji then stars in the universe.
Can't wait for a bunch of retarded reverse weeaboo shitposting.
The name changes effect the game… how?
If the names had some meaning to them other than Ball, Gooder ball and Goodest ball than I'd understand but this just seems pedantic.
Thank you.
Pretty sure that number's gotten even worse with filthy mudslimes.
Uh no it's an Ultra Ball, That's why it has the yellow n on it.
Not forcing the Japanese to give up kanji at gunpoint post WW2 was a mistake.
Oh shit wait, I just realized.
Super Potion
Hyper Potion
Shut the fuck up, faggot.
Who fucking cares? It makes literally no difference, you fucking sperg.
Go memorize some serial numbers or something.
But Monster Ball would only make sense if the game was still called pocket monsters
And even then it would still sound retarded
I bet you think gems like "lizardon" or "fire" are better pokemon names, too, you fucking faggot
You know you're salty when you're trying to make a deal out of absolutely nothing
who made this?
Only tiny-dicked faggots accept throwing and calling them ultra balls. A real man throws a Hyper ball, not because it's the best no-thrills no-gimmick Monster ball, but because that shit is fuckin' dope sounding and also girls think you're cool when you use them and will totally 100% of the time want to bang you guaranteed.
Hey you want to see something funny? Go look up Hyper_balls.
So you're a faggot AND a casual? Jesus OP, get your shit together
There, problem solved.
A US general tried to get rid of the entire language after WW2 and had a national test in Japan to prove how shit and inefficient the language was.
It goes without saying that the Japanese passed with flying colours and proved how efficient it was.
Why is it hyper_balls and not huge_balls? What is the deal with furries?
hyper is bigger than huge, typically.
Thanks for making me loose my job, asshole.
Furshit is the worst. I'm not gonna tell you to kill yourself, but I think you know very well that you should. Whatever the fuck that thing is in the first pick has an asshole that looks like a god damned doughnut.
Pretty sure that "lost my job" shit is an old meme.
Ain't goin' to dunkin' doughnuts anytime soon eh?
Thanks, user. My boss saw me looking at this and now he wants to see me in his office in five minutes.
Dunkin Doughnuts is to doughnut stores what kirby is to super smash bros melee.
They've been lying to you for under 20 years.
I don't follow.
fucking hot
I don't find it erotic, I simply posted it here.
I really need to know the sauce of this.
all this time I thought it was a patchouli doujin.
By the way faggot, it's:
Damn. He's gorgeous.
Jap shit confirmed for not worth listening to.
Pokemon is a kids game, who cares.
That guy kind of looks like my cousin.
And a Nip Nong Ching Chong to you too, young lady.
Fucking thanks a lot user, my boss saw this over my shoulder and promoted me to project lead. You're a fucking faggot.
If you're basing language usage on population you should really start learning Chinese, 鬼佬. If you're a weeb there's no good reason not to learn Japanese. shit thread tho tbh
shut the fuck up you weeaboo faggot, this isn't your "I AM LEARNING JAPANESE" blog
kill yourself and fuck off to tumblr where might people actually care (might)
Not wanting to learn a dying language =/= Basing language on population
Might as well learn pig latin if you're going to waste your time.
I'd rather learn something useful, like Russian.
this was a bit over the top.
Probably they're the same types who'd be upset it wasn't brought over as Pocket Monsters instead of Pokemon.
Christ, it's already sailed over OP's head that "Poke Ball" is a localization for "Monster Ball" since they're "pokemon" now and not "pocket monsters".
or that there's a U on the ultra ball
A pedo in denial
Why else would you play it for? The gameplay is shit anyways.
Go read a book, casual.
Also there are no games in pig latin or real Latin, while there are a ton in Japanese. If you're not into Japanese games there's not much of a reason to bother.
I don't fucking care about arbitrary name changes, stupid as they may be. They've always existed. I care about content being cut or dialogue being rewritten in an effort to pander to retarded bleeding hearts that don't even play video games. Changing "potion" to "medicine" or whatever doesn't bother me at all, the meaning is still the same. If they want me to learn their shitty language, they should start by abandoning the clusterfuck that is kanji.
Kanji isn't that bad.
Really m8? There are more chinks than westerners, so by default your jrpg is more normalfaggy and casul than anything else.
I found grammar the hardest part coming from English. Kanji isn't hard, just takes forever.
come on mate, they can just get an arranged wedding no need to become a priest to touch pee pees
What about Maxball?
There are many reasons to argue against shitty localisation/translation practices this how ever isnt one of them. The meaning of whats going on here is kept and no character traits or story elements have been changed.
Confirmed airshit
Nintendo helped me a lot.
Everyone I know who plays pokemon GO has now be exiled from my social circle.
I have plenty. It helps when you have filters for people in your life.
Oh shit was bill cosby a vampire lestat all along?
It helps what? Feel better about yourself for arbitrary and pointless reasons? Get over yourself and grow up. You're not some tragic misunderstood genius. Lighten the fuck up. For god's sake you people are cancerous.
Niantics partnered with Nintendo.
Funny part is I played Ingress. It was a cute, fun idea and it wasn't mainstream like GO is. So people I met through it just happened to come across it in the Play Store. No big deal.
I refuse to meet with bandwagoning faggots though.
Pretty sure knowing what you want out of life and knowing who you should best associate yourself with is one of the marks maturity.
Might want to stop being so buttblasted that your toy app is trash.
People do this every day with every action they undertake, as do you, you ivory tower faggot. It's called self-interest.
I need to lighten up because I don't like something you like, and understand that people who like GO are usually bandwagoning, vacuous normalfags with little personality or character?
Dude kill yourself
next thing you'll say Medicinal Herb isn't the same thing as Medicine
Fuck off dude
There's a hundred good reasons not to "play" GO, but you chose pretentious faggotry. Go back to reddit or lurk moar.
Any of the reasons you list that GO is bad I'd probably agree with anyways.
References or it didn't happen.
Boy do I have a story for you
Why did it sound like I'm trying to defend the app to you? Oh right, I'm on Holla Forums.
Nice blog by the way. A+ coping. Great redditspacing. All around good work.
They call me __
If you play your cards right it's like Tider for dweebs
my man, kill yourself
Why would you ever want to be with 3DPD?
Because I like pussy.
Why would I want a 2D lifeless picture to love :^)
Because it's the best you'll ever get.
Except I have no game. I'm not funny and I'm not charming. I'm also a 5/10 tops and I'm not white.
Totally bro, it's just so EZ just go up and talk to 'em bro :)
There's 7 billion people on the planet. I'm pretty sure there's one girl for you
And the chances of me meeting her are very, very low. So low that your comment is nugatory.
What a gay
can a 2D waifu cook me dinner after a long day of shitposting?
seems like a lot of work, i dont care to learn an inferior language
Hey, pussy.
Treat it like a game.
Right now your level 1.
If you talk with people, learn how they talk, communicate, and interact you level up.
Will you meet your perfect princess waifu? No. Only a complete idiot would think that. But you can get better at social interaction, maybe make friends or even a girlfriend.
It won't be super easy, no hot piece of ass is going to drop into your lap. Hell you probably won't meet anyone that you will ever see again for a long time. But, your building skills to help make it easier the next time.
And the next time it might be enough to make friends.
Your odds of success are low, especially when your just starting.
But your odds of ever meeting anyone when you don't try is always going to be much lower.
You clearly don't care to learn English properly either, fagstag.
not really no
Why would I learn a shit language that's only relevant to underage faggots or NEET manchildren?
OP speaks the truth. Pic related's what a Great Ball looked like in Gen I. Kinda gives off a mild "Superman costume" vibe now that i think about it.
Also, if you look at an Ultra Ball from above, the yellow marking looks like an H.
you forgot SUPER ULTIMATE ("beyond mega")
I meet new girls all the time idiot. I'm just saying that you can't sit here and say using an app like pseudo tinder isn't gonna work unless you're chad. Now buzz off normalfag.
I finally got a chance to fire those two shitheads that browse Holla Forums all day instead of working, thanks user.
That's your own lifelessness being reflected.
For what purpose
Actually Nintendo of America does an excellent job.
They sold the worst console ever that even the Japanese didn't want.
They sold Pokémon to Americans.
They know what casuals in America want.
Look I hate Nintendo in general but objectively NoA makes money for NoJ no matter how much Holla Forums cries about it.
It's an indonesian movie, of course they can't get the real stuff so they went with airshit
the raid makes a pretty gud video game premise, the raid vidya when?
That's pretty turbo-autist there mang
Pokemon USA =/= NoA, you fucking retard
If only you knew what that artist makes, no nipples would be the least of your concern.
I just might be still on your friends list :^)
Fuckoff and go eat your handburgers, Apollo.
But I don't care about Pokémon.
To be fair that sounds better than Ultra
If you hate having friends he wouldn't be your nigga anyway.
sasuga NoA
It's okay because it's nintendo!
You're fucking retarded
so this is what going full GG looks like