LoL retirement

When did you finally quit League of Legends?

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After 3 days because it started taking ages to update.

Two years ago. I tried playing it again 4 months ago but my account was permad for botting after someone broke into it. They blamed me even though they acknowledged the IP was different and everything


Around when Vi came out I think.

After the first match


i never started

Never played it

But here's my question, why was it so big with Asians?

I only play it with a friend, very occasionally, never alone. I tell him to play other games but he says that he doesn't have the time.
When I do play I put my team to shame and they've been playing for years and have spent real money on it.

2 hours after installation.

everything is big to asians



I quit around the time of Dravidian 2: Electric Boogaloo release, because

A: Riot became physically incapable of making anything without 16 passives and 84 combos in a game where there's supposed to be 4 abilities
B: So many ridiculous items that I had no idea what to build anymore
C: Never updated # of bans
D: Never fixed hitboxes, expecially on things like Morg Q
E: Never listened to the community
F: Dynamic Queue or whatever it's called

Haven't regretted it since.

probably hands down the worst assfaggots out of them all.

honestly its only got big because it was the first assfaggots to be out for free while hon was a buy to play and since chinks and hues are poor as fuck they flocked to the cancer that was League of shits.

I wonder what a world would of been like if hon made the spotlight being a superior assfaggot clone that actually was fast pace and intense to play compared to sitting in lanes for hour long matchs farming and few fights to win games. where Hon was fight fight gank gank after another. hell i had games with both teams in total kills were over 30 before conceding was available

shit likeā€¦6 years ago?

When Overwatch came out.

when it came out





wtf are you guys doing

I was never dumb enough to play such a piece of garbage.

I started in half-way through Season 2, I remember watching my brother play it and It looked interesting with the cartoony hero portraits and blind pick lobby music.
I used to play annie and the other older hero's. Near the end I had gotten into pbe which gave me access to all of the champions and runes. I played every champion in the game and found them all to play similarly with small changes in abilities and stats. My favorite and most unique choice was katarina who I stopped playing after the rework because she felt dumbed down. After that I stopped playing near the end of season 2. I was just looking through my pictures and remembered how they changed lux's old splash to that one obnoxious one and wanted to see if anyone else played League when it was in its prime.

I never started

I'm glad I never invested more than a couple hours in this piece of shit. Enough clicking to give you carpal-tunnel within minutes, and if I wanted to memorize the order in which to press keys I'd rather play the piano. Casual-baiting multiplayer games: not even once.

Also, complementary fuck you to all the Overwatch players for repeating the League of Cancer fad in the current year.

I just wish Anivia was in dota

I remember briefly playing in beta, only really playing consistently from season one to whatever we are now. I quit earlier this year. Simply wasn't remotely fun anymore. Got to (((platinum))) though, mostly for bragging rights amongst my casual friends.

Fuck I still have it around, but I never had the motivation to actually play it

on the same day i installed it

I never played it to begin with.

T-That isn't what I posted

Team builder being removed for Dynamic Q plus they reworked and fucked with the art of basically every champion I played and then removed the only reason I still played the game since I could do what I wanted. Seriously you can't even tell the champions apart on the minimap because everyone looks the exact same in splash art.

Game is just miserable to play now, I started in beta. Peaked at season 2 and it was all down hill from there

They fixed the hitboxes being xbox HUGE and more people are playing again because alice got released yesterday

Image dupe glitch. >>10468346

There is a /jp/ group on 4chan that is half-dead but still occasionally plays games

And here I thought that game was long dead


Around the time Dota 2 left beta.

I couldn't get spondered/payed to play so I quit.
E-sports are for money, not fun.

I never started. I played Dota 1 and then switched to Dota 2. No regrets.
Having read up on how Riot and Pendragon are like, I'm utterly glad I skipped the LoL hype train

A long time ago. Some fish lady was released a couple of weeks after I quit if I recall

I played for a year, I was perma-shit.
I only played because my friends were playing and while I had a ton fun just dicking about doing stuff like all blue gem Taric, they however, weren't so I stopped playing as I felt it was causing tension on my friendship with them.
I haven't spoke to them since I quit and I feel shit for not keeping in contact but all they do is play League and DotA2 and I can't really add to the conversation

The apitome of shit taste.

Friends who you only play ASSFAGGOTS with are really hard to keep as friends. With friends you can talk about anything and try lots of different things. With ASSFAGGOTS friends it's often just playing dota; if you can rarely talk about things even during the downtime, then sadly all they can offer you is a smarter team than solo queue

nigga what

Those two play nothing alike and you know it

Smite's better anyway

Me too.
Unfortunately all my IRL friends are League casuals so I can only play with online people.

Also I suck. 1.3k mmr.

Better tits and ass. Still a shit game in a shit genre.

Years ago. I'm amazed that fucking game even still exists.


Smite is what I use for my MOBA fix now since I'm helplessly addicted/mutiplayer as a genre now is basically soulless as fuck anyway. The gods are a neat concept.

Shame the MM is one of if not the worst of any game released.

half a year ago, but it went to shit after they got bought out

Played one private match with a friend who played the game regularly

He gave me some good advice and was cool but I was so turned off by the gameplay that I never touched it or any ASSFAGGOTS again

I have never regretted this decision

When I realized it was just Dota but worse in every way.

I quite Dota when I realized it doesn't matter how good you play if you are stuck with 3rd world shitters you lose.

When I found that Dota 2 was much much much better

I've never seen or met one person who looked like they were having fun playing LoL. They all looked angry or upset in some way.

Early season 3. I played very early on in college but was bad at vidya back then. Dropped it for a while, then got serious in 2012 when my friends got big into it.

After my roommate logged 1000 hours in a single semester, I realized that maybe it was a little too dangerous and mostly quit. Played on and off for a while, mostly showing off skins that I got at PAX.

I'm not angry that I played it, but I'm glad that I quit.

What game is this?

I still play it. Dota is too slow and not team oriented enough.
I don't play it very much though. I just have a couple friends I queue with maybe once or twice a week.
I don't give them any money, though. That would be foolish.

There was a custom skin for Lux that made her look like Marisa Kirisame, I stopped playing when that skin stopped working

Unfortunately, I still play every once and a while so I can do something with people I knew in school. I probably wouldn't hate playing it as much as I do if they weren't so autistic about the game. It seems every time I play, the same few people say shit like:
I don't get why people need to constantly be stroking their cocks over how good they are at these games, especially when you're just doing casual play with friends.

Dota may be slow, but at least the game lets you vary your build a bit.

a fellow of refined taste

I quit after watching a friend who totally sucked drag down all of my friends. I realized the vast majority of people playing the game weren't good, but LoL is designed to let shitty players think they are good. They can blame everyone else besides themselves for a loss. The guy I'm talking about dragged one of my gold friends down to mid bronze, and he placed bronze 5. I was pretty amazed, I've never seen anything like it before in a game. The whole time he was getting dragged down, he was fed a shit ton of bullshit about how it was everyone else's fault they lost, and the poor bastard friend of mine believed it. Well, it was that and a combination of getting a Wii U. I was stuck in some gamer hell where I didn't realize there were a lot of good games people weren't talking about. All I heard about were shit games, so I assume all of them were shit. And when I found LoL I found something less shitty that what I was hearing about. But it's better now.

I got into it because of friends, I played it way too much.


You can vary builds in LoL a ton, though.
Like building Mercurial Scimitar to stop CC, or Maw of Malmortius to stop burst.
Or like building Essence Reaver into crit chance for lowered cooldowns, or just building crit for pure damage.

The thing about LoL is that 90% of the time you're angry and pissed off, and 10% of the time it's a lot of fun. But it's set up to make you want to keep coming back for that 10% of fun time. That and it always feels like friends jump all over it and drag you with. And when they start playing it, they stop playing everything else.

But you can't do strange things that work or else people frown at you. I can play a support as a carry or MoM Troll no problem, but the moment I pick a support without smite or Vi mid, I might as well say "report me after the game ends".

I don't believe you've played LoL.

It works well if you play someone with a decent disable, like Warwick. You play utility until you get enough ganks to transition into a carry.

When they got rid of dominion.

Smite can't hit enemy champions unless you build a jungle item, which is a wasted slot on a support, since you could be building literally any item that, you know, supports your team.

You too, huh? Yeah, good luck with that.
I love Dota, and my biggest frustration is that I have so few people I can share the good parts of it with

If there are rules against what you're doing, don't be surprised if you get banned. I actually admire them for not sucking his cock because >eceleb

That's not what I meant, nigger. My point was that there's a decent amount of characters in Dota that can swap roles due to how they work, but junglers in LoL are outright required to build with smite in mind, even if you can make characters work in the jungle without it.

You need smite, but plenty of champs can skip their jungle item. Like Shaco or Trundle.

If you can funcion well without jungle buffs and extra creep damage,then there's little to no point in picking smite at all, but for whatever reason, people will shout "muh meta" at you if you don't.

I stopped playing it after they started removing niche shit, dumbing down the mechanics, and adding "crafting" (pfft). It's really a shame, it used to be a game where you take a character and experiment with all sorts of wacky builds to them your own, and then pit them against others'. I think people got so jaded obsessed with the potato chip aspect of the game that it's design started to turn to a more "this shit is the only way to do things for 40 minutes and if you try something else you're a nasty troll". This mentality is so prevalent and toxic, that, for example, Zilean was completely overlooked for season 3 (because Zil isn't a "real" character). When worlds rolled around, the community realized he had quietly been extremely overpowered for the entire season, and he had to be banned because Riot didn't have time to balance him.

Part of it is probably due to the fact that, as the game went on, Riot started to appeal to the normalfags more and more by making a game that was simple to pick up and play, rather than a game with strategic depth and room for crazy risks.

For example, I used to have a killer signature combo where I'd play Twitch with sword of the divine. I could absolutely rape enemies for like 2 seconds, but then I'd do no damage, which fits in great with twitch as an assassin adc, but they ended up removing the item because few people were playing it.

That's probably because smite gives you so much objective priority, user.

I stopped playing around Season one with Kassadin and later Ahri; picked it up again later in Season 4 again with Jax and Singed and stopped completely. How bad are they now?

they're all pretty good, ahri kinda gets counter-picked but you have a 60% chance to get a ban, so it's easy to just ban one of her counters

I can throw off the enemy team by picking something other than smite, have the enemy jungler come in thinking he can get the drop on me, and have a teammate help me kick his shit in. That, or I can help focus down a certain lane (top and mid usually) and deprive that person of XP and money, then continue to rape them and/or the support until I have a good amount of money.

Quit when a guy, in the beginner or whatever you call it that isn't pro player matches, tried to rally people to ban me for not playing it right.

Honestly, I think smite on a support is a pretty good choice, personally. It helps if your jungler is dead and you're trying to take a dragon/rift herald/baron.

I agree, especially if you have enough disabling power amongst you and your lane partner.

When all my friends stopped playing it and moved on to Dota 2. I stopped playing that when all my friends moved on to Heroes of the Storm. And I stopped playing that when I stopped having friends, I guess.

I played it for a little then they 'reworked' one of the only unique champions to be like all the other cookie cutter champions then I started to see the what the game really was.

Which one? I remember they messed with Veigar's ult to make it just like Garen's.

game suck so bad bare minimum to bother playing is masters but thats impossible because meme 5050505005050 and epic fake mmr everytime you do promos along with shit meme 100%%%%%%%%% support pick rate bceause nice game or 11111hour queue lmao

Dude did you have a fucking stroke?


dude the game is complete garbage, there's no way around it, you can't even defend it.
ever wanted to play fucking fourty minutes of pure garbage gameplay, no you dont, but you managed to got tricked into playing this game,
instnat 0 seconds right after the loading screen
you already lost in negative 5 minutes, beacuse your retard adc and sup bot lane duo are complete hsittters that picked a memepick + a shittier adc pick
your jungler is some farm heavy autist pick that most likely spend half the game playing whack a mole in the jungle while stroking his 0 gold because jungle doesnt give gold, whatever shit lane you pick which is most likely top or mid because jungle is gay and bot is gay, it doesnt really matter because they're the same thing except mid you can have to right click to move to bot lane instead of pressing f or d because nice game
then as you start buying your dumb items that you always buy every game and it never changes, you soon realized the loss that is to come because memegame, the game is a team based game for fucking faggots that like playing at a fucking casino but instead of blowing shitloads of money, it's more shitloads of time, which in the end is money because time is money. as you start losing, you gain a tiny bit of hope, but you dont anyways you rely on the meme tactic that every fucking team in america, gookland, euroshit and mainchinkland, to wait 35 minutes and win two teamfights, because nice game, death timers will never become 2 billion seconds longer, but your team sucks so its impossible, as soon as you have one differntal advantage, its either a gautenrenededed win or a lose

everyone is moving to overwatch
literally no one is playing it but autists and kids
rhythm games are way better and not gay
no i dont mean >>>>>>>osu because what am i a casual

He use to have a +minute long invisibility
Giant aoe slow where he just stomped the ground and everyone poisoned around him was slowed
I think expunge and his ult work the same but i have no clue it's been years.

Back when I played (2012 I think) people use to think he was so bad they would sometimes throw the game if you picked him, but really he just required you to play differently. Get help with the red buff then just gank nonstop. Then he got reworked so he's basically a typical carry except the way he can move in is via invisibility instead of a leap like vayne. I hear he got reworked again but I don't know the details.

Another reason I quit is because they where also releasing OP as fuck champions every 2-3 weeks then nerf them by the time the next one came out. (Nautilus, Darius, Zyra). Now that I see shit like Jynx who looks like she was designed on DA I'm kinda glad I quit when I did.

A year ago. But I started playing recently again because it's the only thing I have in common with normalfags.


Then just get some in-game friends and don't soloqueue.

more like a hit and run was made with your car and they're pretty sure it wasn't you driving but are going to keep your car anyway

3 years ago because it was shit and I noticed that all the "friends" I had would forget about me the second I stopped playing.
It's literally what happened
My only excuse for playing this in the first place was to have something to do with my normalfag friends. it's a bad excuse

Somewhere near the start of 2012, with maybe one match every few months through the rest of the year, and then completely stopped once I got my Dota 2 beta invite near October 2012.

Never looked back.

Actually not entirely true. I did play one or two matches in 2014 and a few earlier this year, just to check on it. It's exactly the same as I remember, and exactly as much total fucking garbage.


When I finally accepted that my friends are lost and there's no hope to pull them out.

When I effectively lost my friends to them because I can't take the stress involved in getting blamed for every single little thing

Update never

I quit cold turkey on it a year and a half ago after I realized the only reason I was playing this shit was because of my normalfag friends and not because I was actually enjoying it. That and Tencent completely buying off Riot basically made it a moral imperative to not support it any further.
The only ASSFAGGOTS I ever play these days is Dota and that's like once or twice a month at most.

Isn't LoL dying anyway ?
Isn't Overwatch wrecking their numbers and the asians jumping ships ?

3 years ago but then for about a month my good friend and i started playing it randomly last year until an update made tanks unkillable, then we remembered how bad it was
I blame the fact that we dont like the same games and league was this game that we both sorta liked, which is why i think its so popular. its easy to play with friends because everyone sorta likes it.
I wish my friend liked good games instead of getting games like destiny and constantly complain about how bad it is but keeps eating it.

After watching the first International I was wicked hungry to play a Dota game, so I dled League of Legends, I for about a week games mostly as Fiddlesticks, I won most of my games, I quit because of how devastatingly shallow the game is, I liked Fiddlesticks though.

You didn't own warcraft 3 you fucking pleb ?

I was overseas at the time.

The day after I started playing it.

You quit at the right time. After a while Fiddlesticks becomes mediocre, he's the best in low level pubs where you can just walk through the whole enemy team with crow storm and kill them all.

But yeah, I quit when I traded 2 3 quid games for a Dota 2 beta pass.

I get Platinum 3 and leave the game. Stupid balance changes and "lets nerf everything to destroy any fun". And this shit with "restricted roles/lines" where you pick mid hero on top lane and get banned just because or you build something different from meta items and got 2 days ban.

Last time i playind in game 2 years ago and being banned for goes on bot support role as Xerat (easy haras, crowd control and stun) and being banned for this.

I never played it any more than a few tounds with friends. Blitzcrank was alright, but I had no interest in playing it solo or more than a round or two in succession

I played today for three games of Nemesis Draft with my friends. We won all of them because the enemy team was retards and kept giving us squishy ranged shit, allowing us to give them immobile, low damage melee characters and stomp their face in. We had fun.

I guess it applies too, I quit dota after dropping from 3.2 to 2.9 mmr all consecutive loses. because even after 6k hours some people dont know how to pick heroes

I dont think I'll ever go back, solo queue is hell. At least I have my **enchantress* porn


post it

About a week or two after I started, during which I played maybe three matches to full completion before realizing the game just flatly wasn't for me. Had fun dicking around as Master Yi though, would even roll with that goofy "dunk" build from the Microsoft Sam-voiced training video passed around at the time which actually turned out to be a viable way to play the character.

Later learned that Pendragon had unjustifiably banned a player for using the random-champion feature in ranked play and felt satisfied I'd made the right choice in giving up on the game. Cocksucker did everything in his power to avoid the fact that the option to play a random champ was there and the random-champ option didn't give two shits what the meta was.

I stopped month ago after I released that I am not enjoying it.Also I have 2 friends who are almost retarded that always tell me to play with them and I either carry or lose so I can't play any fun champs. I guess I quit because of them.

I cant, im not sure if it's my internet or the board's servers but I cant upload one picture
I got them searching dota 2 enchantress on paheal anyway

Three years ago. For about a year afterwards, I'd install it at the behest of my oldest friend to play a couple games with him, but now I can't even muster up an excuse, so he doesn't bother asking.
What a waste of my life. Don't let friends rope you into playing shitty video games with them. Fucking around with other people gets old fast, and after that, you're just logging in to talk shit to everyone because you hate the game and everyone who plays it.

About the time when they changed Malzahar into this super Banshee's Veil terminal cancer patient and nuked his 1v1 into the ground.

I finally quit in January after playing since 2011 regularly (with a few pauses). I never played alone however, because LITERALLY everyone that I know played it (many of them still do) but I completely lost interest after almost 5 years

I never played it.

7c0ca7 is a nooblord!
7c0ca7 is a nooblord!
7c0ca7 is a nooblord!
7c0ca7 is a nooblord!
7c0ca7 is a nooblord!

Never. Because I never played it
DotA is so much better tbh

I play every now and again because I'm attached to certain champions, but dota 2 is just a lot more fun, and has a way less sensitive/angry community.

After 30 minutes of playing it and realizing that it's exact same shit as doto except even easier.

after the first hour

Get fucked. Go back to reddit and never post here any more.

I played a game with friends.
I had no idea what the fuck to do because ASSFAGGOTS is what it is and I didn't know better.
We'd later play W3 DotA in preparation for DOTA2, and a couple rounds of that when it hit beta, but I really never got into ASSFAGGOTS too much.

I think I started at the end of season 1 and stopped at the start of season 3 I think.

I kinda miss my wukong and the yordles. I want to have sex with Lulu, Tristana and Poppy!

quite a bit before the beta ended.

When tryhard tourneyfaggots became the norm.

I had a group of friends with whom I used to play a lot of different shit and had a blast every time. Then one of them introduces league to the rest of us, it was season 2 I think, so we did our thing and fucked around a bit. We had fun at first so we kept playing.

Then came a huge push into making that game into le srs esport meme and everybody turned into major faggots about it, even on stupid-ass normal matches. I was never really good at the game and admittedly made huge mistakes at times (since I never ranked, however, I didn't consider it much of an issue).

Then one of my friends introduces a new member, a fucking edgy, emo, tourneyfaggot tryhard dumbfucker who couldn't do anything but yell and shout over the smallest shit, and that mentality quicly spread to the rest of the group to the point where every fucking time everything turned into a shouting match, so nearing the end of season 3 I quit the damn thing.

I told them and they quickly retorted that they didn't give a fuck about me anyway and that they were on the way on turning themselves into big esport personalities and shit. They still try to this day, and NEVER have gotten anywhere, bunch of cocksucking faggots.

Every once in a while I get feels for remembering the fun we once had together, but I remember that fucking game and I immediately get mad at them for becoming such insufferable faggots.

Sorry for blogpost, had to vent a little pls no bully.


When they gave me a bullshit punishment for leaving ONE match. A 20 minute wait time before being able to start a game, and it's not a one time thing but it applys for multiple matches but there is no indication of how many. I waited through it 3 times and then said enough is enough.

Never played ASSFAGGOTS and never will

gave it a try years ago. It never held up to any standards, so I dumped it like the trash it is.

they even delete your account if you don't play for a year. fucking LOL

Still play it because I have fun and I don't get bothered by most little things because I'm not an autist.

When I came to the realization that there isn't really much skill involved. It's just a matchup based tug-of-war. Your deaths and the enemy team advancing is almost NEVER based on good plays it's based on who made a mistake first. That's the game. The death counter isn't how many times you got outplayed, it's how many mistakes you made. Towards the end of me playing it I'd lose games where only a single member of my team died. Because the game isn't designed to reward good players, only to punish bad ones.

In no particular order. I wrote them as they occurred to me. I do miss some aspects of the game but they are long gone and will not return. I don't regret quitting because it has helped me clear a lot of games out of my backlogs and discover some gems as well.

But really, if you play DOTA you are not better than any LoL player in the end. But if you think otherwise, good for you.
But I must say, Valve really knows how to milk fans like no one else in the market. You DOTA players are one of the reasons that keep Gabens heart beating, even with all that fat around it. You must be proud.

Smite hae a deathmatch without towers. It already wins just for that reason alone. And you can great some custom games much more easily too.

After, Season 2 I could not stand the game anymore. It seems like Riot targeted everything I enjoyed at the game.

In the end, I just got tired. I played mostly because of a cousin of mine. But since I started working at night, that became impossible. After all those changes, it was natural.
By the way, I think they might start loos more people soon. Have you seem Not-Toph? She is freaking ugly! No way they will keep up against Overwatch.

You can't quit what you never started.

Played for a month aroudn the end of season3? right after i quit college so i'd have something to do with the few friends i made there, then quit the game
A little while ago someone asked me to play again so i did and as puts it everything about the game is worse from S3 to now and i remembered why i stopped playing. Uninstalled after a day

not toph was pretty fun, though mediocre outside of the wall separating fights since a lot of champs outburst her
and at least the fanart makes her look cute

I think I played for around a year or two from when it very first went into open beta to around when they put in Jarven and I think the very last game I played was when they put that armored bear in. I played pretty much only tanks and with every update Riot just kept putting in more and more items with armor and magic resistance penetration to shit specifically on tanks and every new character was some kind of tanky dps that made the pure tanks obsolete so I just got fed up and dropped it.


I don't play this game, what's a yordle and why is my dick hard?

Never played it.
The girls are nice though.

Game alternates between Yordles being purple shortstacks and hamster-men off the top of my head.


who is this literal who

For what purpose?

Past couple of months. Only reason I played it was because a lot of friends did and they wouldn't ever play anything else. They all stopped playing and now I don't play that many multiplayer games with friends.

Well originally Yordles were just hamster men and the only blue shortstack in the game was listed as a megling, then they introduced a second blue shortstack and then a purple one and after one of them they just decided to roll them in with the yordles as one race and change meglings to be some specific combat unit or something so now yordles are an incredibly sexually dysmorphic race. LoL lore is fucking retarded and seems to get changed completely at random whenever they hire a new crop of writers and artists from deviantart.

Pretty much
it was funny retarded before with rammus loving a cactus and shit like that
now its stupid generic retarded

Decided to launch the gmae for the first time in a while, opening page is a video of a guy taking a shit on a toilet.

Sex appeal

My favorite removed bit was Jax being banned by tournament rules from fighting with anything but a lamp post, a fishing rod or a rubber chicken.

When I got banned

Around the time I forgot the password for the account I had until around the darius update, because I couldn't give enough of a fuck about it to do anything beyond reading patch notes and occasionally peeking at the lore until they canned the lore bulletin.

Fuck everybody who does this shit, there is literally nothing more anti-fun than forcing a metagame.

When they nerfed my main to unplayability, that being Mundo.

Fuck them. You don't have enough time to learn any champion that isn't an ADC because by the time you learn it to some degree, they already either nerfed it to hell and back or reworked it to the point where fucking nothing before the rework matters. God forbid that we nerf any ADCs because the twelve year olds on /r/leagueoflegends will be mad, even though it's the easiest role in the game by far.

I miss good Mundo and non-support Sion. I could never find an ASSFAGGOTS champion that fit me as well as either of those two. If they didn't fuck the balance to hell I probably would've stayed

A few days after trying it out. People became obsessed with something that should have never gone further than a party game and fucked any sort of fun the game had.

Never really start, m8

after lulu came out and they started nerfing the hell out of her. god forbid we have a support who breaks the mold a little, not that she was particularly fantastic at it

From day one since I'm not a fucking faggot that likes it up the ass

I never played it, but I had ro stop my friends from playing it.

After that, they trickled to a stop on playing it after realizing they were being pieces of shit

Keep telilng yourself that.

Don't forget that he later congratulated a Riot girl gamurz employee on twitter for doing the exact same thing.
Pendragon is a hack.

Started sometime during Season 1, got talked into playing it with friends and actually had a lot of fun mostly just fucking around in the original 3v3 map. Stopped playing it because I drifted away from those friends and couldn't really get anywhere beyond high Silver in ranked which was the only mode I was willing to play solo, came back to it a few times over the years only to play for less than a week and uninstall again. Haven't been back since late 2014 and don't intend to ever go back since I hear they fucked it up so badly even the normalfags have given up on it and moved on to Overbotch. That Poppy rework sure looks cute though, she's practically anime now!

yeah, the character designs are all over the place, so youre bound to find something you like even if youre picky about that sort of thing. blue lolis with very large weapons are a hit with me and i still check the wiki from time to time to look at new characters and skins.

Funny enough, I'm planning on quitting sometime next patch, whenever the Yorick rework goes live.
It's funny, I never thought Yorick would be the one to push me over the edge, but he did.
Perhaps I buy gun and show Riot Games that there is only one destination.

The community is woefully behind on extremely viable characters and strategies and will continually shit on you for implementing them before some ass at the tournaments. I quit sometime after they couldn't decide what the fuck to do with Rengar but left Kha'zix alone, so probably 2012ish-2013ish.

I think I recall that.

In all honesty I'm not sure how or why that happened to begin with either because it's literally all satire. It just further adds a layer to ASSFAGGOTS players that make them look like they seriously have no sense of humor or are too autistic to understand satirical comedy.

I wouldn't really call that satire, dickface is really the only thing giving it away as not being totally serious. I fucking hate Riot for making toxic a buzzword that's simply fucking everywhere these days, but I have to agree with the previous user in that he totally deserved it and they at least did good by staying consistent enough to ban such a huge eceleb the same way they would some random fuck. It really didn't hurt him at all anyway, the fat fuck is doing just fine playing all of the FotM games instead.


Off-topic a bit, but does anybody have the image of the Dota 2 viper parody that says "Deny urself my man"?

They call that evidence user.

As soon as I realized Dota was orders of magnitude better in just about every way.
webm unrelated

Newsoflegends got rid of the comments because the fanboy who runs it got sick and tired of people shitting on LoL being a shitty and sleazy game. That should tell you something (people are slowly catching onto Riot's bullshit).

And yea, the whole yordle thing is awkward now.

Lol's lore went from goofy shit to "ZOMG WERE SERIES LIEK AN ANIME!," and none of the new lore is good. The funny thing is they make these extra modes to show off the lore, but nobody plays them because they suck.

I dropped LoL when they ruined Twitch and other champions to enforce their bullshit meta. Other shit bothered me too:

-Urf Mode basically proves why LoL and its meta are horrible. Fuck Urf mode.

-Riot forces you to pick certain champions, some of them being retarded meme-faggot characters like some new Yordle (he is absolutely cringe worthy) or Draven, and his boyfriend Braum, or you lose your account. Riot doesn't like it if you took the time to fully master a character they hate (Urgot, Twitch, etc).

-They complete ruined characters through reworks and revisions (Cassiopeia, Ryze, Gay-as-fuck-Sjw-Edition Taric, and now Yorick)

-Sjw-enforced bullshit (CaitxVi, again Gay as fuck Taric, shitty designs like Fiora, etc.)

-No more solo queue, and dynamic queue is retarded.

-Riot went back to ripping off of Dota 2 again with the last few characters (new Yordle is basically Disruptor from dota, but with unfunny memes).

-Ghostcrawler joined Riot, and I realized the guy is kind of a douche.

I also realized Riot is a very sleazy company that supports sleazy groups and streaming companies.

viper best hero i hope they never update his model

You're right. Phoenix is fun. Anivia is a shitty version of Phoenix and Winter Wyvern combined.

holy shit this fuck that word, it's spread outside vidya and it's so fucking TOXIC

When they do get around to it it'll be like two years from now and he'll end up looking even worse than composite snake venomancer.

I feel your pain after I saw what they did to Taric (turn him into a big, sjw-catering faggot).

All Yorick needed was a better Q and R, & an updated model. E and W were great if you knew how to use them. I don't know what bothers me: they gave him shittier skills, his new design is shit, or they possibly made him worthless (he can't do shit on his own now, so you better pray that you're on a team that can start fights)?

Fuck you, Riot.

Really highlights what exactly is wrong with the design process for LoL, they literally design new shit to fit into the exact same meta roles so that everything will perpetually play exactly the same.

I know that feel but instead I was about to get to 1.8k but then dropped to 1.2k mmr, plz no bully I only have 1000 hours and it was my first moba

Either way, their matchmaking sucks dick and apparently just some dumb spics saying they live in North america is enough for them to accept hey these might be Eastern United States people!

Either way mobas are trash, I'm just glad I never paid into the game where you pay for heroes, skins, and experience boost, seriously who the fuck is a sucker to play LoL

How do you go from this
To this

I like their reason for changing him being that no one wants to play a grave digger
"Yorick is not a popular champion. We'll admit it! Out of the 132 champions in League, the bedraggled green guy has almost always been the least-played, least-loved champ on the list. But why? Sure, he's a not-quite-meta, hard-to-balance champ, but we think the biggest reason for Yorick's unpopularity is simple: Nobody wants to be a gravedigger."

>I just got into silver 4 before finding this thread

I started assfaggots with Dota 2 and I still play it now and then.


Daily reminder that Morello still doesn't understand why healing is important for team based pvp.

oh shit nigga, if there was one rework I hated the most, it was this one. I loved playing Taric. He was this super-manly beast of a man with 18 charisma that you could play as support, or a long-term fighter because of his passive. He had so much build potential. Now he's just some Fabio that you occasionally support with.
I never played Sion, but I loved the idea of a guy you build straight physical or magic, and that changed the way you played him entirely. Now all he's good for is being a punching bag that has a few disrupts.

I still crave online multiplayer because I hate fun. Anyone play any great multiplayer games so I can finally jump ship?

Reminder morello thinks invoker is too complicated and that skills like bloodseeker's rupture are unfair because people might not know what the effects are the first time they encounter it.

With the best f2p system of any f2p game (from a customer standpoint)? Yeah, must really suck for Dota player to not get ripped off like LoL players get.


I stopped when you couldn't deny creeps with Gangplank anymore.

I played it for around a week in 2010, I think, when the generals where fucking everywhere on Holla Forums, and abandoned it in disgust.
Then years later some friend got addicted to it and got me to play for some time, until I left in disgust again.
Not even the "it's fun with friends" can save that genre.
I also found recently that one of my favorite chinese cartoon voice actresses is voicing one of the characters I used to play with I fucking hope it doesn't become popular on moonland, japan already has more that enough cancer with mobageshit.

Never because i never played that shitty game to begin with.

Played the far superior DotA. Then DotA introduced baby changes like the slingshot mechanics, nerfs to minion gold, and buffs to passive gold gain. Now I don't play any multiplayer games at all because I've learned they will always change for the worse during a small period of time because gamers are children who need a shiny, arbitrary change just for the sake of change to keep playing the game (instead of just playing because ya know, you enjoy the game). If I want to compete with people now I just play sports. Doesn't pander to people who suck at the game, and the game won't be arbitrarily changed because the players are children mentally.

why people spend money on this game when a few bad words and you can lose it all is beyond me

When I finally unlocked ranked and got my mmr I was 1.5, I felt so depressed I only play bot matches now which are either ridiculously easy with the right hero or not, but have completely lost the ability to play against human players at all. It's really sad mostly.

how does it feel to know that you're 100% wrong about taric, in that he doesn't give any time to romance whatsoever and is only devoted to his job

I never started, you hyperfaggot
haven't played the game but not gonna lie, this lizard's voice makes me stiff

I know there's more porn of her than gay slark porn so you should be served for a long while

Alright who wants to make a trench escape team

I had a supervisor at work who knew I played Dota and asked that I play league with him. I wanted his recommendation for something so said fuck it, okay. I played for three days chatted him up, got the recommendation, promptly uninstalled and went back to Dota.

What could possibly go wrong? Might as well

I dumped 1500 hours into dota2 in beta and I'll never touch another moba again in my life

Just to be sure, what's the mmr difference limit? Im 2.9 and it might not let me play with 1.5

I don't think a limit exists, just prepared for some shit match ups when your mmr is that spread

two games in, when I remembered how much I hated MOBAs

Hire a sjw-libtard douche bags who'll gladly cater to a group of people who don't play or care about the game, and remorselessly rip-off other ips like Dota and WoW.

That rework and Yorick's absolutely killed LoL for me even though ruining Twitch was what broke my camel's back.

Reminder that Riot will threaten and ban you if you master a character they hate, or prefer champs like Twitch and Urgot over Caitlyn, Draven, Gnar, and Braum (or the meta champs they want to see).

when season 3 started

That was his old story too. It's the design I have issues with because it scream sjw-pandering.

It also proves how Riot is so out of touch with people who gave an actual shit about their characters.

Possibly the worst game I ever played and the worst community I've ever interacted with.


On the plus side, at least they're all contained playing League, and not shitting it up elsewhere.

The game was kind of fun when I was just running around, doing whatever I felt like, buying whatever items looked fun and generally not giving a fuck.
As soon as people started getting on my case about playing a very specific pre-defined way, into the trash it went.
She was the most fun hero in that game for me. Everything appealing about her was destroyed.
Her nice voice, the sound effects got fucked, the way you play her, shunpo no longer doing a shit ton of damage with a short cd to POOF around and on people, the way her ult did dps (3 knives that did huge nukes instead of small little dinky knives that do damage up to the end)
Also people have a lot more time to react when you 1.throw knife 2.shunpo 3.swing blades around 4.ult
Then they do 1.poof 2.ult (knife is optional)

Riot has banned anyone for calling them out on their meta in the forums, or if they notice someone playing a character out of his/her role (e.g. support Urgot for example). They can take whatever reports someone used against you, and use that to justify the ban.

That was the point. She was intentionally nerfed.

I love how champs like Ezrael and Sona have a bajillion skins, yet guys like Heimerdinger and Twitch only have like 3 or 4. They need news skin that aren't garbage.

Ryze, Mordekaiser, and Cass players feel your pain (both are still shit after their reworks).

I think Heimerdinger was the only one who got a decent rework.

Why nerf a champion that barely gets picked and doesn't see pro play?

I didn't play the others you mentioned but I also loved playing mordekaiser. Now hes not even the same person

Frankly, the best F2P system is the one in Smite. The only positive side in DOTA is the fact all the characters are unlocked. But loses to LoL and Smite by only having one map.

It's just that making a new map for dota, balanced for all heroes and functional would take a year of a dedicated, expert team

I got into it after an Asian kid I made friends with in school introduced it to me, I played Malzahar. I only played it since he liked to so when we moved away and stopped talking I uninstalled it.

When i used to play my favourite heroes were Ryze and Taric because they were simple and fun. Now every hero has to be some playmaker with skill shot. It sickens me.
Also is Draven and Braum really full homo?

when dota 2 got public access without key fuckery

after my 2nd game

I don't mind Smite, tits, ass, waifus and fun.
Ok the gameplay is basic but it's a chill out game.
shame the community is thick. I uninstalled because of a single match.
I'm getting double kills all over and my team mates are being shit and feeding (one being a diamon Neith).
The Neith ran into melee to backflip away. She died then did a surrender vote.
Fuck the players.

Braum is Gentle Giant Bro, like Major Armstrong, but with sterotype Russia accent
Draven is a megalomaniac

Dota 2 has a whole thing full of custom maps, both official ones by Valve and ones made by the community. Tower defence games, death match games, objective point games. All sorts. The "one map" meme is dead and has been for over a year now.

when icefrog added spell damage

Just now. I've been playing with a lifelong friend of mine because it's the only game he plays, but after my internet became shit he doesn't want me anymore.

I feel betrayed but relieved.

I have one person I 2 stack with. You either end up hating each other, or having a friendship forged in the fires of the pit. Luckily it's the latter for me.

Quit a few months ago.
Quit because:

I need a new game. Maybe I'll give Dota a try.

They're reworking her AGAIN.
It's pretty hilarious how fast their old champions get invalidated by all the new bullshit they keep adding.

If you go Dota avoid the NA servers, practice a while to get used to the Item lists and the time it takes to do everything including turning the hero.
Personally I play exclusively on the Russian servers anymore since even the most braindead Russian with his mind blasted out on Krok has vastly superior gameplay sense, knowledge and experience than any of the "dude weed LMAO" idiots I get grouped with in NA.

I hear that russians are to Doto what BRs are to everything else, minus the degeneration to shit. Is this true? What percent of them speak english, since I can't speak ruski?

what a day to be alive.
someone end my suffering

they can be, particularly if your actually on the EU servers.
some of them speak English, but they usually stick to chat wheel and pings, and mini-map lines.

Also forgot to add that BR's are still on Dota, and I have gotten stuck with full teams of them on NA server anyways even when I would select English preference.

I never started

Last winter. The game was getting more and more similar to World of Warcraft. Too much useless bling, gameplay too ossified. It just wasn't fun any more.

What's the deal with Soraka's winrate?

I played during season 2, 3, a bit of 4 and haven't really played since. I was platinum when I gave a shit during season 3 and the game was always frustrating but still somewhat enjoyable and felt like there was some strategy to the game to help you even if you didn't have the best mechanics.

It started to get real fucking shitty when they introduced the new jungle, jungle items and a whole bunch of other shit. Every new or reworked character started having an escape of some sort so characters without any were trash. The game was always bad but now it's just hot garbage.

The saving grace of that game are the bitches with the big titties, but since Riot is SJW HQ they're getting covered up and such.

Also to add, they wanted to make an esport, not a fun game to play that happened to be competitive and skillful enough to be an "esport". But they don't know how to make a balanced game that won't hurt their wallet.

DOTA is owned by a billionaire company that surely have the resources to make a game in the scale of GTA V.
Why they can't do what LoL and Smite ALREADY DID?
Smite lost one map, but still have five, and thematic. LoL have at least three, since they removed dominion. You fans of DOTA sure could ask for more from Valve, since other companies are delivering.

You're complaining about the number of maps in dota?
Dota has a map maker you know. Right now I can go and play any number of maps and game modes made by cheeki breekis and pinoys.

Does your LoL have a Narutu x Bleach x One Piece game mode?

And about the mods, it's a good point. Frankly I think it was very smart from Valve to do it, because in fact, they don't even have to do anything.

I would really enjoy to see a map editor on a game like Smite someday. It could be interesting.

after about six hours of gameplay. i saw the overall arc of it and wasn't really interested. i also started paying attention to the other players and realized everyone was either russian, a total fucking asshole or was apparently about six years old

First game I ever played of LoL was full of people who said I was awful in a myriad of languages and for different reasons. I tried to leave the game, only to tell me it would punish me because my team hates me. Uninstalled on the spot. I've hated mechanics that punish leavers in games ever since. If I'm not having fun, I'll leave, and you can eat a dick for ruining your own game, and others experience with it. If you're so fickle that you can't tolerate the mistakes of others, you deserve every shit player you ever encounter that throws the game on you.

My biggest complaint of all these games was no additional maps that played with the game mechanics in a meaningful way, and a roster of characters that ultimately didn't matter to me as a newcomer both in lore and in abilities. Map editor and more maps helps a lot, but the diversity in HotS drew me more to that. You had a roster of characters that you knew from the various Blizzard games and the low difficulty curve to start, as well as generally less badmouthing, meant it was easier to warm to. Quicker games generally make it a better affair overall.

On the characters aspect, the last ad I saw stated League had roughly 130 or so characters. At this point, I don't know how people who aren't already invested in it follow it at all, or how these characters exemplify their unique characteristics over any other damage-dealing character. Do people just choose the cute waifu they like and go from there? Or is there a tier list of mechanics or gameplay traits people are looking for to make it theirs?

Because Riot wants to force people to use certain champs like Ashe, Azir, Gnar, Caitlyn (especially this bitch), Vaiyne, Vi, Jinx, Lucian, Sona, Gay as fuck Taric, Lee Sin, Kled, Bard (who is still shunned even with buffs), and Draven's Boyfriend Braum. It will gladly ruin a champion to a point where s/he's rendered useless although they will pretend to care about that champion (e.g. Urgot and Twitch).

An interesting note was that some of those characters were forced upon because they were hated and shit-tier on their release. Gnar, Bard, and Azir were really bad until Riot buffed them a week or two after their release. Riot spent weeks promoting the fuck out of Gnar and Azir until people learned how to use them.

Fun fact: No one plays the other LoL maps either, and the Shurima map from the event was considered shit. Urf is the only extra mode the lol community likes despite Urf proves how awful Lol's meta and balance are.

Draven and Braum are two champions Riot loves force down people's throats, hoping they'll get shitty memes based on a douche bag and his boyfriend's stupid mustache. The real homo stuff goes to Taric with Ezrael (to fuck with an Riot employee who made a Gary Stu of himself) and Caitlyn with Vi.

Dota's meta isn't any better. I hope you like seeing Bounty Hunter and flavor of the months in your games.

I think Cass still holds the record for biggest fuck up that needed more than one rework. Her rework was a complete mess, and I also recall people bitching about Sona's (being shit at first; then realizing she makes other supports shitty).

Is Magewick still good?

Dota has custom games now and valve are lazy jews if you are wondering why they don't do anything.>>10516362

There's also a Touhou mod, its cute and fun but very unbalanced.

Only played for two week around the time it started getting popular. It was a fun distraction but I have no idea how anyone can take this shit seriously and I still don't.

Just seeing people take this game so seriously to the point where they no longer seem to be having fun put me right off it. Like I have had friends go on hour long rants just cause of one shitty player in one game fucked everything up then right after that that they try to pressure me into playing it again.

What is it with this genre that makes people insane?

I like playing offlane night stalker.

I quit after season 1 ended and season 2 reared its head and began to cater to casuals and literal fucking retards. Anyone who still plays past season 1 are completely fucking lost causes.

as someone who played a fuckload of mageraka and bully raka over 4 seasons and still plays now, here's an explanation
Patch 6.5 reduced q cost by a fuckload, moved self heal to q, and nerfed w, it's more efficient to level q now than w. they also made the sweetspot the entire q, more reliable slow radius, that's huge even if you could land sweetspot reliably
this made her one of the strongest slow and steady poke champions, again, after the removal of Infuse and adjustments attempted.
Patch 6.7 increased manacosts a bit, but not enough to impact raka's newfound meme magic, still less than old cost on q and more reason to level q over w
6.9 is another nerf and barely enough to slow her roll, but the kit is still max q in high% play, and her blue trinket dominance is still insane.

max q and e and don't take w, it's back, welcome to one billion aoe damage and slows and trinket boosts, get ludens for extra shitposting potential and never ever stop poking
the sweetspot was 6.5-6.8, though, and as soon as they saw any unconventional raka play styles they were like 'fuck, not again, banana whore can't be unleashed again to fuck over midlane, muh centrally planned meta'.

How can you quit something you never start?

Offlane Nights Stalker is fun if your team isn't retarded.

I loved playing as Support Sniper when I could make it work.

I normally don't depend on my team to do anything and you need a certain enemy team setup to pick him, even for offlane.

But a good lane setup I'd like is nightstalker with lich, the burst damage and the slow is really insane with them two together.

If I was to play sniper, I'd play him as a jungle.
He's better at it then alchemist is.


Have you ever heard of a guy called Invoker?

that's a lot simpler than I thought invoker to be.
When people say that his spells come from the way you cast QWE, I thought there would be a spell for every permutation.
I've never played Dota all that much, just played some sniper, but judging by that chart, invoker doesn't seem as hard as people made him out to be.

Knowing the spells isnt the hard part. You have to aim them, combo several spells and items, be quick enough with your fingers to press around 12 keys on less than a second. But you get used to it, he's the hardest because it's not just point and click

The hardest is Meepo.

The question you should be asking is why do you want more maps?

Why does Riot put so much effort into maintaining the same meta all of the time. Not to mention they are so skittish about making new maps to play on. I've heard things about it changing the balance of every champion, but it wouldn't effect the old maps at all. Are players really so fucking retarded they can't adjust their play style a tiny bit?

I played it casually untill season 3, then only with friends until the juggernaut update, then game was broken beyond repair at that point albeit the was always broken in some way.

How do I into Doto? Every year or so, I play one or two games, and feel so overwhelmed that I never play again. After sacrificing my first born to Riot, I want to give dota an equal shake and see which really is worse.

You install and play. The game has tutorials and stuff, it even tells you what are the best heroes for beginers

Arc Warden is up there too.

Nobody likes the even maps out of Urf mode despite Riot is putting a fuck ton of effort.

Just play it, learn from your mistakes, be as chill as possible, and hopefully you'll come across someone who can help you with stuff like counters.

Guide-wise, look for Purge's basic videos (avoid his gameplay videos because ironically he sucks at the game despite his knowledge). Waga isn't too bad unless his attention-whore girlfriend is involved.

Meant to say Riot is putting a fuck of effort into making Lol's story "SERIES LIEK A JAPANESE ANIME!" with event maps.

Actually if you're gonna start from the bottom I can help you, I have some heroes I just never play and I want to get good with them, playing a hero I never use in ranked is suicide and pubs are not a good way to learn

I can make an alt account help you play and I learn to play kunkka already

Here's what I recommend

>Have fun

URF mode is the only good mode of LoL.

The game's shit, but in URF you can get a few friends and play stupid champions together.

thanks. Installing now.

I wouldn't mind some mentoring, but I can't commit to playing with someone for any length of time. I'd probably get the sporadic game or two in every week or so.

About a year ago when I couldn't be arsed to continue playing it just for friends. I only really had glimpses of fun playing it and most of it was playing non meta shit, Brand ADC and Annie support botline or Sona top was always a laugh. Outside of that, Riot can't balance for shit, lore is fucked 3 ways from Sunday (what they did to Trundle is still unforgivable) and the community is full off wanna be e-sport faggots who think they are alot better then they really are.

If you play in eu servers, I have no problem. I have nothing better to do until uni starts, and I need practice with heroes I never touch

shit, m8. I'm in burgerstan

What you have to keep in mind is that DotA is a game of momentum. All you do the entire game is try to keep up or try to keep ahead of the enemy team. You do this in a variety of ways, depending on what grand type of hero you are playing, Support or Carry.

DOTA2 has tutorials that explain the basics and it also lets you play against bots with other newbies so you can get the hang of the basics of the game.

Reading guides helps, but keep in mind that every balance patch can change the landscape of the metagame radically.

The current patch is probably the best patch so far, so it is a great time to start. Almost every hero is viable for drafting.

In short, play play play play.

old sion was a fuckton of fun to play, both AP and AD. Even when ad sion couldn't cope with the shift of the game towards perma flash/blink/hop champs, he was still fun.

The feel of his immense crush-all strength if any champ couldn't get away, bit like a fed darius. Cannibalism ensured you could 1v1 anyone foolish enough to try.
Still they managed to keep him more than balanced, even nerfed.

One of riots best ever creations b4 it turned into a feminazi shitfest. ad Sion wasn't a good team fighter until ultra late game. But he catered to players who just loved feel of raw strength.

It just showed how little the new wave of SJWs employees at riot understood what they were doing when they deleted old sion and replaced him with a champ that was nothing like old sion. Everyone said " why not just keep old sion and create a new champ? they are so different "

League is becoming 1 dimensional. Only skillshot champs will exist soon, even all adcs might get deleted and replaced with skillshot auto attacks.
The alternative to skillshot champs are 'chess' champs, where the abilities have much more control, much more certain to land. They catered to a different player mindset, and made the game more diverse.
Riot simply don't understand this.

braum is Greek u ignorant merifat

I put up with riot deleting my mains. AP yi season 3 : deleted
AP sion season 4, deleted

U end up having to having to have a large number of champs, because riot are obsessed with deleting\reworking champs. Only very popular champs with dedicated playerbases stay untouched e.g. draven.

It was more fun to have 20-25 champs playable.

Just keep learning new ones until you find there's always a few you have that are buffed per patch.

I never played.

It's the only way to win.


because they are catering to average and below average player mentality, so they can profit the most.

Average players don't like to think about meta.

This is what pushed me over the edge and made me uninstall permanently. Amateur games were 97% stuck in season 2 meta. But there were some players trying to break the mould and for 5 years they were free to do so.

It shocked me that riot would force season 2 meta on every game from bronze to challenger. They killed a massive and hugely underdeveloped aspect of the game, and chopped off pro influence over amateur games forever.

Watched a pro game and want to try playing like your favourite pro player? season 1 to 5, go for it! Season 6, fuck u, your not allowed, u have to stick to s2 meta.

Notice pro games in 2016 still use the old team select, because they don't play meta, and they know that dynamic que is cancer.

In general riot let the rot set in. Its all about making money and nothing to do with making a good game. They'll ban u if u don't play s2 meta.

After a couple of hours.

I didn't know this is what Greeks sounded like

I still play.

I still find it fun.

I main Teemo.

I play it all the time too. Not even trolling baybee

There are worse hobbies I guess.

nah just kidding, you're a total faggot

absolutly love this animu/mango especially how hard it triggered the normalfags with its ending

I quit when they decided to nerf support champs because they didn't like the idea of healing being able to compete with damage in any way. I'm not talking about a case of "they nerfed my favorite champ so I quit", I'm talking about them taking a deliberate design direction against an entire playstyle for existing and future champs.

oh shit, now I have to know, what is it?

non paternal guy adopted a little grill, she grew up and they married normans were pissed off as fuck for months

Goddamnit, man, I fucking loved AD Sion, and then Riot had to go and pretty much just straight up remove the champ. Melee auto-attackers are a dying breed in League.

Even without that end, it's extremely cute and must watch. Even if you don't like anime. It isn't cute in the typical kawaii uguu~ way, it's cute in the way any culture could find it cute.

I loved the canonical ending

Raising my own wife is my fetish

Never played it. Only know about it because of the decent porn.

Fuck, I should've worded my post better.
What's the name of the animoo/mango?

I play heroes of the storm now :^)

No, old Sion was bullshit. You sucked at the game.

Usagi Drop

You can find a good seed on, don't be lazy and stream this. Get a good quality 1080p BD release. You'll want to keep this forever.

Thanks, will do.

Stopped around 2011 when I picked up World of tanks.

Seemed like they updated the game every month. I don't mean they move some stats around, I mean they added a new character every month. Every 6 months they'd effectively overhaul the game. If you didn't play 10+ matches a day and took the time to learn every character, their strengths and weaknesses, and how they play on the map you were fucked on a competitive level.

If you only played 3 or 4 games a day you might as well just fuck around with scrubs and bots. If you took that shit into a proper match you'd have the autismal faggots constantly berating you for not being the bleeding edge of the meta and knowing every single trick, being built properly, and knowing where exactly to be on the map for your chosen character. Want to try an unorthodox strategy in pubs? Good fucking luck. Get ready to get vote kicked/reported.

a lot of tards like u got buttmad when someone picked sion because for season 3 and 4 sion was low winrate from bronze to gold.

But he was popular and playable at diamond.
I had 60% winrate with him over hundreds of games at plat.
Plat is top 8% so I sucked less than 92% of players, probably including u.

Like his boyfriend Draven, Braum is a faggot regardless of his shitty accent.

Gnar, Bard, and Azir were shit-tier on release, but Riot went out of their way to buff and promote them after their release (especially Gnar). Bard is the only one that gets shunned by the community because everybody hates him.

Riot will never ruin champions they love like Ezrael (He's an employee's Gary Stu). They were forcing Braum down everyone's throats, but out of fanboys who think their shitty Draven memes will get them attention from Christina Vee and Riot, people were bitching about Braum being bullshit good. Riot begrudgingly nerfed him until they decided to buff him again, realizing they don't give a shit about anyone's opinions.

How do you guys think I feel about Twitch getting fucked over because Riot hates him? I'm lucky Heimerdinger didn't get ruined out of terrible splashes that don't fit the new model(s).

Teemo can be a guilty pleasure because people still sperg over Teemo after all these years.

What's it like playing a shittier, sleazier Moba that's starting to die?