Times Vidya Has Dicked You

sorry if its tldr but this just happened to me and i wanted to vent my frustrations
x-com/times you got totally fucked thread

in case your having a hard time visualizing what i described heres the layout of the control room as seen from the bottom floor


I can give you a number of stories from X-Com and nuCOM

do it user
let it all out

God, do I hate RNG.
Bumping while I try to recall a story that'd fit here.

I don't know what it is, but when playing I feel that Ufo Defense's RNg is more "fair" in a sense than Nu-com 2's.


Just destroy every single thing in the map. Its not hard and neither is it expensive.


Didn't he lose that match?

I don't play x-com, but I've been fucked over by random numbers, friend.

But why can't I remember any of it?

So whats the difference between openx-com and vanilla x-com?

openxcom has a ton of customization options built in, but at its core it's the exact same as vanilla, just with some bug fixes and optimization. it's also the main platform that mods are made for as far as i know


Game is a huge fucking meme

A real pain in the ass, especially when the boat spergs and flips over at random


bug fixes and resolution/audio options primarily
theirs also a huge list of quality of life options but i consider alot of them to be cheating

i agree but i also think x-com is shitloads more lethal compared to xcom. The difference is the old game gives more options and rewards careful planning and management. Nucom removes the customization and replaces it with soldier superpowers (perks). So in nucom your either prepared or you get shit on while in the original you could kill ethereals and sectopods with overalls and earth weapons if you planned carefully.

Fresh off the presses
>Founded a Human Fortress on a heavily forested site
Shortly after that, a pair of vampires visited the tavern and started killing the most skilled people in the fort, and then an elf poet who is 200 years older than the world beat my previous mayor in the election.


UFO Defense RNG is more stable. At the very beginning of the game, you can easily flip at least 30 coins per turn for a chance to kill an enemy, with each coin flip mattering but not being game winning/breaking, whereas in NuCom, you're flipping 4 coins per turn, forcing you to let every alien flip a coin if you stayed visible to flip a coin. Basically, NuCom is an exchange of RNG, whereas UFO Defense is about shifting the RNG in your favor while never letting the enemy roll dice. Technically, NuCom lets you play something like that, but it's not quite the same, and playing defensively makes single missions last over an hour.

You have so much more control over the RNG in UFO Defense. That's why it's so much more fair.

That's because NuCom is faulty at a base level. UFO Defense treats upgrades like personal armor as a non-essential upgrade for when you have excess, because it's planning for failure. Your soldiers will almost never be shot if you play the game properly. Meanwhile, NuCom doesn't have base methods of preventing reaction fire or consistently breaking line of sight without wasting a full turn.

NuCom was designed to minimize attrition, whereas UFO Defense was designed to prevent attrition. That's why it's so fun to replay, even today.

you know what to do


OpenXCom's AI is all new, because it's reverse-engineered and nobody has a clue how the original worked. Haven't heard any complaints, though.




Who does that?

Sounds pretty realistic for California.

I hope you have Misanthropy and Warzones installed for a better load of POZ in your neghole everytime you try to stray off roads.
Try a Jew playthrough if you want challenge, user.

Fuck the Mongols.

If you don't have horse cavalry, your archers, especially longbows if you can get them, are your best bet, otherwise artillery units like the ribault, or even ballistae, are your best bet.

Mongols tend to take their high numbers and try to besiege cities where their horses mean fuckall when they have to funnel through a tiny gateway.

sage for off topic.

X-COM simply doesn't have the RNG that Console X-COM does. Bullets have randomized flight trajectories, but beyond that they aren't just the intangible, abstracted-away RNG figures that they are in Console X-COM.

Eighteen years and the technology actually regressed. God, I hate Console X-COM.

Kind of blows that someone actually defended this, huh?

Not getting a car full of freaks, busting them down and taking them to the peak of the peak.

Backtrace these nerds. Report them to cyber-puleesh.

Oh, don't get me wrong. I've turned France into an evil empire, and have control of over 80% of the map. I pushed the Mongol empire's shit back in record time, but it was basically using the Napoleon method, throwing as many men as possible into the wood chipper until those fucks were decimated.

I tried to form an alliance with Russia, one of few countries on the map that didn't absolutely hate my guts, to tag team the mongol hordes and they rebuked me. I just shrugged, sat back and watched Subudai and friends sodomize the Russian empire.

Just reached arquebusier units, just in time too because the fucking timurids have arrived with elephant mounts.

Oh, fuck this, i'm off to start a Total war thread. Got so much to say about this game.

And that's how I learned to never fucking trust a vehicle in NuXcom

I'm one of the people that could never even beat the first terror mission of the original X-COM (because I didn't have any instructions and had to learn everything myself and I still to this day don't fucking understand time units or like a quarter of the stats) and even I was dismayed by how much they casualized it.

I mean…you know, fuck, add in some tooltips, maybe a tutorial mission that explains what all the goddamned buttons do, and find some way to better visually represent time units, but holy hell it shouldn't have really needed much more than that.

and that's how i got wiped before the second of turn, haven't played x-com since.

That's what you get for pirating a game. RTFM.


Actually I just got the game secondhand, but I suppose back in those days the difference was practically null.


openx-com has a new button next to your sprint and aimed shot buttons that expends all your time units when you right click it
this should always be used on people with explosives or people you expect to get mind controlled
if you arent using openx-com the same thing can be achieved by standing/crouching or spinning in circles repeatedly.

weapons fire is percentage based depending on the weapon. So a laser rifle snapshot (25% i think) would cost someone with a total timeunit pool of 60 15 of his remaining time units. Someone with a timeunit pool of 100 would cost him 25 of his remaining time units.

Inventory management has a base unit cost and will always be the same. So is movement but how much each step costs depends entirely on terrain type.

I cant help you with stats unless you be more specific with your misunderstandings. Ufopaedia is your friend


Bet he doesn't even have 10 luck

that game was short and sweet.


Is that game out of early access yet? It was the least terrible of the EA survival games