And its not, so it doesn't fucking matter, and you're still full of shit you lying Jew.
Take your 'unity' shilling back to reddit, and stop pretending the mudpeople are ever going to demonstrate the cognitive capacity to look far enough ahead to see how the Jew is fucking them.
See, I know its hard for you to accept, probably because of some ingrained bullshit like Christian dogma or something, but people are not all equals, and don't all share the same motives.
Niggers and spics? They love kikes - kikes are handing them the reigns of power, as far as they can tell, and its great. FOR THEM.
So then you come along, ol Mr. Whitey, trying to get some coons and mestizos to come hop in your big Jew-wranglin truck, and why the fuck would they give you the time of day?
The talented tenth hates you almost as much as the niggers do, AND they hate the niggers too! You are not mentally equipped to fight this thing, because you keep grasping around for allies when there are none to be had.
I've said this before to your ilk: Go, right now, and watch the (first?) David Duke/Sotomayor stream. There's a part wherein Sotomayor, nigger that he is, breaks it down, which is that niggers just see this as a competition - and they don't really care whether its Whitey or Kikey at the top, because THEY want to be at the top, and WE sure as fuck aren't offering them that. All you have to offer them is someplace 2nd or below, and these mudpeople don't want that, they want the #1 spot. And you won't give it to them. The kikes might not either, but the kikes are giving them everything they want, while you're resisting those efforts - and you're not even offering them a #2 spot, you're offering them some background position in your Manifest Destiny/White Man's Burden bullshit brigade, and they aren't fucking interested. And they aren't going to be.
Don't be misled - the niggers and spics hate the kikes in many ways, just as they hate you in many ways, but they love the kikes in ways they still hate you, and in which 1) you cannot alter (unless you're going to offer them #1), and 2) they don't have the cognitive ability to see the fruition of down the line.
You're a lying kike, or else a cuck, and you should suckstart a shotgun.