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Remember that they always mess with statistics, think '95% chance Hillary wins'.

That's right, so the likelihood is even more favorable.

I'm surprised it's even that high.

We have to get them to drop the ‘neo’. There’s nothing neo about it–ACTUAL NATIONAL SOCIALISM is the point that is trying to be made here.

Thats honestly more than i thought there were.

neo implies "new". It is an evolution, or do you adhere to some oldfag edition?

Wow I am shocked there is even more than 0.5%. That's awesome so many people support their nation still.

If you just gave them a list of AR demands instead of calling it Nazi views it would be way more than 9%

Now if they could just start properly calling them national socialists instead of cianigger neo-nazi's.

Well there's a difference between neo-nazi who are a bunch of degenerate skinheads, and respectable national socialists. Most people today even think the German soldiers did nothing wrong.

You don't need a majority to change the world

9% is good, and the fact that actual National Socialism (not like NSM retards) is growing around the world.

Keep pushing, keep purity spiraling, and keep memeing

dude the kids even are all NatSoc now
my 9yo and his buddies know all about the juden, not even joking. Knowledge is spreading on the cul de sacs on fucking bikes kek

sounds like a place to focus efforts. Alt-Right is a start since people support it much more readily by the numbers.

see last point

people pay attention to the association of words. if you label something nazi, it's immediately bad. it's all about the spin. "neo" is inconsequential.

There is literally nothing wrong with skinheads. The degenerates in the NRM aren't even real skinheads

Skinheads are our comrades

Whoops, meant NSM not NRM. NRM is based as fuck

checked quints

but what do those surveyed know of either?

This doesn't mean anything on its own, due to how poorly-worded the question is. By "acceptable", what is the poll asking? That they think it should be legally accepted? Morally acceptable? That this is the percentage that agrees "neo nazis"? That this is the percentage that agrees with standing up for american history?

What also matters is the manner in which the study is conducted. Was this anonymous? Over the phones, I assume not. If, for some reason, I actually answered one of these surveys, I sure as shit wouldn't say "I support neo nazis". That'd get me a one way ticket to having my information leaked to antifa and getting fired from my job for being le ebil gnatzee too.

It's irrelevant. That's a decent chunk of the population. Even if it was much lower, you have memable materials here.

Here comes the real holocaust

Most normies aren't prinicpled classical liberals that would say "of course they are acceptable, but it doesn't mean I have to agree"

Most normies would just oppose them instantly and they hardly think it through.

But I agree it would be interesting to see how the study was conducted.

You'll never garner public support, unless you have a somewhat respectable appearance, can't have faggots like this walking around with no shirts on. Faggots like this tarnish the representation and legitimacy of the National Socialists, take a look at the Berlin Olympics, to get a feel for the atmosphere.

See redtext:

True. People like buttoned up Joe the Accountant over these guys.

We need Fashion Police.

Right, but the point I'm making is that these questions and answers are too vague to actually be useful data to us. You can use the vagueness to spin it in a positive way (ie, 9% of the nation wants to gas the kikes, come home white man) but I want to know the truth. We don't KNOW what the breakdown is between those with a principled understanding of free speech, vs those who just side for/against.

Also, these studies are all meaningless when not broken down by race. Only 62% of the country is white. The other 38% are shitskins, and I don't expect them to ever agree with anything like this, but they're also irrelevant. We know they're the enemy anyway. I want to know specifically what WHITE PEOPLE think.

Well look at "serious" movements. What do they have?

A fucking dress code

There's more to how a study is conducted then just "they called people's phones". I already know they used phones, which I mentioned in my post. This seems to indicate that it isn't anonymous, meaning the numbers are actually better than that. But then there are the other factors like how fucking vague the questions are and how they can be interpreted in too many ways.

Ultimately, useless data as it is.

This, whites are the only ones whose opinion matters. They're our people, our future.

There's also a bias from "looking racist". white people are much less likely to speak up if they just finished watching antifa shitkick a guy for simply marching peacefully.

as data yes.

as spin, no.

That's surprisingly high

There is a difference between fat slobs without shirts and real NatSoc skinheads. I agree we shouldn't have fat slobs

But do you realize Hitler cared 0% for respectability? The Brownshirts were literal working class street thugs that beat the fuck out of people and carried triggering and outrageous signs on purpose.

Don't confuse fat slobs with actual NatSoc skinheads

9% admitted it
imagine how many didn't say anything

hint hint, Hillary 95% win chance

brownshirts had brown shirts. People buy into the packaging without knowing the flavor. Sell them white with the face they know, not fat fucks

As I said before, using vague data to push a narrative as memetics is fine. but that's a separate issue entirely. Whether we want to meme about 1/11th the population wanting to gas the kikes is another thing. I want to know how much of our people are TRULY on our side.

This is why I mentioned how it was done over telephone. Doing surveys over telephone means they have your personal info with the question, whether they actually keep that data connected or not. You're still much more hesitant to tell someone the truth over the phone. It'd be much more "real" if it were via internet or something where people are more likely to give their real opinion free of perceived repercussions.

I sure as shit wouldn't say I support nazis if someone called my phone.

I dont think these things are comparable. Hillary bought that number, outright polling fraud. This poll likely suffers significant bias, so similar effect.

Round up 1/10.

No, you wouldn't. This should be seen as a low water mark, minimal support.

Methadology and how they worded it.


Could be worded better or worse, but at BEST 10% people think OTHER people having those views is okie dokie

note the +10 democrat sampling tho

archive it

Thanks, very much appreciated. I'll take some time to read through this.
What I'm most curious about is whether we can distinguish between:
See the difference here? It could be as good as 10% of the nation wanting GTKRWN, or it could be as bad as 90% of the nation wanting to tear up freedom of speech rights. I'll see if I can massage out the answer. I'm going to guess probably not. And either way, phone surveys for this are going to have a MASSIVE shy tory effect for supporters.

That doesn't necessarily mean anything insidious on its own. There ARE more democrats than republicans. Independents tend to lean more conservative.

That was more in it's infancy when they had attempted the coup. After it failed, he had to attain power through legal means, which he did, and beyond that grew his party until they were respectable. Hair and skin is part of dress code, as long as there tattoos aren't visible with uniform on, and perhaps a German military cut shouldn't be too much to ask for. There has to be articulate people on the front lines though, Hitler used those degenerates as muscle, and once he was in power, cut his ties with those faggots - he fucking used them, and that is the only use for these faggots: to make our numbers look bigger, and get some use out of them since your stuck with them. In conclusion, no fat fucks, no skinheads, no exterior body modifications(tattoos, piercings, etc)


skin are

doesn't "nazi" mean "fucking retard"?

Okay, couple interesting things to point out

Overall, worthless fucking study. Biggest take-home is that most people are lemmings and don't give a fuck. Which is better than 90% of people wanting to KILL ALL LE NAZEES or whatever.

3%ers BTFO

Friendly reminder that only 30% of the population supported the American revolution, another 50% or so were indifferent altogether. We're getting there, let's keep our eye on the ball boys. Keep the redpills coming. Go for the easiest targets, the members of your family who have been left behind by this kike infested monster of a society.

That and you also have to look at what STOCK of people are the ones on either side.

Women's opinions don't fucking matter whatsoever. They don't fight. End of discussion
As for whites vs shitskins, whites matter a hell of a lot more. Keep in mind how the Rhodesians were up against the world and were 5% vs 95% (+ neighboring insurgent niggers) and were still able to hold them off for a very long time despite an international embargo and being a landlocked nation. One white man is worth a dozen niggers and spics.

I only fucking care about the white male demographic. And more accurately than that, the fighting-aged white male demographic.

Daily reminder, that revolutions are done by 10% of the population. We are missing only 1%.

The most interesting number we don't have is the % in the mil. That would be very telling of mobilization potential.

That revolution was also whites vs whites. Both sides of good stock. Both sides being men of good moral character and strength.

Now it's strong white men vs niggers, beaners, feminists, trannies, and GRIDS-riddled faggots.

What that really says is that 91% don't understand what 'Neo-Nazi' views even are because if they did that number would be far higher. You just have to Mark Dice that shit to find the real truth.

you forgot self-loathing whites.

Hitler did not just "use" them as muscle. It was the brownshirts that put the message out where, showed presence and activism, and actually fucking did something

If we make "haircuts" a requirement to be in our movement, then it will be faggy as fuck

You misunderstand entirely. Once Hitler was in power, many of the Brownshirt LEADERSHIP lost sight of the goal, and thought their organization was an end itself rather than a means to an end

A National Socialist state would no longer require a paramilitary, as the state itself is an instrument of the worldview. Therefore, the organization itself was unnecessary but the PEOPLE were still important

Like I said. Feminists, trannies, and GRIDS-riddled faggots. These are not strong men capable of fighting.

The Chicago event was great, it looked like they were protesting against free speech. they were

modernize you dumb fuck

you don't need paramilitary when you got the real thing. the loyal would enlist as it was, the disloyal can see themselves to the back of a shed.

pretty fucking gay

looks like we got ourselves a dumb shit pushing his male orgy fantasies. fuck off (((shill)))

10% of awawites ?


10% of 1000?
Ill take it.

That's extremely high considering 'neo-Nazi' could mean murdering every non-white, faggot, and genetic dud in the country.

the real question is how can people push for that 1% more for a revolution.

We currently have 27 millions if the poll is accurate. If even only 5% of that is the spearhead and the rest are support, you're getting 1,350,000 soldiers. That's bigger than the whole US military.


Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.

Not disagreeing, but you need to add wood to make it a blaze.

I am no skinhead, but if you can't recognize them as comrades, then fuck off. I'd take a skinhead that gives a shit over a retard on his computer as a comrade anyday

you a fucking commie?

Wait, it's or white supremacist.
So 83% of people think it's 'unacceptable' to believe whites are superior. Whites are supposed to be equal or lower than shitskins, and if you disagree that's not allowed.

Man you know the kikes are triggered beyond reprieve when they start pulling out all of the opinion polls.
Reminds me of a neurotic woman, constantly asking the same questions over and over again to get you to calm her nerves, or, give a justifiable reason for her to lash out in the future.

In this way, kikes are a race governed by the absolute worst qualities of the female soul. They have all of the parasitism, backwardness, malice, and weakness of women, but none of the warmth, compassion, and the capacity to breed new life and new purpose.
They really need to be removed. I'm sick of the constant meddling.

10% of 300+ million are neo-nazi supporters. Wew lad.

Now you're getting it. There's a lot of potential in every interpretation of this poll.

fucking right

They aren't your comrades. They are traitors to the cause, perverting the holy light Hitler left us and trying to twist it into a thug fashion statement.

makes sense



give me one hundred men and we can take over this planet

What's this .fo shit?

They changed again:

Well that's cool.

Only 10% is needed to storm the capitol and take over.

Da, mein Fuhrer

Now to find out if it is the mere *appearance* ot the actual holding of a belief.

If you can make people believe it is >10%, you get to watch the dominoes fall.

But would all 10% stand up together? I am not sure everyone is willing to risk their kosher comforts just yet. Need to find ways to help convince them.

It doesn't matter, you use the suggestion of acceptance to mobilize those who would.

Yeah, there's a scary amount of difference between these two just depending on the wording of the survey and how the responders interpreted it. And yes, like you I just want to know what the whites among them think, and how many whites were included.

Even better when you realize that whites are only 60% of the American population.
325mil people in America.
195mil whites
29million white supremacists. (if 9% is correct)
That means 15% of all white people in America are white supremacists. I am saying this assuming that no brown person is a white supremacist. I'm sure I could count all of the the brown white supremacists in America on one hand.
1-2 out of every 10 white people you meet are white supremacists.

Considering this is coming from a libshit poll, I actually expect that percentage is much larger. I'm actually quite surprised that their conservative numbers are even that big.
No wonder the kikes are in full damage control mode, and upping their propaganda 3fold. If I were a kike I'd book the soonest flight to Tel Aviv.

you , me, and the 99.

The real question is, how do we get another 9 in front of that number?

Broadly assuming they did not adjust/question to cover that. That number though, very promising. Meme it.

Message and spin. Present this poll in the light that "people are fed up", and this is your "proof". Cointelpro style.


lots of gas?


Make sure that wood is nice and dry or quick to fire. A wind blows to burn faster and brighter, which lights more wood. A fire that is large enough in a fry forest will spread blazing. A fire in a swamp will die down quickly. What we need to do is dry our wood, make time for more wood processing and finding of the birch bark and resin.


Nothing like the help of uncle tom to help with shipments of shit.

Hatred is not contained in political thinking. Any hatred worked up against the public enemy is non-political, and always shows some weakness in the internal political situation.
Read more at: brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/f/francis_parker_yockey.html

What this means:

1.Trump Effect: our numbers are higher due to the number of people who are unwilling to admit being pro-white in public.

2. Boomers: Younger people don't have landlines. Even though millenials as a whole are degenerate scum, I would guarantee there are more pro-whites in that group than in the general population (look here, for example. Most people here seem to be millenials)


And yes I know that cellphones were included, but young people usually don't even use them for calling, much less talking to unknown numbers.

Polite sage for double post.

that's the flavor you add when disaster strikes. the rest is sugar.

some polling places do call cells (random dialing plans), but otherwise your point stands.

you whippersnappers don't even know
our modems used to scream at us to connect to AOL and god forbid someone pics up the line when youre online


Speaking of percentages, I believe these two are closely linked.

It's a 3% difference in party registration (for 2010), stats are proving impossible to find for 2016, so I reckon it's closer or worse now. The true tell is which way people feel they lean, but 42% of the population is independent.

I'm aware of the differences in questions, there's no real easy way to tell that. I'd suggest using some sort of "do nazis have valid points" / "does the alt-right have valid points". I'm pretty sure I saw one on the alt-right having valid points chilling at like 13% or some shit.

The real secret with polls that you KNOW are biased, is finding out what question/statistic they set the study up to get.

I am willing to fight, speak, lead and die. For those of you unprepared for the coming times, ask yourself, why?

Here's your workout: Max 3 sets, 1 min. any type of push-up with full range of movement. how ever many you can do in one minute.
1 min. pull ups any kind of grip, full range of motion, as many as you can do in that time.
Change your type of hand position with every set. bonus for better: one legged squats, fingertip pushups, pike pushups->handstand pushups

When you can do at least 40 full range push ups and 20 pull ups you will be ready fro the day of rope. Do these sets whenever you get the chance, no need for rest days, its not intensive enough for rest days.

Do you have at least 1000 fingers? Because you are talking about half Holla Forums's population.

That many are enlightened? What's in it for them?
Are they going to pull their own lever?

Thanks for your post, that was the motivation I needed.

cuck/pol/, halfchan, boy lovers anonymous, blacked.com central.
Not here, they are civ nat's or still think that our views are a joke. The sun rise is slow to take hold, but impossible to stop.

color me amused

>NatSoc is (((conveniently))) at 9%
This reeks of Jewish trickery. Keep redpilling people. (((They))) might be using this number to dogwhistle dumber people into action to demonize national socialism.

If your math adds up (and it seems good to me), it will only be a matter of time before whites in America get fed up for good with the way things are going. Hopefully we do something that Europe can emulate.

this is a likely interpretation for showing the number. it is a battle call for (((antifa))) fags to go out and start killing whites.

they already are, given some people had the balls to say "ya, nazis are fine" in a non-anonymous poll.

Well, sure. A good chunk of whites are on board, but a even larger chunk are goodgoys or outright anti-white golems. Gotta turn these numbers further in our favor.

Let's get that number higher boyos.


Most of the people who are against us are incompetent. Cat ladies, niggers, and faggots are irrelevant in terms of an actual struggle. They only matter at all because we live in a democracy where one man/xer = one vote.

Just look at Charlottesville. If it were just our guys vs antifa, antifa would've gotten curbstomped. The issue there was the cops. So it doesn't really matter what some effeminate faggots think; what matters is who controls the gov't and the zogbots

9% of 324,420,000 = 29,197,800.

like with appearances of individuals, the appearances of the group is paramount. showing these people as not only weak, but vile is critical. they're willing to lash out against peaceful protesters (like the chicago event, where it was a strictly free speech oriented rally, and they got treated like common thugs). show their pettiness, and the growing size of the white side.


I say just keep educating people. When (((they))) start getting really panicked about the numbers, we'll know.

need a full blown messaging campaign. twitter socks, facebook socks/groups, articles with low tone in (((their))) papers, mass meme proliferation. if everybody managed 1 twatter account and slipped in low key shit everywhere periodically, the message would begin to grow organically.

And that is part of the education process. Give them a bit of knowledge and have them seek more.

bout time fatass

Yeah, but note the difference between
They always claimed the former, never the later.

They were saying things like 51% to 49%, with 95% certainty. Their opinion polling was only a few percentage points off at most since elections are always more or less down the middle. Only considered with that certainty were they way off.

So maybe the real number is 12% or 6% of Americans who are with us. We know their polling is garbage, but one thing that should still be clear is we're somewhere in the general neighborhood of one in ten Americans who agree with us.

what kind of tools do we need to efficiently engage info warfare?

Have you learned nothing from observing (((them)))?

keep reading, the number might be larger when adjusted for race.

Nigger they outright said she had a 95% chance of winning on numerous MSM sites like CNN and MSNBC on election night.

Nvm, misread your post. I gotta get some sleep.

What, halfchan Holla Forums? Those aren't white supremacists. Those are scared mishlings/mullato civnats thinking they can cuddle up to muh IQ and muh constitution to stay in the white ethnostate as a "based nigger". They are selfish. Definitely more future-oriented than most of their shitskin bretherin, but not "white supremacists" by any stretch of the word. They are simply trying to ensure their future survival in a population of increasingly racially aware whites.

Right, my general point is that this is great news for us. If you'd asked me yesterday what percentage of Americans would be okay with "neo-nazi" views, I would have said maybe half a percent.

We've obviously made tremendous progress. We're going to win this war.

Have you ever seen the movie "Being There?" There's a scene where the Peter Sellers character uses a gardening metaphor in a television interviews. Your post reminds me of that scene.

It's a very excellent film. Everyone should see it.


sage for OT.

Yeah, no. That's a voluntary sample of highly politicized questions, the margin of error is equal to the number of white and hispanic people in that survey, because neither would say anything they have been conditioned not to even if they believe it. Frankly that 9% was quite high, they probably tried to offset it by polling mostly southerners in especially inbred areas where the genes might be dumb enough to answer truthfully.

This makes me think, we need a new Mein Kampf, to address the struggles of today's white man. Times have changed, the flames are low we need that strong gust of wind.

Also, I think I found where we can pump up the percent:

there's serious talk about changing the constitution, first amendment. they're talking about speech laws.

Only 3% of the country fought during the revolution.

They didn't have the power to quell civil unrest at that time though, we need to adapt to the here and now, recognize where we're weak and plan accordingly.

They still don't. We just calculated, that 5% of the 9% would be bigger than the whole US military + national guard. That's only 0.45% of the total population.

Weapons, training, control over communication infrastructure.

I'm still wary of the idea. If the mil don't fall in line, shit gets ugly for chanfags getting their rocks off.

That's up to remaining 27 millions.
And if everyone in this 9% donates a 100 bucks it would be 10th biggest defense budget in the world.
Seriously, 9% of the population is very good. 10% is an assured win in any civil war scenario.

However many supporters of revolution there were, loyalists were getting lynched. We're not there yet, but we've been making good progress.

I would expect it to surpass 10% at some point quick. 14.88%?

Can someone get these made with a 9?

If we can trick BLM to smash a statue of Harry Potter we'll jump straight to 88%

I like the idea of branding ourselves with our rising popularity as a provocative way to get more attention, but I fear it would backfire. The jews of course control the polling and as soon as we adopted that number as our own identity, they'd release new "polls" that showed we're actually at .00001% in an attempt to "debunk" and embarrass us. That wouldn't really be a problem if not for the fact the 9% number comes from them in the first place.

Please tell me those don't actually exist.

Original 9%.

You can tell your kids you were part of the early wave.

They way that book series has been shoved down kids' throat for a decade. I say let's indeed convince the blm and antifa shit to destroy them because of 'muh whiteness'. Over night you'll have the normies run to the right.

good point, still good to spin up the propaganda around this number though. even emphasize we thought it was surprising, to drive home the point, this shit isn't going away.

need a spencer-free foundation to cloak and collect, build up the chest, disperse the till.

sage for double post

Meaningless. People know nothing about anything. 100m Americans, CAN'T READ. Another 50m read at a fifth grade level. So you say, 'Nazi' and if anything, they remember seeing some wwii movie made by Jews.

12-15% hardcore White people is all we need so keep memeing the shit ot everything. Shitpost, stickers, flyers, podcasts, spam, whatever you can find. Fuck I'll get a plane to fly over the negroball game to spray, 'Hitler did nothing wrong'.

Oh look, (((somebody))) came in here to discourage people take active measure in promoting to all white people, including the genuinely intelligent. Nothing makes a movement go like a bunch of half wit fucking retards, you stupid lame cuckky faggot.

bump to unsage

Enough to form 58,396 full battalions.
Enough for 195 standing armies.

And we're supposed to be intimidated?

user, those are niggers, spics, and other sorts of foreigners. The VAST majority of white Americans are reasonably literate. They may not read as much as they should, but they certainly are capable of it.

Furthermore, not everybody needs to become a scholar who studies the jewish problem. We only need the masses to defer to people who do. The average working man has no time nor inclination for reading esoteric philosophy. If you think that's a prerequisite for progress, then I'm afraid you greatly misunderstand the nature of the world.

don't waste your breath, this is an obvious (((kike))) plant to discourage people cluing into the truth about a sizable force.

See my post
Hitler's army at it's highest had
6,550,000 total soldiers. Our movement is 4x larger than the original. And our forefathers managed to take on the entire world. This is just our American members. Our ranks will probably be similar in our fellow European nation's.


If anyone wants to do this, here's a graphic to give to the print shop.

The total size of the U.S army is around 1.5 million. A significant portion, larger than half is likely sympathetic to the cause. A portion probably around the 10-15% range would be willing to fight alongside us.

How many would be willing to fight alongside Antifa? A large majority would prefer to sit it out and likely would. This is now a tactics thread.

Lemmings gonna lemming.

Reminder the (((system))) needs to be weakened or crash with white survivors in order for the revolution to succeed.

As CIA once said, chaos is a ladder.

This doesn't mean people think it's okay to have Nazi views specifically, it's mostly libertarian types sticking to the empty principle that anyone has the right to hold any political opinion/say whatever they want.

Though this is of course still good for us, libertarianism is often the perfect clean slate for us to subtly introduce red pills; I know many here at one point were libertarians.

That's not how p values work wtf is this shit

kind of a shame it isnt 8%

You dun goofed.


This. I would have generously highballed it as 2-3%


We mainstream noww


kikel migration to their kikehive became abysmal when it was Trump vs Hillary in November 2016. I'm curious to see the kike migration to the kikehive after the tikitorches came out and the beginnings of the extreme right wing ideology became visible and the MSM started their fear mongering campaign.

None the less, the Fema Kamps are ready, no deportation this time like the germans did instead it's time for mass genocide and rid the world of the cancer that are the kikes!

That reminds me of this article I read the other day
If we continue growing and break that 10% threshold, Holla Forums may become the new majority ideology

It will happen, Hitler cat.

I've been thinking, Hitler cats have potential. Win over some soccer moms. Now that would be funny as shit.

Your infograph is bullshit and disinfo. You do not get high density muscle from fucking cardio activities.

Also strongerbyscience.com/sarcoplasmic-vs-myofibrillar-hypertrophy/

The 'neo-' prefix delegitimizes and demeans the target, which is why its employed.

1 in 10.
One in ten are us.

I'm fine with that prospect.

You know, we actually might just have the manpower to pull this off.

I would like to add that the vast majority (around 95 percent) of those white supremacists are probably male. This would mean that about 18% of all American males and 30% of white males are nazis. Limit that down to young, fighting age males and the percentage grows even more. I mention this because women and old, frail men are practically worthless as a fighting force.

I would guess that the percentage grows even higher within the military. The army recruits mostly whites from poorer backgrounds who have been left behind by society. All of them support Trump.

With all of this being said, I haven't even mentioned the fact that many people will probably avoid admitting to being a nazi when questioned by a probing (((journalist))) out of concern for their own privacy, safety, and fear of being doxxed. This happened with Trump supporters during the election. Imagine how much stronger the effect would be when people are quite literally asked if they are nazis. I know I would be suspicious as hell in that situation and probably lie.

My general point here is that most of America is either old, obese, female, or numales - people who would be unable to fight in a civil conflict. As far as people who actually matter in this regard - fit, healthy males and especially those with military training - the proportion who at the very least sympathize with our viewpoints is higher than what anyone would guess.

wtc hoodie??

that isnt how you round faggot

Did you red pill them or.. PDP? How the eff…

Remember anons, it only takes 10-20% of a population to overthrow an entire system of governance. By these metrics, we're already there…. let alone that.

Never in my life did I think this could actually turn out this way but never gave up pursuing, red pilling and informing the masses in a hope it might turn the tables.
The fruits of these labours for all of us are sweeter than anything we could imagine, we are truly making a dent in preserving our volk and it makes me fucking proud to stand here with you all.

Fucking CHECKED and this exactly.

And NO WONDER they kvetched so fucking hard after this rally - all the chatter and discussion that happened at dinner tables and homes around the world, even in my little country these discussions were taking place. As much as many of us deride some of the 'shitty nadzees' and 'alt right' at the Cville rally, it certainly got the discussion happening amongst the normalfags and made people realize we are not a tiny minority of hackenkreuz waving faggots.
We are gaining traction rapidly. Even normalfags are figuring it out, a decent 1/4- to 1/3rd of even faggit T_D knows - The goyim know is one of the best and most relevant memes during this next phase of our movement.
The newfags piling in here is just another sign. Imagine in a year or two those thousand or so newfags becoming pretty well learned fellow anons. Each one of them red pilling their own family, friends and others down this path? It will begin to accelerate even more rapidly.

But it's damn good, anons - /comfy/ AF
All the demoralisation threads in the world cannot shake us now, for we have already won. And they know this, we know this, it is only inevitable and a matter of time now.
The truth has prevailed as it always shall and there is nothing they can do to stop it now. Nothing can stifle the truth - it will always get out from between their greasy fingers! We will be victorious in the end and nothing will stop us.


did they ask you?

yeah who would ever think it would be 9%, we should all know polls are jewish. it's like 14.88%

10% of 300 million is 30 million.

There are 30 million Nazis in America.

30. Million.

"One day the ents will wake up and realize they are strong."

its a pretty common way of reporting confidence tho fam
eg 95% confidence that 9% +/- 3.5% of americans want to GTKRWN

Population of Nazi Germany in WWII was 90 million.

We are 1/3 of the way to Nazi Germany.

Fucking WEW

There was a study held awhile back where 15% of whites openly held "racist" views. They were asked questions like, "Do you believe blacks are less intelligent than whites?"

They use 'neo' to imply it's not legitimate or authentic, and that it was completely destroyed.

9% is still really good
And that's ignoring the Bradley Effect People like me might just not answer as I'm Paranoid as fuck


Ultimately, this is why Spencer ever gained a following. I know both cuckchan and this one will deny it, but a clean-cut white guy in business clothes calmly advocating for a white ethnic identity is FAR more attractive to people than some fat ex-con biker methhead screeching about blacks. It's simple psychology. The clean-cut guy is going to appear far more intelligent and agreeable—and his arguments therefore, more legitimate—than the shouted words of some bloated tattooed felon.

Spencer doesn't have a following and hasn't brought people to our way of thinking, he's just trapped Sargon of Cuckad fags where they are

Just one more percent and it becomes mainstream acceptable.

you faggots not considered (((they))) are fabricating a reasonably high number to create a moral panic amongst normies and give cassus belli to shut us down any way possible (see: charlottesville and the great shuttening after)

That's way more than enough to change the system. A couple million would've been enough.

But we are missing something. A true leader. And no I'm not talking the stepping stone named Trump

False dichotomy. That's not why Spencer is a bad leader. For one, he can't actually lead worth a damn, as was demonstrated by Charlottesville, but was obvious long before that. But more importantly, he's simply the wrong kind of guy. He's a bourgeois ponce. He's a fucking old-money socialite who loves to hear himself talk in purple prose for hours while saying nothing of substance. His bourgeois stylings are tailored to appeal to people like him. Except the high class that he seems to be reaching to are tiny in number, and almost 100% of them are completely against us, don't care about the plight of the common man, are liberal ZOGbots, etc.

This is a lower and middle class movement. Not that there can't be high class socialites on our side, but you have to have a message that caters to the masses. Spencer does the exact opposite. Any conservative red blooded american sees this guy waxing philosophical about retarded bullshit and just thinks he's an annoying homosexual. That's not to say a "leader" can't be high-class, but you have to resonate with the masses. Spencer does not.

Hell, for a very blatant example of what I'm talking about, look at how Spence freaked out over the RAISE act and talked about how he'd rather have hordes of shitskins come in and take all the blue collar jobs, so long as those professional law and medical jobs don't go to pajeet. In other words "lol yeah, fuck the lower and middle classes!"

THAT is why Spence is shit.

Nah. A leader (in the traditional sense) is a namefag. Namefags are single points of failure.

Our leader is the demiurge.

I never argued Spencer wasn't shit.

I said he attracted a following because he was dressed like a serious professional. Image is everything.

Don't be ridiculous. He attracted thousands to his college speeches before they were banned and he became a household name. List someone else who did the same. You can argue against his viewpoints or what value he has until you turn blue, I really don't care, I'm not a follower of his regardless. I was simply saying the clothes make the man.

Fat meth-head bikers aren't the way forward, and anyone who disagrees doesn't know what they're talking about.

hitler was a namefag, fam. the paucity of good namefags lately doesn't mean that all namefags are bad. even though the current situation is bad for organization, the ultimate goal is to have an organized system to facilitate change with. anarchy is useless–an anarchic system falls apart by itself; it is nowhere near strong enough to fight against zog

"Neo" is kike bullshit. If new or neo has been stuck on a title it's a signal that thing has been kiked to high heaven.

The funny thing is, if you didn't tell them they were Nazi views, at least 90% of americans would agree with NatSoc principles, because they are based on the natural order.

Do these retards really think this shit will not get noticed? This question is so vague it could mean that the respondant disapproves of anything short of Maoism or conversly anything short of Hilter/Jesus coming back and puking up a red sword with which he will slaughter every kike.

The question is meaningless because it doesn't ask what the respondent thinks. This is how kikes and liberals operate, either they misconstrue data or ask leading questions to produce the results they want.

I'm in two minds about this one.
A unifying leadership or namefagging figurehead is required for this movement if we are to ever control a corporation normalfag speak for government. They can be a literal puppet for National Socialism and Holla Forums leadership but it will be needed to orchestrate the masses. It will fail otherwise, history always repeats and no one will let 'anonymous' govern. It's no different to the shadowcucks we have running the show today or the international Jewry whom Hitler and Goebbels spoke of so often. People have had enough of that bullshit.

Is there any way we could commission a poll or influence some agency to do this?

Hitler dubs checked. Kitlers need love, too.

I have found that I can redpill people far more easily if I do not talk about the NSDAP. Very few people really care about a 1930s German party. They're much more interested in what is happening here and now.
Also, once you start talking about National Socialism, their brain shuts down. I'd much rather talk about race and radicalize people than talk about "Nazis" and shut down their brains.

Allegedly in Pennsylvania everyone White is a Nazi. I have not encountered this, but some anons who live there claim this is true. In that case, having a swastika tattooed on your chest might be beneficial. But outside of PA and areas where people like NatSoc, I'd advise talking about more relevant to your audience.

Compare and contrast these two images. How many people do you think were convinced by the man on the right to question the MSM narrative vs the man on the left? Who would the average person be more inclined to respect and listen to?

Honestly, we are making good progress.

We need to continue to advenace our view, as "not alt right"

people that aren´t from the us need to start expanding the message.
the fire rises
sieg heil

I've had conversations with fence-sitting normies that roughly go like this:


Don't adopt any label. Just form your group based on the principles we all agree with and spread the message. This movement needs to be a general "feeling", not something that is commoditized as a brand. We're not a product. We're trying to save our people and our civilization from the glaringly obvious coming destruction that most fail to or intentionally avoid recognizing.

I'm surprised that I haven't seen it mentioned here, and if someone did then I apologize, but the purpose of this poll has nothing to do with Nazi or anything like it. It is a gauge of how likely people would be to support restrictions on the First Amendment, with statements and thoughts like holohoax exposure being outlawed. The pollsters asked for the youngest members of the household. They were testing to see if they could limit free speech and thought in the future. 91% MAY be in favor of such restrictions. This is very troubling.

Holo.caust den.ial is filtered to holohoax exposure? That's dumb. We all know the truth here.

holohoax exposure
testing for mod kikery

these wordfilters are getting out of hand. even one is bad enough but the shitskin boardowner just keeps piling them on to hinder unadulterated free speech. the situation is deteriorating into 4chan Holla Forums before the exodus when the mods were actively attacking it

Daily reminder that you only need the support from 10% of the population to stage a proper rebellion.

Truth is irrelevant to imkikey. You get banned if you "deny the holocaust" here.

I openly deny the Holocaust to my friends and family.

The reason they are doing it is pretty simple.

Too many on Holla Forums parrot the same old stupid fucking kike terms that self-defeat the very thing we are trying to do.
E.g. anything with 'g4te'. Pedog4te, pizzag4te etc. Normalfags turn off when they hear 'g4te'.

Same goes with 'holocaust d3nial'.
It's not denial because the fucking thing never happened. Holohoax exposure is really a far more accurate and correct term. It is consensus shaping and until you faggots stop using the kiked terms, imkampfy will likely keep doing it.

And it's nothing like 4cuck ffs.

We are everywhere and in many places you wouldn't expect.
Hell, a blatant NS symbol popped up on national TV, a good buddy of mine spotted it and was laughing his ass off. No one seemed to notice it because it was pretty brief, dude chucking branches in to a wood chipper with a sneaky SS tatt on their forearm LOL. I'll try find it tomorrow and chuck it up here.

So we're exactly at the essential tipping point. Kikes gonna do it for us I think.

filtering words here doesnt change how we shill information to normalfags, which is when we should use different terminology. all these cucked wordfilters do is hinder discussion between redpilled anons.

g ate gate pizzagate watergate gatekeepers somethingatesomething


I understand where you are coming from but these filters only started happening when we had our recent newfag invasion.
I agree it's a slippery slope and I hope it is reversed but all of us must also be mindful of why they were applied and correct our language.
We shouldn't be using kike terms.

It'd be like me calling us the 'alt-right' ffs.

If skinheads stuck more to the traditional fashions, then it would be a fairly respectable thing. I'm talking about the 1960s(still nationalist and racist…don't fall for the "MUH black'n'white unity" lies) fashion rooted in mod bullshit.
t.former skinhead turnt respectable looking guy

The poll actually reported that 1 in 10 people consider those views "acceptable". So 1 in 10 people are willing to tolerate WN, it does not mean 1 in 10 are WN, still a major redpill though.

I was going to post this myself. Pay attention to it. Revolution is a spectator sport according to GLR, and we are going to make the sheep join us through conviction and force of will.

This. Cargo Cultism of NSDAP is dumb, we should use different branding while having the same fundamental message. I guarantee you if you ran a NatSoc platform as "Nationalist American Workers Party" or "Labor Coalition Party" etc. the vast majority of Americans would support it. NatSoc in everything but name is highly popular since Americans already support populism, immigration restriction, etc.

Possibly. Golden Dawn has approximately 9-12% support in Greece. However as we know, the Jews never play by their own rules and simply arrested the party leadership. The Greek nationalists are far better off and more organized and thus more POWERFUL than us because of their organization, even withstanding their loss of leadership. However more is needed than 10% tacit support. If half of this 10% were bonafide, die for the cause revolutionaries, then we would have something going for us. In order to really get going, we will need tacit support from roughly 30% of the population.

If that's your OC, there is a cropping artefact to the left of the SS. Really like this series though.
We must be as perfect as we can be to lead the next phase of our movement, especially with propaganda



That's good to hear, user. I will redouble my efforts to redpill people.

Good point, appearance is everything for normalfag eyes.


how about rebranding neo-Nazi to Postmodern National Socialist (PNS)

God help me, I am autistic enough that I would wear this.

one problem.

what percentage of the population do you reckon believes oildrilling and coalburning are acceptable?

you reckon maybe 10%?

I would bet my life that 30% of Whites support us. Most of them are just keeping their mouths shut.

Most combat vets hate communism. Probably about half would be sympathetic, at least. You have better figures there than you do in general population (because duty, honor, etc.).

Generally speaking you faggots have done great work by actually being willing to show up and do shit. Keep your form, don't do illegal/dumb shit, and we will keep making progress. Whatever you do, don't get strawmanned into being called a terrorist. We can actually rightly call the kikes terrorists at this time. And obviously, do not try to fuck with the military. It is fortunate that a lot of the guys that go in there and can actually fight (mostly concentrated around combat arms) are mostly decent people who are willing to sacrifice for their country.


You would have to trick the kikes into pushing it themselves, which might be done.

I literally used to publicly shitpost that exact thing against those threatening our people. The fighters that have a stake in things are almost all ours. There are other serious warriors, but they will mostly leave.

That brings us to the strategic level of the Rothschilds having to use mercenary armies (which they will certainly do), and the strategic problem of trying to actually lay siege to this country (good fucking luck, especially after they shat on Putin so much and tried to blame everything on him and even get a war started with him–also, hello, Canada annex and reconquista, except this time it's Mexico getting glassed). Top fucking jej.

I have seen lots and lots of remixes, but that was really great shit, particularly the appeal to action in the subtitles towards the end there. I wasn't going to save it (since I have had the Fuehrer's speeches memorized for some years now) until I saw that.

You missed the "unshakable" part. Any cucks or faggots who accept oildrilling and coalburning do so weakly and for signaling points. They have no resolve and are irrelevant.

WE hold the unshakable beliefs. And more are joining our ranks every day. We are going to gas the kikes and then laugh about it.


is that your image? I was wondering if it was actual text copied or not. The poem by kipling was The Beginnings, same thing but with English, not Saxon. As far as I know.

it's my new favourite too and I love it. I'm impressed you know most of the speeches off by heart and can't wait to be there in a few years, learning more and more each day :) Surprised you have not run in to the last part before though.

Bumping for visibility


I guess you're new to images. It's called practically no compression..

victory is ours

I'm not sure I follow the logic here.

tldr; the more an idea is spoken, the more it is heard, the more it is spoken, the more it is heard.

the image has 4 colors, its inherently compressed

There was an attempt.

OR they could exaggerating the number to make normalfags fall in line with the "scary nazis" and "rising white nationalism" narrative.

One thing that I observed leading up to the 2016 election was that a great deal of Trump supporters didn't want to admit that they were Trump supporters.
In reality, I don't think there's any reliable way to determine how much of the populace is sympathetic to National Socialism. This could backfire on (((them))) spectacularly by emboldening the silent supporters.

If it was very complicated with many colours and lightly compressed it would be even larger.

Beautiful - thank you user!
You're going to hate me but spotted another to the right of the blue patch, pls no kill

Yeah many people keep it quiet. I try not to but sometimes it's nice to not have to redpill 24/7.

No problem, I knew it wasn't perfect. I'll see what I can do.

Do you mean the spot I just tried to fix, or do you mean the one down there on the grid at the bottom?
polite sage for double post

Those 9% are willing to die for their views though. The others are just repeating whatever they believe gets them social points.
In the end, it is the people who are willing to die who win.

Why are they being so quick to SHUT IT DOWN, then? Why so late, after the running of the pigs?

Don't be so pessimistic, user. Maybe they are dulling down the numbers, and what the readings really showed is already too much for them.

I don't know if this spells the end for the movement, but what I do know is that it is a milestone, for sure.

Right, whatever Jews were killed in Eastern Europe were killed by Stalin and the Soviets because Stalin had just finished purging the Jews from the USSR and then, after occupying Eastern Europe, you really think he was just going to let the Jews own everything there again? It was so much easier to just a bunch of them and blame it on the NatSocs to justify executing the remaining leadership of the party.

You got the first spot, I was meaning the one in the grid, sorry for the non-specific post >_<

It's just such a good image I'd love to see it perfected.

That's what I thought, but I wanted to be sure before diving into it. That one might be doable to the point it looks ok, but I don't know for sure and it's going to take a while.
No promises, but I'll take a crack at it.

Stalin didn't kill the jews in the kremlin though, so it was a smokescreen. They kill their own people to save their own ass.

It's not that everyone in PA is a nazi, its everybody in rural PA really hates kikes, niggers, spics, saracens, ect. Oddly enough the founding fathers own testaments hold more contempt for the kikes than hilter expressed in mein kampf.

Don't say "workers" or "labor" that is associated with marxist faggotry in the popular mind

The American Nationalist Party
The Nationalist Party
The Colonial American Party(ie whites only faggots)

I actually have to disagree. The people we are going to get support from are the taciturn conservative whites. Now the liberal whites would probably agree with national socialism if they were indoctrinated into it like they were liberalism, but they now account for less than 20% of the white population, their share in the population is declining because they have 0.9 kids vs the conservative whites' 2.7(the only population in any industrial nation with an above replacement birthrate). These people are nigh immune to modernity that strength is also a weakness however because it makes them complacent because they don't suffer as many negative effects of society going to shit. They also don't trust socialism at all and never will due to their clannish nature, they see it as downright saccharine. They only care about their families and clans, they hold no real afffect for something as wide as "white Americans" or even "Germans" in Bismark's pan-german political philosophy. You need to appeal to their hatred rather than their love, because love isn't really something they feel for other people they don't know. They are the descendants of mercenaries, exiles, and those who desired separation from the old world in exchange for a total lack of oversight.

I'd say you should argue for massive tariffs, isolationism, imperialism, merchantilism, and describe how kikes/liberals/muds are fucking them over.

Do not expect them to get behind welfare, healthcare, or communal feeling.

Natsoc was made by germans for germans and was based on prussianism. Americans need Americanism, which though certainly fascist is not particularly national socialist in character. You have to pander to their interests.


If you can ^__~ No rush and thank you for the amazing art either way. Love that style.
Spotted some in the ICAN thread ;)

The phrase "truth does not fear investigation" comes to mind.

I'm not the guy that made that OC. I'm just doing pixel-level touch-ups.


Meme it gentlemen;

Oh crap okay - well I can help out too in that case. Let me get some sleep first.
Thought you were OC kek. Even more mad respect then!

not an expert but i know people who frequently use bikes to have very strong looking legs and very well defined calves. is cycling not cardio?

we need a new Hitler

Neo-anything is horse shit; look at actual Neo-Nazis. Rebranding just centralized the target and allows the opposition to control the narrative (like Alt-Right)
National Socialism never changed; it only adapted. Actual "Nazis" today still call themselves traditional National Socialists or embrace the title of Nazi itself (like GLR)

Have you read GLR's "This Time The World" or "White Power"?
While now they are both nearly 50 years old, they are still extremely relevant today, if not even more so

Yeah, no "neo-" suggests just being a throwback to long defeated ideology. We should rather be "post-".

Another bump for amazing moralization thread.

Assuming the 9% number is true for the US, I'd wager it's actually about the same in Canada. Demographic stats in Canada is 76.7% white, compared to 63% in USA but there are way more cucked and leftist whites in Canada.
That would leave us with around 3 million in Canada. (9% of 35 mil).

Another thing we have to consider is how accurate these demographic censuses really are. In France it's actually illegal to record ethnicity, and the actual white percentage is obfuscated in North America including hispanics and jews. There are plenty of non-whites who don't show up on the censuses because they are illegal and live off the grid of the government, but regardless one european is worth over 10 non-whites and considering potentially 9% is supporting our cause, things are looking good.

While I am all for more people being open to National Socialism, I cannot help but think that this poll is just fake news baiting Joe Six Pack into thinking the "Nazi threat" is bigger than it really is.

Also, what is their definition of "Neo-Nazism?" Haters of Jews and Niggers? Militant racists? Never will we be labeled anti-capitalism, as there would be no shock behind that.

hot shit


Most of that 9% would be armed to the teeth also.

Francis Parker Jockey Imperium its more a western/european manifesto, and somewhat intellectual but the author explains well the decay of western civilization. The author other writting are really good too.

The number is more.
Who would say.
Nazism is acceptable to a cuck reporter.

So what?

It's the jews posing as whites and acting like idiots that hurts us. If I wasn't a newfag I would make a thread about this jew cop who just got busted. rawstory.com/2017/08/busted-oklahoma-police-chief-outed-as-owner-of-racist-website-and-white-supremacist-record-label/amp/

If there is one thing that seperates us from the original Natsocs its the fact that we use humor and memes.
We will gas the jews and laugh while doing it.

I cant wait to tell my children about this Meme War. Fuck, I might start keeping a diary at this rate.

We're going to retake our countries, and we are going to actually have a holocaust.

We're gonna make it lads.

Somewhat related. A friend of mine works at the local tattoo shop and told me he had a cop from the next town come in this weekend and get a 1488 and celtic cross tattoos.

The polls in mapleland would be off because reporters wouldn't go to where the rightwing folk have fucked off to.

Almost time.


So we're looking at possible 15% baseline support, in reality.



Nice dubs, and that we do

This isn't even counting the optics optimized™ polling

10% is enough for a revolution if that 10% is dedicated enough.
Revolution is a spectator sport.

I believe its more than 9%

people are intimidated by corporate scumbags not to say anything or else they will lose their jobs.

I know a bunch who wouldn't admit it, but inside them they know and would discuss in secrecy, so I can guarantee you that there is roughly 35% or perhaps even more.

A quote from a kike.

sounds like boomers are over-represented in this poll
my mother in law will answer any and all robocalls. I think it's so ingrained from having a landline and no caller ID for decades

sounds like boomers are over-represented in this poll
my mother in law will answer any and all robocalls. I think it's so ingrained from having a landline and no caller ID for decades

This 10% thing is bullshit. Regardless of what people believe, we have been under the kike revolution for decades now, a radical ideology that absolutely no one besides the top kikes and National Socialists even understand.

A Christian theocracy or even a Communist revolution would be way more likely to be our reality than our current shadow government if this 10% rule could be applied universally like this.

I am from Germany and you can dream on -.- every media here(even the most local ones) are owned by rich fucks that are connected to jews. There are actually some rare 'neo-nazis' still here, but they are so powerless that it is not even funny.
Also our laws that made denial of the holocaust illegal are also slowly being enforced on an EU level. Germany and the rest of the EU are also far stronger with internet censorship than the US, which allows only those of us that can and are interested in reading news from outside of Germany to understand even a fraction about what is going on… Political protests against anything that has to do with refugees are also put down before they can even start thank to the efforts of our own intelligence services. And when they are not put down than they are not covered anywhere on media or social media.

The only way out of all the shit currently happening in Germany and the EU would be either a big political shift in the US or more EU member countries exiting the EU. Germany itself will not change it's tune for the next 30 years.
Also did you know that Anti-fa was created in Germany? The Anti-fa here are far more hardcore than in the US. You have Antifa-light while we have the hardcore version. They regulatory cry for the destruction and death of all Germans, saying that our sins are to great and shit.
Well here they are mostly called 'der schwarze block' (the black bloc) and are made up of people that just want to smash stuff. There is absolutely no Ideological reasons behind their actions. They also more than once attacked police stations and freed criminals that they say were held there unjustly, when in reality they don't even care, and are just searching for reasons to destroy stuff and hurt people.
The politic is also openly supporting them, and more than once can you see politicians walking shoulder to shoulder with those people during 'rallies' while holding up sighs like "Germany die you ugly piece of shit"..

But the average person here still thinks that our politicians are perfectly normal people and not hardcore pedophiles.

No, change can only come from a country with power, and the best candidate for that is the US. And this change can only come if both the people on the streets and in the politics at the same time cry for change. (one riots and is big in TV while the politicians point to them when they enforce new politics.)
The Jews did the same in the US when they created all those political offices that act in their interests. First the US needs to accept the interests of white ethnics on a political level by creating an office or something. If this is done, it would legitimize all non-violent white movements and give more room for change.
After that going international and finding support from other white nationalists groups in the EU would be easily and future strengthen the movement. At that point it would be far easier to implement some more drastic changes (non-violent or you get a bad reputation) in the US to free it of Jewish control, which at the same time would also free Germany.

Also why do so many here believe that the polls if false are higher in reality? -.- The media only talks about things like that in order to legitimize Anti-fa actions. Not in order to encourage our side. It is more likely 2% and of those less than 1% are National Socialists them self. But making a friendly appearance in public would not hurt. Maybe just have people educate others on Hitler and stuff, but over all presenting them self as harmless. The problem is that this has been tried many times before and those groups were shutdown instantly. No better don't make any hasty moves and just continue slowly educating people. And WTF don't talk about revolution -.- it will not work…. They will use tanks like in china, and than it is over.

Say what you want about Jews but their tactics are sound. Take things slow and steady and over generations.

in 30 years germany will be extinct

wtf i hate tradition now?
Suddenly the perfect reasoning and skillful wording should be tossed out.

8% of the world is white–if even that. Whites are a minority and their existance needs to be conserved.

Whites have allowed Jews to grant all our greatest inventions for war to the entire planet. A century ago we could deal with the military conflicts that non-whites could bring, not it'll be very difficult especially because there is a precedent, feeling really good while they're doing it, for even whites themselves to join these non-whites. Further out of that 8% less than half is of women who can produce good offspring.

Victory is very much achievable but the bleeding needs to stop.

We need a charismatic figurehead. Like hitler.

Same. Thankfully im /fit/ enough to pull it off.

Potter was a FUCKING WHITE MALE!!!

see, I wish this would work, but considering how much JewKRowling has already retconned the series, I think it'd be simpler to say "oh shit he was muh dick actually lols"

Still worth a shot though

Just this alone, that kids are still going outside and socializing the normal way, gives me hope. Most working parents just give the kids an iPad and have them watch Elsagate videos all day.

Hitler was openly mocked a lot. Part of the reason he could rise to power is that at first he was preaching locally and people joined him. He could bond with those people. It's nigh impossible to do that in modern day. If Hitler went around and did that in modern day he would be called an uneducated retarded loser who got drunk a couple of times and he would've been continously mocked and discarded.

I turned my mom into one of us. She sent me this last night.

Here is a good video on the subject. Particularly at 18:30 when Taylor talks about a poll that asked simply if it was "racist" for a majority population to resist becoming minority status through mass immigration. Only about 89% of Trump voters responded that it was justified to fight against becoming a minority in their own country.

Woops. Here is the video.

TRSodomite, where the fuck do you think you are? >>>/trs/

Thinking a thing is acceptable and being a thing are two separate realities. Not trying to black pill but in America there is a culture of free speech and I just wonder how many of that 9% just answered the way they did because of muh freedom.

Jew detected. Fuck off you butthurt heeb

All you need for a social revolution is for 3% of people to be die-hard believers in the cause.

Don't get me wrong I know that there is a right wing resurgence happening, but this idea about 29 million Americans being WN or Nazi's is a bit silly. As you say:
If it really was 9% of Americans we would be reaching levels of craziness I wouldn't even believe to be possible. It is a very good sign however that that many people are willing to not condemn us. The left thought they had won and now see what their over reach has sown.

It makes no difference if they put their money where their mouth is

That's pretty fucking good. You also need to take into account that there is a politically correct bias involved as well. People fear espousing right-views, especially to a news or government agency. So the number is likely higher, I'd imagine another 5-10%. Keep pushing lads, we need to make people desensitized to hearing white nationalist rhetoric, which means they'll eventually tolerate and accept it.

A hobgoblin sow with her 3 spiclets sucking on the welfare and medicaid teat.

Nice samefag, did you enjoy that ban? >>>/trs/


This is why the alt kike have gone into turbo PR fag mode