PS4 Slim Leak
PS4 Slim Leak
PS4 Slim Leak
PS4 Slim Leak

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fuck off

That's nice but why are they releasing another console revision before they've released any games?

why is kotaku not namefiltered? wtf

also OP is a faggot


It looks pretty fucking average. Xbone S is sexier.
Looks like they got rid of the optical out, but added another USB port. Considering that PS4 can't run games off external storage makes me wonder why, probably for PSVR?

great, another potato revision for consoletards to blow their barista tips on so they'll be broke by the time scorpio/neo get rolled out, even accounting for nogames.

personally I approve of this scheme to squeeze consolebabbies for every last cent they're worth.


Did they leak some games too?
I'm waiting for those






well done lads

NiER: Automata is coming to PC. So I'll pretty much be building that instead in buying a Pee Ess4

I've been hankering to emulate a fuckload of console games at 4K anyway, including the Wii U, along with using Photoshop and workstation programs like MAYA and such.


check em

fuck off umaru fag

Both consoles really dont seem that slim.

Where's the proof that that's real and not just an empty case made with a 3D printer?

Because they need a way to sell the salvaged PS4 Neo APUs that don't work at the PS4 Neo specs. The worse the yields of those at full Neo specs in other words: the closer the Neo specs are to the maximum potential clocks you could squeeze out of the chips, the cheaper the slim should be.

What the heck? If they are underperforming chips they would need to be overclocked to work at the same speed as regular chips, which would require a bigger box, not smaller. Your logic makes no sense.

My logic makes perfect sense.
Higher Neo specs > less chips work at those specs > more chips to salvage at standard PS4 specs for the slim

Why the fuck do i see icecream sandwich in it

that's not umaru

this is

hey! that's not my image…

Stop lying. You love Mark.

The Neo is coming out soon, who gives a shit?

You're a hero

Source? Only other thing I need is Gravity Rush 2 and the eventual FFXV port.

All the NoGaems4 shouting faggots that only count exclusives and want to get to those at a price as low as possible. The slim is for them.
If you have other reasons to prefer a console the Neo might be a better choice, but that depends on price differential and its final specs.

The normal PS4 already sounds like a damn jet engine when it's running anything, the Slim is going to melt

Why did they bother including a blu-ray drive when they could have just pre-installed bloodborne?

the symbols on the bottom are pretty cool
the current bloodborne station fucking sucks anyways mine kept spittin discs back out till I took off one of the rubber feet and tightened a screw

Is there ANY point to owning a game console anymore Holla Forums?

Back in the Wii/PS3/Xbox 360 days, for example, you got a game console for the exotic hardware. Which could at times be difficult to compare to PC hardware, especially with the PS3s Cell Broadband Engine, which was a fucking supercomputer chip

But the PS4 doesn't run on a supercomputer chip. The PS4 runs on an AMD Jaguar, an AMD Cat Core, their lowest-spec processor class, and even then it gets beaten by Intel Atoms in both speed and power efficiency

Modern game consoles are quite literally low-spec PCs. You can compare the hardware directly to a PC and see very plainly it is complete fucking garbage. Its an AMD Jaguar and 8GBs of DDR3 RAM for 400 bucks, its complete fucking shit even for the money.

I recently got a new PC with an Intel Skylake i7 an Nvidia GTX 970M and 12GB of DDR4 RAM. Now when I look at consoles I see something vastly inferior to even my fucking laptop being sold as a premium product to retards, its really fucking sad.

For me only reason to own any console is to play games like splatoon with my nephew. Other than that; there have been barely any fucking games for PS4/Xbox one until later this year and I bought a PS4 when it came out; that is outrageous and ridiculous.

After I sold the fucker I bought a 980ti and even some games on PC like Rise of the Tomb raider take up like 9-10gigs of vram which makes my card feel like midrange trash. Games are getting more ludicrous in storage capacity and whatnot so my advice is ditch the consoles and get a PC with tons of RAM and a card with a substantial amount of vram (more than 8GB).

There really isn't anymore. There's at least point to owning one of the two handhelds for portable games, but both the Xbone and the PS4 and the Wii U lack compelling game libraries that their predecessors had, making it hard to imagine people going back to play these games years after the fact, especially since some games have online requirements on fucking consoles with massive day one patches taking up as much as a game usually does.

That's not even taking into fact that a large amount of games out right now are ports.

Vid related.

Even then though it's not worth spending that much on a PC when there are loads of good games from back then when then that don't require such outrageous specs and massive file sizes.

Vram? Are you sure m8? Even if we assume those games have the worst optimization of all time 9GBs seems like a real stretch

Even GTA V for example only uses a little less than 4GBs of vram on absolute maximum settings

Well, that leaves Gravity Rush 2. Maybe I'll rent it and mooch off a friend.



Idk man. All I know is the game uses 4k textures at ultra. I've also read from a player who had a titan who got that usage reading from msi afterburner. I know it uses quite a bit of vram. Even watch dogs can get up there. I suspect the usage to go up even higher, I only played on 1200p with no AA, and I was getting 5-6GB usage in afterburner. I got massive stutter with prolonged gameplay making me shut off the game to turn down the textures.

Yeah that's true. Considering the quality of vidya has dropped in a lot of genres with forced walking/cinematics instead of actual game play; coupled with the massive influx of normalfags who think they know video games, Netflix bingers who think story is better than playing the game on hard, ect.

The games themselves are often pretty cheap on it, and there's also a few exclusives you're not considering, like the Asian-english SRW games, also most PC releases these days are often steam exclusive, and i rather not support them at all if i don't have to(iirc even pirated games still have you log into steam to play the game.)

I could see it being worth buying a few months after PS4 Neo, when they put the things on clearance.

You thought wrong, unless you already have steam for some games, but mine don't.

It's more of a rumor than confirmed but it's good enough to cause drama between the consolebabbies and PCucks.

Nigger, even if you discount piracy. A lot of multiplat games are still sold at cheaper than console counterparts, especially if you get them on sale.

That can be fixed by just changing a .dll file.

Dont touch AAA trash, if you go modern, go mid sized releases


How does it feel to live under a rock?

It's only okay when nintendo does this!

Sure is

Both are pretty fucking bad though. Unless you're not trying to damage control for steam, then in that case, carry on.


I can already tell none of the replies are worth reading.


I'm worried that NieR is going to be a shoddy port with Denuvo. If a PS4 can run it, I should absolutely be able to, but recent console ports prove otherwise time and time again.


It's legit.



Hold the fuck up, why is Polyshit not filtered anymore?
Somebody call Mark on this shit.



OP made a thread about it. I believe in him.

Short answer, no. Long answer, yes, if you want to play Japanese shit.


I've got a "slim leak" if you know what I mean

What is a Vita?

Harold, no ;_;

A system that has a fair number of games that run like shit due to lack of optimization.

It looks so cheaply made compared to the launch one. The internal components are probably better than launch but even the cardboard box it comes in looks so plain and uninteresting.

Small number yes, but more games and ports of many games on the PS4 that run just fine.

Looks like Sony Wii'd out with their design.