How will you solve the Palestinian Crisis, user?
How will you solve the Palestinian Crisis, user?
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Protip: You can't
Nuke them
No state solution
Kill everybody who's not not a socialist or a commie.
Federalised State with self-governing Jewish, Christian, Druze and Arab local communes, but with a Consensualist authority to arbitrate between different groups.
Probably impossible, but hard to see any other system that could work. Palestine is not a viable state on its own, but a Zionist Israel either collapses into fascism or is overthrown by the Arab demographic growth.
1 state solution - Palestine. Secular, decentralised and open for all.
Zionism must go.
idk, I could easily see that dissolving into conflicts
obvs, but what's the alternative here?
With trump I hope the solution will be simple
he missed
End religion and nationalism.
Fucking simple as that.
oust netanyahu
oust hamas
install pflp
Tried the last and that didn't work either.
One state solution, palis and non jews given equal rights, jew flag changed into something else.
Two state solution is pretty much dead cause kikey sheckleburgs keep building and expanding settlements, one state solution looks the way to go if they can all get their heads out their ass's (pro tip: they cant).
Bulid wall
Both the Arab and Jewish communists of Palestine have already solved this question: multi-ethnic one state solution.
Its the only way you can really solve the situation with going full Nazi and exterminating one side, just like the Israelis are doing.
This, one-state is the way. Prob have to turn it into a ethnic-quota parliament like in Libanon or the Seychelles.
The solution for the whole Middle East is democratic confederalism. It's the antidote to sykes picot and balfour retardation. Rojava will be the paradigm.
Israel will never yield power and are too enmeshed in the hegemony of the world though.
1. Remove every piece of religious symbolism and Jewish supremacy from the country, i.e. dont call it Isreal and remove the flag. We can't call it Palestine because that's obviously pretty loaded and would be toxic for the peace process, maybe call it Levant or something, idk
2. Unite all the Palestinian """autonomy regions""" with what used to be Isreal, pay deported Palestinians compensation and offer them settlements just as they did with to Jews
3. Remove all influences of Zionist lobbying, Jewish lobby organisations in general, and US lobbies from the country relentlessly
4. Make Jerusalem the new capital and rename Tel Aviv Jaffa
5. Have a national assembly about a new constitution which representatives are being sent my Jewish + Muslim and Christian councils
Pretty easy tbh
yes, i'm sure the jews will get behind this idea.
yes because that totally makes sense
only because globalist bankers murdered uncle joe
annoys me that Israel has treated the Palestinians like animals and herded them into the hands of Islamists like Hamas
Lebanon is a dysfunctional mess
Alright Alex.
This. But the since the Zionist are in charge of the conflict there is no fucking way to get rid of religion.
So let me get this straight: none of you have solutions even approaching the realm of possibility. Your ideas are what would work in an ideal perfect world, all of them ignore the realities of the one we live in. None of them would work.
sasuga Holla Forums
That's one of the problems with leftypol. As someone who lives in Israel I'd love to have a serious discussion about it, but every discussion here ends up in shitty memes and half-ironic edgy opinions.
I like this post,
what part of it isn't based in reality?
all of it
What kind of you discussion do you want to have? While you folks go listening to trance in some club at the beach in Tel Aviv, palestinians are forced to live in total poverty shut down from outisde world.
What is your government going to do when they are all killed? "sorry world, it appears that we've killed them all. ups"
that's already the case
It's already called Tel Aviv-Jaffa, they were only united after Israel conquered Jaffa in 48'. Before that these were two separate cities.
Other than that, it's a pretty good plan, the only problem is: How do you get there? You need to convince enough of both the Jewish and Palestinian working classes that this is a good solution for them, but if you try to push for this you'll mostly end up with spooky nationalism and religious reaction.
I want discussion that isn't based on edgy memes and half-assed one-sentence solutions of what you think would be nice. Everything else you said is unrelated to what I said.
That's not a very good explanation.
Promote multiculturalism and the intermarriage of Israelis and Palestinians. All the hate is removed in 1-2 generations.
1. israel is the "jewish state;" it was founded as a jewish state, to be a jewish state, for jews, with a jewish identity: "“The State of Israel was established and recognised as the State of the Jews…this is the sovereign State of the Jewish people” (Eichmann Trial Judgment)" “WE, the members of the National Council, representing the Jewish people in Palestine and the Zionist movement of the world… “HEREBY PROCLAIM the establishment of the Jewish State in Palestine, to be called ISRAEL.” (Declaration of the State of Israel, May 14 1948). this will never be revised or altered; jews will never allow it.
this is exactly what israel wants; they just want those areas to be free of palestinians and other non-jews
who's going to pay them? israeli taxpayers? lol
jews have spent the past 7 decades trying to REMOVE palestinians from the land, not invite them to it and give them settlements. this is just nonsense
the israel lobby is overrated. u.s. support for israel is not dependent on aipac and the like. also, who's going to do this removal?
jerusalem is already the capital
it's already called tel aviv-yafo, it's just not well known by that name in the west. also, what is changing a city's name supposed to achieve? it's dumb idpol
see point 1
Jews only promote multiculturalism for the Goyim. They'd never inflict that on themselves. Marrying into a Jewish family is hard - as a Muslim, impossible.
Otherwise that's a George Soros tier solution and I feel sceptical about it, Jews are already knee-deep into their ethnostate mentality and this might cause an ultranationalist reaction.
I support that. The far-right in Israel gets really triggered by it, seriously comparing it to a new holocaust. But we need something that could work sooner than 2 generations. Not to mention part of the reason why so few Jews and Arabs intermarry in the first place is because of the nationalist divide, so it's a catch 22 there.
>spend a few years spreading leftist propaganda among Palestine and ultra-reactionary propaganda among Israel
which is why they keep supporting likud and netanyahu, right? the tiny minority of hippie-israelis (whom are regarded traitors by most israelis) is not "plenty"
I'm well aware that the Israelis will never allow any of this to happen, so this is probably only possible when an alliance of Muslim left-wing states (maybe a reformed version of the Baath-ideology?) achieves military victory over Israel.
My bad, sorry. I meant seat of government.
It's dumb IdPol to give cities in a country that has been inhabited by Muslims for centuries Hebrew names.
It will achieve that Palestinians are not daily reminded that their region has been appropriated by Jews. It will calm down the conflict for sure.
I understand that this is a problem close to you, but you have to put your own idpol aside before the spookiness of what Israel is brings the rest of the world down with it because of the unnecessary conflicts it has created.
It's a minority but it's not tiny. Since when being in the minority stopped communists?
this is fantasy.
Tel Aviv was first a neighborhood of Jaffa that then split and became its own separate municipality. But it was never renamed from Jaffa to Tel Aviv.
I don't think Israel can get any more nationalist. A solution like this will eventually have to be considered, infinite expansion isn't possible and Muslims aren't going away anytime soon. The plan is eternal warfare?
of course, but doing that in a jewish state is like the proverbial band-aid on a dying man
wut? a different name is suddenly going to make palestinians forget being militarily occupied and terrorised by a hostile country? forget checkpoints and bombings? forget their poverty?
the fuck are you talking about? explaining the reality of the situation and rejecting fantastical "solutions" by persons who have a poor understanding of the very problem itself is not idpol. please learn what that word means before you try to lecture me
as evidenced by all those anti-occupation politicians and parties in power, right?
um, always? are you even serious?
Don't let Hitler win. Dismantle Israel.
It seems to me that you are very resistant to the idea of an autonomous Palestine because of your idpol, though I'm not lecturing anyone. It's because of idpol posts like yours that solutions like these are "fantastical" in the first place.
not much need of that tbh, it's already prevalent
Joke didn't land. The idea was that Israel is so extreme, ultra-reactionary ideology would still be to their left, but not so far to the left that it would be rejected.
why, because i rejected the fantasy that jews might allow israel to stop being a jewish state? asked for a serious discussion on the issue; so i'm discussing the reality instead of dumb fantasies. if you'd rather dicuss far-out "what if" scenarios then i'll stop posting
getting annoying now. please read my posts more carefully, or learn what "idpol" means
The gommies went from a minority to majority only after the revolution.
What makes them dumb and far out other than your idpol making them dumb and far out? The reality is that there are also Jews that think that a two state solution is entirely possible and should happen, so it is possible to get more of that sentiment.
that revolution was carried out by the masses, under specific cirumstances, not just a minority of theorists and thinkers. the masses today are not about to carry out a revolution
i will not respond informatively to your posts unless you learn what "idpol" is. nothing in any of my posts has anything to do with "my idpol," nor have i made any personal objections to a two-state solution. you are just pulling things out of the air, and i'm not going to play that game
Thinking that a solution between the Israeli-Palestinian crisis is impossible due to "the reality" of Jews "rejecting the fantasy" of Israel not being an ethnostate is falling into identity politics. I don't know why you think you're completely unbiased here.
never said anything of the sort. complete fabrication
never said i wasn't biased. never made an attempt to appear non-biased. more bullshit
Seems like you think it's impossible to me, unless you meant something different.
so, the only solution you can come up with is one that involves erasing israel's ethnic identity; thus any criticism of your solution is a blanket rejection of the very idea and/or potential of solution itself? good to know
Erasing the spook of Israel? Yes, that would be the quickest and least bloody solution in my opinion, and entirely possible despite your idpol on the subject.
How would you accomplish this, in practical terms? Israel was founded as a Jewish nation. Its wars and conflicts with its neighbours serve only to reinforce this identity and withdraw them further into their shell. I honestly don't see any way for this to change in the foreseeable future.
lol. i'm sure they'll just let you do that without a fight. after all, israel is well known for its commitment to non-violence and anti-war policies.
please put your crack pipe down…
wait, scratch that – please break the pipe and shove the jagged end into your jugular
There is litterally no good way to solve this. The jews are too assblasted and proud to move back to europe and the Palestinians are too angry at the jews to ever live together with them in a single state within this generation.
What is your solution to solve this, you are dealing with a conquering country that is backed by the USA and has a history of persecution and is religiously clinging to that land, and you have a conquered people who have been treated like human rats, but somehow you think you can solve this problem and make everybody happy?
Forgot to add: The only real solution without bloodshed is to deport and relocate one of the two groups, which neither group will comply with, because it would legitimise the claim of the other group on their land. Or you have to deport them both, but that is not realistic either.
Fixing the clusterfuck that is North Korea is easier than defusing this fucking bomb.
Single state called Israel-Palestine. Equal rights for all citizens.
Oh an another something. I am sorry if we don't come up with amazing simple solutions like "Kill all the kikes and the mudlimes" or "nuke the entire middle east out of existance". Lets hear your fucking idea if you're so goddamn smart.
Sanctions and then UN intervention if the crisis continues to develop negatively.
Are you being facetious? The spooks that Israelis believe in have to go and it appears your post is evidence for why. There isn't a place in the world for a nuclear armed ethnostate.
give all the land to jews
they are the only ones that have actually used it right
they are the only one promoting democracy, gay rights, and so on
they are the ones that know how to manage the land correctly
prove me wrong
protip: you can't
are you retarded?
no shit faggot. who's going to make them go? you? magic?
yes, my post on this obscure message board, the one that you misread and misinterpret, is the problem.
it's too bad the population of that state, and the ruling global superpower that supports them, don't feel the same way
fucking retard.
fuck off kike
i'm not op, kike
I don't know what's to misinterpret about telling someone to stick a broken crack pipe into their jugular. It's clear that this is a very galvanizing and spooky topic for you, perhaps you should get some air and return to this thread to rationally discuss what needs to be done to prevent this crisis from becoming more worse off than what it already is.
yup. it's an American
which i'm sure your plans to "remove israel's spooks" will surely achieve. it "would be the quickest and least bloody solution," of course. retard
Yeah, it sounds like something Bill Maher would say.
The only thing you have contributed to this thread is your spooked idea that Israel's ethnostate status is holy and untouchable. Perhaps you should reevaluate why you're on this board in the first place.
well whaddya know you can utilise land more efficiently when you're not being bombed and when you recieve ridiculously huge per capita subsidies and scientific aid from foreign governments and organisations
you staggering retard
perhaps you should improve your reading comprehension skills. or just kill yourself
Not all Israelis believe it, it's you who keeps saying it's impossible. Again, this is an important issue to you I can tell, but if you aren't going to be constructive but rather tell people to kill themselves then you're at the wrong place.
fuck off retard
fuck off kike
Stay spooked my property.
learn to read, faggot retard
sorta like what the state of Israel is founded in, hm?
Get out of here with your unconstructive bullshit. If that's the best you can come up with then you're causing more harm than good and should probably just remove yourself from the gene pool.
Still haven't seen OP come with a solution, he just seems to be bitching about how lefties dont have solutions.
fuck off retard
Some Good Friday type deal is need
Israel is there to stay. There is no way to get rid of it, and even if there were whatever islamic theocracy replaced it would be much worse. A one-state solution is not realistic either. Israelis, the vast majority at least, will never allow it because they fear that a. it diminishes their nation's Jewish identity b. with higher population growth Palestinians would quickly take over the country and c. letting the two groups come in contact would result in violence and unrest.
Thus, I believe that the best solution is a two-state system. Palestinians would have to settle for less than was agreed in the original UN partition plan, that train has long passed. However, it would still give them independence and a way out of the misery they're in currently. The most important thing is to allow Palestine to thrive and grow independent of Israel's repression. The counter-argument to this is that due to generations of hatred between Jews and Palestinians the establishment of a new country right on the border would open the door to armed conflict (unlikely because of the power disparity, but with Hamas or an equivalent organization in charge it would be a possible outcome nonetheless).
Relations would of course be extremely tense in the beginning, but with enough time the hatred would mellow, and at least the Palestinians would be out of the rut. The most important thing to the success of this plan is gaining the support of both populaces and the willingness to cooperate and compromise. If either side posits ridiculous demands like "Israel must be destroyed" or "Palestinians must not be allowed to grow stronger" then there is no way for this to succeed, and a s long as Netanyahu and Hamas are in power that seems to be the case.
To add to this: The current situation is 'tolerable' for Israel. Aside from occasional terror attacks and pressure from other nations, there is no urgent need to deal with the Palestinian Question once and for all. Ordinary Israelis live fairly safe and secure lives, they're much more removed from the conflict than Palestinians themselves. The first step would be to change this, and the change must come from within Israel - the people must start demanding that the issue is finally solved.
Unite the Jewish and Arab working classes to organize the overthrow of the State of Israel and the Palestinian Authority and establish a singular, secular Socialist State of Israel and Palestine.
Liberals always prioritize order over justice.
To my understanding, most Israelis don't mind Palestinians being oppressed. Is there any substantial movement from Israelis to stop it?
No. Of course there's Israeli liberals who'll go "violence is bad, why can't we all just get along?". But once they put down that platitudinous rhetoric, they can go home to a cushy secure life and forget about the issue for as long as they please. No such luxury for Palestinians. When your life is under existential duress from an ultra nationalist war machine, "why can't we all get along?" means nothing to you and it does nothing to you.
It's at that point that Palestinian youth turn to organisations like Hamas. Then Israelis go "fuggin terrorists, see :DD".
not substantial, nope. most israelis want it to be more oppressive, more violent. there's even broad popular desire to nuke iran
What does Holla Forums think about consociationalism (
Yo fam imma need some citations wit dat shit, specifically in regards to
This is correct, and meeting and speaking to Israelis is weird. It's like speaking to aliens. Amazing what being brainwashed from birth can do.
Gideon Levy's talked about how difficult it is for the average Israeli to break away from the propaganda cycle and actually view Palestinians as humans.
That proves nothing, surely even you can see that. More than anything I see it as a vote for the status quo, not for increased violence and oppression.
whatever. the status quo in israel is violence and oppression. electing this lunatic is hardly an indication of a desire for less of it
I remember someone on Twitter making a good point saying "Israel doesn't let them peacefully oppose, so it's no wonder they turn to violence."
say what
wtf is that pic
Hamas has been doing noticeably less rocket attacks recently… anyone know why?
Also Hezbollah fresh from their Syrian experience will frighten Israel. They are one of the most elite fighting units on the planet.
How would they frighten Israel? The only way for them to inflict damage on Israel, save for terrorist attacks, is to invade it, in which case they would be flattened in a couple of hours if that. There is no military force in the Middle East on par with the IDF.
It's a cyclical pattern you see with all oppressed groups. Catholics in Northern Ireland, Tamils in Sri Lanka, Kurds in Turkey etc. When you're getting your face kicked repeatedly in and are robbed of a voice diplomatically to say "hey, could you, uh, not do that?", then of fucking course armed revolution will occur.
when israel invaded lebanon in 06 the jewish soldiers were shocked and intimidated by the fighting skill of the hezbollah forces. they were scared of them
16 Palestinians have been kidnapped by Israeli soldiers over the last 2 days, including at least 6 children.
Yeah, and to add to that quote "A riot is the language of the unheard." - MLK
Yeah, but Hezbollah was on the defensive then and they'd turned the parts of Lebanon they controlled into an urban warfare nightmare.
I don't think they'd fare that well in an actual invasion of Israel
What's more scary is Iraq and Syria being more influenced by Iran due to the US actively trying to destabilize one and not doing enough to protect the other. Iran with an overland route to supporting Hezbollah, now that's scary.
of course, few countries could, but i think what the other poster was saying is that israel might by intimidated by hez's successes against IS. it wasn't clear
scary if you're a zionist or an israel supporter, maybe
Bullshit. We should all be wary of Islamist Jihadist groups. What the hell do you think Daesh is?
Hezbollah did a military parade in Syria today and they're packing shit I never thought they had.
Should have said 'Islamist or Jihadist'
Sunni and Shia being the key difference here. Hezbollah are a legit political force in Lebanon because they're inclusive and non dogmatic. Same can't be said for their Sunni counterparts.
Read the post I replied to.
I'm not very /k/, but those all look like Soviet tanks to me. Wonder where they got them from.
ok. hezbollah's still not comparable to daesh
maybe syria? the russians sent a fair amount of arms to the region but i can't think of exactly where hez would get armour. iran and syria are really their only allies. maybe iran scrounged them together and trucked them there
t. tumblr
They're nonetheless an enemy to progressive values and should be resisted. Or do you honestly think that we need more theocracies in ME?
Ali's a Hezbollah fighter and says they're Russian.
this isn't liberalpol
yes, let's resist them and support israel, jordan, saudi, and other u.s. clients instead.
hezbollah isn't creating theocracies
this, no other solution would be as elegant.
you're either with Hezbollah and Iran or you're with Zionism and Wahhabism tbqh
I pick none of the above and pick the Kurds and Houlthis.
funny how tankies and neocons see the world in same binary divides
It's not simple. In the religious mind, spiritual laws are considered as fundamental as natural ones. What goes up must come down, and Jesus is the world's one and only savior.
Well the Kurds are absolutely based and I wish that their aspirations were held by the whole Mid East. But they're not. So it's a question of Iran or Saudi Arabia.
weird that you like the Houthis and not Iran tho.
t. Zionist Wahabi
anarcho salafist actually try again
They don't like Iran either.
Palestine as it currently exists (after Israel's seized the parts that it wanted, and settled most of the rest) is not a viable state. It doesn't have the resources, industry, access to water, trade, etc.
Two State solution is impossible. Even more so than the One State one.
Hezbollah are based tbqh.
Aren't Kurds pretty much Iranian peoples? Also, what's the realationship of Iranian Kurds with the rest of Kurds? Especially with those on Rojava.
Shouldn't you be using the anfem flag?
Something like 2/3rds of Israeli Jews are Middle Eastern, or are at least Middle Eastern mixed with European ancestry, mostly of a result of the pogroms and purges in other parts of the former Ottoman Empire and North Africa in the late 40's. It's not remotely feasible to expect people to move away when they're actually from there.
The Houthis and Hezbollah are quite similar, Hezbollah even gives them training.
A two-state solution with focus on human rights.